Being Recognized

Must Have Makeup Brushes


I don’t think I ever told you about the time I was recognized at Starbucks and it had a very profound effect on my life, did I?

This was before the blog had really even grown beyond my initial 10 readers, so it wasn’t being recognized in that sense.

It was being recognized as who I actually am, without a planned outfit, without makeup, and with my hair in a sad, floppy ponytail.

Let me back up a little bit to tell you why I’ll never forget when that happened.

I’ve always loved beauty. I would sit in my bedroom when I was younger and play around with makeup. I loved everything about beauty school and loved LOVED LOVED LOVED being able to finally put my passion to use once I started doing hair!

And, naturally, I loved trying things out on myself, and that meant a lot of experimenting with makeup and hair and clothes.

And I’m sure you can imagine that it’s a little challenging to not get consumed by that a little bit when it’s what you do every day.

So, a few years ago, I was in a season of life where I would do my hair and makeup every single day, whether it was a workday or not, and dress in a semi-stylish outfit that usually involved jewelry and wedges.

And this one day I went to Starbucks straight off my shift from Banana Republic. For the sake of the insane discount alone, I worked “event staff” there for about a year or so back in 2010 which looked like roughly 3-4 shifts a month, 4 hours at a time either before or after the store was open. So I’d process new shipments, and reset the store if it was needed. I never interacted with customers, because the store was closed, so I didn’t need to look presentable

The shift would usually start at 6:00am, and I needed to leave my house at 5:30am to get there on time.

Most of the time I wore barely any makeup other than some under eye concealer, a dusting of powder and blush, and then pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

So, back to Starbucks. In I go, looking quite tired as well, and I was immediately recognized by this guy I knew from church. He hadΒ onlyΒ seen me made up so when I saw him behind the counter I thought, “oh, he won’t recognize me like this”, when in fact he recognized me right away.

And that was the moment when I realized I don’t lookΒ like an entirely different person with my hair and makeup done. Do I look different, sure! Absolutely! Do I look UNRECOGNIZABLE without hair and makeup? No, and this guy taught me that I was quite recognizable indeed.

And that freed meΒ from the thought that IΒ needed the makeup and the hair to look like “myself”.

I already look like myself simply because I am myself and this is how I look. Makeup and hair can subtly change things, but I never want to get to a point where I actually do look entirely different with it versus without it.

I’m okay with the full makeup/hair styled look to be a version of myself, but NOT the baseline of how I determine my looks.Β 

I talk a lot about beauty on the blog, and I always will because I think it’s really fun and creative and I love teaching things and trying things. But don’t ever let it get to the point that I let it, where I believed I need it. I didn’t need it. No one NEEDS it.

What you need, and what I needed, is to be confident in who you are at the start, and that will allow you to enjoy beauty for what it is. And I swear, you will be much more beautiful if you are confident in who you are no matter how much makeup you put on, or how perfect your hair is.


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Amy says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for this Post!
Totally what i need to read today and you’re absolutely right.

Big hug and thanks for your words from Germany,

Julie says · 10.08.15

Hi Amy, I’m reading this amazing blog from Germany too. πŸ™‚ Fun! Just wanted to say hello!

Julie K says · 10.09.15

Hi Julie and Amy! I, too, am reading this from Germany–guten abend to you both! πŸ™‚

Kate, thank you for this post…I definitely needed to hear it. I am one of those Southern gals who doesn’t leave the house without some form of makeup, even if it’s minimal. My husband always tells me that I look prettiest when I’m laughing, and that always brings me back to the reality that beauty goes way beyond skin-level. Your kindness and honesty always show through in your blog, and although you’re definitely beautiful on the outside, I find the first two qualities the best of the best. Thanks for doing what you do and sharing your life and love with us!

Melissa says · 10.08.15

At first I thought this was going to be a post about how sometimes it is uncomfortable being recognized in public by readers. I was thinking “thank goodness I didn’t say hello to her husband that day I saw him in Target!” ?
I am always nervous of running into someone I know on a no-makeup day! Do you wear makeup to the gym? I finally feel okay with just tinted moisturizer but it is a struggle πŸ˜‰

k8shusband says · 10.08.15

… Should’ve said hi. I almost never get recognized ?

Marilyn Schanbeck says · 10.08.15

Thanks for sharing Kate. That was a great story. I love the inspiration you give to me and others with your beauty tips and a few life lessons along the way.

Amanda says · 10.08.15

I love this! It’s so important to feel beautiful in your own skin. I as well am a hair stylist and definitely feel like it’s my job do look “put together” anywhere I go…..”what happens if I see a client?”…
Honestly it’s unfortunate and definitely not something I ever want my young daughter to experience. Embrace the beauty our awesome God gave you!

On a side note, I have been approached and asked “Are you Kate from The Small Things Blog”, which is very flattering! I guess we look quite a bit alike! ??

Rachel Ang says · 10.08.15

Love this post. A reminder I really needed:)

Rachel x

Tina Olsen says · 10.08.15

Thank you for this post! It’s great to hear those words, even when I try to remember them everyday, it’s easy to forget. I love seeing and hearing the background of blogs because it isn’t what you see on the surface. Instagram, Facebook, blog posts- they are all styled and made to look perfect. But just a few inches to the right, there is real life happening and that is a beautiful thing.

Beth Dover says · 10.08.15

You are a beauty as is! Thank you for reminding young women of this! When I was in high school(loooong time ago) I got up early every day to wash and style my hair and put my makeup on. I have done this for most of my life and working career which has now been 30 plus years.

I was so delighted to see that when own daughters and nieces went to high school, they would get up, brush teeth and face, clip up their hair and go to school fresh faced! I loved that idea and thought how ‘freeing’ it must be to live that way.

I let my hair grow a few years ago and now, at age 51, I wash my hair every two days or so at night. In the mornings I get up, brush my teeth and wash my face and go to work ‘fresh faced’. Lol. I do bring my makeup with me and put on a bit later in the day some days, if I decide I look a bit tired. My eyes need a bit of help to be seen now, lol. I am much happier not feeling the pressure of getting up early to wash my hair every morning. I much prefer to take my shower at night and wash my hair then.

We should not feel obligated to always try to look ‘picture perfect’. We are all beautiful and unique as we are. Young women have such beautiful skin, they don’t need makeup.

Makeup and hair are fun, but we do need to realize that we do not need them and just enjoy our natural beauty. ??

Shelby Burroughs says · 10.08.15

I LOVE LOVE your blog! I really appreciate how you find joy in “beauty” and outward appearances, and yet keep a genuine spirit. I have struggled for years with feeling beautiful and the need for perfection, and your words are so encouraging! It is so easy in our generation to fall into the lie that as women we need to “have our face on” 24/7. Thank you for the reminder that we are not only seen at face value.

Traci says · 10.08.15

Beautifully said!

Charlotte says · 10.08.15

I have read your blog Kate for years but this is the first time I have felt I absolutely had to comment. I LOVE this post, so well said and so incredibly important to feel good in your own skin. X

Arijana C. says · 10.08.15

Thank you for the reminder!

Diane says · 10.08.15

I like who you are. I find what you do and say really positive and caring

Taste for Elegance says · 10.08.15

And this is why I read your blog first thing in the morning…what a positive message! Now I feel great about myself to start off this beautiful day. Thank you πŸ™‚

Mattie says · 10.08.15

what an awesome post! You are a beautiful young woman, with or without the fru-fru! I love that you are confident enough to post pics of yourself without it, as so many others in the limelight do not. I’ve been in the beauty industry for 19 years, and it used to bother me if someone asked what I do for a living when I wasn’t “on point”. I would worry that it would deter this new acquaintance from trying me out since I was so unkempt-looking when we met. I learned over the years that people appreciate our down-to-earth side as hairdressers…it takes the pressure off off them a little! I have had encounters with clients when their hair was thrown up in a bun, no makeup, and they usually make excuses…unless I look the same! Lol!

Lindy says · 10.08.15

Yes, this is so important! I have 3 young daughters and I want them to know this. They see me put on my makeup and say, “Does that make you pretty, Mommy?” and I say, “No. I was already pretty before, because God made me. I wear makeup because I enjoy it and it makes me feel more professional and put together.” I also go some days with totally natural face and hair undone. I love hair and makeup but I will never be a slave to it.

Debbie says · 10.08.15

Great response!

Kristine Helms says · 10.08.15

I LOVE this story!! Thank you for this awesome post πŸ™‚

Danielle says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for this thoughtful post. I think sometimes we get caught up with looking good or bad verses always looking like ourselves. Very well put.

Angela says · 10.08.15

Thanks for this Kate. Your beauty definitely shines through whether there is the added touch of makeup or not. I would hope those that would recognize you would think of your peppy personality and loving smile rather than what blush your are (or aren’t wearing).

Cheers from Canada!!

Lynn says · 10.08.15

Thank You Kate! As a mommy of a 6 month old I’ve been hard on myself from time to time about not having makeup on or that I just put a brush through my hair and that’s it! I truly needed the reminder that I am ok if that’s all I did!

Emily says · 10.08.15

I loved this post today, Kate! I know I really struggle sometimes with the concept of being comfortable in my own skin. This was so wonderfully said and is encouraging to read! Thank you!

Allison says · 10.08.15

Such a great post, thank you!

I have 2 little girls and this is exactly how I want them to view makeup. My 2 year old often asks “why are you doing your makeup?” And I’m always careful to reply “because I like to” instead of “because it makes me look better,” or “because my eye lashes need to be darker,” or “my skin tone needs evened out.” I don’t want them to ever feel like they need to “fix” something about themselves but on the other hand, if they enjoy makeup and beauty they should go for it!

Karana S. says · 10.08.15

I rarely leave comments, even on my favorite blogs. However, this post was a wonderful reminder for me. Thank you for reminding me that beauty does not equal having the time and energy spent on arranging our public appearance. I love that WHO I am will always be more important than HOW I appear.

Sarah W. says · 10.08.15

Thank you for the reminder Kate. As I approach another birthday this weekend I find myself more and more aware of the physical changes that happen when we reach 40…something. Learning to accept ourselves as who we are and how we look is a challenge but when when we do…. I think we end up feeling prettier than ever!

Alyssa says · 10.08.15

The more and more I read your blog, the more I feel compelled to tell you that you are amazing! Thank you so much for being so relatable and real. It means to world!

Colleen says · 10.08.15

What a great life lesson/advice for our teenage daughters. Thanks for your words today.

kirsten says · 10.08.15

What a lovely sentiment! Thank you for posting this. πŸ™‚

Ashley says · 10.08.15

This is so perfect, Kate! I love how your inner beauty and contentment can shine through your blog which is more geared towards outer beauty (which I love too!). I realized a few months back that I was not as comfortable in my own skin as I would want to be, so I made a choice to go without makeup for two whole weeks (yikes!). I think I felt that no one would recognize me, or that they would make comments about how different I looked. But surprisingly, no one said anything. That made me realize that makeup probably makes much less of a difference than I thought, and it was so freeing to feel like I could comfortably go without makeup on days where things are hectic πŸ™‚

Pk says · 10.08.15

THIS is why I’m drawn to your site! As someone who has never been confident in my appearance, and always felt that makeup and hair was for the beautiful people, your blog has shown me just how fun it can all be! I’m in my mid 30s and finally gaining the confidence to feel good about the way I look, and to embrace my own unique style, which was there all along, just overshadowed by my own insecurities. Finding your blog really jump started it all! Thank you!

Stephanie says · 10.08.15

Great post Kate! I’m also a hairstylist and it can be challenging to constantly stare at my reflection day in and day out. Add a part-time beauty consultant job I had at Clinique a few years ago and you can imagine how important my “made-up face” became. It wasn’t until I had my son that I decided I didn’t need to look done up everyday to be who I am. Becoming my son’s mommy has been life-changing in so many ways!

Cindy says · 10.08.15

Yes to this post! I am so happy you feel this way! Thank you for these words.

Sarah says · 10.08.15

Love this! The older I get (32) the more I have to make a conscious effort to not let beauty and fitness take over. Thanks for helping keep it all in perspective!

Lori-Ann says · 10.08.15

Isn’t it liberating?! Thanks for always inspiring, Kate.

Melissa says · 10.08.15

I LOVE that you always still look like yourself, Kate! Some of the beauty bloggers I used to follow looked like completely different women with makeup on, and I eventually lost interest in following them. I don’t like a “painted on” me.

Bridget says · 10.08.15

Hear hear! This is exactly what I wish more people knew and would happily accept.

Agnes Tchoryk says · 10.08.15

Love it! A great reminder for all of us beautiful women that tent to hold ourselves to such a high standard. Thank you.

Keara says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for this post! Something I really needed to see today! I have such a hard time leaving my house with my hair up and looking messy, not nice clothing and no makeup. I always feel i need to look” Put together” when in reality I definitely don’t have it all together! The only place I can go looking not put together is the gym. So thank you so much for this post!

Erin says · 10.08.15

Kate, this is why you’re the only “beauty blogger” I follow. Your makeup style is timeless, classic, and simple. You use makeup to enhance, not transform into a totally new person. I love all your tutorials, your style posts, and especially your momma posts. Just wanted to send my support!

Missy Robinson says · 10.08.15

I met my husband on a blind date and he soon asked for another date, to dinner. For these events I put my best face and self forward, considering my hair, makeup and outfit right down to the shoes. When he asked to get together a third time, I decided it was important that he see my more regular self, so I broke out my exhausted, single-mom style and intentionally put my not-so-best-foot forward. I wore yoga pants, a t-shirt, pony-tail with headband on only mascara with a bit of lip gloss. He didn’t miss a beat and from that moment forward I knew he accepted the flawed parts of me and I never felt pressure to be made up, only to do it for when I feel like it. He’s the best!

Carli Heringer says · 10.08.15

I absolutely love this, Kate! Great post, great reminder! Thanks for sharing.

Beth Tessier says · 10.08.15

I did a spiritual fast several years ago. I fasted from eye liner. It was THE hardest fast I had ever done, but I knew the Holy Spirit had prompted my heart that it would be a life-changing season for me. After the month was over I saw myself in a totally different longer dependent on makeup to identify me. I totally get what you’re saying..and you’re not alone! God bless and thanks for sharing! ❀️

Pam G says · 10.08.15

I worked at Old Navy through college, the discount was truly the best part of the job hahah!

corbie baugh says · 10.08.15

Kate!! This was the most beautiful refreshing post to wake up to! AMEN sister!! I came to this realization myself a few years ago…right about when I became a mom- ha! Hair? Makeup? What? I love when you said for it not to become the baseline of how we determine our looks. I couldn’t agree more and your post was A+ in the beauty of reminding us all of this. LOVE your posts; they are what I open first thing in the morning. Thank you!!!

Debbie says · 10.08.15

Lovely post! I often have mixed feeling about make-up–am I wearing because I like to, or someone (like “The Man”?) is telling me to (ie: not good enough without out…but not liberated enough with it). Sort of a Catch-22 that takes the FUN out of it. I also feel it’s important to point out that I got hooked on Amy Schumer when someone posted her “You Don’t Need Makeup” on Facebook. If you haven’t check it out, I highly recommend it!

Amy says · 10.08.15

Love this. It’s such a balance to feel comfortable in your own {non-make-up covered} skin. So important to remember that the make up, clothes, and jewelry are the very fun icing on the cake. And the cake is the beautiful human that we each are :-).

Mary Sievers says · 10.08.15

Yes to all of this! I almost cried reading this because I have been struggling on this topic so much. It is so easy to be swallowed whole, and never fully satisfied, by society’s version of “beauty” versus being truly beautiful in the image of God, by which we were created. Outward adornments are FUN and they make us feel more confident and pulled together, and there’s no shame in that, but they are useless if we don’t put the work into our inner beauty. You could not have said any of this any better! Thank you!

Renee says · 10.08.15

I have been following your blog for several years, and I must say that this honest, true-self post is one of my favorites. I enjoy the beauty/hair aspects to your blog, as well as posts about your adorable family. Your made-up look has never seemed “over the top” to me, which is why I enjoy your beauty posts. And yes, you do like like yourself without the makeup!

I think this type of acceptance and confidence comes with age. I am 35, a wife and mom, and I work full time. Over the last few years I have realized that no one cares about anyone else’s appearance but they’re own. And that we are our own worst critics. I was always so concerned with fitting in. I am finally embracing who I am and who I want to be.

Kyra says · 10.08.15

I love this! Thank you for sharing!

Kealey Watkins says · 10.08.15

I couldn’t sleep last night, so I spent like two hours laying in bed watching YouTube beauty videos/tutorials, and I could feel myself starting to get into the “comparison trap” where I felt like I could never “be as good” or “look as beautiful”…thanks for posting this today, because it reminded me that what we see online is mostly planned and primped and taken to another level. That even the bloggers that I look up to go to Starbucks with no makeup on and hair on top of their head…we just don’t always see it.

Dani says · 10.08.15

Thanks for the inspiring post. Some of us are not as naturally beautiful as you are Kate. It is a struggle for me to be comfortable in my own skin but I am working on it! PS. Love your hair and make-up tutorials! Huge help for me!

Erica says · 10.08.15

You’re speaking my language! Love this post and so appreciate the reminder, Kate.

Emily R says · 10.08.15

LOVE this post. Such a great reminder.

Katie says · 10.08.15

Oh! Thanks for writing such a sweet post! Not just sweet, but true! I’ve thought on this myself often and wondered what the right place/way of thinking about makeup and getting done up is. It’s nice to read your thoughts on this. πŸ™‚

Danielle Smythe says · 10.08.15

This is such a wonderful post, and a great reminder! Our identity in Christ is what’s important, not how prepped and polished we manage to look. Don’t stop sharing that message! We all need to hear it. πŸ™‚

Jacqueline Gotte says · 10.08.15

Kate, you’ll find that the older you get, the less you’ll be concerned about others opinions! I’m in my 40’s and I still love to play around with makeup and I’m obsessed with clothes, but many days I just want to be comfy. What is in someone’s heart is so much more important!

Brittany says · 10.08.15

LOVE this!! As I’ve gotten older (I’m now 32), I’m much more comfortable as the “me” without the makeup and hair done. And it’s pretty glorious to be able to go out in public without being “done.” That being said, I also enjoy getting all done up with makeup and hair and feeling put together in an outfit. Perfectly stated!! Thanks for the reminder!!

Kat says · 10.08.15

Yes to all of this! Sometimes I almost feel ashamed for running to Target in sweats with my hair piled on top of my head. And, of course, that’s when I run into 8 different people I know. Why wasn’t THAT Murphy’s Law? It’s way more accurate. πŸ™‚


Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side says · 10.08.15

yes! Sometimes it’s so hard to remember that. Thanks πŸ™‚

Katie says · 10.08.15

This post is perfect. Thank you so much for sharing!

Genni says · 10.08.15

Great post! I too did my hair and makeup daily when I was working full time even though it was healthcare! I wore makeup so often I thought I looked strange without it and would think back to the days of junior high school when I never wore any make up and realized my outlook on myself had changed when I started high school and all those peer pressures. Fast forward to my life now as a stay at home mom of two wonderful children and at most on “makeup days” I throw on powder, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and tinted brow gel and I feel very made up! My nearly three year old daughter recently asked me “Mama, why do you have on so much makeup?” when I was going to a bridal shower, it wasn’t crazy, she just isn’t used to seeing me in my old get up. Best compliment ever is when I have no makeup,my hair is in a mom bun and she tells me “Mama, you’re so pretty.”

Alicia says · 10.08.15

I love doing my hair and makeup and getting dressed up, but on those days when I don’t, it feels so good. The older I get and the more I probably need makeup and such most of the time, the less I am beginning to care! I wish I would have cared less when it didn’t matter as much.

Courtney says · 10.08.15

Beautifully written!!! Loved reading this ?

Sarah says · 10.08.15

This is perfect.

Robin Hansen says · 10.08.15

Kate! This post is incredible. Thank you for sharing this πŸ™‚ I kind of have the reverse in my life – I tend to leave my house with only a swig of mascara and air-dried hair. Whenever I do a shoot for my blog I wear a full face of make up and curl my hair – the times I’ve run into people that know me from work or other areas of life while all done up have been really awkward!

Michelle R. says · 10.08.15

Thanks so much for the warm fuzzies! What a great way to start and Thursday!

Erika says · 10.08.15

This could be my favorite post ever. I always find myself apologizing when I run into ppl w/o my “face” on, but I shouldn’t do that. And you are right – I’ve never been unrecognizable πŸ™‚

I will say it’s frustrating that people make comments like “you look sick” or “you look like you don’t feel good” when I don’t take the time to do my eye makeup or whatever.

But this was a MUCH needed reminder. Makes me think of the Bible verse in I Peter 3:3. What we look like on the inside is of much greater importance than what we look like on the outside.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Anita says · 10.16.21

Great scripture reminder, Erika!

Angela says · 10.08.15

I needed to hear this today. My hair is in a weird faze and I’ve developed a mild case of 30’s acne and every morning is a struggle. But I am still me. I am beautiful. I needed to hear this. Thank you so much!

Trisha says · 10.08.15


Tegan says · 10.08.15

Beautiful message! We all need to be reminded of this from time to time. xo

Crystal says · 10.08.15

What a wonderful post Kate. I have read your blog for a couple years but never felt compelled to comment until now. I so appreciate the content in this post. It’s amazing how The Lord can use everyday experiences to teach us πŸ™‚

Kate says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for this post, it’s such an important thing to remember and totally hit home! Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

Jess says · 10.08.15

Thank you for the timely post, Kate. It sounds like I am not alone in needing to hear these words today. My little girl, only four, loves to sit in her room and experiment with her makeup and hair clips like you used to. Love…
Thank you again. ?

adrianne says · 10.08.15

As someone who started as bare faced, minimal hair fuss person but has morphed into someone that loves how makeup can enhance and loves to style her hair, I really loved this post. Even I sometimes need reminders that my outside is not my worth. It is so easy to get caught up in looking a certain way and judging other women that don’t spend the time. We are all beautiful and we should all celebrate that.

Tamara says · 10.08.15

What a great post! That is why I love makeup/hair too and appreciate the way you articulated it. It can be particularly hard when raising a daughter.

Ali Faith says · 10.08.15

Wow… that was incredibly beautiful. Thank you!!

Mary says · 10.08.15

Thanks for sharing. I love your blog, although I rarely wear makeup and barely brush my hair. You post has helped me put into words some feelings I have. I think I shy away from make-up, because in my teen years I tried so hard to use it to be a different person, look totally different from the way God made me. I am trying to get past that hurt and set a good example for my girls. Make-up is fun.

Dominique says · 10.08.15

Beautifully written! I agree 100% sometimes I wear makeup everyday and when I don’t- even I forget what I look like! Thanks for the reminder being natural is okay sometimes!

cookiesss says · 10.08.15

Probably one of the most important posts you’ve written. I’m greatful to be gaining from someone like you that is honest enough to publish this and remind us fellow beauty lovers of the correct and healthy perspective we all need/should have!
Thanks and Good Luck!

Janie says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for this post! It’s such a great reminder that how you feel inside shouldn’t come from how you look on the outside- whether you wear makeup or not.

Blushed Away says · 10.08.15

Your blogposts are always so positive and inspiring. You look beautiful with or without make up.

Kimberly says · 10.08.15

I’ve been wanting to write you a note for a while now, and this post has led me right into what I wanted to share.

I spend some time online (okay, way too much time) reading blogs and browsing through Instagram and Facebook photos of different lifestyle bloggers. I can’t help but notice that they all tend to go down the same path of “perfection”. Everything is styled perfectly, from their hair & make-up to their breakfast and clothing, their children are spotless as are their homes, they live adventurous and exciting lives, and there never seems to be any hiccups in their roads.

I admit, when I first started reading your blog, I had the same assumptions about you. But you have absolutely proved me wrong.

Thank you for being real, for sharing your trials, fears, awkward moments like above. Thank you for sharing your moments of frustration and your photos with no make-up on and your comfy/casual clothes. Thank you for sharing your faith and testimony. It has been a breath of fresh air to finally find a lifestyle blogger that has a realistic life, that every day moms can relate to. Thank you for being honest with yourself as well as your readers.

Kayley says · 10.08.15

Yep. Here I’am. Thursday morning, unshowered, no makeup, hair in a bun on my head. Only thing “fresh” on me are my clothes. Being a mom of 2 under 2 (my youngest is almost 2 months) I struggle DAILY with the way I look. Every morning I think to myself, “Ok, dont look like your tired AND sloppy. Put some makeup on. Do your hair. Get out of your yoga pants.” But today I said to myself that it was ok for me to be makeup free, with my hair up, and in yoga pants. Today, I’m confortable with how I look because its just me and the kids and our dog.
Anyway, you made me even more confortable with my choice in beauty today, thank you. I continue to need posts like this from other moms. Especially one that I like to rely on for beauty advice as well πŸ˜‰

Shannon P says · 10.08.15

Such a beautiful sentiment! And something we, especially as women, need to hear. Thank you for taking the time to say it and share it with your readership!

HANNAH says · 10.08.15

Thanks for sharing this, something I needed to hear! Love the blog! xoxo

Susanna says · 10.08.15

Kate, this precisely why your blog is the only beauty blog that I regularly read and follow! Your heart truly shines through. You are gifted in doing what you do, and you educate us and help us navigate the world of beauty, without being superficial and self-centered. As a fellow believer I know that it is your relationship with Christ that makes the difference. I’m a “curly girl”, so although many of your styling techniques aren’t optimal for my hair type, I still enjoy reading your blog daily, to learn and apply what I can! Thank you for sharing this today! πŸ™‚

Cara says · 10.08.15

Kate, this a beautiful post. I can completely relate and agree with you 100%. I love your blog and I love this honest post. Thank you!

Jenn says · 10.08.15

Yes, absolutely. This is really great for you to say. I tell my 5 year old daughter when she asks why I wear make-up that I’m just trying to make the outside match the inside! πŸ™‚

Valerie Mitchell says · 10.08.15

I love this story and the realization you had. Thank you for sharing.

Evelyn Nunes says · 10.08.15

Love this post!! Indeed confidence comes from within. Looking put together can boost it, but being confident about who you are is more important!

Wendy says · 10.08.15

Very well said! You have a great blog and I love your posts! Thank you!

Amanda says · 10.08.15

I love your beauty tips and your wisdom. Thanks for the balance πŸ™‚

Kristine says · 10.08.15

Beautifully said! “And I swear, you will be much more beautiful if you are confident in who you are no matter how much makeup you put on, or how perfect your hair is.” —LOVE this!

Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says · 10.08.15

You are gorgeous with or without makeup!

Her Heartland Soul

Kristin says · 10.08.15

Thank you! What a great reminder!

Gwen says · 10.08.15

This is totally not related to this blog post but could you please do an updated post about your hair. I love the length and layers and am having a heck of a time explaining to my stylist about your cut. Thank you!

Missy says · 10.08.15

Thanks, Kate! This is a much needed reminder ?

Emily says · 10.08.15

Preach, sistah!

Karen says · 10.08.15

Thank you so much for your post today, Kate! As an “older” woman, I find myself focusing on my wrinkles and age spots instead of who I really am inside (which is a very young at heart woman) ? Very wise and insightful advice! Love your blog, so keep up the good work!

Renee says · 10.08.15

Loved this post because I totally agree. Confidence is everything! You are an inspiration!

Sam M says · 10.08.15

Thanks for this post! It is so easy to get caught up in not letting people see you when your hair and makeup are not perfect! If I mention something about not feeling pretty enough without my hair/makeup done my husband is quick to remind me that true beauty is found in my character.

Ashley says · 10.09.15

Loved this post Kate – I have days when I am fully done and others when I run out the door with a smack of lipstick and moisturiser with my hair (that really needs a wash) pulled back. I love that I can do both and feel myself.

Jenny says · 10.09.15

Oh, I loved this post. I used to be the same as you, I felt the need to wear makeup and dress nicely, until a few years ago. Now I’m in school for Esthetics, and we rarely wear makeup to school since we end up taking it off. All 20 of us women in this class are barefaced and showing it all, and I think we’ve become a lot more comfortable in ourselves without the makeup on. Though, I do love makeup, and can’t wait for the weekend to roll around so I can play in it again!
Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

Sherry says · 10.09.15

Thanks for the reminder, Kate! I have 3 boys – 30, 22 and 15. Since the are spread out so far in age, I always felt like I had to be “on” whenever we were out in case we saw their friends. Didn’t want the friends to think my boys had one of those “frumpy” moms. But one day, we ran into my middle son’s friends when I wasn’t done up and I began apologizing profusely. He grabbed me and hugged me and told me I was beautiful the way I was and he was proud that I was his mom, I knew it wasn’t my appearance that was most important to him. That changed my life.

Anna says · 10.09.15

Awesome post!
And you are one of the few beauty-bloggers I actually believe when they say stuff like this. Everyone always talks about “not forgetting who you are” and “not needing make-up”, but no one ever shows the guts to be honest and live what they preach in all their social media etc. How is a young girl supposed to learn how to feel beautiful with all that photoshopped/instagrammed shananigans going on?

I enjoy your blog so much because of the raw honesty you are showing ALL. THE. TIME.
Thank you for that. I’m sure it isn’t always easy. So thank you! πŸ™‚

susan says · 10.09.15

In constant inner turmoil about not wearing makeup every day…….should i/shouldnt i….im not alone thank you for your post!

Kay_3 says · 10.10.15

Love this! Your healthy attitude toward hair and makeup is so refreshing. It’s one of the main reasons I read this blog. That, and everything is so cute!

SaraS says · 10.10.15

“..Nobody NEEDS it.”
*scrolls down 1 second*
“Must have makeup brushes”


Lizzy says · 10.11.15

I think you missed the point.

Lizzy says · 10.11.15

Amen sister! Well written, thank you! I go to work every day put together nicely, but with natural make up. It has taken me years to realize exactly what you wrote. I actually get more compliments on looking natural. I think I get the compliments because I have grown confident in myself and stand tall. When I have a special event I put on that “version” of myself and get spruced up. It does feel nice to put on a dress and heels with full face and hair, on the inside I think “I know I don’t need this but it is fun” Confidence shines and I hope to teach my cousins and young niece this!

Nearlyyummymummy says · 10.11.15

Love this post. I find it so hard to remember sometimes. Xxx

Amy says · 10.12.15

I thought this post was going to be about you being recognized for the first time because of your blog and “semi-celebrity” status.

Once I read this and realized what it was about, I was pleasantly surprised.

Oh, how many times have I apologized to my husband when he has come home from work telling him. “Oh so sorry, I look like a mess — no makeup, no hair done.” He always says, “You look the same! I did not truly notice.” Of course — I want to tell him that he better notice for all the money that makeup costs for when I do put it on. πŸ˜‰

At times like that, I think he is just being kind. But, over the years, I have found that I do look pretty much the same without makeup on and without my hair done. This has allowed me to become much more comfortable in my own skin.

Brittany says · 10.12.15

This is a beautiful post! I also know what those 6am sifts can be like…and I think that is how I learned to drink coffee. I’ve always been the type of person to not leave the house with makeup or my hair done but I’ve started to regularly have “no makeup days” mostly to give my skin a break. However, it is also taught me that I don’t have to wear makeup all the time so this post definitely hit home.

Brittany |

Lindsay says · 10.12.15

This was an amazing post simply put! I am so happy to hear this from a woman I admire.

Mandy stinnett says · 10.12.15

Preach it sister! LOVE your blog!!

Kiersten says · 10.15.15

Thank you, this was a beautiful message; one that I really needed today. You are amazing and beautiful just the way you are and I appreciate all your positive messages.

sara says · 10.28.15

This is probably one of my most favorite things you’ve ever written. I love beauty too but also realized a few years back that I don’t need to do it for anyone but me.

sb says · 11.02.15

Thank you!!!

Candace says · 05.22.19

Might be my favorite blog post ever. Period. Thank you for this. It’s so true. My husband reminds me all the time that I don’t need it and he loves just me. So that’s what I give him the majority of the time- the beautiful face God gave me. And when I put makeup on I do all the tips and tricks you have taught me and I have fun!

Emily Hazlett says · 10.16.21

I really enjoy following you. So natural. Thanks for that!

Lisa says · 10.16.21

I remember feeling like that when I was younger. Now that I’m pushing 60 it is a lot harder. I wish now that I’d taken better care of my skin.

Trinity Chappelear says · 10.16.21

LOVE this post! I am a young πŸ™„ grandma who stopped coloring my hair 6 years ago and recently started embracing my wild waves by letting my hair air dry. I get more complements on my hair then ever before and I love telling young girls that God colored my gray, silver steaks around my face. My hair has never been healthier and the extra time in the morning makes my hour commute easier.

Brianna Hanson says · 10.16.21

Thanks for the β€œpermission” to be confident, no matter how I look! As a small business owner, I often feel like I need to be constantly β€œon brand” everywhere I go, in case I see customers or business friends in my community. Thanks you for your thoughtful and inspiring words!

Amy says · 10.17.21

Love this! I rarely go out without at least a little make-up, some concealer, a little bronzer, mascara. But then when Covid put us all in masks to go on the simplest of errands I dialed it back a bit, knowing that my face would be covered anyway and hardly anyone is making eye contact at the grocery store in a mask anyway so who cares what my eye lashes look like. Ultimately I wear makeup for me, not others. But I do find myself feeling a bit more comfort in those times of not wearing it sometimes too. Either way is ok.
