Links + Loves

Polished and Volumized Ponytail


Trust me you don’t want to see the other half of my desk. (print & notepad: Rifle Paper Co, phone case: Nunuco Design Co, dish: Home Goods, mason jar lid: The Mason Bar Company, Davines Hand Cream, First Aid Beauty Lip Therapy, Peppermint Oil, Mai Couture Lavender blotting papers)

It was straight up cold for a few days recently and it was lovely. I have the puffer vest from J.Crew Factory in 2 colors (bone and black, so when I say color I actually mean non-color) and I’ve already alternated them a handful of times.

I love these handmade dishes so much! Specifically this one!

I downloaded the Daily Water app to try and keep track of how much water I’m drinking every day. I assumed I was close to 5 or 6 glasses, but in fact I can barely chug 2 glasses and suddenly the day is over! So, it has really helped me become more aware of my lack of water intake, and I’m trying to get to 8 glasses soon!

Girl talk: So, I’m a girl and 99% of you that read this blog are, so I’m about to talk about tampons. Lola sent me a box to try and I have to say, I’m rather impressed. They work pretty darn good, in fact maybe even better than Tampax. And I didn’t think they would because I’m a skeptic so I wore a liner, but I did not need to. OKAY, enough details. Just look into it.

Halloween is this weekend and so far David has pretty much refused to wear his Worker costume so he might be dressed as a really cute almost 2 year old instead 🙂

Hope you have a great weekend! I’ve been sorting through server issues for the past 36 hours and I’m really hoping everything is back to normal on the blog come Monday!


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Natalie says · 10.30.15

Looks like the blog is working to me! It sounds like you’ve had a stressful few days so hopefully this is the end of your troubles and you can have a relaxing weekend. Thanks for the tip about the Daily Water app. I am SO bad at remembering to drink enough water during the day so that sounds super helpful!

Laura says · 10.30.15

Oh my goodness, Kate, it’s 6:04 in the morning here, and that’s ridiculously early for me, because mornings and I don’t get along at all, but my baby insists on eating every day, go figure, anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard this early in the morning. Between the tampon chat (super intrigued though, gonna try them when that lovely aspect of life returns post-partum) and David’s costume stance, I laughed so loud I woke the baby up. I hope your weekend is completely free of anything remotely related to servers, hosts, blogs, or help desks and is peaceful with your three men! Happy Friday!

Lauren says · 10.30.15

I encourage you to look into not using tampons. They have so many harmful chemicals in them and they don’t tell us what they are. There is more and more research being done about. Consider organic, or even a reusable menstrual cup! No excess changing and you only need one!

Arijana C. says · 10.30.15


if you don’t mind me asking, what do you use? For a while i used organic tampons but i really try to avoid them altogether.

Somer says · 10.30.15

I use, and LOVE, the DivaCup.

theblondeone says · 10.30.15

Instead soft cups! Thrrw out tampons well over a year ago and never looked back!

Ashley says · 10.30.15

My 18 month old is refusing to wear his Halloween costume, too! Must be this stage… Hope we have better luck next year!

Melissa G says · 10.30.15

I drink a gallon of water a day. Have for the past 2 years. I have a gallon size jug that I pour out of into my cup. When that’s done, I’m done. Yes, lots of trips to the bathroom…and I work full time as a home hospice nurse, so finding a bathroom means gas stations and fast food joints. But it’s all worth it. Water is so very important for so many reasons. And my skin is soooo much better since I eliminated diet coke and replaced with water!

Allison says · 10.30.15

Hi Kate!

I love your blog and you’ve inspired me to try new things. I normally cut my hair when it gets beyond a certain length because I get bored. But with curling and styling I’m loving my new length and plan to keep it going!

As a runner I take hydration seriously and wanted to weigh in on the water issue and hopefully help you hit your goals more easily! There are new studies that show you need to drink 1/2 your body weight in water/day not the old 8 8oz glasses per day to stay hydrated. You also need to space the drinking out enough that your body can absorb it, if you go to the bathroom and things are mostly clear then you’re over drinking.

I also wanted to comment about tampons since someone wrote information above that I think may be misleading. Tampons are actually regulated as medical devices so there is actually a lot of scrutiny as to what goes into them. I interned in the Femcare group of a consumer good company and they made this very clear which is why you don’t see a lot of product change in that product category.

Good luck with the server issues and I look forward to many more inspiring posts. 🙂

Melissa G says · 11.01.15

Just curious where you heard that your urine shouldn’t be clear? I think this is probably one of those situations that there are many schools of thought. The important thing is getting the water in. After about 40 ounces, my urine is near clear, and I finish my gallon.

Michelle Strawn says · 10.30.15

Hi Kate,

My 20 mth old was also refusing to wear her costume, but finally put it on. Hopefully David will too. I also needed to drink more water after my 20 month old was born. I didn’t not mind water but also found it hard to drink more than two individual bottles a day. I found the Bobble water bottle size 34oz. It wasn’t instant, but before I knew it I had drank the whole bottle and was filling it up within the same day. Here’s a link and good luck

Makila says · 10.30.15

Hello! Once I started drinking water with a straw it became way easier to drink a gallon of water a day! Get a fun cup with a straw and see if it helps. I also take water with me in the car at all times and that helps as I drive around taking the kids to school and to run errands!

Jordan says · 10.30.15

How much did your case cost with shipping and all? Since it’s foreign currency, I don’t want to be surprised. I’ve been drooling over their cases!

ag says · 10.30.15

Diva Cup! Get it at Whole Foods or online. So much better once you get the hang of it. They last longer than 2 years too.

Abbie E. says · 10.30.15

My cute Nalgene bottle helps encourage me to drink water.
Abbie E.

Aubrey Kinch says · 10.30.15

Um, so thankful you shared the little “lady detail” tip! I’ve been searching for an alternative since having my daughter (even tried the Diva Cup- TMI) but this is promising! Thank you!


Melissa says · 10.30.15

Two years ago our oldest, who was three at the time, absolutely refused to wear a costume. So he went trick or treating in his coat and hat and mittens. He still had a blast. 🙂 Last year my mother -in-law found an orange long sleeved shirt at a thrift store that said “Official Candy Inspector” on the front and a crocheted orange hat with a jack o lantern face on it, so his costume was more like regular clothing. He had refused to choose a costume of any kind so we figured, eh, let him be comfortable, he doesn’t care, he’ll have fun anyway. This year he finally chose a costume he’s excited about! He and his younger brother are both going as Darth Vader. Star Wars is everywhere this year (my husband even convinced me to go to opening night of the movie with him – pray for me LOL). And I love that my boys are okay with both of them being the same thing. I know that won’t always be the case. The double Darth Vaders are so cute I can hardly stand it.

Heather Gustin says · 10.30.15

I’ve been using Lola for about 3 months now. I love them! They are delivered straight to your door and they are no more expensive than what you get at the store! Plus, they aren’t full of the nasty stuff like other tampons!! (that’s the best part)

Jacqui says · 10.30.15

My 2 year old REFUSES to wear his buzz lightyear costume as well! So glad to hear I am not alone with thise 🙂

Kristin says · 10.30.15

My son who is 1 1/2 also refused to wear his costume last night, but came around when he saw that other kids wore theirs- maybe he will change is mind tomorrow!

Joyce says · 10.30.15

Kate I love you and your blog. 🙂 just wanted to say omg I had no idea so many other kids are refusing their costumes. I have 2 year old twins and my daughter practically begs to put on her costume everyday, and my son is not having any of it. After seeing so many babies with such cute costumes online, I thought he was the only one refusing. After your post and seeing the other comments its nice to know its not just happening on my end. 🙂

Esther says · 10.30.15

Lovely post! I really love your vest, and I need the Daily Water app as I always forget to drink during the day, thank you so much for sharing! Have a great weekend!

xo, Esther

Evelina says · 10.30.15

Good luck getting him into that costume! What is Luke dressing up as?

Sydni says · 10.30.15

I’ve been thinking about trying tampons… good to know they actually work! Sorry you keep having issues with the blog, hope it gets better asap! It works fine for me, just to let you know 🙂

Alfa says · 10.30.15

The fact that David doesn’t want to wear his costume calms me so much! I’ve been trying to get my almost two year old to put her on her Sofia the first princess costume and every single time, it’s a GIANT meltdown!! It’s so good to know I’m not the only one!!!!! Hahahaha! I see all these kids in their costumes and I’m like whyyyyyyyyy is my kid so strange! Anyway, you made me feel a lot better and it’s very likely that my daughter will also go as a super cute 2 year old as well tomorrow evening! 🙂

Jennifer Peer says · 10.31.15

I think we all over-estimate the amount of water we drink…I’ve been drinking La Croix naturally flavored sparkling water lately and it really helps me to break up a normal day when I just drink plain water. It’s sodium and sweetener free so no guilt!

Mary Kate says · 10.31.15

The Daily Water app is such a good idea! I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make sure I drink enough water every day!

Mary Kate

J. says · 10.31.15

Super happy your site is up:) I was worried for you. I also struggle with water, I work in retail which means no food/drink on the floor. We can keep them in a little room but since we are running around like nuts for 5-7.5 hours straight I might get 1/2 cup of water down, so bad 🙁 I loved that app and then somehow, deleted it. Grr. Thanks for the reminder, I will redownload it right now 🙂
Have a great weekend!

Ellen says · 11.01.15

I am terrible at drinking enough water. I always pretend that tea counts but it definitely doesn’t ha, especially black tea. I saw your instagram pics of halloween and your boys were so cute!!!!! Hope they had fun!

Mindy says · 11.01.15

I am going to check out that water app! Some weeks I can keep up with it, and others I say forget it…bring on the coffee!!

Margaret says · 11.01.15

Hi Kate, I was wondering if you could do a video of your favorite hair tools and products? I know that you do a monthly favorite but it would be great video to have everything in one. Thanks!

Amy says · 11.02.15

I’d like to clear up the confusion surrounding the amount of water a person should drink in a day. Eight glasses a day is a general rule for a person who is not consuming food. The food you eat contains a lot more water than most people recognize. So, if you are eating food you have to take the water content in that food into consideration. You do not want to overhydrate with water as it can lead to hyponatremia and hypokalemia, which is a low sodium and low potassium levels. Hyponatremia and hypokalemia can lead to very serious medical complications. The way to monitor if you are getting enough water is to look at the color of your urine. A person who is well-hydrated will have clear, very pale yellow urine. The color is similar to straw. Darker colors, including amber indicate a low hydration level. Urine that is dark like cola should be reported to your health care provider right away. I hope this helps! Amy, RN, MA, BSN

sam says · 11.03.15

Seriously, the Diva Cup is amazing! Saves so much money, cuts down on waste, and so much more convenient.
