Is the Apple Watch worth it?
The Messy Bun
My husband surprised me with the Apple Watch for Christmas! And it was truly a surprise!
Apparently I mentioned that it looked cool months ago and he was listening carefully and made a mental note of that. I went on to forget I even said that so I was shocked when I opened the gift to see the watch.
It was really sweet to hear the reasoning behind why Justin bought it for me. He said he really thought about what my days are like with the boys, and that the watch could be helpful and convenient. A necessity? No, but helpful, sure! It was sweet how thoughtful he was with this gift.
My gut immediately told me that I probably wouldn’t wear it. I thought it would be cumbersome and that I wouldn’t find myself using it very much. But, with a 2 week return policy from Best Buy, Justin told me to give it a shot and return it if I didn’t like it.
So, I gave it an honest trial period and the first day I wore it was the day we were flying to Chicago for Christmas. Walking though the airport, I replied to a text via the watch (which you can do with the automatic prompts it offers like “no”, “yes”, “okay”, “hang on” etc. or using Siri) by pulling it up toward my face and speaking to it and I was embarrassed. I thought I would surely return it after that first try. But I quickly got over it, and found it to be so convenient that that fact overrode my embarrasment.
For texting, it’s great for quick checks, and fast replies. It also gives you an option to convert your spoken message to text or keep it as audio. Nothing is more annoying than speaking a long message only to see Siri completely jack it up, so sending as audio is a nice, safe option. The subtle tap and ding notification are discreet, and I like that for church or somewhere where I want to be notified if something is going on with my boys, but don’t want to hold my phone or turn the volume up to the max.
I also really like the fitness tracker app! I haven’t ventured too far into getting other apps for it, but I hope to share some of my favorites as I find them!
The downfall, though it’s completely understanding, is it doesn’t have a limiting proximity distance from the iPhone. In other words, I can only be so far away from my phone in order for it to communicate with the watch. The watch isn’t isn’t “own” thing, it’s more of an extension of the phone.
All in all, it’s surprising to me, more than anyone else, that I like it as much as I do. He was able to get it for $100.00 off for a Christmas promo, so that sweetened the deal quite a bit because it is expensive.
When I posted on Instagram that I received it, I saw quite a few other people got it for Christmas as well! If you have it, what are your favorite apps?
My husband and I got them over the summer – I got his as his wedding present, and he loved it so much that within a few weeks, I purchased one on my own. The selling point was the ability to find my phone even if the ringer volume was off. I’m constantly misplacing my phone, so I use that feature like, once a week. Sometimes more.
I really like the Activities feature. Working an office job, I thought I was doing okay with exercising. Turns out, not so much. Having reminders to take breaks has generally improved my stress levels and productivity, and I’ve built myself up to a pretty significant calorie burn goal every day. Probably the best investment I’ve made in my health in my adulthood, other than the monthly gym membership.
Next time you are traveling, see if your airline has an app for the iPhone that allows you to save your boarding pass to the Wallet app. You can check in with your wrist instead of scanning your phone or finding that dang boarding pass at the bottom of your purse.
I was obsessed with the Lifeline app when I got my watch – it’s a fun, choose-your-own-adventure game that you can play on your watch. I really enjoyed it, and it plays out in real time so there are some pretty lengthy pauses. I wrote a blog post about how awesome it is here:
Oh, and a tip my husband just taught me: if you start with “Hey Siri” you can use the voice commands without scrolling or pressing any buttons. Super helpful for setting timers when I’m cooking, especially since the vibrations on my wrist aren’t so loud they disturb the whole house like our oven/stovetop timers do.
Hi Kate! I also got the watch as a total surprise for Christmas and I couldn’t agree more with you. I did not think I would love it as much as I do! I was emailing with the developer of my favorite app (Anylist). He stated to me that unfortunately there just aren’t a whole lot of great third party apps out there yet. He was hopeful with the release of OS2 for the watch that it would open the watch up more for developers to create better apps. Anyhow, what I have come to love (aside from what you’ve already stated) is that I can say for example “hey Siri… Add milk to my grocery list,” she then creates a reminder, and whenever I open my Anylist app on the phone, the items are imported from reminders to my list! I love it. I’ve really gotten into using Siri for just about everything on the watch.
Nice! I didn’t know about the “hey siri” option but I just did that–thats so convenient!
I love my watch, but am experiencing issues with sensitivity on my wrist when wearing it. I have tried adjusting the position, and even tried wearing it on the other wrist and the same thing happened. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I read that a lot of people experienced that! You aren’t alone!
I also got the Apple Watch for Christmas from my husband for the same reason as your husband! So helpful! I am just getting into it and thought I would not like it as well. So much that I didn’t open it for a couple days! 🙂 I am now loving it and happy to read the above comment about the Wallet App! I have been wanting to try the Wallet App with purchases but the boarding pass may be an easier way to try! Thanks!
I have not yet downloaded any additional apps onto the watch, however I used the Map app that came on the watch the weekend after Christmas and I fell in love! The same way you feel a soft tap when you recieve a text message, you recieve a soft tap when your exit or turn is coming up. It is SO helpful! I also look forward to trying out the wallet feature because it seems safer than pulling out cash or a debit/credit card, especially when traveling!
Has anyone found any cute bands that are compatible other than from the Apple Store? I have got my eyes on the Apple lavender band right now for Spring! 🙂
I haven’t found any, but I also haven’t looked. I’m sure you can find one somewhere!
Look on Amazon! There are a bunch of different affordable options! I already have a bunch in my cart waiting for a rainy day purchase!
For less expensive watch bands to complement any model of Apple Watch your best choice is Amazon. Just search on “apple watch band”. There is a huge variety, and they are far cheaper than buying directly from Apple. I got a nice silver Milanese Loop band for $39. ** Note: Take care to read through the many purchaser reviews for any bands you choose, as some products are great, and some not so much so. There are also adapters available on Amazon which allow you to use standard watch bands with Apple Watch.
I just got the apple watch with the milanese loop for Christmas. I ordered a “sport” band lookalike from Amazon for $15 and it works great! I did see one in lavender that was available too! 🙂
Amazon has tons of very inexpensive cute sports bands.
I’ve been so curious about whether the watch is worth it! It does seem super convenient for texting, etc but I wasn’t sure how big of a difference it would make. Thanks so much for your thorough review! Sounds like your husband did a good job gifting 🙂
Kim .. I’ve moved?!
He really did! It was a sweet surprise!
I’m using my baby monitor app and it has been so helpful! I started layering my fossil bracelets with it (I have the antique white + gold) and it’s really cute!
I have the watch too. I love the fitness app but also the Runkeeper app. It’s nice that I don’t have to pull out my phone when running to see distance, time, text message or phone calls! I’m also pregnant so it’s nice to be able to keep track of my heart rate while I’m working out.
This sounds stupid, but what kind of bracelets are they? I LOVE my iWatch, but see myself not wearing my bracelets with it.
I got one as a surprise too, and am still not 100% on whether I love it. It is super convenient except it can’t really get wet, so washing dishes and showering require me to remember it’s on so I can take it off. Also, the fitness app doesn’t link into my apps on my phone, so I’m still doing double duty typing in workout results to the apps I use. Just yesterday, I started having connectivity issues where my phone would disconnect (despite wifi, Bluetooth, 2 foot proximity) and I’ve had to restart them multiple times to get them working together again. I have until Friday to return to Best Buy and am torn because I think the concept is cool, but the water and connectivity issues don’t seem to be ideal given the price tag… Glad you love yours- hoping to love mine eventually! Thanks for providing the review too- love hearing your experience! ????
Do you use the Lose-It app on your iphone? The fitness app on the apple watch can link to the Lose-It app and input your activity calorie burn into your daily exercise totals. It will also give you extra calories (Steps Bonus) when you’ve walked over a certain amount of steps. My apple watch tracking and talking to my Lose-It app is one of my favourite things I use my watch for.
I keep going back and forth on this one! I think they’re great, but part of me wonders if they’re just going to come out with a completely new one in the fall!
Mary Kate
Kate, I also received this very same watch as a total surprise from my husband for Christmas! I was totally shocked!! We just don’t spend that kind of $$ on each other. For no other feature besides, time, I love that I can ping my phone when I have lost it in the house. Which happens That happens more than I care to admit 🙁 I miss a few of my fitbit features but I love the way this watch fits and feels on my wrist. The short battery life I am not so thrilled about….I am sued to the 5 day use before a recharge.
Thanks for sharing this review, Kate! I do eventually want to get one, but it’s not really possible at the moment.
Kristi | Be Loverly
I recently got the watch as well. I work in the healthcare industry and have found it to be very convenient as I am not able to pull my phone out of my pocket when taking care of a patient.
I also work in healthcare and I love being able to change the face without having my phone nearby. It’s important that I have a second hand and most fancy watches don’t come with one (options are far more limited, anyway).
I got the same watch for Christmas! I was totally surprised by my parents. I love love love my Watch! I can’t be without it. I am totally obsessed with all Apple products and initially I thought I wouldn’t use the Apple Watch. After receiving it, I can’t be without it. Instead of wearing my watch and FitBit like before, now I just have one watch. I’m also based in Manhattan so when I’m running to the subway or have my big coat on and a million bags in my hand, it helps to glance at my watch and see who’s calling, texting, or emailing me. I also work out everyday and I’m obsessed with walking 15k steps per day. My Apple Watch keeps me on track! (Do I sound too obsessed with it? lol)
How exciting! I love my watch! I worried about the same things when I got mine. As far as apps are concerned- I love the ability to pay with my watch using Apple Pay! Or pulling up my Starbucks app and paying with that. Fitness tracking is probably my favorite. My very favorite feature of the watch is that you can ‘ping’ your phone if you happen to misplace it, or as I usually do, manage to bury it in my purse. Have you used navigation on your phone since you had an Apple Watch? It will also put the directions on your watch and has specific vibrations for turning right or left, which is pretty cool! Now your hubby needs to get one so you can send each other your heartbeat! LOL
I have the same one, I got it for my birthday in November. I like it. I don’t love it. For some reason or another I really loved my fitbit. I think ym apple watch is so pretty and nice, but the battery drains so quickly. I used my fitbit a lot for sleep tracking, and you can’t do that with the apple watch. It’s still a fun thing to have 🙂
I’m so excited that youre loving the Apple Watch. I got mine ( a 38mm pink classic buckle) when it first came out. Even though it wasn’t a necessity, I was pleasantly surprised to how useful it’s been in my every day life. I personally love to cook so I love using ‘Hey Siri’ to set a timer if my hands are dirty or doing something else. I also used an app called water minder to remind myself to drink a glass of water about every hour or so because I never drink enough. Lastly, the ability to change the complications on the face of the watch has been amazing. I can see upcoming appointments, the weather, and what time it is in LA (where my family lives) instantly just by glancing at my watch. I do hope they make some significant improvements in the future about the ability to use the watch independently without the phone but we’ll see.
I received my iWatch for Christmas as well. Funny enough, I was interested in it when it came out but wanted to wait to see what other people said about it. Then my husband got one before me even though he wasn’t interested in it. He received it from his work and that’s when I said, I want one! When I received one for Christmas, my parents-in-law got it for me and after getting it for me, they both bought one for themselves. I feel like we’re dorks though, all sitting at a restaurant and getting dings. LOL.
Anyways, I do LOVE it! Although I won’t say it’s a necessity and that I can’t live without it, I find myself wanting to wear it everyday. Although I miss wearing me regular watches, I find myself not being able to not wear my iWatch since I LOVE getting notifications for certain things right away instead of on my iPhone so I don’t miss them.
My favorite features so far are the health notifications. I feel like it’s getting me to move and walk more than I used to! I love the navigation part of it and how it taps you to turn. I don’t have to look at my phone to see exactly where to turn as it taps you correctly. I love the simple “light up” feature of the clock. I wear it if I’m not at home and can’t see a clock or in the theatre. It’s so nice to see it anywhere and anytime. And I love getting news notifications! I feel like I actually read them rather than them ending up on my phone and getting lost with the other notifications.
My husband bought me a black and a navy plastic band from amazon as well. Although they are nice in color, they are not as nice as Apple’s bands. I am not sure if the Apple band is worth the extra $35 rather than amazon’s bands, but I will tell you they are different. The Apple band has an AWESOME slick feel to it. It’s nice rubber type feel and look, no fuzz sticks to it. I see my amazon bands’ plastic is starting to wear off a little, fuzz sticks to it and doesn’t look as nice anymore. He also bought me a silver chain one from amazon. I haven’t seen or felt the Apple chain band, but this one sticks to my shirts and it “ate” my sleeves. I figure I will just wear that with short sleeves going forward.
I am yet to find an outstanding app that I LOVE. And I am yet to find a way to download more faces. I like the ones they give, but feel there are more out there.
I do, however, recommend reading the iWatch manual on their website. it gives you a LOT more information than the tutorials it gives you with the watch.
So so helpful! I also recently bought the 38mm sport watch in rose with a lavender strap… and am trying to figure out all the ways to use it. I am having a bit of a hard time with the battery life, but other than that things are going well. Many of the apps on my phone were set up automatically.
I just came across this amazing jewelry for the watch on Instagram – check out @getbytten – they are not cheap but look really really beautiful. I am thinking of “registering” for the rose gold stack for Mother’s Day 😉
Hi Kate! I am an avid reader of your blog, but this is a post I just didn’t fully read.. I wasn’t interested in the watch at the time.. But I am not in the market for an Apple Watch.. I work and office job, so I origionally just didn’t think I would use it much, but I am also a high school cheer coach, so I think during games and practices I would really get a lot of use out of it.. I am not sure which size I want though, I was wondering what size you have? And if you’re satisfied with it.
Do you still use your Apple Watch? I keep waiting for a new version to come out, since that seems to be the way Apple works. But so far I haven’t heard any rumors so thinking about buying one. I have a 3 month old and I think it would be nice to be able to see and respond to texts from my wrist while I am feeding him or entertaining him.
Just wanted to know what you think of it, now having had it awhile.
It Owesome To Wear
new generation new fell 2 have loved gadet 2 work
Would love for you to revisit the apple watch topic! Do you still use it?
I was tired asking for people on how to do setup my apple watch. Here is where I got all my questions answered – – The best facilitator I ever met
On Snapchat you posted a picture of a band for your Apple Watch. I remember thinking it was so pretty. Could you link to it sometime?
It’s from Best Buy!
Thanks Kate!
I was tired asking for people on how to do setup my apple watch. Here is where I got all my questions answered – – The best facilitator I ever met.
Which size is your Apple Watch? I’m planning to buy one but I can’t decide which size…
Do you have any recommendations about that? 😊
think it would be neat/funny if Apple watch put a display screen on the backside as well, and one of the display options was of a simulated ticking mechanical movement, with a beating escapement, breathing balance spring, and fine finishing on plates and bridges