There is a lot more than just books



I’ve never really appreciated where I’m raising my kids until recently. We’ve had some nasty weather come through, and it’s always on those days that I’m trying to think of somewhere to go in order to get out of the house!

Lately, David and I have been heading over to Barnes and Noble to look at the books, and sit under the huge trees and play for a little bit. He has just discovered how to turn the pages, and how to flip up the flaps on flip books. I love watching his eyes scan all the pages and take in all the colors and words.

Before heading over to Barnes and Noble with David in the recent weeks, it had been a long time since I had been there! I was surprised to see the huge selection of baby and kids toys. We were preparing for another flight home to see my family for the Thanksgiving holiday, so Justin, David and I went to Barnes and Noble to pick out a brand new book to bring with us on the airplane.

Of course, we walked past the colorful baby toy section, so we took David over to see what caught his eye.




There are so many fun toys here that I’m planning on picking up some Christmas gifts for my friends’ kids soon. Sometimes the selection for baby toys is slim, but there was such a good variety of interesting toys that kept David engaged for awhile!



We had a little bit of time to kill before heading to dinner, so Justin read David a book over in the children’s reading area. While they were reading, I was looking for a special Christmas book and I thought “Santa is coming to the Carolina’s” by Steve Smallman would be a cute book to have for David’s second Christmas. Growing up I loved “The Jolly Christmas Postman” by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, but I’ll have to wait until David is a little bit older for that book.



I don’t know about you, but I can’t have enough Moleskine journals. I don’t know what it is about them, maybe the size and colors, but I’m always tempted to add another one to my collection as I approach the check out.


David was worn out from the day and ready to buy his new book and get back home after we had spent a good bit of time at Barnes and Noble.


And I may have thrown these in the stroller to buy as well.


So, take it from me, if you haven’t been to Barnes and Noble in awhile, and you have gifts to buy this season, don’t think that it is just a book store. Their toy selection is great, and their book selection too of course, but I’m confident you’ll find something for the people on your list.

Barnes and Noble is giving away a $25 gift card to one lucky reader! Enter by clicking here, and then commenting below with your answer to the following question: Who is the hardest person to buy for on your list? What would you get them at Barnes and Noble?

MY answer is my husband, but with his recent interest in mountain climbing, I’m sure I’d be able to find a climbing book that he would read cover to cover. He’s climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro next year, so any literature I can get him to help him prepare is good!

*I was excited to work in collaboration with Barnes and Noble on this post since David and I have been enjoying visiting the store in the recent weeks. As always, all opinions are genuine and my own.


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Hannah says · 11.29.14

The hardest person I shop for is my dad, but he loves to read, so I’m sure Barnes and Noble will have something for him!

Melissa says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law. He always insists he doesn’t need anything. Maybe from Barnes & Noble I would get him a really good biography.

Cat says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for is my big brother. I would probably get him a book I had seen before and not thought about until you put up this post which is the psychology of Batman… I should really do that haha 🙂

Melissa says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law! He always insists he doesn’t need anything. Maybe from Barnes & Noble I could get him a good biography. He likes to read.

Emily says · 11.29.14

my grandma is hardest to buy for but this year we got her a cookbook from B&N

Shannon says · 11.29.14

My father! He likes to read so am sure to find a great book at B&N

Bridget says · 11.29.14

My husband works at Barnes & Noble, so thank you for this positive post! Also, if you are not sure where to find something, or if they carry something, please ask one of the booksellers – that it what they are there to do, and sometimes things aren’t necessarily where you would expect them to be.

P.S. I am obviously not entering the contest. 🙂

Emily R says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for is, hands down, my dad. He does love to read though, so I would probably get him a new book or maybe a new study Bible from B&N.

Kari says · 11.29.14

The hardest person on my list is my husband. I’d find him an interesting book about Bigfoot

Christine says · 11.29.14

My dad! But since there’s a new John Grisham out, this year’s present is going to be easy 🙂

Emma Desart says · 11.29.14

My grandmother. But she loves to read and goes through a book a week so I can usually find something new in the bookstore for her!

Valerie Sefert says · 11.29.14

My brother in law, probably puzzles!

Justina says · 11.29.14

The hardest person on my list is my sister in law that seriously has it all. I’d probably look for a fun cook book for her!

Kelly says · 11.29.14

I love Barnes & Noble… in fact, it’s one of my favorite places to shop for Christmas presents! The hardest person on my list to buy for is my father-in-law, but my husband and I have been pretty successful in the past by getting him some graphic novels from B&N. We’ve even found some graphic novel versions of bestseller books likeThe Kite Runner!

S,am M says · 11.29.14

My husband – books are always a good choice for him. But I always try to get him a variety of things!

Maria M says · 11.29.14

My husband….but Barnes and Noble always comes through for me! I’m thinking one of the board games the have for this year

Carol Mc says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest. He has climbed several 14ers here in CO, so maybe a book on them!

Frances says · 11.29.14

The hardest person on my list is my not-so-little brother who is currently in Korea teaching English. He’s a sucker for anime and comics so especially this year a good comic will be heading his way.

Laurel says · 11.29.14

My husband. Probably something from the religion section

Nicole says · 11.29.14

My husband but he loves sports so I’d get him a sports history book.

Bailey Schroeder says · 11.29.14

My oldest sister is the hardest to buy for. She travels for work a lot and reads on her Nook constantly (and is kind enough to share books with me on my Nook!). I would purchase her a new accessory for her Nook since I know she has had the same case for several years now!

Kate says · 11.29.14

My parents are incredibly hard to buy for, but this year I picked up a wonderful cooking book from my mom from there. Now I’m on the hunt for a book for my dad!

By the way, our Barnes and Noble has a Thomas the tank engine train table and trains, and my son is obsessed – we literally go to the store every single weekend to play with the trains and pick out a book! He has over 100 books at this point, and he’s not even 2.

Rebecca Fletcher says · 11.29.14

This year, the hardest person is my husband! We went into Barnes & Noble a few weeks ago and he picked up several books that he was interested in. I’d love to buy them for him! Or maybe a new cookbook, since he has recently gone vegetarian!

Marsya says · 11.29.14

Some bookstores are not just regular stores that sell only books. They also sold toys and electronics, I bought my mp3 from a book store before. Great post <3

Lauryn says · 11.29.14

My husband! Everything he wants is so expensive!

evelyn says · 11.29.14

My hardest person is my sister-in-law, but I think some fun Christmas books for her whole family would be appreciated.

Amber says · 11.29.14

I always struggle finding the right gift for my husband. But for the man that has it all, I’m certain I’ll find the right gift for him at our very large Barnes and Noble’s.

Sara E says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for is my mother-in-law. She is going to be a new grandmother in March so I would buy her a grandmother picture book for her coffee table from Barnes and Noble.

Mary D. says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest to buy for. This year is our first Christmas in the northeast. I think he will need a scarf and gloves!

Caty says · 11.29.14

My dad is definitely the hardest to buy for because he always says he doesn’t need anything and that he doesn’t want me to waste money on him. I would find a fun, entertaining read or a good biography for him to enjoy.

Renee McCranie says · 11.29.14

i have been told that I’m hard to shop for!!!! If I need or want something, I buy it. I wouldn’t use the gift card for myself. I am a Pre-K teacher, and I would use the gift card to buy books and materials for my classroom. My four and five year olds love story time, and I often find them funny stories to read because their laughter is the most precious sound!!

Holly says · 11.29.14

my husband!

Olivia says · 11.29.14

the hardest person to buy for would be my mom. She never tells me what she wants but I would love to get her some good reads which she loves!(:

Amanda says · 11.29.14

I love Barnes and Noble. They have the cutest, softest stuffed animals where I live. My father-in-law is by far the hardest to buy for, and I don’t think a stuffed animal is going to do it for him, but he might actually like a moleskine.

Stephanie says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest to buy for. At Barnes and Noble I would pick him out a biography from any 80’s rock band member. In the last 20 years, they are the only books I have seen him read. Ever!

Charity Nance says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law… he has everything! I would probably get him something religious-based.

rs says · 11.29.14

My husband. He enjoys reading but doesn’t do it a whole lot because he can never find that perfect book.

Donna says · 11.29.14

My husband can be tough to buy for. I usually end up getting him clothes, which is not very exciting for him! I think he would be interested in some of the beer brewing books!

Lauren says · 11.29.14

The hardest person for me to shop for is my dad…I would probably get him a movie, and some sort of coffee paraphernalia.
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!!

Tami says · 11.29.14

I always have a hard time finding something for my boyfriend’s mother. She’s an amazing chef but I feel weird giving her cookbooks because I don’t want her to take it as an insult. I saw on the Barnes and Noble front page Ina Garten’s new Make it Ahead book, which would be perfect since it’s more about how to make it before guests arrive and enjoy the time with them.

Christy says · 11.29.14

My dad! But now that he’s retired, I should buy him a Nook so he has an unlimited amount of books to read.

Heather N says · 11.29.14

The hardest person for me to shop for is my dad. He generally buys whatever he needs when he needs it. He is into metal detecting at the moment, so a book about our area and metal detecting would be a fabulous gift this year.

Beth says · 11.29.14

My brother in law! He works for Microsoft & is almost as rich as bill gates so there’s practically nothing I can get him that he doesn’t already have. Would love to win this! 😉

Sara says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law! I would buy him a good book for when he travels for work.

Danica says · 11.29.14

Ugh, David is just too cute for words! Can’t wait to see what baby number two looks like! Eek!
I have always loved barns and childrens books for that matter. Once my baby is here, I plan to take them on many book trips!


nancy cresser says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest person for me to buy for! He loves books, but his taste is so different from mine that I have a hard time. I would love to win this! Thank you:)

Sara W says · 11.29.14

oh man, I miss Barnes and Noble! We spent many a snowy day at the train table in the kids area, or meeting for coffee and knit nights with girlfriends in the cafe!

Melissa Shafer says · 11.29.14

My dad. He loves books, but I never know which ones to get him!

Rebecca says · 11.29.14

The hardest person on my list to buy for is my father-in-law. I haven’t seen him read much, but if I were going to buy him something at B&N it would probably be a biography of a political/historical figure.

Shelly says · 11.29.14

my father is so hard to buy for! He is moving so I would get him some books on arizona.

Lisa says · 11.29.14

I could spend hours, no wait, days in a bookstore!

The hardest person on my list is my Mom, she always says she wants nothing and gets emotional over the gifts we do get. It’s like she doesn’t want to accept them, but as her children, we want to show part of our appreciation for her by getting her what we know she’d like. Moms… 🙂

This is my son’s first Christmas too, he will be 8 months old. I can’t wait! Your son is adorable, and I’m so excited to read your transition into motherhood with two babies.
Merry Christmas!

Barbara says · 11.29.14

The hardest person for me to shop for is my nephew. He doesn’t read much and depends on me to pick just the right book for him. Help me B&N!!

McCall J says · 11.29.14

My in-laws are so hard to shop for. I think I’d buy them a church book because they’re getting ready to go on their 2nd mission.

Lisa Lowrance says · 11.29.14

My dad because he buys most of what he wants for himself or is otherwise content! I would probably buy him a Sydney Sheldon novel since he loves them though.

Kacie says · 11.29.14

I usually have a hard time picking a gift for my husband’s parents, but they do both love to read. I think his dad would like an interesting biography and for his mom, probably something with some humor!

Brittany G says · 11.29.14

My father in law is the hardest person to shop for. Maybe a good biography or history book.

Jessica N says · 11.29.14

My dad! Probably get him DVD set of Breaking Bad! He needs to watch it! I just know he’d love it!

Evelyn says · 11.29.14

It is always harder to buy something for my uncles. One of them I’d give a cooking book, since he recently took up on that. The other I don’t know, I guess a cooking book, especially on codfish, would also work!

Aj says · 11.29.14

My boyfriend is the hardest to buy for and at Barnes and noble I might find a home remodel book for him or a classic car guide.

Lisa says · 11.29.14

Definitely my father in law. He loves historical fiction so I’d love to find him a new book to read.

Cindy M L says · 11.29.14

My friend Mary is the hardest person to buy for. Maybe I’d get her a book on meditation….

S.P. says · 11.29.14


Amanda W says · 11.29.14

My brother-in-law. I would get him something Dr. Who related.

Elyse says · 11.29.14

My dad…I’d probably get him a new sports biography

Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for is my husband! I would get him a book on running.

Kati says · 11.29.14

My brother-in-law is one of the hardest people on my list. He loves the Barnes and Noble classics, though so that’s always a good idea for him.

Christina M. says · 11.29.14

The hardest is my husband. I’d probably get him a woodworking book, or maybe one on charcuterie.

Jody says · 11.29.14

My husband is hard to shop for. Since he just started med school, I’m sure B&N has some related reading material that would be great for him!

Tori says · 11.29.14

The most difficult person to buy for is my Dad. He isn’t much of a reader, but he is always working on some sort of project in the garage. B&N has a great selection of DIY books that I’m sure he would get great use out of.

Colleen Mercer says · 11.29.14

My Husband is also a tough one to buy for! I would buy him a book on physics or astronomy as those are some of his interests!

Cortni Cross says · 11.29.14

The hardest person for me to buy for is my husband, but he loves magazines, so I’d stock up on them at B&N!

Kelsie says · 11.29.14

My boyfriend is hard to shop for because he’s very content with everything he already has. But I could definitely find him something at B&N!

Tammy says · 11.29.14

My dad……..he enjoys gardening so I could probably find him several good books on that subject.

Laney Marsh says · 11.29.14

My sister-in-law is hard for me to buy for, but she does love to read!

Yvonne V says · 11.29.14

It is always challenging to find the right gift for my husband. He does love to read, so Barnes and Noble is where I will be shopping for him. I love book stores and like to support them. As convienent as it is to order books on-line, there is something magical about shopping in the actual bookstore…and I cannot pass up the mole skins either!

Amy Utecht says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law, we used to get him nonfiction books with a Western theme or hunting humor books but he has been diagnosed with FTD and it’s very advanced now. Books aren’t really an option for him anymore. If he was still reading, Unbroken would be a good book for him.

Maryellen says · 11.29.14

my middle son! He’s in the military and moves a lot! He LOVES to read. B&N is my go-to for him!

Shara Campbell says · 11.29.14

Definitely my husband. But he loves Moleskins…so I’ll pro go with that! Thanks for the reminder!!

Katherine Barnes says · 11.29.14

My boyfriend is the hardest to buy for. He buys and sells collectibles for a living. I would buy him a book that was a guide for collectibles and their worth. He loves that kind of stuff:)

Jennifer Smith says · 11.29.14

Your beautiful post caught my eye for so many reasons but mainly because the community where I live has just launched our ” 2000 Words to Grow/ it all starts with words” campaign to promote literacy (words) as the tool for building our children’s potential. Though it is for families in London, Canada, it is for everyone across the world. Take a peek here: and let us know what you think.

Brandi Hess says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest one to buy for. I know he’d love a book about sports from Barnes and Noble though.

Louise says · 11.29.14

A moleskin journal for my granddaughter. Oh, yes, that would be nice! Love your blog!

Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort says · 11.29.14

My husband is definitely the hardest person to shop for. He knows exactly what he wants…I would give him a gift card and then let him spend it at B&N! That’s the only way to be sure he’ll like what I give him. Ha!

Shea Bates says · 11.29.14

My husband, for sure! A good athlete’s biography is always a good choice. And, I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it to you yet or if your B&N does this, but ours has story time once a week. It is really cute-one of the employees reads a book and they have coloring pages and all the little ones gather together. We love B&N for rainy days and just to kill some time:)

Jenny says · 11.29.14

I worked at Borders (now out of business) for 3 years, and I loved it. I loved watching the kids come in and run to the kids section and see their eyes open wide ready to see some magic! Oh, it was such a fun working experience. Working in a bookstore was fantastic!
Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

Heather says · 11.29.14

My mom is so hard to buy for. But I think she would love the Red Tartan Shopper Tote with Matching Pouch! So cute!!

Miranda says · 11.29.14

My father in law is very hard to shop for. He does like wall calendars, so I would pick an
airplane or WWII themed calendar.

Victoria Miller says · 11.29.14

My husband! He never asks for anything so it makes it hard to get him something he wants. I would get him some books on building/DIY projects!

Lynette says · 11.29.14

My husband! He always, just days before Christmas, buys things for himself online! What am I to do….

Amy says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest to buy for because he says he has all that he needs. I would use the gift card to buy him a Christian music book because he sings solo specials at our church.

Tiffany Warner says · 11.29.14

My 16 year old son is the hardest person to buy for. He doesn’t collect anything and isn’t really into anything. He enjoyed the Hunger Games series, the Divergent series may spark his interest in reading again. I always tell my husband that we should give our son money, so he can save up for something, but husband hates giving money as a gift. I know what our sons wants for Christmas is money. 🙂

Pam says · 11.29.14

My father… He would love a history book, though. Just need to find the right one!

Stacey says · 11.29.14

My mom is hard to shop for!

Nicole says · 11.29.14

My mother is the hardest to shop for. She has more than everything and has converted an old bedroom into a closet, and an old hall closet into an accessory closet! I’d shop Barnes and Noble to find books on organizing for her, to give her a pictorial of even more ways to house her fashion finds.

Nicole says · 11.29.14

My mother is the hardest to shop for. She has more than everything and has converted an old bedroom into a closet, and an old hall closet into an accessories closet! I’d shop Barnes and Noble to find books on organizing for her, to give her a pictorial of even more ways to house her fashion finds.

Crystal says · 11.29.14

My Dad is so hard to shop for! He does love a good autobiography so I would try and find him one he hasn’t read yet 🙂

Owen Davis says · 11.29.14

My husband!! He has everything! And he is so picky with his clothes, ugh!

Owen Davis says · 11.29.14

I would get him a new men’s devotional book 🙂

Teresa says · 11.29.14

I never know what to get my mother in law. But she loves collecting beautiful cookbooks so I’d get her one from Barnes and noble. Maybe the one by the smitten kitchen blogger. The pictures on her blog are so pretty I’m sure the book is just as beautiful!

Eva-Karin says · 11.29.14

I’m laughing at your adorable son’s drool bib. My first son drooled through his bibs so fast, that he wore about 10 a day. I think he had around 50 bibs because I couldn’t keep up with the laundry. I kept them all for my 2nd son, but he didn’t end up needing them at all. Such fun memories!

Amy says · 11.29.14

Thanks for such a great giveaway from B&N. Dads are so hard to buy for! Why?? Luckily both my dad and husband are readers, so Barnes and Noble is the perfect place.

karlee says · 11.29.14

My dad is so hard to buy for. I would check out any hunting reads for him!

Nancy says · 11.29.14

My hardest person to buy for is my kind, wonderful, generous boss. She has everything! What do I get her on my salary, which is substantially smaller than hers? I ALWAYS find something beach-themed (her favorite) at B&N…they have great calendars, beach-read books, even travel guides. It is a great place to get something unique AND useful. Happy Shopping!

Priscilla says · 11.29.14

I would get a book on music for my younger brother.

Kelly says · 11.29.14

My mom! She has everything and doesn’t like excess! She loves to read so I’m sure I could get her a good book!

Corey says · 11.29.14

My MIL. I would buy her Ina gartens new cookbook!

Johanna says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest to shop for. I would probably get him a book on computer programming from Barnes and Noble! :c)

Elizabeth says · 11.29.14

My boyfriend is the worst to shop for! Once he decides he wants something, he will just go out and get it, so shopping for him usually requires a little creativity– by finding something he hasn’t realized he wants/needs yet, or a little gentle persuasion that he actually doesn’t need/want it, so I can surprise him with it! Luckily my whole family loves B&N, so it’s a great one-stop-shop for everyone on my list!


Carolyn says · 11.29.14

My husband – he loves fantasy so I’d go find a book from there.

Denise Z says · 11.29.14

Hands down, my husband! Doesn’t want anything and buys what he truly needs when the need arises. He spends a lot of time on the road for work–I’d get him an audio book for the drive!

Jennifer Appleton says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest person to shop for, too! I would get him a military/history book like Unbroken or Level Zero Heroes. (In fact, I’m off to add those to my shopping list for him!)

Laura says · 11.29.14

My husband is the hardest for me to shop form. He has very specific things he likes and spends lots of time researching the right thing. A book would be the perfect addition to his research.

Mel J. says · 11.29.14

My husband is so hard to buy for. Maybe, a travel book at B and N.

Erika says · 11.29.14

The kids of my best friend of 13 years are the hardest to buy for!! She is like family to me, so we have been side-by-side for every kids’ birth, birthdays, holidays, mini-vacations, and of course countless days spent just hanging out. After 5 kids between the two of us, we’ve gone through most of the usual toys from the big department stores. A few weeks ago I went to B&N to buy a magazine for my husband and I was amazed by the selection of toys! I now know where to buy the kids’ gifts!!! I spent a solid 30 mins just looking at the selection. The toys look fun and educational and such a great *different* selection as opposed to the other stores! So far I am eyeing a kid-friendly (but real!) sewing machine, a clock that teaches kids to tell time, a few lego kits, and some Thomas the Train tracks. This is my list so far… It’s going to get bigger I’m sure. 🙂

Allison says · 11.29.14

My husband! He is a family medicine resident so a medical book would be perfect. He always has a list of the he newest published that he needs to read.

Laura says · 11.29.14

Everyone, I’m a terrible gift giver, but I love Barnes and nobles selection!

Lilly says · 11.29.14

My mom and I usually end up just giving her money

Heather McGinnity says · 11.29.14

My MIL because our tastes are so different. I’d probably get her a Nora Roberts or Nicholas Sparks.

April says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for on my list is my mother-in-law. Most likely I would buy her a Karen Kingsbury book from Barnes & Noble.

Beth K says · 11.29.14

My dad! He has everything, but is an avid reader. I’d get him the newest James Patterson book!

Ashley Alcorn says · 11.29.14

The men in my life are so hard to buy for, dad, father-in-law, brother-in-laws, I NEVER know what to get them. I’m sure I could find some fun books for them!

Amy says · 11.29.14

My 20 and 21 year old nephews….what would I buy them??? Good guess! A history book for the 21 year old…20 yr old…golf book?

Ashley Tucker says · 11.29.14

The hardest person to buy for is my dad. I would by him some book related to art.

brooke says · 11.29.14

Handsdown, my father-in-law is the hardest to buy for. He is a genuine giver, so it’s sometimes hard to find a gift that seems appropriate. He loves books, and lending them out to anyone that enters their home, so I know we could find some books to add to his collection.

Emily B says · 11.29.14

my husband is hard to shop of because he’s read everything! I would get him a crossword puzzle book.

Lena Burns says · 11.29.14

My Dad! He loves learning new things so something non-fiction would be perfect.

GLORIA JOHNSON says · 11.29.14

My 89 year old Mom is so hard to shop for, she has everything she wants or so she thinks. I know I could find a great book for her to enjoy at B&N, something from the religious section or something nostalgic. Thanks for running a great giveaway, who couldn’t use a gift card to B&N?

Jackie says · 11.29.14

My dad is the hardest person to buy for according to other people. Except me. For the past several years, I’ve gotten him books for every holiday (birthday, Father’s Day, and Christmas). I can usually find something that he’ll love in the sports section (right by the magazines at my B&N)!

Jenn says · 11.29.14

Definitely my father-in-law. He’s aging quickly, can’t see as well, but loved to read. I think I’d go for a book on tape (cd!).

Elizabeth says · 11.29.14

My father-in-law is definitely the hardest to buy for; he usually gets gift cards. LOL He is a pastor, though, so I would probably look for something in a study aid.

Gwenn says · 11.29.14

My husband is so hard to buy for! I would probably get him a history of handguns book since that’s his hobby!

Megan says · 11.29.14

It’s difficult to buy a gift for my mom because she always says she doesn’t want or need anything. I love the game section at Barnes and Noble because she loves games and we always play games as a family.

Christi P. says · 11.29.14


Mari-ann says · 11.29.14

My husband…and oddly enough he was just eyeing the Moleskin notebooks in target…I would get him those! Thank you!

Lorna says · 11.29.14

I think my hardest person to buy for is my dad! He loves cars though, so I think I could find some reading for him in that area. 🙂

sherri crawford says · 11.29.14

the hardest is my in laws and i think they would enjoy a puzzle maybe a 3d one

Angelica says · 11.29.14

The hardest person I have to buy for is my brother. I could definitely get him a book to help him find information on a major. Or just different job options. Or he could get a gift card to help him find something entertaining or help him with textbook cost!

Connie says · 11.29.14

My mom… I’d get her an audio book.

Jennie says · 11.30.14

My husband is quite difficult to shop for, but we spend much of our time with our young children at B&N, so I know he would be able to find something he loves with this gift card.

Merry Christmas!!!

Lisa says · 11.30.14

My mother in law is near impossible to buy for. She has everything and is very hard to please. She does like to read, so I think a B&N giftcard would be a great thing to give her 🙂

Susan Christy says · 11.30.14

My nieces and nephews are in their 20’s and are so hard to buy for. One of my nieces is starting to learn cake decorating so I think I’ll get her a cake book from B & N.

Barbara says · 11.30.14

My husband is so hard to buy for – every time I ask him he says “I don’t know.” I would buy him 15 or more magazines on different subjects to see if a particular area of new interest could be found!

Miriam says · 11.30.14

Lovely to see, I love children’s books!

Stephanie Zapata says · 11.30.14

hands down, my dad is the hardest to buy for. I would buy him a book about the history or the Green Bay packers.

Jen says · 11.30.14

My husband is the hardest to buy for, of course. With 3 grown kids, who we always focus on for the holidays, my husband NEEDS things but I always have a hard time coming up with things he will want for himself. He’s the first person I start buying for, and is always the last person I’m finishing up in the few days before Christmas.

etta says · 11.30.14

My mom is super hard to buy for because she pretty much has everything she needs or wants. I’d love to get her a book on a new craft technique from Barnes & Noble.

Jill says · 11.30.14

My parents are hard to buy for but they do like to read so I would find a book.

Laura T. says · 11.30.14

My dad is really hard to shop for. He always tells us not to get him anything! He’s doesn’t love to read but I think he might like a book about constellations or birds.

Amy says · 11.30.14

My Mom! She has recently started eating vegan, so I would purchase some cookbooks for her.

Crystal says · 11.30.14

My mother-in-law! She has everything so we find ourselves taking notes months in advance!

Crystal says · 11.30.14

Edit: I’m sure I could find something at B&N for her!

Lauren P says · 11.30.14

My dad! Hmm, probably a Civil War history book!

Robin says · 11.30.14

My husband. I would look for a book about golf or guns.

SS says · 11.30.14

My brother-in-law is hardest – maybe I’d get him a travel guide from B&N

Valerie says · 11.30.14

Hardest person to buy for is definitely my Dad. He’s an antique collector so I’d get him some reference books to look up various items!

Tara says · 11.30.14

I love the toys at Barnes and Noble. They have these really great science kits my teenager is drooling over.

Hardest person for me to buy for is my husband. It never fails that when I finally think of something great for him, he goes out and buys it for himself. I’ve had to ban him from buying anything near holidays.

Jessi says · 11.30.14

This year my son is the hardest person to buy for. He’s 12 and not into toys much anymore but he does LOVE to read, but is very picky about his books….so I’m sure he could find something at B&N.

ivonne guerra says · 11.30.14

My husband! I would get him a Moleskine because he lives them.

Courtney Buchanan says · 11.30.14

My husband is definitely the hardest to buy for. He is an avid woodworker in his spare time, so I would look for a book on woodworking at B&N! My kids love B&N as well. We can spend hours there.

Sydni Jackson says · 11.30.14

My dad. I want to get him creative things that I know he’ll enjoy, but he’s the kind of guy who already has everything. I never thought about getting him a book, but he loves to read! Ideas… 🙂

Rachel Libke says · 11.30.14

My dad is the hardest–because he’s so content!! He does have a long commute every day, so I will probably give him and audiobook. Maybe “A Higher Call” if they have that on audio. I really loved that book because it was a true story but so well told and so incredible that it seemed like fiction–and I love reading about WWII.

Kelsey says · 11.30.14

My husband is the hardest to shop for too! I would buy him anything Pokemon from Barnes and Noble. I love that place and cannot wait to spend time in there again!

Sara Mincy says · 11.30.14

I think we may go to the same B&N if you go to the one by Crabtree Mall. LOVE Barnes and Noble! Hope i win!

My husband is the hardest to buy for, but he would love to browse at B&N, maybe I should get him a giftcard.

Darian says · 11.30.14

My Dad…although he would appreciate any biography!

Lottie Duncan says · 11.30.14

My grandma and grandpa are the hardest to buy for…they have everything! I bet they would love a book from Barnes and Noble, or a gift card.

Megan says · 11.30.14

Are there any local bookstores in your city to support rather than Barnes and Noble? Even the local libraries?

Amanda says · 11.30.14

My husband is tricky to buy for but he’s always on the lookout for the latest Nelson Demille book!

We climbed Kilimanjaro in March. What an experience!!

Jennifer McL says · 11.30.14

The hardest person to shop for is my mother in law. She has everything!

Melissa says · 11.30.14

The hardest person to shop for is my brother. I would probably get him a book about clean eating. He is really into healthy living.

Taryn Robison says · 11.30.14

My dad is definitely the hardest person to shop for. But he loves fishing and the outdoors, so I’m sure I could find a book he would like at B&N!

Sarah says · 11.30.14

WELL i would have to say my whole family.. LOL. Not that they are hard to buy for,…. but i never know what to get/make them. :/ still flustered because i have no ideas for this year! Not to mention i have a big family!

Sarah says · 11.30.14

Okay i totally pressed the POST button way to soon! Since my family is big, i would get a variety of books that i think they would enjoy.. only… my mom hates to read. Drat. 😛

Sarah says · 11.30.14

How the heck do you enter the contest? Is it too late to enter? Every time i click the link it just takes me to the B&N homepage!!!!

Kati says · 11.30.14

Probably my stepdad – so I’d grab him a Tim Keller book, since they’re always so good.

lynn says · 11.30.14

My dad!!!!! Soooo hard to shop for! He does love reading though — a book would make a great gift!

Jessica says · 11.30.14

I love your blog! This question doesn’t have anything to do with this post but I was wondering about your thoughts on double strollers and will you do a post about it? I will have 2 under 2 (

Glory says · 11.30.14

My husband is always hard to buy for but mabe I could find him a running book!

Ashleigh Stockman says · 11.30.14

Barnes and Noble is probably my favorite store. My husband and I have date nights there fairly often! He’s probably the hardest person for me to shop for, but this year he told me he really wanted the book Irresistible Revolution, and I know exactly where to get it from!

Shelly says · 11.30.14

For sure that would have to be my dad!!

Liz says · 11.30.14

Our son in law is the best but pretty hard to buy for! I would get him a book about the Texas hill country:)

Robin S says · 11.30.14

my mother-in-law is the most difficult and mainly because she never gives us any ideas! She does love reading historical fiction and I know I could find something she would love that she hasn’t read yet.

Sarah says · 11.30.14

My dad is the hardest to shop for, but my husband is the easiest, because he loves books, and like your son, my husband can spend hours sitting in the Barnes and Nobel in Durham, near 15-501 and 40.

Gturn62 says · 11.30.14

Definitely my husband. He has almost everything! The latest best seller at Barnes & Noble just might be the one thing he doesn’t have.

Amanda says · 11.30.14

My father-in-law is the most difficult every year! He is a fan of John Grisham, though, so would definitely go with the new novel at Barnes and Noble.

Laura Kate T says · 11.30.14

My husband is the hardest to buy for, only because he usually just buys what he wants. He likes to read, but doesn’t have time to do it.

Amy says · 11.30.14

My mom is hardest to shop for. She reads a lot, but I’m sure I could find something new she hasn’t seen yet!

Lauren says · 11.30.14

My husband is definitely impossible to shop for. His interests vary by day! I’d get something golf or BBQ related for him from Barnes & Noble.

Holly says · 11.30.14

The hardest person I shop for is my brother in law. He loves movies and comics but he has them all so I’m thinking something like D.C. Comics: A Visual History would be good!

Gabby says · 11.30.14

I love barnes and noble!

Rebecca says · 11.30.14

My husband!!! I think I could either find a game or a journal for my husband at Barnes and Noble–it’s such a GREAT place to shop!

Meghan says · 11.30.14

Right now I would have to say my sister. I am trying to figure out what to get her for Christmas and I am having a horrible time!! But I would probably get her Paper Towns by John Green since she said she was interested in reading that book of his!

Also?! I love the children’s section of Barnes & Noble! It is so colorful and bright and I want to but all the things (even though I do not have children of my own!)!

Jennifer says · 11.30.14

My hubby who doesn’t read much…I’m sure I could find him something at B&N

Tracy J. says · 11.30.14

My husband. I never know what to get him. I am thinking a men’s devotional book. Any suggestions?

Jamie says · 11.30.14

My father-in-law is the hardest person for me to buy for but this year he has actually asked for several books. I would definitely use the giftcard to buy for him:)

Loren says · 11.30.14

My dad is hard to shop for since he buys whatever is currently tickling his fancy. However, he really likes jigsaw puzzles. B&N has a great selection of them.

Shannon says · 11.30.14

My parents are hard to shop for. They just don’t need more “stuff” but I bet I could find something at Barnes and Noble they would like.

Michelle says · 11.30.14

My sister is hard to shop for. I would either get her a gift card, because she is so difficult to buy for, or I would get her some Moleskin notebooks and a nice pen. Can’t have too many notebooks when you’re in school!

Lindsay says · 11.30.14

My dad! He needs nothing, but would put on a happy face with any gift. I would love to get him something truly fun for him – a techie book or fun gadget!

Kelly says · 12.01.14

My husband is always hard to shop for, but he’s a pilot and loves aviation and physics books, so I could get him those!

J Langley says · 12.01.14

My husband. I would get him some sports book.

Angelina says · 12.01.14

Why are the men always so had to buy for? My dad is really hard to buy for since he can easily buy anything he wants. But he loves to read and does crossword puzzles everyday so I’d have no problem finding him a terrific book at Barnes and Noble. Crossing fingers!

Jessica says · 12.01.14

This year my grandfather-in-law is the toughest. In years past I always got him a golf shirt. This year he has been undergoing cancer treatments and a gift like that would seem insensitive. Struggling to find something appropriate!

Meghan says · 12.01.14

My mom 🙂 I would love to pick a nice book for her since she gave me my love of reading.

Nicole H says · 12.01.14

My dad is so hard to buy for. He isn’t a reader, but Barnes and Noble has awesome tech-y stuff and movies.

Kara says · 12.01.14

This year my toughest person to buy for is my sister! I simply have no idea what to get her! Barnes & Noble is SUCH a fabulous store though – I’m sure I could find her a fun photography book she’d love to dig into 😀

Lisa says · 12.01.14

My dad is hands down the hardest person to shop for. I would pick up a new novel for him to read or some tech accessories for his tablet. 🙂

Tamara says · 12.01.14

My Mom is always the hardest – she already has everything she needs and wants!

Abby says · 12.01.14

My husband is my hardest person to shop for. I’d probably end up getting him a book about either the civil war or world war 2, or some kind of movie.

Annaliza R says · 12.01.14

My dad! I would buy him a Nook from B&N.

Sarah says · 12.01.14

My dad is always the hardest to buy for. He does a lot of driving for work though, so a book on tape would be useful.

Emily R. says · 12.01.14

The hardest person to shop for is my 14 year old brother! I’d probably get him a game from B & N — they have an awesome selection of games that I’ve never seen before and can’t find anywhere else.

Ashley W says · 12.01.14

My mother is so hard to buy for. Since she loves cooking, I would buy her a nice cook book!

Andrea says · 12.01.14

My sister. She’s a huge Doctor Who fan though, so perhaps I could get her a nice tardis themed gift.

EB says · 12.01.14

My DAD is so tough to buy for! Luckily, he’s glued to his Nook so you can’t go wrong with a B&N gift card!

I LOVED the Jolly Postman book when I was young! I had the original one AND the Christmas version. Makes me want to hunt for it next time I’m at my parents!

Claire says · 12.01.14

My dad is the hardest person to shop for, but he loves American history, so I’m sure I could find him a biography or something!

Jordan O'brien says · 12.01.14

My dad is hands down the hardest person to buy for! He is a minimalist and doesn’t enjoy gifts. However, reading is something he likes! I would buy him a reference book for teaching his Sunday school classes.

Kimberly says · 12.01.14

Husband! Something related to The Hobbit? Or maybe the next Sherlock dvd….or perhaps a cd by Andrew Peterson. Hey this was helpful!

Katie says · 12.01.14

My mom is the most difficult to buy for… She has everything and doesn’t have too many suggestions for us. I’m thinking that maybe some type of travel guide to a city not far from where we live. Maybe including plans for a weekend trip for us to take together.

Ashley Whisenant says · 12.01.14

My dad! He does like inspirational/motivational books, though, so Barnes and Noble is perfect!

Whitney says · 12.01.14

my husband…maybe a book on cars?!

Elizabeth says · 12.01.14

My mom…though shopping for her at Barnes and Noble would be easy, I’d get her a gift card so she can buy more books for her nook.

Jen Williams says · 12.01.14

My father in law! But if I won this gift card I’d give it to him, he reads like it’s his job!

Megan C says · 12.01.14

My Dad. He has everything. I would buy him maybe some history books. He is a history buff!

Whitney says · 12.01.14

My FIL is the trickiest person on my list to buy for so I put my husband in charge of doing his shopping this year.

Jennifer says · 12.01.14

the hardest person for me to shop for is my father-in-law. He likes to read though so barnes and noble would be a good idea.

Mandi says · 12.01.14

I would purchase my husband some fun items located up near the checkout center. It is my go-to place for stocking stuffers for him. I would love to get extras this year for him!

Jenna says · 12.01.14

My boyfriend is SO hard to buy for! However, I know he would just love to receive the new Samsung Galaxy Nook!

Amanda says · 12.01.14

The hardest person on my list is definitely my husband because he never says he wants anything! He has mentioned he’d like to start reading Jules Verne, so I’d love to get him something to kick start his interest.

Marcie says · 12.01.14

I have the hardest time with my mom. She buys herself whatever she wants! I would love to get her a book she might like (I’d have to ask her)

Tina says · 12.01.14

My husband. He’s a teacher and he loves history, so I would probably by him something about the civil war.

Jillian says · 12.01.14

My dad is the absolute hardest. He is such a loving man and never asks for a thing. I try and get him something thoughtful each year, but it gets harder and harder to find something worthy for such a wonderful man

Sherri says · 12.01.14

My dad is the most difficult to buy for. But I can sometimes find him a book about tractors or antiques that interests him.

Stacy Cockerham says · 12.01.14

My sister. I would buy her a vegan cookbook.

Cortney says · 12.01.14

My Grandpa is the hardest person to shop for! I would get him anything sports related!

Angie N says · 12.01.14

Hands down — my in-laws! They both enjoy reading so B&N is the perfect solution!

Zara says · 12.01.14

My Dad is hard to shop for – he likes biographies so maybe I could find one for him.

Katherine says · 12.01.14

My dad!! (Why are men so hard to buy for?!?!)
I would probably buy him a new non-fiction book on some historical event because he loves them all.

Sarah says · 12.01.14

Definitely my dad, and I already bought him a book from Barnes & Noble as his gift! Random!

Meg says · 12.01.14

my mother in law is the hardest to buy for, she has everything! But I am eyeing Ina Garten’s latest book for her!

rachel says · 12.01.14

My husband — he just never wants anything! I bet he’d love a book on running, though.

Melanie A. says · 12.01.14

My dad is definitely the hardest person to buy for. But funny thing is…barnes and noble is his fav store, so gift cards there always work well. It’s also tradition that he buys my siblings and I a hand-picked book to go along with a B&N gift card every year for Christmas.

Jane E. says · 12.01.14

My hardest person to shop for is probably my sister-in-law. She is an artist so I’d probably get her a cool book for her coffee table or some of B&N’s fun sketch journals and supplies.

Tara W. says · 12.01.14

My dad is DEFINITELY the hardest to gift– he’s happy with anything, so it’s hard to find something really special. He’s a big reader, so I usually just give him a massive B&N card. But this year I’d like to find a good biography or history book for him.

Heather says · 12.01.14

My husband is the hardest to shop for! He always just buys what ever he wants so that leaves no gifts most of the time… But I could probably find him a book about waterfowl and hunting!

Sara Howland says · 12.01.14

Hi Kate! David looks so cute on your pictures

Rebecca says · 12.02.14

My husband is tough to shop for, but I always get him at least one new book. We often read together.

Tara says · 12.02.14

My fiance is the WORST to buy for! He’s really impossible. I’d probably find him a book on fishing 🙂

Lori says · 12.02.14

My husband is the hardest one to buy for because he always buys himself stuff right before Christmas!

Eleana says · 12.02.14

The hardest person to shop for is my dad! I think he would like a gift card so he can order what he wants.

Missy Robinson says · 12.02.14

My step daughters are the most challenging for me to buy gifts!

Kara says · 12.02.14

The hardest person on my list to buy for is my father. I hadn’t thought about it before reading your post, but a smoker cookbook or grilling cookbook from Barnes and Noble could be something that he would really enjoy!

Lesley says · 12.02.14

The men in my family are not easy to buy for usually. I have bookstore gift card on my list this year!

Megan says · 12.02.14

All the men in my life are hard to buy for. They all enjoy reading, so a B&N gift card to fill up their nooks/e-readers would be great!

Katrina says · 12.02.14

My Mother! The woman who has everything. She finds it so easy to give her children gifts but returning the favor is near impossible! So I go for the unique gifts or books to get her ready for her next travel adventure!

Tyana says · 12.02.14

Love this, so cute

check out my blogmas post

Christen says · 12.02.14

My father in law – almost always a book!

Adrienne Wojciechowski says · 12.02.14

Hands down my mother is the HARDEST person on the planet to shop for. She is big on stressing that she does not want more “stuff” in her house and her schedule is so hectic, even as a retiree who now volunteers and ton and works part time as a financial advisory for military members she is a tough on. Perhaps a book from their “Books to Inspire You” category would be just up her alley.

Aubree says · 12.02.14

My husband is the hardest. He is getting his maters in history right now so probably any book on history would be appreciated.

Nadine says · 12.02.14

My husband! I would get him a science book he doesn’t already have.

Anne says · 12.02.14

My son-in-law is my greatest gift-buying challenge. He is greatly appreciative, but he is reticent to give hints. 😉 If I were shopping for him at Barnes and Noble, I would buy a Moleskine! I have purchased many of them for him in the past– he has a creative mind and is always sketching out ideas.

Kelsey says · 12.02.14

I love Barnes and Noble! My husband and I used to go on dates there when we didn’t have any money to spend on dates:)

My brother in law is very difficult to buy for, AND of course I drew his name for Christmas this year. BUT he is an avid reader and I know he liked Ray Bradbury, so I could purchase him a Bradbury book!

Lindsay says · 12.02.14

My father. The man is impossible to shop for,because he had such specific hobbies. But he loves the outdoors, so Barnes and Noble would be the perfect place to pick him up a book about hiking.

Pamela H says · 12.02.14

My brother in law. He usually just asks for a Barnes and noble gift card so he can pick it out himself.

Nikki says · 12.03.14

My friend/coworker! However, I am probably going to get her a CCRN review book this year since we are both planning on studying and obtaining our CCRNs early next year. (And I have been eye-balling the Kaplan review book at B&N for her and myself!)

Rachel Quednau says · 12.03.14

I always struggle to find the perfect present for my boyfriend, but books are one thing he definitely loves. I would peruse the travel and religion sections for a good read since those are big areas of interest for him.

Tori Obert says · 12.03.14

My mother is by far the hardest person to shop for. I would get her a beautiful wildlife coffee table book. I think she would really enjoy it.

Kaitlyn says · 12.03.14

My Uncle, but he does loveee to cook. Maybe I could find a new cookboox he would want to try!


Julie E. says · 12.03.14

My mother-in-law! I’d take my usual route and get her a B&N gift card.

Amanda Cooper says · 12.03.14

My dad. If he wants something he just buys it. Makes gift giving difficult. He has a nook so I buy him a B&N gift card for every gift giving occasion!

Hannah G. says · 12.04.14

My father-in-law and a book, of course.

Becky says · 12.04.14

My dad is one of my hardest to buy for, but he is an avid reader so I know that I could find him a great book at B&N.

Kristen says · 12.04.14

My dad is so hard to buy for! I almost always go for a business-type book or something about historical politics.

Lauren says · 12.04.14

My brother is the hardest to shop for – but he has just shown interest in his trains again -must be the young nephews – so a book on train sets would be great!

Mallory Roth says · 12.05.14

I picked the hardest secret Santa in our church’s young marrieds group. I’ve been eyeing the “how to survive the zombie apocalypse cookbook” by Lauren Wilson for this quirky foodie individual.

Vanessa P says · 12.05.14

My father is pretty hard to buy for. I feel like he has everything so it is always a challenge to come up with a unique gift each year.

Karak says · 12.05.14

Surprisingly, my husband! He never wants (which I’m grateful for) or (seems to) need anything!

Jenn H says · 12.05.14

It’s definitely my Mom. She never gives me any ideas at all! I usually get her something that she ends up returning!

Sarah K. says · 12.05.14

My friend Kristin is always a challenge for me as I want to get her the “just right” gift. I know Barnes and Noble would be great to go to their Christian fiction section and get Kristin one of the books from the Sisterchicks series!

Shathy Aktar says · 12.06.14

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Kim says · 12.07.14

We have just been exploring the next phase of things to get for our kiddo and we landed in Barnes and Nobles! It was a great experience- one that we had forgotten about due to our uprise in purchasing everything online. There is definitely something to be said for brick and mortar stores- especially, the book variety.

Elizabeth says · 12.08.14

My mom is always so hard to shop for! I always want to get her a wonderful gift because she is so deserving, but she always says she doesn’t need/want anything. I know she would love a great book that was picked out especially for her.

Noel M says · 12.08.14

My dad and my husband, but thankfully books are always safe bets for them!

Brooke B says · 12.12.14

My Mom is the hardest person to buy for! Now that I am older, I want to be able to treat her to nicer things but she always refuses and prefers a home made or hand written card. I would use the gift card to buy a book that has personalized fill-in-the-blank sections so that I can give something that will pull on her heart strings 🙂

