Chit Chat and Superman

Fall Nail Colors

Oh haaiii!

I’m sitting in my new office/guest room, barricaded in with the cats, while painters are doing their thaang in my master bedroom. More details to come.

David is napping at grandma and grandpa’s apartment, so I thought this would be a good time to fill you in on Halloween, the Murder Mystery Party I threw last weekend, and lots of other interesting things too.

Let’s start with the fact that it takes me anywhere from 27-43 minutes to finish an entire pack of Juciy Fruit gum. I have problems.

Okay, so for Halloween I got David the cutest puppy costume at TJ Maxx. It was hanging on a 12 month hanger. It was only after I got home that I realized it was actually a 6-9 month size costume that was hanging on the wrong hanger.

The poor puppy couldn’t even have his collar buttoned thanks to all his chins!

Thus, a last minute run to target for other things led me to check the clearance section and I walked out with a $7.00 Superman costume for my boy.




See what I mean about the chins?

me: “David, put your arms up like superman! And look happy about it!”

david: “like dis?”


me: “Well. . . kind of. Pretend you are reaching for sweet potatoes!!!!!!!!!”


me: “There you go!”


In case you ever wondered why David has a bib on in 99.9999% of his photos? He drools like nobody’s business. Apparently I was a long time drooler too, so I’m planning on him drooling for a couple more years. And I have tried the amber necklace that is supposed to help with drooling/teething pain and saw absolutely no change. His drool cannot be stopped!


The day after Halloween one of my life goals was accomplished. I threw a Murder Mystery Party with my friends. I have been wanting to host one of these for years, YEARS I TELL YOU. And we finally had the perfect number of people, along with the perfect personalities to have fun with it.

Let me tell you something in case you didn’t know this: choosing a Murder Mystery Party kit/skit is very hard. There are a lot of options. I finally decided on Last Stop: Murder, and made sure every person had a role. Another option for a Murder Mystery Party is to have certain people act while the rest of the guests observe and guess who the murderer is, but I thought it would be more fun for every guest to have a role.

The set up took a few hours, and the party itself took about 3 hours to complete. It was so fun to see who really got into their role, and really fun to debrief afterwards and laugh about the awkward moments.

As I mentioned, my mom has been here for an entire month, and she leaves next weekend. I am truly bummed that she’s leaving, and am very glad that Justin, David and I are going home for Thanksgiving to see the whole family. Everyone says this, but living by family is truly a gift!

The “unborn” is doing well as far as I can tell! I’m 25 weeks along, and cannot believe I’m only a few short weeks from being in my 3rd trimester! Other than extreme fatigue and extreme emotions in my first trimester, this pregnancy has been a breeze. I am very, very thankful for that! I waiver on whether I think it’s a boy or girl too. I’m SO curious, but so excited to find out in February!

Lastly, I had the pleasure of doing the hair of a beautiful “bride” and “bridesmaids” for the Southern Weddings Magazine cover shoot this past July! It was so fun to be there and see how everything came together. The look for the shoot was loose curls, so as much as I wanted to do something a little bit more creative, I had to stick to the look. I did get to put the brides’ hair up for about half the shoot so I’m eagerly awaiting seeing the full spread to see if any of those photos made it in! You can check out all the details here!


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Courtney says · 11.05.14

David is such a gem!! Love this blog!

Andrea says · 11.05.14

I feel ya on the costume. I bought 3 before I could get mine in the right size. He went from being a Viking to an astronaut. Since the viking ran so large, next year will be a better option. He is growing so fast and is such a cutie!

Julia says · 11.05.14

this entire post was wonderful 🙂

Melanie says · 11.05.14

I would LOVE to hear more about hosting the murder mystery. My husband & I have been wanting to for years as well. Would you recommend the kit you bought? Any suggestions/tips that you learned along the way that would be helpful?
Love your blog – your tips and son are amazing! 🙂

Angela says · 11.05.14

Oh my gosh, that is the cutest costume ever. Great photos!

I love murder mystery parties. Not to long ago we bought one and did it with our co-workers and Board of Directors as a team building event. We purchased it online but found a local acting club to come and participate by being some of the characters. It was so much fun, we had a ball.

Sissi says · 11.05.14

Aww look at baby David supermen! Cutest supermen ever! Drooling is just normal. What would we do if we would have only 2 teeth? 😉

Sarah @ 12 Twenty Seven says · 11.05.14

He is adorable! I love that Superman costume! I’ve always wanted to host a murder mystery party but have waited for the right group to assemble! I turn 30 next year and I think it would be a great way to celebrate! Do you recommend the kit you got?

Bergan Blundell says · 11.05.14

oh man I was laughing so hard at your “conversation” with David and reaching for the sweet potato! Hahaha. He’s so adorable!!!!

Brittany says · 11.05.14

I have been WAITING to throw a murder mystery party!!!! Would you post more about yours?

Lori-Ann says · 11.05.14

Gorgeous weddings! Would love to learn how to style that updo on my own hair.

Bethney says · 11.05.14

Hi Kate! I was wondering if you have ever had David checked for a lip or tongue tie? The excessive drooling plus the space between his front teeth are classic lip tie symptoms 🙂 Also if I remember correctly you had a lot of pain breastfeeding right? It wouldn’t hurt to check! If you plan on breastfeeding your new little one checking for the lip tie and tongue tie in the hospital where it can quickly be clipped could help with the pain the second time around 🙂 This is coming from a momma who dealt with two lip/tongue ties!

Kate says · 11.05.14

I did have him checked and he’s good to go 🙂 thanks for the tip though!

Heather says · 11.05.14

In these pictures David looks like Philip Seymour Hoffman. Am I the only one? LOL So, so, so adorable!!!

Kate says · 11.05.14

ACK! It must be the rolls and chins I guess!

Laura H. says · 11.05.14

What a chunky monkey you’ve got there! Most adorable Superman I’ve ever seen.

I give you a lot of credit for being strong enough to hold out on finding out the sex of your new baby. That takes major patience and I have none. Good luck and blessing with the rest of your pregnancy!!

Lisa says · 11.05.14

Okay, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only with chewing gum problem.

Maggie says · 11.05.14

Ooooh, thank you! Worth the wait to see those chins. And airborne thighs. He is super adorable. And the SW shoot was gorgeous.

Erin says · 11.05.14

I’m hosting a murder mystery party as a surprise for my husband’s 30th! It’s this weekend. I am so excited for it; we have the perfect amount of people and great personalities. I do NOT recommend the surprise element. It would have been so much easier if he knew about it, could have helped me plan, assign characters, plan the menu and decorate. But, I know it’ll be so fun and he will have a 30th birthday to remember for always. Glad to hear I am not alone. 🙂

Stacy says · 11.05.14

The photo shoot hair looks incredible & stunning. Tutorials?!

Melanie says · 11.05.14

The Superman costume turned out perfect!! David is just so adorable. Enjoy your newly painted master bedroom. We had ours painted last year and are in love with the color. It’s like a whole new house!

iclal says · 11.05.14

I can’t get over how cute David is!! That superman costume looks adorable on him!

Tyana says · 11.05.14

I def want to have a party like that, it seems like so much fun!!

check me out


Jenny says · 11.05.14

I always enjoy reading your blog posts because you have such a fun personality! “See what I mean about the chins?” LOL. I was a chunky baby, he’ll grow out of the chins!

The murder mystery game also sounds like fun, I’ve always wanted to be part of one but have never had the chance. There’s a castle a few hours from where I live where you can go and stay the night in one of the chambers and participate in a murder mystery. One day I shall do it!

Melissa says · 11.05.14

Oh my gosh those baby jelly rolls. He is so squishable!

My parents and their group of friends did a TON of murder mystery parties when I was a kid! I always loved watching my mom get all dressed up. I always wanted to do one but this day and age nobody seems interested. Too hard to get babysitters and all that jazz. 🙁

Lisa @ Southern Weddings says · 11.05.14

It was such a joy to work with you on our cover shoot! We loved all of the styles you did, and we definitely have some shots of the bride’s updo in the magazine 🙂 Excited for you to see it!

Margaret Wiltrout says · 11.05.14

Kate, I absolutely think your little man is so handsome! Congrats on your new little one coming too! I have 2 handsome young men. One is 20 and the other is almost 15. I miss them being little! They grow up so fast! I look back at their baby pictures and just can’t believe how time has flown by! Enjoy all the little memories! Thank you for sharing your pictures and your time!

Kristin S says · 11.05.14

I’ve never lived near family and just wouldn’t even know what to do!

I did a big ol happy dance yesterday because some friends are adopting from China and their flight comes in at RDU at 10am Thanksgiving morning. I’m so happy to have something to do for Thanksgiving!!!!

Kim says · 11.05.14

David is way too cute! I stumbled upon the Batman costume 90% off today at Target and almost had a happy heart attack. I tried my hardest to stuff my 5 month old into the 0-3 month costume but the results were no bueno. I love how happy David is in all of your photos. He’s precious.

Kimberley Ketterman says · 11.06.14

I just wanted to say “Thank You” for your Blog and sharing so much of yourself with all of us! You are a part of my life every time I open an email from your Blog and today’s was no exception, as I laughed with much joy (the sweetest Superman ever!!). I feel truly Blessed that I get to be apart of your talented & gifted journey…
With love & prayers,

Krista says · 11.06.14

David’s roles and chub just get me. Absolute cutest. I get you on the drool. My son’s could not be stopped and so wet baby 24/7 it was!

Meagan says · 11.06.14

Love murder mystery parties! I wrote a murder mystery for my sisters bachelorette party last year.

Beth says · 11.06.14

We had great luck with the amber teething necklace. Our son wore it all the time except for baths, & he had virtually no teething discomfort or drooling. We barely even noticed anything except new chompers coming in!

France's yozawitz says · 11.11.16

what a beautiful baby.
