Summer Totes
David’s favorite iPad activities
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
June is right around the corner and beach season is upon us! We went to the beach this past weekend with the boys and my family but it was 70 degrees and spitting rain the entire time. Needless to say, we only lasted about 20 minutes.
But on a day when the weather looks accommodating, the beach can be really fun! The amount of stuff I carry now with two boys has increased greatly from before having kids, but I still always bring a beach tote with me. It’s the perfect bag for sunblock, a towel, a water bottle, lip balm, and maybe a book. You can pretty much see everything you have in there without having to dig around in a bunch of pockets.
I rounded up a few favorites that I’ve seen online, but I have to admit I grabbed a really cute tote from Marshall’s last week that just says “hello” in script. It’s simple, and it was cheap, so it’s something that I’m okay with getting dirty or sandy.
I use this one regularly as a joint diaper bag for the boys and love it. It does have a ton of pockets, so it’s not as easy as a simple tote, but it’s great for storing a lot of small things.
It’s always hard to get back into the work week after a long weekend, especially when I torture you with talk of the beach and cute tote bags, but hopefully you can find a cute one in this bunch for your next beach trip!
I love #5!
Love the summer bag selection…
I love #1! So cute. I came across my beach bag last summer at target. It’s massive. I can take all of mine and my daughters items to the beach. I am a total plastic baggie mom…meaning I put different items I need to bring to the beach in baggies, so I am not searching at the bottom of an endless pit. I just find it to be easier.
I love #2! It’s so cute and simple. I have a serious obsession with bags… I think I need a new summer tote 😉
want all of them:))
So cute! I’ve always loved a good beach tote…and purse…and clutch! On a blogger note, I love how you format your links/photos for a collection post like this. Is it a specific plugin?
Hi Kate! I’m sending you an email about some bags and totes that are affordable, functional and SUPER CUTE! Ever heard of Thirty-One?!