5 Hair Products to Try This Year

Brown Eyeshadow Shades that Anyone Can Wear


I fall into the camp of much excitement about the new year. I love fresh starts, crisp new notepads, blank calendars that are screaming to be overfilled.

So if you are with me, or if you just want to try a new hair product, these are 5 of my favorites from last year that I highly recommend!

One. Pureology Fresh Approach Dry Conditioner. The best friend of dry shampoo! It’s perfect for smoothing out and reviving tired looking ends when you are on day 2 or 3, and it also helps a flat iron glide through your hair even on day 1!

Two. Pureoology Colour Fanatic. This is the nicest smelling leave in treatment that makes my hair so soft and easy to brush through. I use this daily, or whenever I wash my hair, and it goes a long way in keeping it nice and soft!

Three. Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo. This dry shampoo is fantastic. Great scent without being overpowering, fluffs the hair up really nicely and adds a great texture to make it look fresher!

Four. Pureology Instant Deep Conditioning Mask. If you want the softest hair in history, without the weight of some other deep conditioners, this will be your favorite.

Five. Matrix Turbo Dryer. This made a noticeable difference in my blow dry time and didn’t make my hair feel weighed down at all.

Products make a huge, huge difference in how your hair styles and experimenting with new ones is the best way to get out of a hair rut!


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Kristin Harris says · 01.06.16

During a Periscope last week, you mentioned a product for used from mid shaft to end. I believe it was John someone/something. What is your fav mid shift to end product?

Erin says · 01.06.16

Question, do u feel the living proof dry will work on thick coarse hair?im struggling to find one that actually gives volume as well! Also any advice for a leave in/detangler for my 3 yr old with thick curly yet fine hair ??i was using miracle 10 but not loving it and since im not working in the salon anymore (im also former stylist turned stay at home mom)feel so out of the loop on product:/

Sheridan grady says · 01.06.16

These all sound great! Especially the deep conditioning mask! x


Angela Lynn says · 01.06.16

Sounds like a good catalog to choose from.


Robin W says · 01.06.16

Could you please do a post on how to layer hair products? I have it down for my skin but I get so confused when it comes to hair products. For example, it I use the Matrix Turbo dry, does that go on after a leave in treatment? Help!

Jessica says · 01.06.16

I second this request. There are some many products, I just don’t know which order to place them on my hair.

Cynthia D says · 01.06.16

I third this request. I was just going to ask. I just recently learned that you can use more then one. Thanks

Toby says · 01.08.16

Check out the May 19, 2015 post by Kate on layering products. As usual, great info.

Priscilla says · 01.07.16

This would be extremely helpful information! I use Moroccanoil and I never know if I should add mousse before or after the oil. Please help us wise one! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lizzy says · 01.07.16

Yes! I think this is a great idea. I have been trying to get into using hair products more and am never sure if I am using them in the right order!

Sara says · 01.06.16

Thanks for your continued honest advise on products! I finally bought purology shampoo/conditioner based on your recommendations and in a week my hair is back to what it used to be before I had my son. I love my hair again!! Going to have to try their dry shampoo/leave-in conditioner next.

Jessi Malay says · 01.06.16

I love pureology! I have used their products for years! Great blog post girlie.

XO, Jessi

Brigette says · 01.06.16

I LOVE THIS POST!! I tried that Purology Colour Fanatic after you recommended it; and it was awesome! I can’t wait to try the others. There has yet to be a dry shampoo that I’ve loved (I have dry, very wavy hair) so I’m hoping I like living proof. I’ve never tried their products but have always wanted to. The TurboDryer looks interesting, too. My last birchbox had a similar product and I’ve never heard of products to speed up hair drying time. I can’t wait to see how it works. Thanks for the recommendations!

Krystal says · 01.07.16

I just dyed my hair and my hair is so frizzy! Will grab a bottle and see if it helps! xoxo

Krystal says · 01.07.16

Will feeback soon!

Kelsey says · 01.07.16

I absolutely love my Living Proof Dry Shampoo! I’ve always used Batiste, but after hearing so many good things about Living Proof’s Dry Shampoo I tried it and LOVE how it makes second day hair feel. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kelsey | http://www.abalancingpeach.com

Joie Fatale says · 01.07.16

Living Proof’s dry shampoo is AMAZING! It also cleans your hair (according to them, it’s the only one that actually does)! I like how it doesn’t feel like you have it in your hair either (I have fine hair, so most DS feel not so great). I’ll have to try the dry conditioner…you know, for science ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heather W says · 01.07.16

Can you do a sulfate/silicone free hair product recommendation post?

McCall says · 01.07.16

Do you like LP’s dry shampoo better than Amika’s???

Leslie says · 01.07.16

What do you think about bar shampoo and conditioner? Can you suggest a good one?
My family will be traveling overseas soon and with the restrictions (we are just carrying on) on liquids, I won’t be able to get get 10 full days of products on.
Yes… I wash and dry everyday.

Alisa says · 01.13.16

Hi Kate,

I’ve been wondering if you have any product (or general process) recommendations for hair growth? I’ve been trying to grow out my hair once again but now that I’ve started dying it (partial highlights) the process seems to be much slower than with my natural hair. Appreciate any thoughts you may have.

Thank you, Alisa

MissMat85 says · 01.15.16

Great ideas for New Year, shame that theses products are quite hard to get here in the UK but I will keep my eye on them. Take care x

Ally Tverska says · 04.21.16

Hey do you guys ever test guys hair products? I want to get my boyfriend pomade, and I really like Ponz (its kinda old school looking and he loves that stuff) but I don’t know anything about it. Hope you can help!
