That one day I almost cried at the butcher market
The First Home Project
Yesterday the plan was for David and me to meet my friend JoAnna and her son at a museum to let our boys explore a little bit. The weather was pretty crummy, and any indoor activity sounded delightful.
I get stir crazy if I have to stay in the house all day. And now that I’m enduring a relatively mild southern winter with a 1 year old, I find myself often thinking about those parents raising kids in frigid climates. Not only is there nothing do to outside, but it’s such a process to get the kids’ mittens, a hat, their jacket, extra socks because they will probably pull them off in the car, etc. If you are raising your kids in ridiculous climates, you are a stronger person than I.
Rewind to Sunday when I noticed David sticking his finger into the side of his mouth. He and I were about to pop into Home Depot for a little something and I thought, “I wonder if he has a tooth cutting through. . .”. So I cleaned off my hands and felt around his gums.
Goodness gracious this child is cutting 3 MOLARS. A bottom one had already cut through, and two top molars were very close to breaking through the gums. His naps have been weird, he’s been a little clingier than usual, he has quite the rash on his face, and I guess his drool had been a little bit worse (although he’s a pretty consistent drooler so that is not often a trigger).
Finally, the epiphany of why on earth my boy was not himself! I gave him some Tylenol when we returned home, made Justin look atΒ all that was going on in his mouth, and hoped he would feel a bit of relief soon.
Monday was relatively normal, all things considered, but yesterday when he woke he was oozing clear fluid from his nose, and his poor face rash was looking quite a bit angrier. I scooped him up, wiped his face with a warm cloth, slathered it with Aquaphor (although I have since picked up a tube of BabyGanics Eczema Care Cream to see if that calms it more effectively), and we started our morning.
As anticipated, he wasn’t really himself, and with much reluctancy I canceled our plans to meet our friends at the museum.
Do you remember the books, for me it was in elementary or middle school, where you could choose the direction you thought the story would go, and skip to a certain page to continue reading? Well, at this point in the post I need you to join me on page 57. You could opt for page 34 and read this post through the lens of a complaining mom, or you could follow me to 57 and understand that I’m just sharing a tough day (for both of us!) and why I almost cried with an armful of pork at the butcher.
So, page 57. I have deep compassion on my boy for his teething and vicious cold. He had his favorite breakfast, we played his favorite games, and in general he was in good spirits. By about 10:00a I had been covered in snot and aquaphor from the sneezing and the face rubbing, and a brief outing sounded enticing. It was cold and rainy so I didn’t want to actually leave my van, but I needed a change of scenery.
We took a drive over to Starbucks. David dozed off for about 10 minutes, and I was thrilled about that because he was acting like he needed a little snooze.
We got back to the house and the hours ccrrraaaawwwwlllleedddd. Crawled I tell you. It was the longest day in history for some reason. Perhaps that was because I had excitedly anticipated a fun day with a friend, and instead David and I were stuck in the house, but either way I was ready for nap time as soon as the clock struck 1:00p.
David was ready too and pretty much conked out without a peep.
At 1:50p I heard him wake. I closed my eyes and let out a huge sigh. I was hoping, for his sake, that he would sleep longer because IΒ knew he needed the rest. And I wasn’t being interrupted or anything, but I had just hoped that he would nap for at least an hour and a half.
Nonetheless, I got him from his crib, he had a bottle, and we killed a little bit more time before heading out to Target. I had gotten alarmingly low on diapers (like, there were only 5 left in the house) and I wanted to look at the eczemaΒ cream for babies.
David was cheerful and happy, and it was me that was starting to get weary. And sure, I’m at the tail end of my pregnancy as well so that didn’t help one bit.
We wrapped up at Target and I decided to grab some pork chops from the Butcher Market down the street. I’m trying this recipe today.
Fatigued, bummed that David and I were also not going to get together with our small group* tonight, and looking very forward to Justin getting home from work later, I mustered all the energy I could to pop into the butcher and grab the pork chops.
While we were waiting David started to arch back as if to communicate “stop holding me mom I want to walk around” but I didn’t have shoes on him. So I struggled to hold his 26 pound selfΒ up, above my pregnant belly, and we danced to the music until the butcher returned from the back.
Upon checking out, the sweetest soul working at the cash register said to me, “Has anyone told you that you are glowing?” (my eyes are welling up with tears as I write this. I’m so pregnant.)
She went on to say, “You look absolutely lovely pregnant.”
I looked at her and said, “Well that is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much, that was very kind!”Β I could feel tears stinging in my eyes and internally started yelling at myself to PULL IT TOGETHER, GET YOUR PORK, AND GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOU ERUPT INTO TEARS AND CAUSE A SCENE.
The thing is, I knew my under eye bags were dark, and I probably had what looked like greasy stains all over my clothes from my littleΒ “snot-quaphor” kid, and I wasn’t smiling or happy. But here is the thing about complimenting a pregnant lady: EVEN THOUGH you know they are perhaps just being nice and trying to encourage you despite your questionable appearance, it will still be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you in the entire history of time. And even though I knew I was, in fact, not glowing, I had a little bounce in my limp/waddle as I left.
I grabbed my bag, stepped out into the misting, cold weather, opened up the van door and watched David’s toys fall out, snatched them before they rolled too far away, got back in the car and headed home.
My spirits, though, were truly lifted. It was an unexpected compliment that was more timely that she’ll ever know.
Kids or not, some days are just taxing.
And while you are out, perhaps grabbing pork chops from a butcher market, maybe someone will say something to you that revives you a little bit and prompts you to do the same one day.
Yes he’s wearing two bibs. It’s the cool new thing. And by “cool new thing” I mean the only way his shirt will stay dry.
*Justin and I attend The Summit church here in Raleigh.
This is an awesome story, and so very, incredibly relate-able. I’m so glad you got that little ray of sunshine in your otherwise yucky day!
Awww! Sweet story. On a side note, take it from the head of pediatric dermatology at a major children’s hospital (me) and stick with Aquaphor or plain Vaseline for his face. The ointment does a much better job of protecting the skin from all that drool. If it’s really bad, you can use a little 1% hydrocortisone ointment (not cream) on it twice a day.
I enjoy your blog, Kate! And I still think you posted the best lasagna recipe ever!
ha, that lasagna recipe is good, isn’t it? Thanks for the tip about his rash!
Loved this post! My 16 month old recently decided to cut all 4 molars plus another tooth while we were on a trip with family and friends. My happy, social butterfly decided to turn into a crazy man. Not my best 4 days trapped in a hotel room surrounded by people!
maybe we can all strive to be the person who gives the compliment π
I couldn’t agree more! π
Such a cute story! Just proof that the small things really do count in life.
Oh Kate thank you for the props to moms raising little ones in the frozen parts of the world. I had my baby in October many years ago and her birth was followed by FREEZING temps for months. I was a stay-at-home mom at the time and never felt to isolated. I had just moved and had no friends or family near. Even now 12 years later the winter sucks. My girl grabbed her hoopla hoop and headed out yesterday after school in 16 degree weather to hoop because, “I need to get outside, I’m in school all day and feel like I am about to explode”. Me too pretty girl. Although it wasn’t in the medical cards for me to have more than one baby I always said I would plan a March delivery! LOL. Thank you for sharing this simple story of the power of a simple kind word from a stranger. I always notice pregnant woman and the beauty that seems to emanate around them.
The week of Thanksgiving I had the brilliant notion to do a big chunk of my grocery shopping with both kids. My baby had just started to sit up so I thought it would be a great idea to have her sit in the cart and for my two year old to walk. It was a day like you are describing…just a little rough for many little reasons and I was running low on reserves. Needless to say the whole trip was a disaster. The baby had a runny nose but I hadn’t brought the whole diaper bag along so I had nothing with which to wipe it. I’ll admit I hid in the bread aisle and used the top of her shirt to swipe at the rivers of snot coming from her nose.
Checkout was equally miserable, the person ahead of us taking WAY too long. By this point my son is lying on the floor, playing with the GROSS shopping cart wheels or something. Baby is two seconds away from a total meltdown. The cashier was super and sweet and talked to the kids while she worked. And as she handed me my receipt sh told me how much I had saved by shopping some sales or whatever, “because you are such a smart shopper and an awesome mommy!” As you said, it all just melted away and I walked out of there with a smile on my face and renewed joy for this crazy life!
I’m just hoping to run into a frazzled mom someday to pass this little gift on to.
Oh how sweet of that lady to say that to you. I don’t know why most people have to say the dumbest things to pregnant woman (“You look like you’re going to pop” “Are you sure there’s only one in there” “You’re still pregnant?”) But I am sure it’s a nice change and you deserve it for sure! Keep your head held high, you’re doing great with David! Sometimes we just need to hear a little positive praise! π
So nice to hear a compliment when you’re pregnant. So many people don’t realize how we don’t like hearing phrases like “Are you having twins? ” “You look like you’re ready to pop! ” yes, I’m about to pop you! Lol
I’m a stay at home mom in Ohio with a 5 year old, 3 year old, and a baby due in June…I totally identify with the entire story! Some days are just completely taxing, and I literally count the minutes until my husband gets home. It is -3 degrees here today with six inches of snow on the ground, and my son’s school was canceled. For the second day in a row, we won’t be going anywhere! You’ll discover that having two so close together will be awesome on rainy days; they’ll have an instant playmate!
We love honest company healing balm! It’s magic in a bottle for exzema, dry skin, diaper rashes, heat rashes. I am pretty sure I have 8 bottles stashed around my house for the apocalypse
Oh fellow pregnant friend, how I needed this post today. I have an 18 month old (that we found out we were pregnant with after trying for two years) and am due with our second ( who wasn’t necessarily planned, but so wanted) in a few weeks. I’m pregnant and can barely lift my 30 pound son! Our stories are so similar and I’m so thankful that God placed your post in my path today! I’m heading out to the store this morning–we are stir crazy and live in a place with those frigid temps you referred to–6 degrees today. So, thank you for the little bit of encouragement this morning. And that is one adorable drool-y boy you have!! π I am praying for you! You can do this mama!!
We love honest company healing balm! It’s magic in a bottle for exzema, dry skin, diaper rashes, heat rashes. I am pretty sure I have 8 bottles stashed around my house for the apocalypse
I have some of that, I’ll try it!
I am borderline obsessed with The Honest Company Healing Balm. My husband like to tell me I’m like the father from My Big Fat Greek Wedding with Windex. I put it on everything. Rashes, sunburns, chapped lips. You really can’t go wrong lol.
Your story made me a little teary eyed too! (I’m also 33 weeks pregnant.) It’s amazing how a seemingly insignificant comment can make or break your day. I’m so glad that woman was there to shine a little light into yours when you needed it most! (And I’ll remember to try to spread good comments like that in the future–you never know when somebody is going to need to hear it!)
I can relate to this post so much. Being a stay at home & pregnant mom is not all ice cream, pickles, and naps! Beautiful story. I love how a complete stranger can give you just what you need. It just goes to show… A little kindness really does go a long way. I hope your limp waddle goes away! I know how awful sciatic pain is! I had it with my 2nd child. No bueno!! Mine did just go away one day and it was a miracle/the best day of my pregnancy! π I hope yours subsides soon too!
Well, I’m not even pregnant and that story made me tear up! I have had so many of those days lately with my kids. It’s nice to have someone just compliment you and encourage you out of the blue like that. Thanks for sharing.
I love when someone can make a bad day seem so much better! As a mom to four I understand how weary (and emotional) the end of pregnancy can be, and through in a baby/toddler and it is even more amplified! Luckily, those sweet babies are so worth the roller coaster! π And on a side note, I am a momma in upstate NY, where it is freezing (currently -15) with a two year old boy at home (and three girls at school). We come up with all kinds of creative ways to stay busy, like blowing up our bounce house in the family room to bounce energy out, bringing snow in to play with in a container in the warm house, lots of games, crafts. And we of course get out every day to run errands and things like that. Also, anything above 20 degrees and we are bundled up and out playing! π The schools here go outside for recess/PE anything above 20 too. Otherwise we would be inside for months! π
Such a lovely post to read this morning. I am just about to head out to my son’s 18 month doctor’s appointment along with my 28-week heavily pregnant belly and my oldest who is 4. It’s also -30C here today and I’m already anxious about getting everyone dressed up to get out, dressed down (to strap them in their car seats) and up again once we get to destination. Oh, the joys of winter! I hope David is starting to feel better. Thanks for sharing about this lovely woman! We need more people like her in this world!
Hang in there mama! You’re doing such a great job! Yes, days are long, and there is not enough coffee! But we are doing hard things, everyday… I thoroughly enjoy your blog all the way up here in the south suburbs of Chicago – for every day, you inspire me and teach me and some days that is all I really need. My oldest 2 kids are 13 months and 4 days apart (but who’s counting). They are now almost 6 and 5 and I can tell you, days will be hard. Very hard. But you got this girl! And you DO look fabulous pregnant! Thanks for all you do on here!
*I’m not sure if my comment had enough !!!!!! in it!
Totally been there. Literally…I live in Durham so I even get the weather complaints.
My 9 month old has the teething/cold weather cheek rash. My 5 year old has a cough and pre k was canceled today. Gah! This time of year is taxing and I am not even pregnant this year (totally not glowing over here!)
The days are so long but yet the weeks and months fly by. I don’t understand it!
I give you major props for even leaving your house! Although I have frequented all the drive thru coffee establishments that reside off of I-40!
Bless your heart! I can so relate to this post. I have a 6 year old, 3 year old and almost 11 month old, all boys. Trips to Wal-Mart with all 3 are far from enjoyable and, more times than not, I get the major necessities and go back later with only 1 to get the rest.. I live in IL and I think the wind chill is well into the negatives. My only saving grace is getting out to take him to school every morning and taking/picking up my 3 year old from preschool twice a week. Other than that we don’t get out. It’s just too cold. Us mamas have all been in your shoes and, yes, you just want to burst into tears some day. And it’s perfectly ok. We’re all human.
I always look forward to your Wednesday morning posts. Having children myself I can totally relate. You don’t candy coat things and I really like that about you. You crack me up Kate. I sure hope your little guys is feeling better soon. No fun when kids get sick that’s for sure. Take care!
PS – it is -38C in Eastern Canada today – kids are not even allowed out to play it is that cold!
I just got a shiver THINKING about -38 degrees. SHEESH!
βsnot-quaphorβ- Thank you for brightening MY morning! Best thing I have heard in a while!
My son has quite the battle with eczema and the best things we have found are hydrocortisone cream on red places (I use sparingly on his face) and Aveeno Eczema care lotion all over and the Aveeno Eczema therapy bath. I use the bath stuff every few days when he starts flaring up more than usual.
Again, thanks for the laugh. I am a CPA in the midst of the beginning of tax season and will need that laugh throughout the day!
During a transition time, I was living with my in-laws. My 2 daughters and myself were in a room together while my husband was in another state. I was having a particularly bad day, and decided that I needed retail therapy. I went to Walmart and I guess I had “the look” on my face because the greeter said, “Hang in there! It’ll be alright!” I said thank you and went on my way….about in tears. I went back and told him how much I needed that and then he gave me a hug. Completely turned my day around!
that is so sweet!
Thank you for sharing this sweet story! I have been following your blog for about a year now. As a mother of two little ones (a 3 year old and a 9 month old) it’s so nice to hear that EVERY mom has a rough day now and then. π
And I SWEAR by Aquaphor. It is the “cure all”!!!
This blog post made me teary-eyed! So sweet!
He is just too precious!! I love his sweet smile. I am so sorry he has a tough time with eczema, I have not really had to deal with it so I can’t offer any help there. We LOVED boogie wipes for snotty noses though. They are SO gentle on noses and I swear by them. π Hope you have a better day tomorrow! Just a few more months til spring!!!!
I just picked some of those up!
If the lady said you were glowing, please trust that you glowing! What a sweet thing to say! Trust her and don’t brush it off!
Kate! Its been -40 degrees Celsius up here in Canada this week with the wind chill so I certainly envy your warmer climate for getting around! Definitely consider yourself lucky in that aspect. On a side note about bibs – Im pretty sure you guys have Carters brand down there. They actually make a bib that is specifically water proof – yet soft to the touch. They are amazing. And then you wont need two!
Glad someone could make you smile! I’ve got a 3 month old and an 18 month old and live in Ontario. We are in the middle of a cold weather advisory it’s too cold to go out to play even with full snow suits. Counting down the days till spring!!!
This is such a great post! I will say, the smallest compliment when you have the longest day is the best! I have two boys – 20 months and 9 months- and when people tell me that I look great or that I’m doing good with my boys – I am the happiest person on the planet! It gives me the right amount of boost to finish the day π Your doing great! And David is adorable!
Oh my goodness, we went to Fargo (as in North Dakota…) for Christmas with our 8 mo old – my husband is from there – and it was SUCH a hassle to get anywhere! All the layers and car seat covers and mittens! I became even more thankful that we live in the South with mild (aka livable) winters!
And you do look darling pregnant π
Hi Kate,
My son, Henry, was born the same day as David and he’s doing all the same things right now, including starting to walk within the past month and now cutting molars. I wanted to share that for his face, I’ve had wonderful success with Baby Kisses by Boudreaux (the makers of Butt Paste). Also, the BabyGanics Eczema Cream along with Beautycounter’s baby wash have completely cleared up his eczema.
I love to read about David and see how he and Henry are so much alike! Congratulations and best wishes with the new little one π
I am so glad those sweet words turned your day around. Even though I don’t have kids yet I still related to this story- you have a way to tell your experiences that are relatable to everyone.
Kate, try Vanicream for his eczema. My daughter’s allergist recommended it and it is seriously the only thing that calms her eczema. She has VERY sensitive skin. I get it on Amazon.
Kate, I know you’re getting lots of suggestions for sweet David’s skin but just want to throw some support out for the aquaphor! I’m a pediatric nurse practitioner student and a lot of the “eczema” creams/washes are unfortunately just marketing tactics! Slather him in the aquaphor morning and night (yes, he’ll be a little grease ball!) and don’t bathe him everyday–when you do make sure you’re using a fragrance/dye free soap! I’m sure you’ve heard that before but I’ve personally seen great results with our patients who do that!
thanks for the tip!
I love this story!! So glad you had such a sweet “pick me up.” Ryland and I missed you guys too. It’s been a long, cold week with dad gone and lots of nausea :(. Hope we can reschedule ASAP!
For sure! oh man I forgot M was gone. π those weeks are hard!
I’m so glad yu got some encouragement! Those days are just hard-but you made it through! I’m excited for you to meet your new babe!
One time I was atTarget, and a lady stopped to tell me I was doing a great job as a mom. I didn’t know her and I felt like crying. It had been a horrible day, and I felt like a horrible mom! It was a blessing to me that she took the time to tell me.
Snot-quaphor… yes! My shoulder is always covered in snot and grease from Aquaphor. My son is a week younger than yours and his cheeks have been so red lately, I think it is from the cold, dry weather. I also second the boogie wipes!
I am also 36 weeks pregnant and had the exact same experience last week at the nail salon. I was in sweats and my hair was crazy but this sweet woman told me I looked fabulous and that I was glowing. Definitely made me realize to TELL people a compliment when I am thinking it – you never know, It can turn a not-so-great day into a beautiful day.
Thank you for your beautiful writing!
Ooooooo molars. Those will turn any mom into a pile of bawling mush. My oldest was 2 1/2 when I had his little brother. The adjustment from 1 to 2 kids was, y’know, not a total picnic on its own anyway. And we expected some jealousy and clinginess from our oldest. But he would do this thing where he would just cry and cry and cry and cry at any little thing, with his hand stuck in his mouth, flowing rivers of drool. It. Drove. Me. NUTS. It usually happened while I was nursing the baby so there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
Then I had a lightbulb moment. I texted my mom. “Did any of us put our hands in our mouths and drool a lot while cutting 2 year old molars?” Yep, she said.
Great. Mother of the Year over here. π Gave the firstborn some Tylenol. Totally different kid. Ugh. I hate teething.
I rarely leave comments on blogs, but I just had to share this similar story. I have a beautiful, sensitive, fragile daughter who is almost 16, and going through a very hard time in her life. We stopped at a pizza place the other night, and I sent her in to pay and grab the pizza. While she went in, I was praying for her in the car. When she came back out, she was beaming. I haven’t seen her smile like that in weeks. She got in the car and told me that the clerk had complimented her nails, and couldn’t believe that she had done them herself. It was so simple, but just the thing my girl needed to hear at that moment. My eyes filled with tears as I said a silent prayer that Got would bless that precious clerk, who had no idea the difference she just made. We never know the full impact our kindness has on others.
Have you tried the raw amber necklace for drooling? I was VERY skeptical, but my daughter tried it and it really works.
YES!!! they REALLY work! I was skeptical at first (new age mumbo-jumbo & all that), but I was given one by a friend & my son wore it constantly for about a year. Compared to other children his age, we had very little drool, rash or teething discomfort at all!
I highly recommend!
We loved these when teething drooling got out of control:
The waterproof layer really makes a difference!
This was a great post. I was laughing and nodding my head during so much of this. Thanks for sharing.
Run, don’y walk, to your computer & order him up an amber teething necklace pronto! they really help. Dez wore one constantly (except for bath time) & we had very little drool, discomfort & about ZERO rash from teething. I took it off him after all his main baby teeth had come in, but put it back on about 2 weeks ago when I noticed him chewing on his fingers & poking around in the back of his mouth. He’s 2.5 now & getting more molars in. Plus, you can use it on your new baby in the future!
I tried it and I didn’t see any change in him. But I have a lot of friends that swear by them!
I love your David posts. As the mom of 10 & 8 year-olds, I miss the days of toddlerhood. There are times when I will gladly trade my attitude filled rug rats for a teething toddler! I miss the days when all they needed to make their world complete was a hug/snuggle from their momma. Enjoy these days. Even the bad/tough ones. They FLY by! And the next thing you know, you’re babies are wanting phones/ipods/laptops/ipads, because “All my friends have them!”. Hope your little guy is feeling better!
Hey there! Just wanted to share with you — my dr told me white lotions can actually be more irritating to baby’s skin so to use something like Vaseline or A&D ointment for those teething rashes and dry cheeks. Hope that helps!
You made me laugh!!! BTW , we all need a good Butcher! sounds like your stop was better than stocking up from Costco! With number two in the way… Consider stocking up in the freezer!
Bless your heart, we’ve all had those days! I know you’ve probably heard this over a million times, but it does get easier.
Such a sweet post. And too soon this stage will be over and you will miss all the fun times that go with it!!!
You really are a lovely pregnant woman! My sister and I are fans of your blog and instagram and we were just chatting the other day about how we are going to miss pregnant kate! You’ve been the cute pregnant lady on our insta-feeds for a long time now!! LOL
All kidding aside, best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy and thanks for keeping it real.
haha, that is so nice!!! I do love being pregnant but I’m ready to be able to put shoes on again π
I have been the recipient and the giver of compliments. I have seen the power of encouragement to change a life. I had a student who I encouraged once on a coffee break (I taught college). He told me he wanted to help men who were getting out of prison find a job. I did not know at that time that he had been in prison for 26 of his some odd 50 years of his life. I told him I thought he would be great at that just because he seems passionate about it. At the end of the semester he told me about his past and how my words on a coffee break and given him the courage to stay in school and pursue his dream. I still have the card he wrote me. It is very special. We have no idea how our words can build up or tear down. Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat it’s fruit. Proverbs 18:21
Lovely post. I myself have raised three children to adulthood and I’m now awaiting the grandchildren. Reading this brings back many memories of trying times with my children. Recently, I encountered a women struggling with her two young children in the checkout during Christmas. I made a point to encourage her to have patience and assured her things do get better. As mothers, we know that a few kind words can go a long way. Thanks Kate.
I don’t normally comment on your post but I do enjoy reading them all the time. Typing as we are ourselves (me and three girls) are trapped in the house because of bad weather and no one feels good!
Anyway the point of my comment is to share the one thing that changed my youngest’s exzema forEVER.. Plain and simple, organic coconut oil. Rub it on all exzema spots and watch nature do its thang!! Her exzema sent me on a quest to conquer it! Anyway I don’t want to keep you as I fully understand a sick/teething infant on top of being pregnant. My twins were 6 months old when I found out I was pregnant with blessing #3! Hands are full but heart is even fuller π
Keep blogging and sharing
Just want you to know that I am glad you decided to comment even though you do not normally do. My son has eczema and I have organic coconut oil in my pantry. I cannot wait to try it. Blessings to you and just know you were used to bless someone else today. This post is rubbing off everywhere!
I sure hope it works for you guys like it has us! Normal creams and treatments only made hers worse, never got rid of it. But a great friend shared this treatment with me! And with changing her diet (not like insanely change her diet) we have been able to almost get rid of the eczema!! Reply to this if I can be of anymore help
She probably really sincerely meant it (the compliment). You ARE cuter than a button. Take it and run with it!!
I will keep that in mind for the next time I see a pregnant woman! Complements are always good, but especially so when you don’t feel all that pretty or glowy!
Hope David gets better soon!
Kate, I am so thankful for this post today. I have two little boys ages 2 and 10 months (14 months apart) and some days are just exhausting. Thank you for showing us blog “fans” your true feelings and expressing them. We understand, we relate, and we are so thankful that we aren’t the only ones!
I know exactly how you feel. I’m 24 weeks pregnant, so am just actually starting to LOOK pregnant. And every person that has seen me, or that I have run into that has the courage to point it out, has complimented me on my looks that day. Its a HUGE booster, especially on those days that you just feel “blah”. Right now, sitting at my desk, I’m starting to feel the “I can no longer fit my belly up to my desk comfortably to type”. I am a good extra 2 or so inches away from my computer. All of the little things are coming together and sometimes, those little things can add up to a lot to deal with at once. All my best to you as you near the end of this pregnancy!
I have to admit, I cried a tear with you there at the butcher shop! Having just turned 50 and being a reluctant empty nester, I find myself longing for the days of snotty noses and new teeth. But then I remember how my sleep deprived brain left me in a fog that London would be jealous of and I accept my place in my journey. I love your stories of life and more importantly, real life. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Oh! I love the phrase…”left me in a fog that London could be jealous of”!! I’m there right now. I love where I am in my journey, even though it is a little foggy. π
Why didn’t I think of two bibs! Too late now, darn!
Thanks so much for your honesty, Kate! I can relate on so many points, but it made me feel good to know I’m not the only work from home mom who must get out of the house. Recently (I’m sure pregnancy hormones played into it) I actually cried over missing a moms’ group event due to a sick kiddo. Good job holding it together this late in the game!
And you do look amazing. I know we don’t see pictures of you tired and frazzled, but pregnancy looks great on you.
You may not realize that you glow every day (“snot-quaphor” or not – hilarious by the way) because you are a glowing person. You just ARE.
I look at David and see my own first born son. Mine was a fountain of drool — I used to wonder if the kid ever swallowed. Never thought of double-bibbing, that’s genius. You know he’s teething because you saw the 3 molars, but Drooling=Teething… anytime trust me. It seems like he started pretty early so maybe he’ll be done soon!
I did think of double-sheeting (rubber pad, crib sheet, another rubber pad, 2nd crib sheet) so if you can easily pull one layer off if armageddon occurs in the middle of the night.
Hang in there sweet momma, you are doing a GREAT job!
Have you tried the Carter’s brand bibs? I learned with baby #1 they are the only ones she didn’t soak right through in a matter of minutes so those are the only ones I’ve been using with #2. Can’t wait to see the big gender reveal of baby #2 for you!!!
Thanks for the story! It’s so nice when someone else understands. I’m 26 weeks along and have a 14month old (VERY busy boy) annnnnd live in IA where it’s been single digits forever. Praying for you!
A little kindness goes a long way! My little boy has struggled with eczema too- the only thing that worked was Aloe Propelis cream from Forever Living- if all else fails give it a try! X
What is it about compliments from total strangers that can really brighten up someone’s day? This has happened to me too while I was frantically grocery shopping with my 23 month old during the holidays and it really made my week!
On another note, with the cold, dry weather we are having (SF, Ca) my little girl’s skin was taking a beating. She had these awful dry patches that no amount of lotion or coconut oil could soften, until I tried Aveeno’s baby eczema lotion and body wash and her skin is super smooth after just 3 days!!
Thank you for this post. Not only was it heartwarming, but also comforting to know other mothers share similar experiences. As for cold climates, I live in Rochester, NY where we have been enjoying sub zero temperatures for well over a week (today’s air temp was 0), and having to bundle up two littles is exhausting and made me appreciate why people move south. βΊοΈ
This post is just what I needed today! Today was an incredibly long day stuck inside due to frigid temps with my little one. I was just feeling like a bad mom for shutting the bedroom door with a bag of chocolate and my ipad while my husband takes over. This was a much needed reminder that we all have these days! Thanks for keeping it real π
I agree, great story and super relateable! My second is 6 months now and I was so lacking patience with my first during the end of my pregnancy, I often felt bad. I wasn’t a mean and horrible person to her, I just wish I had more grace. Keep on keeping on!
I appreciate your post . . .it’s been years since I’ve been somewhat ” trapped” at home with a little one who is teething. Brings back memories . . .and now I would love just one day where we are stuck at home!! Oh how things change!
I feel ya on the being stuck in the house thing…winter is totally draining me and I can’t wait for warm weather when it’s not stupid to go for long walks. My son is 6.5 mons old and insanely active so it gets tiresome when we’re stuck in the house like this.
Oh, and the Babyganics Eczema Cream is FANTASTIC! My son has terribly dry skin all over his entire body – like he feels like a lizard no matter how much lotion you put on him – and the cream makes his skin feel all soft again!
What a great story! I appreciate the reminder that our words have the power to lift others up. I will make it a point to try to complement more often. By the way, I love your writing! You had me both laughing and crying!
Sometimes we can’t see how amazing we are when we are pregnant! Especially when you are already taking care of a little one. Enjoy it!!!!!!!! For most of us it only happens a couple times and it’s over. We move on to the next phase. I’m tearing up right now because I know I am not going to feel that crazy, emotional, laughing, crying, pregnant, insanity again. It’s definitely a love hate. My 2 and 4 year old are so much of a handful……I still have those days when I wanna cry in public. Being a mother is hard enough. Sometimes being a pregnant mother is borderline insane asylum. I feel your pain and love. Great job! Also, never knew the sex of my babies until birth & it was the best surprise ever. The wait will be worth it. No preconceived notions. Just a fresh new baby to love.
Keepin’ it real, Kate. You are glowing!
And Choose Your Own Adventure were some of my favorite books in elementary school. I still have some and am tempted to pick them up to read.
Very nice colors & theme.
Kate, you sweet girl…just remember, the days can be long, but the years are short. My own babes are now 22 & 19, and I would give anything to be right where you are today. Hang in there…things will get easier. God bless you and your sweet family!
I love this. Thanks for sharing and for being so relatable!
What a sweet and encouraging post! You are doing an amazing job…and yes…you do look adorable pregnant! π
I always always try to compliment people, I think it’s the smallest boost to someone’s day. It takes no time or effort on my part, and yet hopefully it brightens for just a moment. It’s the easiest pay it forward! Good reminder Kate π
Such a good story.. thank you for sharing. It’s tough being a mom, and only another mom gets that a lot of times!
My 2 little darlings both have excema and I have found GREAT (& by great, I mean basically the only) results using Cetaphil Intensive Moisturizing Cream. I use it all the time, see very quick results and it’s gentle enough for babies!
We go to Summit-Cary….love it! π
Now I really want to be the person telling the pregnant woman how beautiful she looks just to make her feel better. Like you Kate, in just reading what she said to you, I had to hold my tears back! Buuuut that could be the PMS talking…lol
You’re an awesome mom! Don’t get discouraged, we’ve all been there. Thanks for being real.
Hi Kate,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the tips and tidbits. I have been a follower for over a year (maybe almost 2). Sadly I am unsubscribing, as I don’t have kids, I feel like this isn’t a good blog for me anymore but thank you.
Best of luck to you and your new arrival!
Hi Kate – just randomly found your website and glad I did. I’m living in Brisbane Australia and looking out the window now at pouring rain thinking about when I was pregnant and a comment that a beautiful man made to me. It was my last day at work and I bought morning tea for our office (it was a small office of around 11 people) and whilst the man was giving me my change, he said “may the Lord bless the child you are carrying”. I remember looking him in the eye, thanking him and then proceeded to cry – I actually cried all day. It is still the most beautiful thing a stranger has ever said to me.
God Bless π