
Skincare Routine

DSC_0003 - Version 2

I had an entirely different post planned for today but I was scrolling through my photos and came across this one.

It got me thinking.

David is already 7 months old. He’s sitting up, rolling over, giggling, and eating puffs and purees.

Before I know it he’ll be crawling. And then he’ll be walking. And then he’ll be leaving for college practically.

I’m not sad that he’s getting older, because each new stage is so enjoyable, but it’s very emotional to look back on photos of him when he was just a tiny little baby.

In a way I miss that time, but in another way I don’t. I love current David. He’s a complete joy! Don’t get me wrong, I felt the same way back then. I try to enjoy the current stage as much as possible without wishing it away.

My mom is coming to visit today, and then my dad is joining us for the weekend. When Justin, David and I traveled to Wisconsin a few weeks ago, it was wonderful to see family, but my mom was busy hosting the entire weekend. She knew she was coming down to visit later in the month, but I couldn’t help but notice she barely got any David time!

I’m looking very forward to her visit and am so grateful to have such a wonderful mother. It’s very sweet to see how tender she is with him, and it’s a little glimpse into how she likely was with my siblings and I when we were infants.

Despite living half way across the country, I get to see her (and the rest of my family!) fairly often. I am really grateful for that as I want David to know his aunts, uncle, and grandparents really well.

This week will be spent just the three of us, hanging out, with no plan or agenda or anything. I may even give them some quality alone time and sneak off for a pedicure.


p.s. I’ve enjoyed rounding up my favorite stylish moms + products over on this Pinterest board, check it out here!


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Hallie says · 07.23.14

Having a wonderful mom is such a blessing! I don’t know what I would do without mine. She lives on the other side of the country too, but we try to see each other as often as possible, and she’s such a lovely grandma to my little people.

amber says · 07.23.14

I’m tearing up reading this post because I’m thinking how lucky you are to have a mom who is so good to your family. I’m not as lucky as you. So many who have so much support don’t see it and just want more and more. Enjoy the time with your parents

Kate says · 07.23.14

Thank you. I’m sorry to hear you don’t have the same relationship with yours. I hope there is a mother-figure in your life that you do feel close to!

Lori says · 07.23.14

My mom was always great with my boys too. Especially my youngest son…the two of them had a very close relationship.

Jessica Hansen says · 07.23.14

Beautiful memory that you caught in this photo! Definitely a keepsake 🙂 Enjoy time with your Mommy!

Marisa says · 07.23.14

While she’s there you should ask her whatever she’s doing with her skin! She looks amazing!!

Rebecca @ Hello Creative Blog says · 07.23.14

This is so sweet, and I want to give you props for truly enjoying your son and each stage. I don’t have children, but I can recall my own mom saying similar things about enjoying each phase and each one being a little better than the last – and now I think about the relationship we have. I can’t help but think (and be thankful) that it’s because of her and her approach to motherhood. You’re a great mom, and I’m sure David will appreciate it!

Sara Konesheck says · 07.23.14

I agree there is nothing sweeter than the relationship between grandparents and grand kids. I love seeing my parents with my daughter. Seven months old was such a sweet spot for us too. I felt the same exact way…the baby days were so wonderful, cuddly and sweet, but something changed at 7 months. My daughter got such a fun personality and made so many strides developmentally. Enjoy every minute!

Christy A. says · 07.23.14

Hey there, just wanted you to know your site finally came up on Chrome today. I check every day and it’s back ! I have been having to go to Internet Explorer while it was having difficulties but it’s back on Chrome. Thank you !

Kate says · 07.23.14

GREAT! Thank you for letting me know!!

Elizabeth T. says · 07.23.14

Such a great post…I was not close with my mom growing up, but as we have gotten older our bond has strengthened immensely. When I was pregnant, I secretly prayed that the baby was a girl so that we could have the mother-daughter bond I did not have growing up. Little did I know, God provided me with a daughter, but also reminded me that starting over with my mother was a possibility:) It’s been wonderful to see that relationship grow now. And…I’m with you on each new phase. I have loved each new stage my daughter has gone through…and love watching her change and grow. I’m so glad someone else does too! I feel like everyone is always wishing time would stand still, but my prayer is that I would be more aware that time moves fast, but that each day holds something very precious so enjoy the NOW!

Debi says · 07.23.14

Enjoy each day with your son. It’s been said “the days are long, but the years are short” when raising children. At age 51 with 2 grown children and 2 grandsons, I wish I would have spent more time cherishing those moments that I let slip by. I am doing all I can to not miss out now.

Mary Jane says · 07.23.14

Love you story since I love being a grandmother, but let me be a little grandmotherly here and correct some grammar:

“and it’s a little glimpse into how she likely was with my siblings and I ”

should be my siblings and ME. Remove the “siblings and” to figure out whether it should be me or I. So, would you say, “how she likely was with I?” No! You would say “how she likely was with me.”

Liz says · 07.23.14

Really?! After this wonderful post that brought tears to my eyes, you had to feel the need to correct grammar?! I love this post and that picture! It reminds me of my children with my parents!

Kate says · 07.23.14

Thank you for your kind words Liz!

JNJxn says · 07.23.14

Precious. My sweet mom keeps my baby for us during the work week. I love that my son (17 months old) is getting to grow a special bond with her–and my dad when he comes home from work. So, so awesome.

Rachel says · 07.23.14

Sweet picture. I know exactly what you mean about feeling nostalgic but not. My LO is 9 mos, and I have so much fun with him. I look back at previous months and my heart melts remembering how little he was. But I wouldn’t trade this time for that one, either! My grandmother said that every stage has something fun & special, so cherish each one. I can already tell she’s so right! Enjoy the time with your mom!

Kristin S says · 07.23.14

I bet she’ll love the visit too.

Annette says · 07.23.14

I love how much you appreciate your mom and cherish the bond she has with your baby. I’m excited to see my mom live out the role of “Oma” (Dutch for grandma) to my babies in the future.

…and enjoy your pedicure!

Missy Robinson says · 07.24.14

Becoming a mother made me appreciate mine so very much. It was the only way I could understand how much of herself she gave to us. My family lives across the country, too, and we have to be very intentional about making time to be together – keep it up. It’s hard, but so worth it!

Theresa @ AMomInTheMaking says · 07.25.14

Beautiful picture of David with his grandma! I love how you involve your family so much on the blog!

Evelina says · 07.25.14

Going through excatly the same with my son who was born on Christmas Eve 2013. I can go back looking at photos and feeling this lump in my stomach missing him sleeping on my chest and stuff, but he is at the same time so much fun now… not his whining because of teeth him, but other than that… the exciement in his eye when he sees something new and his curiosity… aww.. its a delight…

while im on it.. love your hair tutorials.. cut it kind of the same from beeing really long.. but i never seem to find the time or I cant be bothered to do anything with it.. like I wanted to when I first cut it… but its nice for a change.. with short hair I mean. Sorry for bad english..

take care

/ Evelina from Sweden

Carly @ says · 07.29.14

Hello there! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I so enjoy your site… such great beauty and fashion tips, many of which I’m so grateful for, being a new mom and having limited time and ideas right now and all! 🙂

I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my own site, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring in content @ The Small Things! Have a great day and don’t forget to check out your nomination below and let me know if you accept!
