Tarte’s Showstopper palette, day to night

Fresh in Fifteen

showstopper_small things blog-2Tarte’s Showstopper palette is just that, a showstopper. Drop all your other palettes, folks. Not literally because broken eyeshadow is equivalent to broken hearts.

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I filmed  a little day to night tutorial using this beautiful palette. Man it was fun. These colors are just perfect. I find that there are always a few dud colors in palettes, but this one (and, frankly the Naked Basics 2 palette for that matter) have all totally realistic and usable shades.

So, without further ado, the tutorial!

products used in tutorial:

Arbonne Perfecting Liquid Foundation

Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Powder Foundation

Tarte Showstopper palette (looks scary orange on Sephora’s website, isn’t nearly that orange in real life.)

Sonia Kashuk eye brushes

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara

Stila Smudge Stick eyeliner in Lionfish and Stingray

Kat Von D liquid eyeliner in Taboo

Shu Uemura lash curler

Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil

Anthropologie Lip tint in Flamingo 😉  and Albeit’s Azalea


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Carolyn says · 08.10.15

Oops! Wrong tutorial?

Kate says · 08.10.15

No? I’m not sure what you mean?

Carolyn says · 08.10.15

Sorry. When I clicked on the link the first couple of times it took me to the loose braid tutorial for some reason. :-/

Ashley says · 08.10.15

I haven’t used any of their products yet but have seen a few posts that you have done on these products and I am really tempted. I love that it can give such a natural look which is exactly what I am after. Thanks so much for the great post.

Tate says · 08.10.15

Yay!!! I’ve been eagerly awaiting this tutorial and you posted it on my birthday! How thoughtful of you 🙂 Haha! Thanks Kate!

kathy says · 08.10.15

You always look so pretty and fresh!
Love the lip color in the evening photo:)

Laura says · 08.10.15

Such pretty pretty shades! Love for both day and night:)


Amy says · 08.10.15

As always, wonderful tutorial! You should know that your messy bun tutorial has positively changed my life! Moved to Texas, and this Chicago girl is finding the extreme heat to be rough on my hair! The messy bun is a huge help. Will you please share the nail polish color? Is it Essie Mademoiselle? It looks great! Thanks again for all the product reviews tips, etc!

Amy says · 08.10.15


Loved the tutorial and many of your others particularly the hair ones. Does anyone/other EU readers have any suggestions for buying the products Kate recommends in Europe? I live in France although could post them to the UK and have my sister forward them 😉 Been struggling to get hold of quite alot and would love to try out some more of the tutorials.

Thanks for any advice in advance.
A x

Sonja says · 08.10.15

I just discovered that Sephora ships to UK (and also to Germany and the Netherlands). Not to France though. But maybe this helps a bit.

Amy says · 08.10.15

Cheers. I went through the check out to see the shipping and import costs but it will cost the same in shipping as the actual set, which as much as I want it I don’t think I can do. Unless I can think of another £60 worth of make up I really need so I could have free shipping 🙂

franzi says · 08.11.15

dear both,
I know what you’re talking about.
tried also to find it at Amazon, but I’m not sure if These sources are reliable.. also Looks quite expensive there.
any other recommendations?

franzi says · 08.11.15

I forgot to mention:
there’s a huge sephora store in paris at champs Elysees,
maybe you have the possibility to check out.

Alyson says · 08.10.15

I just bought this palette and cannot wait to try it. Your blog is wonderful! Thank you!!

Liz says · 08.10.15

Great tutorial, Kate! Love that the techniques are good for all ages! I’m going to check out that pallette. You are adorable.

Win says · 08.10.15

love this -great tutorial and great way to know you can pack this for travel and get many different looks without filling up the suitcase with multiple products! Thanks

Emily says · 08.10.15

Hi Kate!

Love your blog! I am a mother to a 1 year old boy and a teacher, so my morning routine needs some adjustment… You’ve talked about washing your hair the night before and then working with it the next morning, but could you give more detail on your nightly routine such as what products you use, do you sleep with it wet, etc… I am not a morning person, so anything I could do the night before to allow for the extra few minutes of sleep would be so appreciated!

Keep doing what you’re doing!

Lauren says · 08.10.15

i loved this! I love that your makeup is do-able and fits my lifestyle to a “T”. Now I think I need this palette. I already have Naked 2 Basics….would LOVE to see a tutorial like this for that palette too 🙂

Lauren says · 08.10.15

Try Urban Decay 24/7 eye liner. It goes on so smoothly and they have so many colors to choose from!

Winnie says · 08.10.15

Sidebar:before purchasing the Tarte set in peach, would you recommend this color pallet or the rose pallet one. I have the same coloring as Cara from the Mascara blog .. she did a great job on your makeup! also lets just say I am your mom’s age! the peach blush looks so beautiful on you!

Kathy says · 08.10.15

You are so dad-gum pretty! I love that new palette and think I may ask for it for my birthday next month.

I’ll second Urban Decay eyeliners; they go on so smooth, but I know you’ve used them in the past.

Kim says · 08.10.15

gorgeous look! I love the makeup!


http://trendkeeper.me .. FAVORITES!

TR's Thoughts says · 08.10.15

All the shades look gorgeous, and I love your evening look! x

TR’s Thoughts

Chrisandra says · 08.10.15

I was at the mall buying a gift yesterday and wandered into Sephora, since I was there! I had this palette in my hand and put it back since I did promise my husband I was only shopping for other people. I deeply regret putting it back after watching this tutorial! Beautiful colours, versitle palette! Love it!

I will be heading back to Sephora soon!

(I also love Naked Basics 2. My everyday palette!)

Meagan says · 08.10.15

What nail polish are you wearing in the tutorial? I have a hard time finding a soft color that compliments my fair skin. Thanks!

Bya says · 08.10.15

Thanks Kate for doing this tutorial on the Tarte Showstopper. Love both looks, you always look so pretty! Tarte is one of my favorite brands. The colors in this palette look really natural & beautiful! Might have to pick this one up!!

Liz says · 08.10.15

This palette is on my wishlist, it’s so pretty! I love both looks you created, they both look stunning on you!

xo, Liz

EmilyW says · 08.10.15

I love coming to your blog and finding something new! Thanks for bringing joy through the small things 🙂 I would love to see more palette tutorials! Palettes cut my morning routine time in half!


Jamie says · 08.10.15

I just had to stop and comment and tell you this lipstick is so friggin great on you!

Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says · 08.10.15

Gorgeous! I love all the colors!! Tarte’s a great brand!

Her Heartland Soul

Kelsey says · 08.10.15

I love this palette! I have the Rainforest After Dark palette from Tarte and it can be a little dark for the daytime, but this one seems perfect. You should check out the customizable eye palette from Buxom! It’s my new favorite thing 🙂

Kelsey | http://www.abalancingpeach.com

Janelle says · 08.10.15

You are beautiful Kate! More palette tutorials please! Love them!

Erin says · 08.10.15

I would love to see more tutorials on the day & night look with other pallets! I’ve always avoided eyeshadows because I have really big eyes. I once tried a smokey eye and I looked as if I had a black eye, haha! I’m searching for the perfect pallet for my skin tone and eyes.

Thank you for this tutorial! I may have to buy this pallet and give it a try!

Kelsy says · 08.10.15

I love love love this pallet. It is probably the best pallet I have ever purchased. I use it every day! Every color is just perfect. I seriously can’t say enough good things about it!

Christina says · 08.10.15

I’m so tempted to try this pallet. Do the eye shadows have any shimmer? I think shimmer is nice. Great video, thanks!!

Kathy Johnson says · 08.10.15

I received my Showstopper palette on Saturday and am super excited to use it. I have a 3 week baby at home and haven’t been applying much makeup. We have a few outings this week that will give me a chance to try the day look. On a side note, my little Henry is in love with the sound of your voice. The second I start watching one of your videos he calms down and turns his head looking for where it’s coming from.

Your blog has been helpful for me as a first time mom. Thank you bunches!!!

Gturn62 says · 08.10.15

Wow, Kate! That nighttime look is gorgeous on you. Love the bold lip color. My Tarte palette was just delivered, and I’m looking forward to trying it out. I’m new to their products. Thanks for a wonderful tutorial.

Heather says · 08.10.15

Picked up the Tarte powered foundation and the Showstopper Palete this morning! Followed along with the tutorial and I love it! Thank you for guiding me!

Pam says · 08.10.15

Please share the technique of styling my hair like yours in this photo…Please???
Thank you

Kristi says · 08.10.15

I’ve just started using Tarte products and am seriously in love with everything they do! I love these looks!

Kristi | Be Loverly

Mary Kate says · 08.10.15

WOW! I just started using Tarte’s waterproof bronzer and absolutely love it (check out my 5 Favorites: August for more info). I definitely need this palette in my life- I love that everything is right there!

Mary Kate


Bonnie says · 08.10.15

I love the tutorial! I need all the help I can get when it comes to eye makeup. I definitely stick to the same colors everyday & my techniques are awful.

I have the worst time with eyeliner. I tried the stila & wanted to love because you recommended but it causes so many issues with my contacts. It smudges onto my contacts. The worst! If you have any suggestions or can offer a tutorial for “eyeliner for dummies” it would be life changing for me!

Megan says · 08.13.15

I agree! I have tried the Stila smudge proof eyeliner twice because I wanted to love it! Both times it ran and came off by the end of the day. I tried using eye primer and even a cream shadow to prevent running, but it didn’t work for me! I have combination skin and haven’t really found an eyeliner that works well for me yet!

Kelly @ The Happily Anchored Nomad says · 08.10.15

Love. Both looks are fresh without looking heavy – we see you, not the make-up. I would also love to know how you did your hair for this tutorial – love the waves!

Also, it looks like you use products from numerous companies that make a point of not testing on animals. Is this something you seek out before using/endorsing a company?


Laura says · 08.10.15

LOVE IT! You seem to have found colors that really work for you. Is it just trial and error or have you had someone help you find good shades?

Denise says · 08.10.15

I really enjoyed this! I’ve been on the fence all summer about this palate, but I think you’ve won me over to it now. And, I’d love to see day to night looks with the Naked 2 and Naked Basics- even Naked 3 if you have it! Thank you!!!

Amanda says · 08.10.15

I just bought this palette for my friend for her birthday! She is going to find this really useful! I liked your makeup tutorial. How about one on the Naked 1 palette.

Laura says · 08.10.15

Hi Kate! Just a heads up, your first link to the palette (before the video in this post) actually links to the Urban Decay foundation. The one in your list of products is correct, though.

Keep up the great work 🙂

amanda june says · 08.10.15

love tarte! fyi the link for the palette goes to the urban decay foundation 😉

Leslie says · 08.10.15

So beautiful! Please do more day to night palette tutorials. Do use Maskcara’ s IIID makeup?

Katie says · 08.10.15

I purchased this palette during the Tarte sale a couple weeks ago (that you alerted us to), and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I also picked up the Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara and really like it too. Thanks so much for the suggestion and tutorial!

Melanie says · 08.10.15

Kate, that was an awesome tutorial! I thought I had make-up in the bag (haha, get it??) but you definitely taught me some good tricks I’ll use on the daily. Love your blog!

Martie says · 08.10.15

If I had 6-10 more hours, I would apply for your assistant position! What fun…I’m totally jealous of whomever gets hired.
I love the photos, and the evening lip color (I see I’m not alone).

Jacqui says · 08.10.15

I have just heard that Sephora is coming to Melbourne in December!! Looking forward to being able to buy Tarte products and loads more.

Charlotte says · 08.11.15

LOVE LOVE LOVE!! the evening look 🙂

Lauren says · 08.11.15

This is such a wonderful looking palette, Tarte rarely disappoints!

Lauren x | http://www.laurenselwood.com

Cat says · 08.11.15

I’d LOVE to see a UD naked palette basic 2 tutorial!! I’ve been debating purchasing that palette for a long time, but without actually seeing a few looks with it, it’s hard to know whether I’d use it a lot. I’m normally a MAC girl, but I’d like to try out other brands, and specifically palettes because of frequent travel plans. I’d love to hear your recommendations for traveling light with makeup, skincare, hair products, etc. Great tutorial with this palette!! The colors look beautiful on you! ?

Christina says · 08.11.15

I have used for cover girl last blast mascara for years also but I got a sample of CK one mascara by Calvin Klein and have loved loved loved it. I think you would like it too.

Sara W says · 08.11.15

Thanks! I bought this and have used it several times but needed specific application tips!

Rebecca says · 08.11.15

Great tutorial Kate! I loved the tip of using the powder to “blend” and prevent the “80s look” — ha! I have dark brown hair and eyes — I never know whether to use eyeliner on just the top or both top and bottom.

Rachel says · 08.11.15

Awesome tutorial! I personally tend to lean towards mostly Urban Decay, especially all the Naked products. However, I have to say, I can’t wait to get my hands on some these awesome Tarte palettes and give them a try!

Rebecca says · 08.11.15

Hey! I love this tutorial!! 🙂 I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned it, but Younique now has an all in one Fiber Mascara. Not sure if that will be a better product than the old Younique, but worth a shot! 🙂

Dani says · 08.12.15

Hi! Could you tell me where you purchased the earrings you are wearing in these pictures? They are gorgeous and I love the size of them.

Brittany says · 08.13.15

I can’t wait to try this! I love the shades and it seems perfect for everyday wear.

Brittany | thechicette.com

Megan says · 08.13.15

Really enjoyed this tutorial! You should do one similar for the Naked Basics 2!

Jackie says · 08.16.15

PLEASE tell me where you got those earrings, I’ve been looking for ones just like them!!!

Ashish Davalbhakta says · 08.18.15

Nice shade! loved it..

Dani says · 08.19.15

Gorgeous hair! And these shades are beautiful. Cute packaging too 🙂

katie says · 08.20.15

what color lipstick are you wearing in the nighttime makeup pics?

Lindsay says · 08.31.15

Kate, I just love you! I just bought this palette along with a few other thing a you recommend and I LOVED everything! I used this tutorial for a wedding I attended this week and it was so helpful and I felt so good! I would love anymore tutorials using this tarte palette!

Allie G says · 09.06.15

I really liked this tutorial! I bought the pallette and love it. Would love to see a tutorial on urban decay naked basics 2 pallette!!

Lauren Z. says · 09.14.15

Great tutorial Kate – thank you! I can’t wait to give both looks a try! I don’t wear full makeup very often, but when the need arises, I am really in need of upping my makeup game. So this day to night combo will be perfect training for me. 🙂 I would love to see a tutorial on the Clinique palettes for “wear everywhere grays” and “wear everywhere pinks.” I think I may just have to head back to Sephora and pick up the Tarte Showstopper. Love your blog!

Lauren Z. says · 09.16.15

Hi Kate, I commented above but I also forgot to ask you, what brushes did you use for the shadow in the crease and for “erasing” with the powder foundation? Thanks!

Sarah F. says · 11.05.15

Hi Kate! I know this tutorial is from a couple of month’s ago, but hopefully you’ll answer. 🙂 What shade of the Arbonne foundation are you wearing? I’m a pretty pale person with pink/red undertones. Any suggestions?
