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Fresh in Fifteen 002


pretty way to store nail polish

WELL I’M OVER THE WHOLE30. And I only got into the RESEARCHING part of it before I cut it out of my life. I don’t dispel that it works, but I can’t eliminate dairy and live my life to the fullest. It can’t be done. I need creamer and cheese. Facts are facts folks.

So now I’m looking into the 21 day fix because Grace keeps singing it’s praises. She always talks me into things (She’s to blame for the Zella leggings obsession. Thanks for nothing everything Grace!)

Jordan recently sung the praises (so much singing from my friends) of Dermablend, a brand I’ve never really explored. Have you used it?

Since I’m talking about my fraaans, Kacia is visiting this weekend! Did I ever tell you how we met? On Twitter. A mutual friend mentioned her to me and I was all,”Oh I’ve seen her blog, she seems to cool” and as a matter of fact she is cool. She, also, was the first friend I told both times I’ve been pregnant. She’s visiting with her 11 month old Jones (Cat Kate misses you Harlow!) and she’s given me the challenge of providing gluten-free food. I say that lightly because she’s all, “oh I don’t really care when I’m on vacation” but if I know one thing about gluten-free people it’s that introducing gluten back into your system in a big way can mess you up somethin’ fierce. Plus, it’s been good practice because my neighbors are gluten-free too.

My love language with my friends is food and gifts, so I’m happy to try to help Kacia feel right at home here.

Remember when this style of necklace was popular in about 2010? This was trending around the time my sister and I started our (now her) jewelry biz. Everything in fashion is so dang cyclical.


“My body is the sight of a miracle” -love that language from Kerry Washington.


Alright, happy weekend guys. I don’t know about you but I’m ready for fall.



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Stephanie says · 08.21.15

I tried the 21 day fix for about 6 months… followed it religiously, but I felt too constricted by the containers. I didn’t see the results I wanted to, though. I have, however, loved loved loved Advocare! My husband is a 2nd year resident and is forever dragging since he has to be at the hospital to round on his patients at 6 am every morning. We both drink a Spark first thing in the morning and haven’t had to drink coffee in so long. I know this sounds like a huge advertisement, but I don’t even sell the stuff. Just love it. Lost 16 lbs on my first 24 day challenge. It really is great stuff.

Courtney says · 08.21.15

I agree about Advocare! My husband and I have been doing the program since June and it’s been awesome. I’ve lost 12 pounds and kicked my Coke Zero habit.

Sarah says · 08.21.15

I like some of the Advocare products. I love the cleanse but I couldn’t handle the MAX phase of the challenge. I would get so sick..and I’ve learned that is very common 🙁 My coach would just say “its the vitamins..your body isn’t used to it.. just keep taking it!” but I’m sorry, I can’t work full-time and be throwing up all day.

I like Spark.. I do find it too sweet so I add double the water. The meal replacement shakes are okay. I’ve had better.

Now my friend has lost an amazing amount of weight with Advocare with no side effects. We’re talking 50+ pounds. So it does work..if you’re not sensitive.

Heather says · 08.21.15

I am so with you on the whole30. I started looking into it and then I read the ‘rules’ and I clicked that red ‘x’ so dang fast!

Abigail M. says · 08.21.15

Absolutely love that your friend Kacia currently has a post about the Parative Project (started by a couple from my church) on her blog. Small world internet stuff is awesome!

Megan says · 08.21.15

You should look at the Against all grain website or cookbooks. We took my son off of gluten to help with his Autism symptoms and her recipes actually taste really good! I’ve also tried 21 day fix and felt too restricted by the containers but I loved the workouts!

Jane says · 08.21.15

@ Megan- I wholeheartedly agree with Against All Grain — great tasting food and you won’t miss what you are missing!

Kate- I found the dairy-free diet harder to follow than just gluten-free. I hear you on the cheese! 🙂

Leanna says · 08.21.15

Love 21 Day Fix!!!! I’m so passionate about it! I started on Memorial Day and have lost 20 lb! And I haven’t even been as faithful with the workout portion as I need to be. There are so many FB groups you can join for support! Do it!!

Robyn L says · 08.21.15

Have you tried Nerium? I’d love to get your opinion if you have.

Kacie M says · 08.21.15

I started 21 Day Fix back in April after getting back from my honeymoon in February and feeling “blah” for most of March… and the fact that most of my pants didn’t fit anymore (was it due to all the french toast I ate in the Dominican?). Although I felt it was a good plan based on eating WHOLE foods, I felt my life couldn’t be that strict and on point all the time. The eating plan was easy, but you have to plan weekly. Otherwise, I had a hard time following. I also work early hours, so in a time when I needed something before I worked out, that would be some of my food and then couldn’t eat later when I should have.

I know people have seen results, and I wish I could say it was me. I’ve actually lost nothing (inches and weight since) then, even with just following the eating plan guidelines. I also wasn’t a fan of a few of the workouts, so I kept my gym routine but then added in Dirty 30, Upper Fix and Pilates into my weekly schedule. I like the change, but I think my body is just at a plateau since I was already eating fairly healthy, and rarely overindulged. I am starting low carb next week, and feel that is a better fit for me. Good luck, to you!!

Emma says · 08.23.15

Just wanted to chime in on the 21 Day Fix. I’ve tried it and I too found it constricting but also stressful planning my meals around this dang little containers. And I mean little. I know the point it position control, but I don’t know if I want to be slim and grumpy stressed out girl while getting there #thanksforthecolouredtupperwarethough. Having said that, I really enjoyed the workouts. My favourite plan (and most successful for me) has been Bikini Body Mommy. So I’ll go back to that, use the 21 Day Fix workouts as a change up sometimes, and just put the cookie down.
ps. Love your blog Kate! ☺️

Christen says · 08.21.15

I never stopped loving that style of necklace so I’m glad its back in style 🙂

Heidi Yost says · 08.21.15

Check out Trim Healthy Mama!!

Rachel says · 08.21.15

Yes to the yes on THM!!!!

Kari says · 08.21.15

Yes, I was just going to post this as well! I couldn’t give up cheese, either, so THM is perfect 🙂

Victoria S. says · 08.21.15

I recently read Gretchen Rubin’s Better than Before: Mastering the Habits of our everyday lives- which by the way is fantastic for recognizing your particular personality and how to best attempt habits- either forming or breaking them. In the book she mentions reading “Why we get fat: and what to do about it” and how it forever changed her outlook on food. Out of curiosity I picked it up and well, it have forever changed how I look at food! The end game of his (author Gary Taub) eating strategy is to avoid simple carbs ( i know seems tough- especially for this carb addict here!) because insulin released in response to carbs causes you to store fat and be sleepy. The book is a bit science heavy but as far as I can know completely accurate ( I’m a cell biology research scientist). Despite working the most frantic year of my life thus far I managed to look 5 lbs in two months without even working out. I’m no longer hungry two hours after breakfast or lunch (which with a Starbucks in my building at work is a blessing) so I make better choices. Give it a look if your 21 day fix doesn’t pan out- that required WAY too much planning for me. Good luck!

Morgan A. says · 08.21.15

I would so try a whole 30 but I need sugar at least 3 times a day. I’m not sure I’ve gone a day without it in my entire life. Also, just got my first pair of Zellas this week and I’m wearing them for the third day in a row right now. I need every single pair now!

Happy weekend! x. Morgan / MorningApple

Leighanne says · 08.21.15

Definitely give the 21-Day fix a try! I started it back in March and feel like I am the best shape of my life! I read some of the comments about the containers being too restrictive …. I feel the complete opposite – it’s a LOT of food and I was on the smallest bracket!

Caty says · 08.21.15

Kate, if you are looking for a practical, non-restrictive way to get a healthier body, consider reading Trim Healthy Mama by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett. It is a book full of practical information that has helped many women achieve and maintain a healthier body. It is amazing! The new version of the book will be out in September. I know you are a busy mom and wife, so that version of the book would be ideal for you because it is a condensed version of the original book.

Kms says · 08.21.15

If you try dermablend let us know what you think! I’ve been researching makeup to cover my (very prominent) melasma and dermablend seems interesting. Nothing I’ve tried so far has covered it while still looking natural…

Ruth says · 08.25.15

I -LOVE- Dermablend! I’ve been using it for YEARS to cover dark spots (sun damage), leftover acne discoloration, my dark circles (hereditary), as an eyeshadow base (I like it more than the UD stuff), and to cover these brown melasma-type patches that have appeared on my face thanks to the progesterone I take. I have a very oily T-zone and have found that this is the only concealer that stays put, doesn’t turn orange, and actually covers. (I just apply, dab to blend with my fingers, powder with Colorstay powder using a brush and applying a light dusting– the Dermablend setting powder and the MUFE HD powder don’t seem to work as well.) I use a tiny 1/8″ flat angled brush ( ) which is smaller than a standard size concealer brush. -EVERY- single time I try new concealers, I always go back to my trusty Dermablend. It does go on creamy and can be thick which is why I use the tiniest amounts, and I’ve found the regular 1oz. size container lasts me the entire year. Now, fair warning, it has a tendency to crease (I have a horizontal crease under my eyes) so I’ll use either a little extra powder or less concealer or will just dab at it with my fingers when I’m all done to pick up any excess product. I would definitely suggest trying the colors out in person since they skew either warm or cool. Please email me if you have any questions!

Adelle Davis says · 08.21.15

I LOVE Dermablend. I’ve only explored with setting powered, and have been pleased with the outcome. Have a wonderful weekend.

SpartyGalRN says · 08.21.15

I bought that necklace. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE LOFT and Ann Taylor Jewelry. Maybe I’m biased since I worked for the company for about 10 years. The only brick and mortar store that compares is J.Crew but they tend to be so darn expensive. Have a great weekend!!!

Megan says · 08.21.15


I haven’t tried Whole30 but I have cut dairy out of my diet before and noticed a HUGE change in my body. I’ve tried both Advocare products and the 21-Day Fix so I think I have enough experience to weigh in on both. Advocare has some great products, such as Spark which someone commented about. But I found that the supplements are a bit overwhelming. I’d rather eat right and get moving to bur fat instead of have to take a bunch of supplements that are filled with chemicals to do it for me. The 24-Day Challenge cleanse from Advocare helped me to cut out a lot of bad things (such as bread and dairy).

The 21-Day Fix can get a bit overwhelming at first while you’re learning about the containers, but it helps you to see the portion sizes you SHOULD BE eating and not what you THINK you want. The workouts are quick (30 minutes) and the schedule balances out the muscle groups you’re working out. Yes, you have to meal plan, but in reality that’ll help free up a lot of your time. I meal plan on Sundays and bookmark the recipes I’m going to try in a folder on my Google Chrome so I can access them from my iPad in front of my prep space. It takes the guess work and stress out of trying to think of dinner every single day. And by planning your food ahead of time, you’re less likely to buy frivolously at the grocery store AND make bad decisions in your food choices.

Feel free to message me offline if you have any more questions. BeachBody has a bunch of great programs – it’s all about what you’re looking for!

xo Meg

Crystal says · 08.21.15

I love the 21 day fix! The workouts are only 30 minutes long and super fun and easy! I feel you get to eat a lot of food on the plan, but I don’t really follow it too closely I am still seeing results. But, I did just order the 21 day fix cookbook that came out and am really looking forward to that because it already has the breakdown of containers in each serving. One thing that really helped me was reading Candace Cameron Bure’s book called Reshaping it All. It really transformed my relationship with food, in a good way.

Allison MacDonald says · 08.21.15

I started 21 Day Fix just about a year ago. Listen to Grace! It, too, is based on clean eating but you do get cheese!! My family is pretty much doing the meal plan right along with me. As a busy mom I love that the workouts are only 30 minutes and still very effective.

Any ideas on what gluten free recipes you are going to make?

Cori says · 08.21.15

Love Dermablend! They have amazing concealer that actually conceals! I have little, fine, fine lines under my eyes, so it helped if I used a blurring product first (Garnier’s 5 Sec Blur was my favorite and most budget friendly). Once the blur was on, I put the concealer on over that, and blended it with a beautyblender.

Dermablend was also super hyped up in 2012 for this video:

It’s a pretty incredible product line.


Sara L. says · 08.21.15

Read The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. It changed my life.

Katie says · 08.21.15

Hi Kate! Would you say those are your favorite postpartum leggings? I’m looking for some that are very forgiving ?

Mary Kate says · 08.21.15

I’m with you on the WHOLE30! I know I wouldn’t be able to do it! I absolutely love that necklace- it is crazy how style always come back around!

Mary Kate

Lyndsey says · 08.21.15

I love the 21 day fix!! I did it a month before my wedding and I was so surprised it really works and I actually felt fit. I need to do another round soon.

Kristen says · 08.21.15

I did two rounds of the 21 day fix. The containers are a pain and much smaller than you realize. You will eat a lot of veggies but very little carbs or fruit. You get very little cheese too which is sad! The workouts are great and since doing them it’s pushed me to continue to workout and I have continued to eat clean but have since moved away from the containers. Any diet that limits fruit isn’t for me! Good luck! Also, I love Kacia’s blog and her cute kiddo pix on instgram! I need that nail polish box!

Emma says · 08.21.15

I love Dermablend! Their cover cream is so good for spot concealing blemishes or scars. Something I’ve noticed with them is that even though they’re in the price range of Clinique, Estee Lauder, etc, you get a TON of product for what you pay for. I’d definitely recommend them!

Emma //

Jessica Taylor says · 08.21.15

Have you ever heard of Zija? There is a weight loss line that is wonderful, but the main focus of Zija is the core nutritional line. Zija’s main ingredient is the Moringa oleifera botanical. It has 92 verifiable nutrients, Omega 3,6,9, 36 anti inflammatories, and 46 antioxidants. The whole point of Zija is once our bodies get the proper nutrition, it starts to right the ship. Our family lost a combined total of over 100 lbs last fall when we started the weight loss program. If you research Moringa oleifera you will find how beneficial the botanical is to our overall health.

Brenna says · 08.21.15

Have you ever heard of the traditional foods movement? If you are wanting to improve your relationship with food without completely eliminating things like grains and dairy I would highly recommend it! I love the blog for info on traditional foods. 🙂 it’s mostly doing things like getting rid of processed foods and making sure the animal products you eat were from healthy animals that didn’t live in factory feedlots. I still love eating things like bread and butter and cheese and such. And natural sugars like raw honey and dark maple syrup. No guilt! 🙂

I always love the idea of things like Whole30 and the 21 day fix and 21 day sugar detox but it never affected my relationship with food long term.

Nadia says · 08.21.15

I admit I had to google 21 Day Fix! 🙂
From my own experience, I can absolutely recommend amazing Kayla Itsines! A bit of workouts (after which you sometimes can’t even crawl – but they give results!) + eating cleaner would do the trick. It’s important to stick to it, though. Not easy, of course.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading through comments, too!
xox Nadia

Stephanie says · 08.21.15 is all gluten free for the last 18 months. I was so bummed when she said she had to switch her food blog to gluten free but not much has changed, her stuff is really healthy and easy to make.

Melissa says · 08.21.15

When you started talking about doing the Whole 30 I was going to suggest the 21 Day Fix! But, then I read about what the Whole 30 was and wasn’t sure if you’d be interested. I’m on day 16 of my first 21 days and am loving it!!!! I know you started working out too and I love the workouts. They are more geared towards women than other Beachbody workouts. I love the little containers and she’s got it built in to allow treats. I feel like it’s an awesome program and totally worth the $60.
For what it’s worth,

Elisha says · 08.21.15

21 day fix is OK. It’s a step in the right direction. But honestly, a better thing to look into is Trim Healthy Mama! I’m a Mama of 4… under the age of 5. And have minimal time. I’ve lost my baby weight eating butter, cheese, cream (can you tell I love dairy?!) I don’t have time to figure out calories, count them, etc. Trim Healthy Mama is worth looking into!

Elisha says · 08.21.15

They have a FB group. Join it and look around. Lot’s of encouraging info from Christian women!

Sarah says · 08.21.15

As a member of the 2 under 2 club, my youngest being 4 months, I say go with 21 Day Fix! I’ve been following the meal plan but doing differnt workouts and have lost all my baby weight plus some. I am not someone who just loses the baby weight easily, I had to work for it. I agree that is restrictive but isn’t that what weight loss is about to some degree? I never felt hungry, I just wanted things I couldn’t have, like more carbs. I never followed it perfectly and I’ve still seen great results. Now I can eye ball stuff without the containers because ive learned portions and im still losing weight. I definitely think it’s worth the investment and 3 weeks of your life. I mean, if you could survive 8 weeks of a screaming baby, 3 weeks of less cheese and bread will be easy!

Hailey says · 08.21.15

I love 21 day fix extreme. I do not follow diet with containers but I do the videos religiously. They have toned me up better than anything I have ever tried!

Sheri says · 08.21.15

I looked at the Whole 30 too and could not imagine cutting out dairy and carbs permanently…What happens when you start adding them back in?

I found the 21 Day Fix through friends and it has honestly been a life changer. I lost 15 lbs in 2 rounds. I got my mom on it and she finally lost the baby weight she gained with my sister. It may look intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy and it becomes a lifestyle change. Good luck!

Stacy says · 08.21.15

I use the 21 day fix and I’m on my 3rd round. I love it. It was difficult at first mainly because I wan’t big into cooking and meal planning was difficult but I’ve definitely gotten the hang of it. What’s nice that I’ve found (if you have a good coach) is that they do believe in the 90/10 rule where sometimes you’re going to splurge – It’s okay to have one brownie every once and a while. I don’t feel overly restricted on this diet plan and I don’t feel like I’m really missing anything but by eating better and cleaner I feel so much better. I also do the shakeology and love them!!

Christy says · 08.21.15

I’m breastfeeding and found that the 21 day fix was not enough to keep me going in the middle of the night.. even when I moved my containers around as suggested. I also think I should be able to have as much lettuce/no carb veggies as I want and the containers for lettuce seemed limiting. I do like the workouts since they’re only 30 minutes. The containers were too much for me with a 4 month old and a full time job that I just returned to. I’ll keep doing the workouts and portion control though.

Heather says · 08.21.15

Kate! Do the 21 day fix! It’s awesome! You can have whatever you want, and it teaches you how to eat the right portions of it – making it super simple! Like literally they provide you with color coded labelled containers so you know how to best take care of yourself. The workouts are only 30 minutes and done in 60 second intervals. I’ve been doing it for about 15 days so far and have noticed a HUGE difference! I LOVE IT! (and if you decide to get the shakes – you don’t have to – they’re delicious!). LOVE LOVE LOVE it! So easy to build into your life, and what I love most is that it’s not a 21 day fad or diet, it’s 21 days to help you get into the habit of learning how to make your health a priority and to take care of yourself without sacrificing time on the other things that are most important to you – i.e. hubby, David, Luke 🙂

Anne Parker says · 08.21.15

I did the same thing with the whole 30! But I lost the baby weight by eliminating processed food, eating clean, doing Hiit workouts 15/20min a day and counting calories (my fitness pal)
As for gluten free it’s actually not too difficult! My friend Leah has a great blog with all Gf recipes

Bethany says · 08.21.15

I agree on the Trim Healthy Mama! Try it!

Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says · 08.21.15

I love that article about Kerry Washington! She’s amazing!

Her Heartland Soul

Shelly E. says · 08.21.15

I am on day 19 of the 21 day fix! I love it!! I love the 30 minute daily workouts. Also, some have commented on the containers being annoying. However, I disagree. I only used the containers for the first week. After that I can pretty much figure out the portions myself. The key to it is eating 3 meals and 2 (or 3) snacks. It boosts your metabolism. I have lost about 8 pounds so far, and I am pretty sure I have lost 10-12 inches off my waist, hips and thighs. My final #’s will be taken on Monday morning. My ultimate goal is 40 lbs. I love the fix because I feel like I am losing the weight the right way. This is not a diet, it’s a life change. The Shakeology that you drink is also fantastic and has replaced breakfast for me. I highly recommend it!

Sarah Smith says · 08.21.15

Hey Kate!

On the diet subject…I think you look amazing! I just had my second baby (girl) in April and while it’s been hard to get every last pound off…I am determined to feel good about my body no matter what…post pregnancy?I try to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. Some weeks it’s just one a day…that was all I could manage with a 2 1/2 yr old and a 4 month old. I have around 10 pounds to go to get to my prep regnant weight. I feel like good old fashioned exercise and portion control is the way to go! I have tried (in the past) these diet fads and lots of people swear by losing weight…but I have found its mostly water weight and it creeps back fast as soon as I eat a peanut 🙂 What has worked for me is I eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, and a small dinner (low on carbs). It’s kinda more a lifestyle and of course add alittle bit of Jillian Micheals in there and you will see the pounds melt off! Of course, I don’t always stick to my exercise like I should but I will get there! Good luck to you and no matter your size, you ROCK it! Lol..

Savana says · 08.21.15

I am with you on the whole 30! I did 20 days of whole 30 and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I felt tired, nauseous, and totally drained during my workouts. However, I did sleep really good while following the whole 30 diet. I am mostly now just using Myfitnesspal and avoiding processed foods as much as I can. I have also contemplated doing the 21 day fix, I have heard great things about it.

Bethany Sloan says · 08.21.15

Way to look into some healthy options! You got this girl!! I did a whole15 last year, does that count??! 😉 :p I committed to a more healthy lifestyle when I saw a pic of myself and realized the weight I’d gained over time! Eek!!! Started trying to eat more “lean, clean, and green” in Jan and what do you know… Here I am now, down 30 lbs from 155! Didn’t think it was possible. Had no idea how much changes in food made a diff! (Ps Tone It Up was the website where I started. Got some great recipes and learned a lot on their blog, had fun trying their free workouts, etc. Liked the Blogilates website too!) I’ve posted pics of fav snacks, meals, etc. on my insta (@bethanyjanae) Good luck, and I hope you find something maintainable–and can still enjoy those Snappers every once in a while too!! 😉

Christy says · 08.21.15

I have read Whole30 then realized it is not for me. I need cheese or pasta! So skip that one. I did 21 Day Fix workout but didn’t tried with containers but i enjoy some their recipes that I don’t normally use containers because I know how to use portion size using small plate size.

I have been reading lot of diet book. All are old same news. After talking with friend about food thing what’s healthy or what’s not. Her mother in law is Registered Dietician that suggest swap the food items in natural foods. The differece is that you can always eat bread that are whole-grain instead of white, baked or grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, Mustard instead of Mayo. Etc.. that is simple of swap that you can always love foods. Try to get smallest plate (8 inches or less) that help small portions. For my breakfast I do small dish or one or two items then lunch just two items, Snack always healthy fruit or nuts or veggie, Dinner using 8 inch plate with 3 items on plate. Vegetables always bigger than meat or pasta. Dessert is ok. I always give myself a good cheat once a week (weekend at most). I lost weight by swapping bad foods to good foods but still same taste. Watch out sodium which make bloated due to water from too much sodium. Also limit sugar (can cause with sodium too) but you can always have sugar daily or few times a week. Hope this helps.

I read Trim Healthy mama. The book is 600+ pages and weird indegrents which is not for me. I love 100 day of real food because its family friendly cookbook. Also Dashing Dish have lot of comfort healthy meals.

Sonja says · 08.22.15

In my opinion the best advice here! All those diets only help short-term, and can’t be mainteined… But healthier eating can be achieved with small changes like the ones you mention! I guess the most important change is to eat as little processed food as possible, because you never know what they put in there… And eat more veggies & fruit 😉 I also think that any diet program you have to pay for is mainly meant to make someone (the person who invented it) really rich… I mistrust those. Especially if you have to buy some “special products”.

Kristin S says · 08.21.15

I love that you were honest about Whole30! Back in March, I did “no dairy, no gluten, no starchy veggies, no sugary fruit, no sugar, no caffeine” AKA NO FUN! The absolute hardest part for me was the no dairy. I had no idea that would be the toughest but it was. I get it.

Loved seeing your and Kacia’s pictures of the boys this morning. Isn’t it so weird that following someone on Instagram and reading her blog makes me feel like I know her? I know I don’t but you’ve written about each other and I trust you. Now I’m just sounding weird. Gracious. Have a blast! I might hide in her suitcase back to Boston…. I miss my hometown something fierce.

lesley says · 08.21.15

I really like 21 Day Fix. I lost 12 pounds the first round and am currently about to finish my 2nd round. It really taught me what to eat and how much to eat. The workouts are great as well. Shakeology is pricey…but so yummy and filling. I see myself following the 21 Day fix until I reach my goal weight, and then continuing to follow it loosely as a lifestyle!

Nicole Hinrichs says · 08.21.15

I TOTALLY recommend the 21 day Fix! I did it with a Facebook Challenge Group and after trying and failing so many times trying other things, I was able to lose some weight and get in shape and feel great! It really does give results and being in a Challenge Group gave me accountability and the motivation I needed to keep with it. It changed me so much I decided to become a Beachbody coach to help others get the results I was able to get. Let me know if you have any questions I would love to help in any way I can! : )

Ann says · 08.21.15

I have to weigh in…pun intended. Seriously, my rec is WEIGHT WATCHERS! Not affiliated with them, but I am a WW girl for life…age 61:) It’s simple, & it works. You can choose what YOU want to eat…nothing off limits…just stay in your point range. It’s a great program which my dr. recommended years ago. You can opt to do it on-line, but going to the weekly meetings kept me motivated & on-track 🙂 Love your blog…all the best.

Chantall says · 08.22.15

No dairy, no gluten. Just a hype. Unless you’re allergic of intolerant it’s really no reason to cut it out of your life.

Kate says · 08.22.15

love Beachbody programs!! P90x taught me to see food as fuel. I think they take a really balanced approach to eating and I have so many friends who are obsessed with The Fix!

Brittany says · 08.22.15

I love the 21 Day Fix and I have to disagree with those who say the containers are too restrictive. Yes you have to eat more veggies, lean meats and fruits than carbs and healthy fats, but you aren’t going to lose weight if you are eating the wrong portions- that’s not how it works! I love the eating plan, I love my food but feel like I get a well balanced diet and you can still have delicious foods and stick to it! I also love the workouts! They are 30 minutes and make you sweat so you know you are actually getting a good workout in! I also drink the Shakeology every day for breakfast. It gives me so much energy and satisfies my chocolate craving – they have other flavors as well, vanilla, strawberry, greenberry and vegan options. I noticed some people that commented above said they didn’t lose any weight on the 21 Day Fix but then said they either only did the workouts or only did the eating plan. It is meant to be done together, you can’t out exercise a bad diet! I have lost almost 20lbs in 2 months and have lost so many inches in my waist and hips! As you can tell I definitely recommend it!

Jessie says · 08.23.15

I randomly came upon your blog through Bloglovin’. Haha Have you ever heard of Macro counting? It’s something I’ve found works really well for me and I’ve done both the 21 Day Fix and Whole 30. It’s really been a blessing 🙂

monica says · 08.24.15

Can I jump on the 21 day fix bandwagon? I love the program!! Been a clean eater and exerciser for years but could never get rid of the extra “baggage” I was carrying around. The portions worked for me. Yes, they take a little getting used to and yes they are small. But you cram those babies full! And once you learn what goes in which container, its a breeze. I loved the FB group aspect and now run my own. Happy to answer any questions you may have. Love your blog!

Heather says · 08.24.15

I, too, struggle with restrictive plans – although, I’ve almost 100% given up gluten. More for the “I don’t want to look bloated in my tummy anymore” reasons …
Anywho…if you’re into working out – I know…who has time for that? I recommend Emily Skye (via facebook or her site – easy to follow 30-40 minute work outs that work. I swear by it! (And i’m not part of her team, nor does she pay me to say such nice things)

Sarah @ Will Run for Pasta says · 08.24.15

I loved Whole30! It’s really just an elimination diet to see if certain food groups might be affecting you or not, that’s why it’s only a Whole30, not a Whole365 – thank goodness – although some people have done it that long and longer! Thankfully cheese didn’t seem to affect me, and even if I discovered it did I’m not sure I would give it up forever, haha! Even if people decide not to do W30, just reading “It Starts with Food” is an eye opening education. Gotta find what works for you though, otherwise it’s not gonna work! I’ve heard great things about 21 Day Fix.

Stacie says · 08.25.15

I just finished the Whole 30 yesterday and loved it! I lost 12 lbs and 9 inches overall! In one month!!! It is designed to reset your gut and figure out what foods irritate you, not meant to be done super strict forever. Once you figure out what foods you can/can’t handle, you can eat accordingly, more like Paleo. I would definitely recommend it if your eating habits have gone astray and you need to get back into healthy eating. It’s all about your health more than weight loss.

Rachel says · 08.25.15

I’ve used Dermablend for years. I initially bought it to cover up a back tattoo for a wedding I was in. I didn’t get the coloring right but I started using it for my face. I fell in love. I’ve used the Leg & Body Cover, Smooth Liquid Camo, Intense Powder Camo, Concealers, and Setting Powder. The product gives a flawless application with the right brush. The only negative thing I have to say is that it can be too heavy. Try it and let us know what you think!

Trina says · 08.30.15

I love the 21 day fix! I just finished my first round and lost 8 lbs and I still need to measure myself. The best part is the workouts and how fast I could see changes in my body. Good Luck with whatever you choose! 🙂
