Evening workout prep
How to Soften and Stretch Braids (and fishtails!)
Working out goes a really long way in making me feel good about myself and my body. Even if I don’t see pounds falling off, just the endorphins I get from pushing my body into a sweat makes me feel good. I love the feeling of sore muscles too because I know I’ve worked out hard!
I’ve concluded that the only time that really works for me to work out is in the evening. Justin and I put the boys to bed at 7:00p, and immediately following bedtime I change into my workout clothes and head straight up to my office. I’ve been doing the Bikini Body Mommy work outs and my office is private enough, but has enough space, for me to get in the zone.
On work days I usually end up wearing a full face of makeup because I’m filming a tutorial or a favorites video. And while I know I’m going to shower right before bed, I don’t like washing my face with cleanser and water prior to working out, only to wash it again a few hours later. Over washing can actually strip the skin of an essential base layer of moisture, which can inevitably cause breakouts because your oil glands will be working overtime to replace the moisture that was overly cleansed off. That may be news to you, so try skipping the sink and doing a lighter, but still thorough, cleanse if you feel like your skin is dehydrated.
The POND’S Original fresh wet cleansing towelette removes my makeup and cleans my skin, but doesn’t leave it tight feeling and dry. I really feel like my skin can breathe as I’m working out, which makes me feel even better about preventing any possible breakouts. And I don’t need to add any extra moisturizer after using the POND’S Original fresh wet cleansing towelette because it’s hydrating enough by itself.
And on days where I don’t plan on washing my hair, I like to throw it in a high bun with a soft elastic, and then hit it with a cool blow dryer right after I’m done sweating.
So my little routine consists of taking my makeup off with a POND’S Original fresh wet cleansing towelette, and pulling my hair up. The time between putting the boys down and starting my workout has to be brief otherwise I’m pretty good at talking myself out of it.
My office stays hot so I bring up a huge container of water so I can stay hydrated. I drink water all day, but not as much as I should. I’ve got my yoga mat and some light weights in my office as well!
Similar to keeping my beauty prep routine easy, I always like to keep the room ready for working out as well. The work out lasts about 30 minutes, and then I spend the rest of the evening doing household chores and catching up with my husband.
In the past I was a “get up in the morning and work out” kind of gal, but I’ve actually come to enjoy getting out the last bit of energy from the day in my evening work out!
this post is a part of my ongoing brand ambassador opportunity with POND’S, a brand I’ve used for years!
I love Ponds. However, I’m confused on the necessity for taking make up off prior to working out if you are showering after anyway. To each their own I guess!
I take it off mainly to let my skin breathe and be clean, but also to avoid breakouts. No need to mix makeup with sweat!
I was looking back on an old post from like 2012, do they still make Mark get defensive, eye cream???
Thanks for the tip about over cleaning! I had one pimple, the started cleaning my face like crazy and now my whole forehead is completely broken out. Now I know why!
I love ponds wipes! I have very sensitive skin and most of the wipes I’ve tried cause me to break out, but not Ponds!
– Kaitlyn | http://www.TheCrownFox.com
thanks so much for the tip about the blow dryer and sweaty hair. I tend to not workout a lot of times because I think…ugh, I just washed my hair…I don’t wanna wash it again!
I caught the running bug just after my 3rd was born. I would actually be joyful to wake up at 6:30 am, even after 5 hours of sleep, because RUNNING!
We went on vacation and and I haven’t been able to get back into any sort of exercise routine… For 2 years. My motivation is low, I’m tired all the time…
I remember you talking about a barre class and I’ve wanted to attend a class ever since. Finally barre is coming to my small town, so hopefully that can kick my butt into exercising again.
Good for you Kate. I’m happy you’ve been able to find something that works for you.
Love bikinibodymommy! I have been doing them for a while until I got pregnant again. Can’t wait to start it again soon! I never bother to take makeup off before working out in the evenings though. Just wash off the sweat and makeup all at once afterwards! I do love the ponds cleansing wipes but I am really wanting to try the norwex makeup removal cloths because you just use water. Have you ever tried those?
I don’t use the norwex makeup remover rags but I do use the norwex body cloths. For some reason I prefer the body cloth over the ones make specifically for makeup. But any how, I love them! and there is just enough texture that it exfoliates my face at the same time! (I don’t sell norwex.. just felt like I needed to say that :))
Me too! I prefer the Norwex body clothes to wash my face over the makeup remover ones. They seem to get a deeper clean. However, the makeup remover ones are very gentle on the eye area if I need to remove stubborn mascara.
I love my Norwex body cloth and makeup removal cloth! They’re perfect for removing makeup! Fun to know that other people are using them too!
Wow! Great to know that they work! So now I guess I need to try the body cloth and the makeup removal cloth! I just love the idea of being able to reuse the same cloth and no need for chemicals!
Have any of you used any of their skincare products\moisturizers?
My SIL sells norwex and i was given the body cloths as a christmas gift. I don’t really care for them on my face or body just with water like is suggested but i’ll use them with my arbonne re9 cleanser.
1) I use the Ponds cloths now based on your posts and recommendations (I used to use the Neutrogena brand but they felt too oily) 2) I’ve been looking for a set of adjustable dumbbells and the ones you have pictured are on my list or potential buys. Any pros/cons you can share?
Con: They are kind of expensive, but it is much cheaper than buying all of the weight configurations that these (or any adjustable set) allow. I like them a lot, my only gripe is that the two small weights that go in the handle cause a metal-on-metal noise when doing certain movements. Very subtle, but kind of annoying. Otherwise, they get the job done.
what kind are they?
Sommer, they’re called Power Blocks. You can learn more about them here: http://www.powerblock.com/. Good luck!
Thanks!! 🙂
LOVE your Nikes:)
Love your dumbbells! My husband and I have the same set and are so glad we bought them! I’m definitely going to try the cool blow dryer trick after our next workout.
Working out makes me feel great! I’m on my way to a workout class soon!!
Her Heartland Soul
So cool you have nice and practical place to work out. I think that making it easy and part of a routine is the best strategy. I’ve worked out at different times too, once you start doing it and get out of the inertia it’s easier to maintain, not matter the time!
I definitely prefer working out in the evenings as well. I am such a zombie in the mornings!
I’ve started using the Pond’s wipes since reading your blog and have absolutely loved them!
Great post! I’ve recently lost all motivation to work out. This post has given me a boost! Gemma xx http://www.jacquardflower.uk
I have a 40 min commute to and from work so I tend to work out in the evening. I like the energy I get from it. I also find that if I change into my workout clothes before I leave work, I’m more likely to actually work out:). For some reason, that psychological thing of “well, I’m already dressed so I might as well do it” really works.
Love Bikini Body Mommy workouts!
You can cut that 30 minutes in half and get great results with T-tapp, the workout I started with 1 year ago 3 weeks before the birth of my 6th child. I’m 24 weeks along with #7 and am wearing size small maternity clothes – I was in mediums through extra large with all my previous pregnancies! Check it out – it sounds too good to be true but it is built on solid science! http://www.t-tapp.com/welcome/
The BBM challenge is a great way to sneak in a workout. I just finished up the 90 day challenge (I started with 2.0 and will do 3.0 next). I have found that it is a really good workout and is the most manageable with the time that I have. 🙂 Enjoy!
Hey Kate! Love that you make time for yourself and your body 🙂 Have you ever tried the 21 day fix program? It’s such an easy, yet effective program to follow and produces great results! The workouts are only 30 minutes and can be done at home too! Been following your blog for years 🙂 love it!
I started using Ponds right after your last post about it- now I don’t know how I lived without it!