Motherhood right now
5 Simple Ways to Boost My Confidence
I’m in the sweetest spot with motherhood.
My little Luke is crawling (FINALLY) and he’s just so happy to be able to explore and be independent. He’s still very much attached to me, which I love, but he’s having the best time crawling down the hall with David and feeling more included. He would look so longingly at David when he’d be moving and I could only imagine that Luke was thinking about how bad he wanted to crawl!
David is talking up a storm and it’s the best. He says the cutest things and usually gives a detailed recap when I ask him what we did that day. If you ask him what his full name is he says “Tuna Apricot! That’s the name!” with his pointer finger going straight up in the air as if he is making a very important declaration. I know where the “tuna” factor came it, but I have no idea why he added “apricot” to it! And if you shake his hand and say “Nice to meet ya”, he’ll say, “pleasure is all mine”!
Both boys are happy and joyful! I really cherish my time with them. I sacrificed 5 daytime hours of work a week in order to spend more time with them, and I’ve been really happy with that decision. Hiring Nicole and utilizing Jordan for filming more often has allowed me to work more efficiently and not get too far behind on my to do list!
Anyway, back to the sweet spot.
In raising kids, especially the first year, there is so much change and adjustment that it can be hard to adjust to the “new normal”. Now that my boys are 2 and 1, I can look back and see that while some of the harder times felt like an eternity, they do end and happier times lie ahead. Most memorable are Luke’s colicky days, but there were times when David was cutting multiple teeth where Justin and I were drained to pure exhaustion.
The boys have quite different personalities, but they genuinely enjoy each other. When David gets up for the day, or up from nap, and Luke is still sleeping, he’ll look around for him. He’ll say “HI DUKER!” over and over until I convince him that he’s still asleep! Usually I show him in the “monimer” (monitor) and then he’ll finally believe me.
This has been such a fun season. I’m looking even more forward to the weather warming up and us going on more family walks too!
Do you have a specific season of motherhood, or even just your life, that you look back fondly on?
Check out more posts on motherhood with 5 things I wish I knew before having my second baby and tips on helping “tomorrow me” out!
My nephews are the same age difference as David and Luke (just a few months older!) and it’s been so fun watch them grow up together! We don’t have kids yet but I feel like I’ve learned a lot just from watching them!
My older two boys are 16 months apart and that first year was a real struggle for me. Now at 5.5 and 7, it has been nothing short of awesomeness since! Happy that time has now come for you as well.
I love your sweet boys! I’m getting married in a couple months, but I’m already looking forward to the possible blessing of kiddos. I’d love to see more posts on your work/motherhood balance, as I’m also planning on working from home as a freelancer! Enjoy this fun stage in life!
i miss the moments of my daughter being little. i love that shes 2 and really independent right now but those sweet newborn moments. it goes too fast! xo
Being a mother is wonderful, huh. My youngest is almost 8 and I’m still discovering things every single day. It can be scary but so rewarding, watching your babies grow. This was a sweet post.
Yes! I feel like I am also in that ‘sweet spot’. We only have one 2 1/2 year old, however, this age has been my favorite so far. She is so funny and sweet (of course there are moments these things aren’t true). We are looking forward to adding to our family.
Admittedly, I’m a but worried I’m in the sweet spot now. My 2 year old is so much fun right now – and he sleeps well and is a sweet, polite boy. But we’re expecting #2 in April, and I’m worried the transition will be a hard one. The one thing giving me reassurance right now is remembering what I learned with my first: the days may be long but the yeas are short. It really does go by super fast. So if the transition is a tough one… well, we’ll just buckle up and ride it out!! I hope. 🙂
I feel like I am in that kind of “season” right now with my son! He is only 7 months old but is the happiest baby! He is interactive and playful but still needs to be held and snuggled! I love it. I am sure that this will be an ever changing thing, but I am certainly enjoying every moment!
I am just starting to blog and I would love to know how you balance motherhood and your blogging success especially prior to hiring your help?
Your kids are so cute and delicious! I want to eat their little rolls! Enjoy this time…. SAVOR even the bad moments. Because one day, you’re going to wake up, and they will be going to school and your heart will break.
I look back fondly on the days when both my girls (now 9 1/2 & 6 1/2) were both not in school yet. I work full-time, but it was nice to be able to take a day off often to stay home with them. Now, when I take a day off, they are in school so it feels like a waste. I save my vacation time for summer and when they have days off of school. I love taking time to just lay around in our pajamas and not be in a rush in the morning. Enjoy them while they are small!
Agree with you, lady! I work full time and then some, and I save my PTO days for when they are off — it is extremely rare to do otherwise. (Ie. when we moved, I decided to take a couple days for unpacking while they were in school).
My kids just had birthdays, 12 and 14 years old — my kids are looking forward to learning how to drive! time flies
Sacrificed 5 hours to be a mom? Wow, sounds so nice of you. Maybe you should stay off snapchat a little.
You completely misunderstood me and you have been repeatedly rude in your comment history on this site.
Wow, Lisa. Very judgmental. I’ll never understand why people feel the need to make a point of typing out every rude thought that pops into their head. Unsubscribe, unfollow, and keep your opinions to yourself.
Lisa, maybe you’ve experienced this and maybe not but the struggle a new mother goes through when trying to balance time with children and building a successful career can be extremely overwhelming. Add on to that a husband who often travels for work or works extremely long hours and the majority of the child care is left to the wife, who also wants to follow her own goals and dreams. I often lay awake at night thinking about what would be best for my family and trying to balance my desire to return to a career I loved and also stay with my son every single moment of the day. I think that Kate has done a wonderful job with growing her blog and raising two boys under 2. There is enough judgement from the rest of the world, how about we provide a little support to our fellow women? And if you don’t like what you read here, it’s easy enough to close the window.
Is this really how you want to live your life? Judging other people/women/mothers? Just because we are mothers does not mean we have to sacrifice things we enjoy. I am very sorry you felt the need to take this time out of your schedule to be so rude to someone else.
Sounds like Lisa is an unhappy person. I would definitely ignore that comment. Just reading it made me feel sad for her… That would be a tough way to live your life.
My baby girl, who is also my first, just turned three months. I love her so much but it’s really hard getting work done! What advice do you have on balancing life-taking care of baby, daily chores, and working from home (especially if you don’t have or can’t afford help)? I would love if you were able to do a post on this! Now that I’m a mom I’m in awe of women who seem to be able to “do it all” and still look so put together 🙂
I really loved the “language explosion” phase, and, for my daughter, it was right around 18 months. She began talking very early on (like 10 months…), but 18 months is when she began stringing sentences together, but she still made “mistakes”. She called the garbage a “barger”, strawberries were “shebashebs”, and necklaces and bracelets were (and still are) “meleckas” and “blacelers”. Now that she’s 2.5, she’s correcting those mistakes, but I’m missing them terribly. I tried to say eleven as “belebelen”, and she sweetly said, “Momma, it’s eleven. Say ‘eleven’. Good job.” I miss her Lily-isms!
My daughter is 6 and it is rare, but every now and then I get to hear a sweet “mistake”. “Mommy, look, I’m a manatee”. She was in a store window and meant to say manikin 🙂
Kate, I don’t have any children (and I won’t have any, I’m about to turn 50 soon, ha ha) but I sure do enjoy seeing pics and reading stories about your boys on your blog and other social media sites. Your blog has evolved a lot over the last few years and I still enjoy reading it every single day. If there are people out there who want to judge you and make rude comments they should just skip reading your blog. Try not to let them bother you, there are LOTS of out here enjoying your work !!! Have a beautiful day and week, it’s going to be nice weather here in NC this week.
I completely agree with Sherry’s comments. I too don’t have any children and sadly am at an age where it is very unlikely. I too love your blog Kate and also read it every day. I love the way your attitude towards life comes across. You are an inspiration!!
Wow Kat and Sherry, thanks for taking time to say such nice things! Brightened my day!
Hi Kate! I just watched your snapchat about your gray tooth and didn’t know how else to reach you – I am a dentist and felt like I had to encourage you to have your dentist look at it! There are many reasons a tooth can discolor and “dying” from ortho treatment is only one of them. Another reason is an infection of the nerve and root of the tooth and that is something you don’t want to wait to treat. Infections can easily spread throughout the face and head and that is something you really don’t want to mess with! Most likely it is nothing but I would definitely advise any of my patients with a gray tooth to make an appointment sooner rather than later. Hope my opinion isn’t over stepping! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and reading your posts is something I look forward to every day.
I know what you mean! I have been fortunate to spend just shy of 2 years with my son but I am returning to full time work on Monday. I am going to miss him, but also know he is going to learn a TON at daycare. Emotional week ahead…
Love your articles on the boys!!! I’m a new mom of a one year old and it’s nice to see these articles because your boys are adorable!!! And you’re very honest and relateable , which is greatly needed online.
Keep up the great work mommy!!!
My two kiddies are 15 months apart. 6yr(tomorrow) and 4and a half years old. And you are defiantly in the sweet spot! Soak up every second. I remember the days of having a new born and a 1yr old and they were hard. But 1 and 2 is the best, and it stays amazing until they start school. I was also lucky enough to get to stay home with my kids. Now that they are both in school full time I miss those days soo much! You are so lucky!
Thank you for sharing your life as a mom, wife, blogger, youtuber and such. Keep doing you!! You’re such a breathe of freshe air!! I look forward to watching and reading what you do!! Thanks Again!! Don’t let the haters get to you!!
That’s always one of my biggest tidbits to new parents – that the chaos ends (or maybe it changes?). I have twin 20 month old girls. I remember the first 3-4 months being awful – just so hard to keep up and whooooa where did sleep go? But then they started sleeping longer, and interacting and weren’t just poop machines (as much) any more. Toddlerhood is a whole different game and I 100% believe that it doesn’t get better – WE get better. We learn balance, and sometimes stumble, but we get better in our own skin as moms.
The love between siblings is so special! I’m daily entering more of a “sweet spot,” as my oldest is 3 years old and my youngest is 9 months. I feel like the busy baby days are fading the closer my younger daughters gets to her first birthday.
My kids are 10, almost 9, and 6. I love that they are close in age and in their relationships with each other. They are extremely active, so we are extremely busy; and my husband and I remind ourselves in the middle of the chaos, that we need to savor this….because in 10 years our daily family life will be very different (good, but different). 10 years ago, I was a new mom trying to navigate the harsh truth that my (& I think most women’s)perception of motherhood and the reality of motherhood were very different. It’s excruciatingly hard and at the same time, magically joyous and fulfilling. Now I’m in the big kid stage watching them establish their independence and relationships with new friends. I love watching their personalities, character, and faith develop. I think each stage is the ‘sweet spot’… and makes the next stage even more beautiful.
I remember when my first was 4 to 7 months feeling like it was the most special time in my life. Feeding was good, he was over the fussy newborn stage, he loved going out in the carrier and would basically go anywhere I wanted to go. He wasn’t crawling yet, so he just packed along wherever I went. Plus he was small, do he was easy to carry.
Your post makes me excited for the arrival of our second, knowing I will eventually have another one of those sweet spots coming!!
Hi Kate!
My babies are 21, 19 and 14 (years old). It does go by quickly but there are so many special moments to come for your family and mine!
Your boys are adorable and seeing their smiles brings a smile to my face.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Posts like this are my favourite! I have to say that your snapchats are always my favourite because your boys are so adorable. And you guys genuinely seem to be enjoying each other’s company. And your tooth thing had me cracking up today!
I just want to say as a mom to a toddler and expecting our second, your honesty about motherhood and life balance is so refreshing. I truly admire your attitude about life and motherhood and what appears to be a fantastic job of raising two adorable boys. You should be incredibly proud of what you have accomplished as a working mother, and with such grace!
I have a 1 year old and 3.5 year old and although the second seems SO much easier, there are times when it’s just as hard and harder. My motto with my second was “this too shall pass”. Now that we’re past the more trying times, I wish that motto were not so true!
Every developmental period makes me sigh and wish I could return. I’ve truly loved being a mom. Right now, she’s 2 1/2 & can’t go to sleep until we “talk.” She tells me about her day, everything she did (even though we were together all day) and what she anticipates for the following day. These are the moments I want to bottle up. I am grateful for this post because sometimes at 8:30 p.m. all I desire is a glass of wine and to turn a few pages in Mere Christianity and I very easily miss out on those precious moments. Thank you Kate for slowing me down to be present. 🙂
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Love your blog! I have followed for a long time and have better hair because of it! Also love your posts regarding your kiddos. This one touched my heart. I have a 3 month old and time is flying by me!! I know even the hard moments I will miss. I definitely already miss that squishy newborn phase!!
Lisa’s comment is not welcome here — your fans love you and your blog! You are a mature mother with young children, who has managed to grow a wonderful business and blog!
As a working mom, I applaud you and appreciate all that you have been thru to make all your success happen! Bravo, Kate!
Wish I had had more time with my kids, but as I worked from home the latter half of their childhoods, I have no regrets at all. I, too, am a blessed mother.
Never regret your decisions — life is like a rubber band: sometimes too loose and sometimes to stressed. You will adjust and make it work for you!
take care and God bless!
Too precious!!
Love this! I have irish twin boys… 11 months apart. It’s awesome!! Did Luke start crawling at 12 months? My “baby” is almost 10 months and not crawling. Doctor considers it a delay, but he makes progress every week so I’m not too worried about it. He’s a chunky baby, was over 10 pounds when born and in the 97% right now. Love your blog!! 🙂
Love this post! I feel like I’m in a great stage with my daughter (just turned one). I want time to slow down. She’s learning so much, and it’s so fun to watch her. Thanks for sharing your family with readers!
I heard that being a mum was one of the hardest jobs, but now that I have recently become one, I feel your pain! I’m currently writing this during a breast feeding sesh and I wonder how you manage to make time for your beautiful blog. Need to become a better multi-tasker it seems!
Love your posts about the boys. They are precious.
I’m just wondering since you said the word “sacrificed” that it may have rubbed Lisa the wrong way. Because admittedly, it made me re-read that sentence a little.
If I know 1 thing to be true it’s that mamas are passionate AND unfortunately love to dog another about what we think is “wrong”.
Balancing work and family life is so very hard. I agree that it’s like a ever moving, ever changing, re-evaluating thing and maybe the point that Lisa was trying to point out was to not take this time for granted. Oh they are only little once!!
Much love and blessings
My son is the same age as David, and he has had a language explosion recently too! I can’t get enough of it (even though I work full time). I was just thinking the other day how easy he has gotten too by being so much more independent, and it made me a little sad. They grow up too fast!
My boys are 6,4,2 and 3 months. Life is a little crazy and LOUD here 🙂 but I wouldn’t change a thing! My 2 yr old was born the same day as David and he too is talking up a storm. It’s just so cute to listen too . 2 yr olds can be so funny.Love your blog Kate!
I look back on the books we have shared fondly. I have eight children. I loved the newborn stage. It is so cuddly. 3 year olds say the funniest things. Watching my boys wrestle gave me a thrill I never thought I’d get out of sports. My daughters becoming young ladies and learning to fix hair and put on makeup has been enchanting. The bonding we’ve experienced through homeschooling has been irreplaceable.
Mostly throughout all the ages and years, I look most fondly on the novels and books we have shared. I thought about it all day yesterday and the answer surprised me. We fell in love with Heidi, were captivated by Dracula, and enraptured by the Scarlet Pimpernel. Good Night Moon and Winken Blinken and Nod will always remind me of sleepy, cuddly toddlers.
I would encourage new moms to start the habit of reading aloud. My highschool daughter still likes to be apart of whatever story we are reading.
I sooo identify with the term “sweet spot!” I felt that sweetness so acutely at around 8-10 months. Baby was sleeping and eating so well, sitting and playing with toys and books a little on his own, and I sometimes had both hands free! He was also portable (but not mobile!) so we went everywhere and did everything we could. I think I found a little confidence as a mom then too. Thanks for sharing your sweetness-es.
You know- when our 2nd daughter was really young- 8mo -`1yr old, her big sister was only 4 yrs old.I didn’t think life could get any better.Then my aunt told me that every stage of their life will be really special.Our girls are 10(she keeps reminding us she is almost 11yrs old.Insert tears here) & our youngest is 7yrs old. My aunt was right,I love the ages they are now. I do miss them when I could just curl them up in my lap and snuggle, but every stage has been wonderful.What amazes me the most is how different their personalities are!
I am a very lucky momma of 4 and last year was my favorite year ever. It was our oldest son’s senior year of high school, and the last year the 6 of us will be living together under one roof. Our son chose a wonderful college 1200 miles from home, so visits are rare. This year has been so hard and we miss him so much, but we love seeing the man God intends for him to be. And he’s home on Spring Break so my heart is full this week:)