10 Months + Life Update
Eyeliner Basics
October is turning outย to be one of the busiest months Justin and I have ever had. And David too but he doesn’t care as long as he has cheddar cheese around.
I traveled a bit, Justin traveled a bit, my kind and generous mom moved down to help for the ENTIRE MONTH I KNOW SHE IS THE BEST, my sister is visiting, we are movingย a couple rooms around upstairs to prepare for the unborn to make his/her appearance in February.
We are also van shopping in the midst of all of this because it’s time for me to upgrade. Keyword there is “upgrade”. Many women don’t find a van to be an upgrade but I am seriously excited about it. Hello automatic doors. Hello space and storage for days.
And we are squeezingย in some fun stuff too on the weekends. Hashtag Murder Mystery party with our friends. Dream of dreams come true.
Anyway, October is cray.ย
Also, it’s currently 80 degrees and rainy so that’s an absolute delight if you ask me. Not.
THUS, I’m probably only going to be posting about 4x a week for the next few weeks. I’m trying to create some content for my maternity leave next year as well so I don’t just disappear from this blog.
I’m excited about a series I’ll be starting in November that rhymes with Shmanmade Lifts that will run us right into December. I’ve had to order a lot of questionable materials from Amazon so there’s a good chance I’ll be flagged here in the near future.
“That blonde girl is buying strange chemicals on Amazon again. Keep your eyes out.”
I don’t know.
I’m bored to DEATH with my hair. I’m doing this brand new idea called Ombre, I’m sure you’ve never seen it or heard of it. I think it may start a revolution. Perhaps with all of the women in the world.
Anyway, I’m between stylists here in the ‘ole Raleigh because I’m just too picky and I like to be in control of my own hair destiny, so I’m going to DIY my hair color. No there will not be a tutorial because no one should be as reckless as I am.
In other more interesting and small news, David is officially 10 months old. That’s right, he reached the double digits.
He has also upgraded to big boy pajamas because they don’t make footie sleepers that zip for, ahem, rounder infants.
Pardon the nap face. Also the fake smile but he gets it honest so I can’t really fault him for that.
He weighs in at a whopping 23 pounds, although it feels like he weighs about 50 pounds. You know how some babies clench their legs and sort of hold onto you as you carry them?
Yeah David doesn’t, so it’s just dead weight hanging off of you. My triceps are starting to get seriously toned.
He is army crawling around the house, but hasn’t gotten up to his hands and knees yet! He’ll rock back and forth on them, but he won’t move forward.
He doesn’t like to drink with his meal, but if I offer his sippy cup on a walk, or if we are running errands, he’ll act as if he’s been parched for hours.
He loves bath time, and will crawl from his nursery to the bathroom as soon as he hears the water pouring.
I found the first foreign object in his mouth so I’ve officially passed that parental milestone. If you have children, or have been around them you already know this, but he’ll find the tiniest speck of something in a corner and attempt to eat it. I swiffer/vac as often as I possibly can.
He likes to follow Grits around the house which Grits does not enjoy. However he can still escape to the tops of cabinets so he’s not really in imminent danger.
As far as the next baby goes, everything is going well! I’m in the sweet spot of pregnancy (22 weeks) where I’m sleeping well, feeling good, and finally have a decent enough belly for people to notice instead of wondering if I just hadn’t lost the baby weight from David yet.
My glucose test is coming up in a few weeks, which wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be, and then we’ll schedule the delivery day! February is going to be here before I know it. I’m excited and nervous at the same time.
I may never shower or cook a meal again, but we’ll make it through the first couple years.
So that’s the baby and David update for the week. Justin and I are still deciding on what he should be for Halloween, but get ready for those pictures to be overgrammed and overshared here on the blog. We are debating between a tiny Newsie (David has the fake cough mastered) or a shark.
Or a cat because how cute would it be to get David and both cats lined up for a photo?
Hey we just traded up to a mini van and I’m 27 weeks preg. We’re in sync. Let me tell you, I never thought I’d be a MVP (minivan person) but it’s the best. It’s all about the automatic doors, right? Now I’m official ‘That Mom.’ It’s cool, I’ve accepted it. You’re lil’ guy is starting to look like a little boy more than just a little baby. Awww. He’ll be walking before you know it!
I always love following along with your life here! I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in for your stylist… I live in Charlotte and still drive back to Raleigh to see Anna at Aura Salon in Wake Forest…. I’ve followed her from salon to salon… no one in the big city of CLT compares! Love her ๐
Ha, you’re not alone! My son is a big boy – I nursed him, and he weighed 25 pounds at 9 months – and I looked everywhere for footie pajamas. The big boy pajamas are too cute on them, though ๐
I vote cat that would be the best picture and david would a cute lil kitty
!! David is growing up so much hes got hair! I hear the Honda odessy is awesome!
I think the cat idea would be PRECIOUS, but good luck getting them all together for a decent picture. And Yay for the mini van! We’re having our second in December and considering one too!
Omg yes a cat & line them all up!! Lol
Could you talk about doing things with friends and baby? We have yet to leave our 12 month old with a non-family member to do bedtime. Closest family is 3 hours away. I would like to get together with our couples friends, but we haven’t yet let a friend/babysitter do bedtime. Is the answer to just get over it?
Get together with your couples friends at someone’s house and bring your pack’n’play. That’s what we do with our 11-month-old. Put him to sleep at his normal bedtime in a bedroom and you’re good to go to hang out in the living room or kitchen!
And if you don’t want to do that, then yes, get over it. ๐
Cat cat cat!!! I vote cat!
I love your blog. I don’t want to tread on unwelcome waters, but I had a C-section with my first baby and am hoping for a VBAC if/when there is a second. It sounds like you might be planning a repeat C-section (scheduling the birth). Forgive me if I’m wrong on that. I just want you to know that as long as you’re healthy and don’t have any underlying medical problems that would prevent it, you can VBAC if you’d like. If you’re interested, start with http://www.ican-online.org/ and http://vbacfacts.com/13-myths-about-vbac/. Find an ICAN chapter in your area if you can and go from there. Again, if you don’t want to VBAC, please forgive my comment. I just want every pregnant mama to make informed choices either way. ๐
Tiny newsie all the way! That kid in a newsboy hat? Sold.
A Cat! Oh please a cat! How ADORABLE would that be?!?
I love your sense of humor…I giggled most of the way through this ๐ I have two February babies (one on Valentine’s Day!) and loved being pregnant during the winter instead of the hotter than hot summer. Can’t wait to read your updates!
The second kid made me get a mini van too. LOVE it and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I feel bad for my friends who have an SUV with more than one kid. You will be amazed at how much easier it is to click the infant seat in after a c section too! My stomach muscles aches for months and I remember explicitly the pain when lifting the infant seat in my jeep- this time around it wasn’t bad at all because they aren’t as high. No to mention how tricked out those swagger wagons are!
I am in love with our Minivan! Best thing i ever bought. You have no idea how much stuff you can put in that thing.
“the fake cough” to be a Newsie – brilliance. Pure brilliance!
WAIT!! Before you get a minivan, check out an SUV like the Ford Expedition or Toyota Sequoia. I LOVE my Expedition. Powerfold seats are the bomb!
Oh my gosh NEWSIE!!! Agh that would be adorable!!!!
Your sarcasm is refreshing!
Definitely a cat….Garfield!
Minivans are the best!! Seriously, so much room for people and everything that we haul. Please please go with the Newsie idea, it will be the cutest ever!
I loved this post. The Ombre paragraph was my fav. and I vote (because our votes all count right?) tiny Newsie for David’s Halloween costume, but if you do that you need to video the fake cough. Also, I love my van.
I know how hard it is to find a new stylist! It took me 4 years to find a good one after I moved here from the NE, and I cried when she stopped doing hair!!! I am now going to HER stylist, who is beyond awesome! I’m in Wake Forest, and currently going to Kristen at Ellebee Salon on S Main Street.
awwww…what a cutie! My baby boy (who will be 16 next week – time does fly by!), was a chunker too. He didn’t crawl very long…almost skipped it to start walking! He was a shark for Halloween when he was a one year old!
I enjoy reading all of your posts, but the weekly updates on David just do not get any better! he is the absolute cutest baby and there’s no doubt the next little one will be just as cute! ๐ I am L.O.V.I.N.G. the cat costume idea! even if a photo op with Grits and Gravy wasn’t an option, I think David would make an adorable cat!
I think this was one of the funniest posts you’ve written for a while ๐ I busted, had tea shooting out of my nose, the whole 9 yards!! Bless you! Here’s to hoping October will calm down a little for you and you won’t feel so busy.
Katie @ Cup of Tea
Super fun update.
Yea for the van!
Yea for your mom jumping in.
Yea for murder mystery night! (I love those)
Yea for boundaries.
Hair. I’m with you. The very reason I chopped 13 inches off since March and now have cherry colored hair. I know you will do neither but it happens. I was going for copper. Why is red so stinkin’ hard to get right??? Why did God create a color that can’t be replicated? Don’t answer that, I know, because He is God and He creates beauty. Now, why didn’t I appreciate my beautiful red hair in my prime years! Oh, because I felt like a freak. Sigh, I want that red back. The cherry is kinda fun but it’s really dark and I’m not a dark-hair-girl. Rambling.
I ran into your blog while trying to figure out how and what to do with my hair on my daughters wedding, October 20. You are a blessing to women as we all look great (hopefully) when leaving the salon but so many of us can’t seem to get those looks from home.
I am a (pretty young hip and fun life living) 43 year old with 3 adult kids (23-25) and a two year old granddaughter and grandson on the way. I have just recently come into myself and my own beauty and style, as my youth was (do the math) stolen from motherhood, which was a beautiful gift. Again, thank you for changing my hair life!!!
I have a couple questions, which I haven’t seen blogs about.
My hair is Very thick but Very fine. Hold and styling is tricky. I also have a long face and tall forehead to match my tall semi-slim build. My hair is just above my shoulders.
Do you have any recommendations on specific products? I use Kendra and herbal essence currently but weight and hold is a problem. (Live in southern texas- hot and humid)
Bangs? Do have or not to have?
Been playing with your styles for my up and coming wedding. Any specific recommendations?
Again, you are awesome!!!! Thanks for all you do!!!
Wish I could send you a pic ๐
I just got a van (Town and Country) and I am IN LOVE with it. I’ve never understood the mini-van hate. We were trying to make a SUV work for our family of 6 but there just wasn’t enough space. I adore my mini-van. I’ve found myself making excuses to drive her.
Have you tried Carter’s sleepers? We buy the zip up footed pjs from there. My 3yr old still wears them since they go up to size 5T at least. I just ordered fleece ones for her and our 1 yr old for this winter.
Yay on the van! We have one baby and none on the way, and as much as I said I would NEVER drive a van, we’ve been thinking about getting one. You would think you could fit ONE baby and 2 adults in an SUV, but apparently, that is not the case and I’ve been riding around the back seat for the last 7.5 months. By the way, I love these types of posts even more than the hair/make-up ones, so keep ’em coming! ๐
Three things-
Excellent post; I enjoy these the most!
I LOVE my van! Defiantly an upgrade for me too!
“Ahm ahm, buy me last pape?”
Oh my goodness, I’m not sure if I’m just exhausted and therefore hysterical or what, but for some reason this post had me in stitches! Kate, I love your writing! David is huge and adorable! I think a cat would be one of the cutest things ever!
I hate to break it to you, but my almost 4 year old never clenched his legs around my hips when I was holding him. I’ve had older moms/ grandmas tell me that boy babies generally don’t. My youngest is 12 weeks so I’m waiting to see if he will or not.
You will love a minivan! My kids were 3 and 5 when I finally grew tired of the 3 year old pulling on her brothers ear or nose or whatever she could reach while he was sleeping in the backseat of my Volvo wagon and she was not. We put him in the rear row of the van on the drivers side and put her in the middle row on the passenger side and my life was changed. My van had 3 individual seats in the middle row and we left the one immediately next to my daughter so she could reach toys/books etc but took out the one directly behind me/in front of my son. Gave him more room to get in and gave me more room if I needed to get back there to help with opening a toy from Target. Always keep scissors in the glove box, learned that the hard way also!
I vote cat for David’s costume! Nows the time to dress him in your choice of outfit. He can’t protest :).
We have a Honda Odyssey 2011 which is the new body style and we love it. I call it my Swagger wagon.
kate- you will love a van. I am. 25 year old new mom and didn’t know if I could give up my cool factor to drive a “mom van,” but now that my son is here I love it! We have the Town and Country with automatic doors and lift gate. It’s so nice to be hands free carrying a baby! And no smashing doors into other cars when trying to get the car seat in ! Best car we ever have had!
I am an “older woman”…my sons are adult now, but I very much enjoy your blog. You mentioned your mom was visiting, and I wondered if you could share her skincare routine, makeup, etc.
Wow life is very full for you! But it looks like you are doing an amazing job at it all and I can’t wait to see all these surprises you hinted at ๐
Oh my gosh I’m just cracking up. I remember you saying last pregnancy that you found your sense of humor when I watched the tutorial for the phony-tail. You were laughing at yourself because you found yourself hilarious, but you are, quite frankly, hilarious. I laugh at myself all the time and think I’m the funniest person alive so I appreciate your sense of humor. I love that your pregnancy humor is back!! Keep up the hilarity because it’s great to read. And David should be a cat.
Being that I am the hugest fan of the Newsies, I am putting in my vote for that! However, the cat picture would be cute…
Your posts are beyond hilarious! I LOVE your humor! Not only do I love your hair tutorials, but I also LOVE the posts about David and baby-on-the-way! I know you’re limiting these David posts to Wednesdays, but let’s get real! They are my favorite! Ok, don’t go and modify your blog to satisfy only me. I sure wouldn’t mind ๐ Thanks for all your amazing posts!
We had 2 kids when we got our odyssey, best decision ever! We have an 07 but the 2010+ have a larger middle seat in the middle (for mom when you’re back there). Hope you have fun looking and driving! David I’d sweet and my son and nephew have the same Jammie’s. So cute to see matching kids!
You have such a great sense of humor! I enjoy reading everything you write just because of the way you write it! That paragraph about ombre had me cracking up!
I vote cat!
I love this post about your family, especially since I had a dream about your family (sister and parents included).
You were all up in my city, Winnipeg MB, Canada, and I wanted a picture with you but was being a big chicken about approaching you. My friend went up and said “Hey Kate! My friend would love a picture with you!” which was embarrassing. But, you were all for it and we did a Charlie’s Angels pose and Rosie the Riveter type pose. You were all lovely.
I usually just read and not comment, but this post cracked me up! My little guy just turned nine months old and I’m glad to hear he’s not the only one that isn’t crawling on his knees yet! He can roll like nobody’s business and he can army crawl faster than the speed of light, but being on his knees? Nope!
We recently got a van too and honestly, I was SO against it. I DID NOT want a van. But, um… don’t tell my husband I said this, but it’s amazing! The extra storage space is fantastic! And yes, automatic sliding doors? Thankyouverymuch.
Good luck on your van search!
Love your blog! My hair looks better than it ever has thanks to all of your advice and tips! I also look forward to your posts on Wednesdays. I got a mini van last year and love it! If you haven’t driven an Odyssey yet, you must! It was the best mini van that we drove but it doesn’t handle like a van. I still feel like I am driving smaller vehicle but have all the space and comfort of a van!
Thanks for the laugh today! Hope the weather cools off soon. A monsoon just came through Tennessee and now it’s finally cooled off to the low 60s, so maybe that will be headed your way soon. ๐ Lots of prayers and love as you get closer to the “unborn” getting here! I’m two months behind you, and yes, it will be here before you know it!
Funny about your hair….I think most of us would LOVE to have your hair (and style). It always looks great ๐ I LOVE seeing pics of your precious son.
love love LOVE your blog!!!
This was such a joy to read! I am so happy to hear things are going well and it’s fun to hear about how David is doing, as my daughter is less than two months younger than he is! Your writing and sense of humour is absolute gold. Made my day – thanks and happy 10 months to David! xx
Make David a cat for Halloween!!!! That would be the BEST EVER!!!
I have 3 boys (7 months, 3 & 6 years) and am a huge Carter’s lover. Not only do they fit true to size but are well made and last forever. My 6 year old still wears footed pjs in the winter and my baby is wearing them now. As far as the van, I have seen a few that look super srylish (Sienna and Quest I believe). I have an Enclave which has captain’s chairs then a 3rd row for my oldest. Works great for now but may not in a few years when he’s bigger.
*stylish I meant. โบ Oh – and as far as costumes…newsboy cap all the way!!
Oh my goodness! Life sounds insane! Can’t wait to see David’s Halloween costume!
Funny how you are bored sick with your hair and we all LOVE it. But, ombre? Really? That is surprising. Ombre has been around so long that everyone is almost done with it now.
Enjoy the van shopping! I’ve had one for over a year and I SWORE I’d never be a minivan mom! But when I was pregnant with my third (also born last December) we decided it was necessary. I love it! Push button doors, back up cam, built in DVD for long trips, great stuff. You’ll love it too! Super excited about the new content and can’t wait to see David’s Halloween pics!
Oh my goodness I can’t believe he is 23 lbs!! What a hunk of love!
Love, Bess
I laughed out loud on this post! Love the parts about David not gripping your body with his legs to help hold on…. ha! My 2 year old does that too! LOVE your blog!
Go for a Toyota Sienna! I had a 2004 for 10 years and it was not in the shop even once! Great van! Just “upgraded” again to….you guessed it….ANOTHER Sienna! Same color even! Just love this van and my kids are all teens now. Believe me, you will love having a van even with big boys and girls because then you will have football pads and baseball bags in addition to bigger bodies and nothing beats a van for room and comfort! We almost did the Sequoia to go more the truck route, but the “boot” (trunk) was a deal-breaker for hauling groceries, etc.
Don’t worry! My first two boys are super close. 10 days after my oldest’s first birthday, I had my second baby. I also had a scheduled c/section with the second baby so that helped a bit. You really will adapt quickly, I promise. I was able to maintain a shower, house cleaning, snuggle with the baby etc schedule within a couple weeks. I have faith in you!
HA!!! Not to open my big mouth or anything…. but i get what rhymes with that!!!! HANDMADE GIFTS!!!! Aren’t i smart? ๐ david should be a cat, i would love to see all of your ‘cats’ lined up! Lol!! He is a cutie. ๐
These updates are so fun! Sounds like you’re holding up great little Mama! And that little man is so dang adorable – rolls for days…I could just gobble him up!
Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to see what you decide on for Halloween!
I had the same pj problem with my little guy! After a lot of searching I finally found a brand called sweet peanut (sweetpeanut.com). They have high quality footed cotton sleepers up to a 24 month. I love them because they don’t have the elastic around the ankles that so many other brands do in 12 month plus sizes. They are super cute and comfortable!
I just discovered your blog (thanks to a link on Sephora that eventually led me to you). You are too cute! And you’re wonderful at explaining things!
I wonder if you’ve looked at double strollers yet at all? I have friends who love their Baby Jogger City Mini Double but I have watched both of them struggle to get them through the doorway because it DOES fit in standard doorways but only JUST. I think I would rather the ones they sit behind each other instead of next to each other. You’ll have to let us know if you find a good one! I’m about two weeks behind you I think. ๐
Pretty sure you are the ONLY minivan mom in the world I will approve of! Glad you have so much family support!
Kate….you ARE my earliest CHRISTMAS GIFT… oops.. not TOTALLY true….I became a GREAT GRAMMA 1 wk. ago. I’m around 60ish….I tell people that once I hit 60 I could no longer REMEMBER my EXACT age. NOT aging gracefully. I’m convinced that my eyesight is diminishing as God’s kind way of preventing me from having a heart attack when I look in the mirror. In the ‘dark ages’ I was an Esthetician. Beauty has been my most cherished interest & adventure. Great pleasure giving women a boost in self-esteem. Watching gravity pull my cheeks toward the floor IS a daunting challenge.. Want to start a blog…MAYBE named, `GRAMMAS: GUTS, GLORY, GLAM’. Grandmotherhood takes ‘GUTS. ‘GLORY’ is a result of choosing courage to face the assigned challenges of ‘nana’hood. Love & blessings come from loving & giving. GLAM of face & finding beauty within is what I hope to inspire, encourage and motivate. YOU are GIFTED. KEEP GOING.Signing up for your blog…ya got me hook, line & sinker…THANKS for thatl ‘Subscribing’ mean I will get your updates on Facebook?…or how do I follow you?
Haha, love the above comment about diminished eyesight. I hear ya! Anyway, just chiming in to say mini vans (we have 2013 Odyssey) are the BEST. We have 3 kiddos and tried squeezing them in the back of an SUV for a while and it was possible, but there was no room for any stuff and the baby could pull hair/scratch either sibling as we drove. The van is perfection on wheels, despite the silly stereotypes. And my costume vote is cat, too.
We bought a Honda Odyssey shortly after having our second child. It’s amazing how much easier getting in and out is. And we could NEVER travel in anything but a van!
I totally vote cat for David’s costume- I am a crazy cat lady.
David looks so grown up in those PJ’s.
Vans. Ouch.
I love your sense of humor! David is adorable. I have two boys and my youngest is 4 months old and 21 lbs. We’ve found his footed sleepers at Carter’s and The Children’s Place. You may have tried those places but I just wanted to throw that out there just in case you haven’t.
Oh my gosh. David is so cute! Hey.. if you don’t cooking again until 2017 no one will fault you! Chickfila is good for you right?
Kate- Your son is adorable!I have followed your blog a long time- watching hair tutorials& then the stages of yout baby- seeing him get so big- He is adorable!
Im a mother to 2 little girls & our 6yr old LOVES Disney Frozen(shhh…so does her mommy)Lol! But If you have not seen it,go ahead and watch it- no ones looking- its a cute movie.
But for Davids Halloween Costume, he should be Olaf….its the snowman in Frozen- Google him- Olaf is adorable! You can Youtube Olaf songs also- Lol- its really cute!
But whatever you decide,He will be adorable!
Just wanted to say I love the tone of this post.. very funny, I can hear your “voice” coming through. Like two friends talking. Not all writers can do that – most blogs sound so preachy or presentational, if that makes sense. Nice job!!
Also I’m excited to see the ombre change!!