Planner Love

Julep favorites + a giveaway

planner love copy 1one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nineย 

I love the fresh start of January. I like thinking about the year to come, what to expect and what I hope to do.

I also have a deep, deep love for all kinds of paper goods and writing the first letter of the first word into a new yearly calendar causes mixed feelings of joy and disdain.

Joy, because I’m attempting to organize my life a little bit.

And disdain because I just “ruined” a crisp, beautiful, new planner and it’s not perfect anymore. I know, I’m weird.

I’m picky about my planners. I don’t want a lot of fuss, I want it to be small and thin, and I don’t want any unnecessary pages in there. I’m also not good at being consistent with a calendar, so with the start of each new yearย I hope I improve on that a little bit.

In my hours of searching for the perfect planner (and ultimately landing on this one), I thought I would share my front runners here.

What I like most about the planner I bought is that it stays closed so I can just toss it in my bag if I’m going to work somewhere outside of my office. My least favorite, albeit very minor, thing is there are a handful of asian characters scattered throughout the calendar for holidays, but it’s lacking American holidays. Is this a big deal? No, but I wouldn’t mind having American holidays in there as well. That’s just something to be aware of if you purchase this planner.

Minted never ceases to amaze me with their beautiful design options in their products. Numbers two and three above are from Minted and you just cannot go wrong with anything from there.

I’m also a fan of printable weekly planners in order to see what a busy week holds. Numbers four and five are downloadable print-at-home kind of calendars.

Are you a paper calendar or phone/computer calendar kind of person? I utilize both because I love getting reminders on my phone about appointments and such. I use my paper planner primarily for blog posts, deadlines, and other events.


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Sabrina says · 01.12.15

I’ve had a weird obsession with new planners since I was in high school. Back then I got a new personal planner in January and a new school planner in August. Life was grand. These days I find myself wanting specific things from a planner and most stores just don’t have that on their shelf. I still don’t have a planner for this year, and I am considering going digital with it. I can creat multiple calendars on Google, sync them all to move phone, and share certain ones with the appropriate people.

We’ll see. I’ve always been a pen and paper kind of girl.

Jan says · 01.17.15

I am very much a planner and a calendar type of person. I have a calendar planner and I like the extra pages. I am critically ill and there is so much of information I have to keep with that often seems to come up. So I use the extra pages to write my documentations. That way it is all in one planner and I do not have to look all over the place for where I put things or wonder where I wrote the information down.

I just have to say I have spent the day getting to know you, Justin and David. I adore your little family. You very much remind me of a close friend that used to have. She was beautiful like you. And like you, even with stains on her shirt and on a day when not everything goes the way that she would want it she was always glowing and beautiful. She had four beautiful children one right after the other. I helped the raise those children while I was in college studying to be a teacher. Then I taught for 25 years. Now two of them have children of their own. It makes me smile to follow you and your family. I miss my friend. She has been dead now for 12 years. I feel really blessed to have shared in her and her family’s lives, and I smile to read your blog. You have a very special family. Yes you are blessed.

Aimee J. says · 01.12.15

My favorite planner is the life planner by Erin Condren. I spend $50 on it yearly, but I use it to track meal planning, workouts, work schedules, and so much more.

Jennifer Birdsong says · 01.12.15

Erin concern is my favorite!!!

Jennifer Birdsong says · 01.12.15

Erin Condren is my favorite!!!

Courtney says · 01.12.15

I have adored planners most of my life. I used them to keep track of homework, clubs, etc. through high school and college. I fell out of practice after school, mainly because I was studying for the cpa exam and my days were “wake up, study, work, study, sleep.” Literally, that’s all I did. My husband even brought meals to me to eat while I studied. Since I got licensed and quit studying, my social calendar and my household responsibilities have gone way up (I know my hubby is glad to have my cooking back!). So I had decided that I was going to get a planner to keep track this year. My mom got me one that runs from September 2014 to December 2015 for my birthday back in October, and I have fallen in love with it. It’s an Erin Condren Life Planner. It is super customizable and so easy to use. It doesn’t stay closed on its own, but my mom got me an accessory that is basically a brightly colored band that fits onto your planner to hold it closed. It fits great in my bag. It’s probably my favorite birthday gift ever, and my mom often feeds my Kate Spade addiction, so that’s saying something!

Heather says · 01.12.15

I’m more of a phone calendar girl these days but I do have a monthly calendar on our fridge with events scheduled on it as well. I like the visual of paper calendars for planning.

Hallie says · 01.12.15

I actually use the Day Timer Family Plus planner. It’s huge and bulky so you wouldn’t like it, but it’s perfect for my family of 5 who is always on the go with different activities. It’s got a little place for colored pens, it’s got a space to hold business or appointment cards and it’s able to be opened and closed, sort of like a binder, so that I can add or remove things as I see fit.

Christy says · 01.12.15

i love planner since I was teenager.i have gone through so many planners such as Daytimer, Frankin and Covey, sugar Plum, lifeplanner by Erin Condren, and Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner. Currently I’m using Emily Ley’s daily planner and it’s cute planner but too heavy, not smooth to turn pages, and I only use to do lists on page. Seems like waste paper for me. I’m considering on going back to Erin Condren’s Life planner because it is best quality, Colorful pages, weekly view pages, smooth turning, pockets to put papers in, and there is extra blank paper in back to make notes. Hope you are enjoying your new planner!

Celina says · 01.12.15

I feel your disdain! I get mine every year from Target. I love the sugar paper ones, months at a glance and weeks in detail to follow. On a spiral so it’s easy to write. The designs this year were so cute & tough to choose from but I went with gold dots & pink accents. First thing I wrote in it was in the second week in Decemeber “go to target & buy 2016 planner” One year I waited until January & there was only one left & I hate not having options. Oh the horror of not being able to change my mind 10 times!

Marsya says · 01.12.15

Starting this year, I’m getting organised by having planner. Your planner is wonderful! I always hear ’bout EC, Kikki-k, filofax, etc but for me it’s quite expensive! I mean, I know it’s colourful and anything and actually I want that but it’s expensive ๐Ÿ™ I only use a simple planner that I got from my local store. Great post <3

Michele says · 01.12.15

I love my planner. I have to have one or I feel very frazzled. I don’t fret as much when it’s all written down. After having a kid in school, there’s so much to remember. I like planning my meals ahead of time. So I make and print my own planner to my liking since I couldn’t find one that I liked. I use the Arc from Staples.

Emily J says · 01.12.15

I use my iPhone/ipad calendar as my planner for events I need reminders of, and “notes” for grocery lists and such. However, I always have a medium spiral notebook for my daily to do lists, lists of long term and short term goals, lists of things I’d like to try, like beauty products, etc. I also use the notebook as a gratitude journal and personal journal. It’s basically my life book. I will say though that having the reminders from my phone are crucial for me, I forget about everything! Thank goodness for Technology. Thanks for all the great suggestions!

Nanasuz says · 01.12.15

I also love my planners!! I have a home daycare, so my planner is my bible!!! I always go to Target…this year I got the “sugar paper” planner…pink and white stripes. So cute. It has everything I need in it. Picking a planner is a very personal decision… has to jump out at me when looking through the choices!! I know…I’m weird about it!

Carmia @ Clementine Creative says · 01.12.15

Thank you so much for featuring my printable planner, Kate!

Kate says · 01.12.15

no problem! It’s beautiful!

Melissa G says · 01.12.15

Definitely Erin Condren!! I have 5 very very active children who have a lot of stuff going on. So, as a busy family of 7, most of these don’t have near enough room to write everything down.

Also, BEWARE of downloadables. I tried that a little over a year ago. My husband has a contract with one of the big office stores, so I got a discount. In the end it still cost me well over $100 to get it all printed and buy the binder for it. And it didn’t hold up at all. I immediately ordered my Erin Condren again!! I have to “customize” the interior of the Erin Condren to accommodate us, but it’s worth it. I am certain one day they will switch it up inside and it’ll 100% meet our needs. Until then, I will keep ordering hers!!

Kate says · 01.12.15

that’s a bummer! Both downloadables shared in my post are single page weekly planners. You can print as many or as few as you want.

Melissa G says · 01.12.15

But printed on a single page would not allow enough room to write everything down!! Again, family of 7 here.

Courtney says · 01.12.15

I’ve always lived planners, specifically day planners, but this year I’m trying to use a tablet to organize everything. I’m still having trouble switching over though, so I’m not sure if I will stick with it. But my husband just got me this tablet, so I’m going to put in the effort!

christa says · 01.12.15

I also like a skinny no-fuss planner. Even in this digital age, I have to keep a paper planner! I’ve been using Moleskine planners for years! (I get this one in black, size large: Durable, simple, and it looks nice too ๐Ÿ™‚

Meg @ Snap Happy Mom says · 01.13.15

The Moleskine Weekly Notebook is my FAVORITE too! Minimalist, simple, and very slim for my bag. I want to take it with me everywhere, so it must be thin but not tiny. Week is on the left hand side for appointments, lined space on the right for to-do lists, random thoughts, directions, etc.

I just started my eighth year in a row with this style planner and I don’t know if I could every use something else!

Chelsey Thornton says · 01.13.15

Just commented saying that was my favorite to. I love it in the red!

Jenny says · 01.12.15

I love my planners! I search for planners that have a weekly “to do list” at the top of each week, so I can write that out, as well as write out specific daily tasks I need to do. It feels so nice to cross things off my list with my ink pen! Ha ๐Ÿ™‚
Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

Elizabeth says · 01.12.15

Like you, I love a paper planner, but I love a big planner with lots of room to write down what needs to be done each day. A small planner just wouldn’t work for me, but I love the looks of the one you are using! The Erin Condren is my favorite for people like me who need tons of pages.

Allison says · 01.12.15

May Books has great planners/journals that allow you to choose the design/monogram, how many pages, and they are super light and thin to fit in my purse!

Sarah says · 01.12.15

I second the recommendation of May Books! I am a teacher, and I have used the May Books planner for the last few years – it’s so thin and convenient, but I can still fit everything I need on the pages. (Plus, the idea of customizing my planner exactly as I want it is a major bonus!)

Kerry says · 01.12.15

I love planners as well and I have that same feeling of joy/”oh no, I ruined that beautiful crisp page!” when I first start one that you described. Too funny! Sadly, I’ve become an electronic calendar person, because it’s easier for my husband and I to keep our stuff synced that way, and since we do that, I don’t need something else in my bag weighing me down. But man, do I miss all the beautiful designs!

Jen says · 01.12.15

I love a paper planner over my phone. I tried to just use my phone last year and it just wasn’t the same. I just got my first Life Planner from Erin Condren and so far I’m loving it!

Kacie says · 01.12.15

I’ve used the same punctuate planner Barnes and Noble for 7-8 years now, just get a different design each day. I was so used to having a planner look a certain way during college and what they had available at the book store, like each day having it’s own space that I could write a TON of stuff on. After college, I searched high and low for something and settled on a few before I found these. The only downfall for me is that they start in July and then go through the following year… so I ended up using it until about the first week in August and then get a new one. It’s not a January-December one for me. However, when I was at FedEx a couple weeks back, I did see one there that went along with what exactly what I was looking for – so I may go with this one until the end of 2015 and then start the search for that one again.
I’m lost without my planner… I’ve even kept all of my past ones!

valerie says · 01.12.15

I’ve officially reached giant desk sized calendar status. It’s the only way I reliably have the ability to say to my husband “you can’t claim you didn’t know, it’s on the GIANT calendar.” Every single thing goes on there.

Jenelle says · 01.12.15

I’m super picky about my planners and calendars too, even though I have a hard time sticking to them! I like the to lay flat, not be too thick, and let me see an entire month at a time. But the day squares need to be big enough to write a few things in. I find the key to not ruining them is to use pencil. So much changes so fast and then I end up having ugly scribbles and it makes me want to throw my calendar away!

Kara Murphy says · 01.12.15

I’m all about writing in pencil as well! Total game changer. ๐Ÿ™‚

Melissa G says · 01.12.15

I used to use a pencil. But, this year decided to get some great colored Paper Mate Flair markers. I like the different colors to go along with the Erin Condren. Had the school year written out and then in Dec we moved 5 states away. So, instead of scribbling, I put washi tape over it!! Adds to the color AND I can write over it if I need to.

Ashley says · 01.16.15

I’ve recently become a huge fan of the FriXion erasable ink pens! I loved writing in fun ink, but always had better handwriting with pencil when I knew I could erase if I made a mistake. Now I can more confidently write in my planner with the FriXion pens and erase if plans change!

Kara Murphy says · 01.12.15

I’m in the paper planner club as well! Every fall, I begin my search for the perfect planner. The last 3 years I have used the “Planner Pad” ( and it has worked wonderfully for me. It is not bright and colorful (I totally wish it was!), however it is totally and completely functional. It has lots of room for writing notes, space for daily appointments, and I can customize it as needed (to a certain extent). We have 4 children and I’m a busy stay-at-home-mom who loves making lists and checking them off … the abundant amount of blank space in the “Planner Pad” is what sold me. I’m able to keep all my to-do lists and calendar in one place. Deciding on a planner is such an individual thing though!! I’ve researched the EC ones, Emily Ley’s, Day Designer, etc, and keep going back to the “Planner Pad.” As someone else commented, the “Sugar Paper” ones from Target are beautiful and oh-so-cute! I bought one of their notebooks with monthly calendar pages in the first half and multiple blank notebook pages in the second half of the book. I am using it this year as my budget diary, if only so I can have something pretty and colorful on my desk since the “Planner Pad” is just basic black. Thanks so much, Kate, for sharing your line-up of planners. There were several I had not heard of and I’ve bookmarked them for future use … because you never know when my needs and wants might change. ๐Ÿ™‚

TAF says · 01.12.15

OMG – I thought I was the only one: “And disdain because I just โ€œruinedโ€ a crisp, beautiful, new planner and itโ€™s not perfect anymore. I know, Iโ€™m weird.”

I’m in an in-between state with my planner – while I coveted the Tiffany blue Martha Stewart Disk Bound one – Like this but 5×9 – alas they were discontinued so I’m using an ARC by Staples – again not my favorite what I “had on hand”

This however is my goal one day – it’s a little pricey and hard to obtain (they sell out in Oct/November) – to get a Whitney Day designer. (

One of the parts I like best – on each day – it has a pace for your daily gratitude list. A reminder to be grateful each and every day. It also gives a month view – which I’ve is critical to me.

Great post. Love all of the visual options.

Evelina says · 01.12.15

I swear by my wall calendar hanging in my cubicle at work. I love that the whole month is visible so that I can see what’s going on in the weeks to come. For times when I’m at work, I rely on my husband’s memory which is impecible.
On a slightly different note, I ordered a Minted address book and I’m OBSESSED with it! It really helped with Christmas cards this year. Finding a cute (and personalized) address book was really hard but Minted is always amazing.

meagan says · 01.12.15

I also have an obsession with planners. I am a big fan of moleskine.

Nicole says · 01.12.15

You’re not weird at all! I do the same thing! In fact, last year I nearly fainted because I opened my brand-new, crisp and clean planner – only to accidentally write someone’s birthday ON THE WRONG DAY!!! My FIRST writing in my NEW planner and I had already messed it up! I seriously wanted to cry, but I didn’t because THAT would just be insane! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for these awesome recommendations!!

Ann says · 01.12.15

I just ordered my 2015 planner! Better late than never! ATTENTION: Use code PRTSHOL15 for 15% off and free shipping from Minted!

Clever Girl Reviews says · 01.12.15

I’ve actually never owned a planner in my life but I’m a bit disorganized!

misty says · 01.12.15

I have that SAME quirkiness about messing up a new planner once I write in it. I thought I was the only one! ๐Ÿ™‚ I work for 3M & we just brought a new Post-itยฎ planner calendar to our promotional markets side that is fantastic. You put it anywhere using repositionable adhesive strips (that of course don’t damage the surface). It comes with 5 sets of 2×2 adhesive notes to stick on the weekday squares as well. The calendar is set up week by week with 4 or 5 rows (i.e. down left side you can put Mom / Dad / Child 1 / Child 2 / Meals etc.) and then 7 columns for days, so you can easily see at a glance everyone’s schedule for the week & color code if desired. Love it!!!

Katie says · 01.12.15

I love planners too! Just watched an online sermon through Willow Creek last night about the importance of schedules. It was so motivating for a planning geek like me! If anyone wants to check it out, it’s at

Nina says · 01.12.15

Even in the age of technology, I still love my trusted Daytimer! It’s bulky, but it allows me to write notes about the day just in case I need to reference something. I usually keep it with me at work. I also use my calendar on my tablet since I have it everywhere I go. I throw it in my bag and I have it with me when running errands or going to school meetings.

W. Drake says · 01.12.15

I adore my Erin Condren planner! I’m on my second one and each year I’ve made a collage for my covers. It makes me so happy to see the pictures of all my family members every day- and the pages are simple which makes it easy to be organized. I also buy a notebook each year to use as a journal. I love writing – lists, dates, notes – I’m a paper person so I won’t go digital. They seem expensive but I use it every single day so it’s worth it!

Becky says · 01.12.15

i have a Daytimer binder and create my own inserts. I offer them free on my blog.

Tonia says · 01.13.15

I also use a day-timer with inserts that I designed myself. I love being able to have more then just a calendar and address book. I have sections for the kids and for my own classes too. When my life changes again, I can just change my planner to suit my needs. I use the desk size Malibu so I have plenty of room. They are very stuff-able too.

J. Grim says · 01.12.15

Did you decide to not use the Emily Ley planner you have? Just curious.

Carolina says · 01.12.15

Wondering the same thing!

Sarah says · 01.13.15

Since they’re sold out she probably decided not to add it! My guess is she still likes it, but by listing all of these planners she can add more links and get paid more $$!

Trang's corner says · 01.13.15

Such a cool post! Love this post!
Love from – a lifestyle, cooking, fashion blog

Tyana says · 01.13.15

planners are amazing

check out my newest post

Araba K. says · 01.13.15

I’m so glad to see that I’m not the only one who still prefers to utilize a planner in my daily life. Thanks for the great options!

Araba K.

Katie says · 01.13.15

I too share a deep love for planners! They are seriously my life savors. This past year I have been using a pretty large planner, that I kept real nice and neat but it was just too big! This year I’m using a pocket sized one (we’ll see how this goes). I’m really loving the moleskin planners that can be found at barnes and noble! Simple, small, and they come in all kinds of colors! They can also be found here,

Allie says · 01.13.15

Gorgeous!! Love the printables.

Kayla M says · 01.13.15

Loove planners! I have one for work related activities, school (I’m in my 2nd year of my Bachelor’s) and overall scheduling and keeping track of my budget!

Chelsey Thornton says · 01.13.15

I am all about the Moleskine weekly planner in the large size, hard cover, red edition. It has a weekly layout on one side and then a lined page on the other perfection.

Alessia says · 01.14.15

Nice to know someone is as obsessed with planners as I am, haha! I bought two for 2015 only becauseI hated the first one once I got it in the mail ๐Ÿ™ I should’ve read this post sooner!


Akino says · 01.20.15

I have a bit of an obsession with planners and journalling, and this post was perfect for me ๐Ÿ™‚ I especially love number one!

Akino |

Aubrey Prince says · 01.20.15

I decided I didn’t like any of the planners on the market and wanted something perfect for me. So I made my own! It has daily planner pages I found on Pinterest (spots for daily schedule, top 5 things to get done, Dinner, exercise, notes, to buy, to do, etc.! and then I designed the other pages I wanted myself (monthly calendar, to do lists, notes pages, etc). It’s not fancy (I just made it in Microsoft Publisher, then used my father-in-law’s binding machine from his office to bind it), but it has everything in it that I would want. I plan on customizing it in the future with any changes I would like to make.

Elise Rose says · 01.29.15

I couldn’t agree more, I am stationary obsessed and couldn’t live without my filofax!

elise rose


Allison says · 01.31.15

Yay! you picked it! I knew you’d love it.

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