Baby Gear Loves and Not So Much Loves // 6 month update

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I receive questions from readers often that are usually along the lines of, “Do you still like your _______?” I thought it may be helpful to look back over the past 6 months and update you on what I have really loved, and what I wouldn’t have bought had I known.

1. After many recommendations to get an Ergo, we bought one and it was very useful. I would recommend this! David is not a slight child. He likes to eat. He’s a big boy. So I haven’t carried him in it in awhile. I’m traveling with him and my husband in July so we may bring it along just as a way to “hold him without holding him”. I also purchased the infant insert which I found useless. It’s such a warm little burrito and I never liked man-handling David into it. I found that rolling a few blankets up and placing them at the base of the inside of the Ergo would add enough height for him to sit comfortably in there.

2. The Uppababy Cruz is awesome. Man I love this stroller. I use it multiple times a day. It folds and opens so easily, the seat reclines and can face forward or backward. And the little sunroof on top if perfect for letting some light in. The sunshield that pulls out from the canopy is HUGE and perfect for super sunny days. I have been so happy with this stroller that I don’t have a single complaint.

3. The 4moms Mamaroo was fantastic for the newborn days. But it didn’t take long for David to stop liking it. As it turns out, he didn’t like any swing whatsoever, so I don’t think it’s a Mamaroo specific thing. I still like the Mamaroo and would recommend it!

4. David loves this piano toy. He plays on it for a good while right after his first bottle in the morning. This travels with us on road trips and is a must for infants!

5. The Uppababy Mesa car seat is my biggest regret. I bought this because it clicks into the stroller without any added gadgets or bars so I figured it would be super easy to use. It also is supposed to be a fool-proof installation within the car. Those two factors are true! It’s easy to click in and out of your stroller if you use an Uppababy stroller, and it’s very easy to install it into the car. The downside is that it weighs 1 million pounds. It’s so heavy. It feels sturdy and safe, which is important, but it is so heavy that it’s become a hassle. It’s also not a convertible car seat, so in hindsight I should’ve purchased one that can grow with David.

6. The Little Castle Charleston glider I purchased from Target has been a favorite in the nursery! I used it a ton when I was nursing, and now use it to feed David bottles. It broke in nicely and is really comfortable.

7. The bottles that ultimately worked best for David are Avent. This is such a baby-specific item since every baby is different, but we liked these the best.

8. The 4mom’s Breeze play yard is a must have. It’s an investment, I know. It is so easy to set up and take down and that makes it all worth it to me.

9. Although I’ve worn the ink off of the screen and menu buttons, I still love the monitor we bought. It tilts and pans nicely, and the screen is nice and large. I’d definitely recommend this to new parents!

I do really hope this is helpful as you consider adding gear to your new or growing family!


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Susan says · 06.11.14

Thanks for sharing your reviews after using the products for a while. I’m totally drooling over your stroller! It looks awesome. I have the same problem with our infant car seat. We also have a healthy eater/big baby and I think that’s something to do with it as well. For our oldest we ended up purchasing a convertible car seat after he outgrew the infant seat. I think you can’t beat those infant seats for the protection you want for your newborns though! Thanks again for sharing. Always enjoy your blog.

Kacia says · 06.11.14

SAME REGRET here. Only it was with our Peg Perego car seat! I read safety ratings, etc, etc….but it. weighs. a. TONNNNNN. I just took her out of her seat because I honestly couldn’t lift it with her in it!

I will say — get the Radian Dionos convertible seat when you decide to change/he grows out of the Uppababy! So so so good!

Rachel says · 06.11.14

We’re probably going to get the Diono as our upgrade! The price tag is hefty, but the reviews on it seem glowing all around, so it seems worth it for peace of mind. I still recommend new parents to get the infant car seats, even though we’re outgrowing ours before 10 months (tall boy!). It was just SO convenient to keep him in the seat when he was little & I was running errands. Those days will be gone soon!

Kate says · 06.11.14

good to know!

meredith says · 06.11.14

Just remember, his new seat still needs to be rear facing until at he is at least 2, and preferable until he reaches the height/weight limit on it.

Jordan says · 11.20.14

Ugh, I purchased the Peg Perego for my June baby on the recommendation of another mom blogger. Now, my babe is 16 lbs. and the thing is nearly impossible to lug around. On the other hand, I’ve gotten very strong…

Brittney says · 06.11.14

Hi Kate. My 2.5 year old was 27 lbs by year one. He still weighs about 32 lbs. I can comfortably carry him in the ergo just do it on my back. No problems or soreness.

JNJxn says · 06.11.14

I love the Ergo too! The versatility is awesome. Some babies might not like it, but the ones that do makes this a God-send.

Lauren says · 06.11.14

Check out the Nuna Sena instead of the 4Moms Breeze — cheaper, more environmentally friendly and less toxic to baby and has the same push/pull center mechanism design. Love ours! We also have the Uppa Baby Cruz but use the Chicco KeyFit 30 adapter on it. Perfect combo.

Deana says · 06.11.14

I have a three week old and love your baby gear reviews. I agree with the mamroo (he loves it right now) and we also love the fisher price rock n play. He sleeps in it right now in our room. I really LOVE our breeze. We set it up in our closet as another changing station for night changes with the bassinet on top and it is perfect!

Chelsea says · 06.11.14

I am due at the end of August and have chose the same video monitor but with the smaller screen. Do you think the larger screen is worth the extra money, or do you think that you would have been ok with a smaller screen?

Kate says · 06.11.14

I prefer the larger screen but that’s all I’ve ever used!

Jordan says · 06.11.14

I started with the smaller screen and size-wise it was fine. However, I upgraded to the larger screen so that I could have the ability to move the camera from the parent hand set. I’d never go back now!

Beka says · 06.11.14

Honestly, I still love the infant carriers for their compactness and how much better they recline for newborns. I have 5 kids and have ALWAYS preferred the carriers during the first 6-8 mo, and I’ve had a few big boys too 😉 the convertible seats just don’t recline as well and are soo huge for newborns, even w inserts. I just upgraded my youngest to a britax convertible and LOVE it!! He was so ready for it at 9 mo. We will keep him rear facing for a long time! 🙂

Astin says · 06.11.14

I agree. Plus you can’t beat the convenience of letting them sleep when out and about vs waking them every time you have to take them out of the seat.

Sara w says · 06.11.14

Agreed-I’m pregnant with number four and the bucket seat never lasts long, but I’d still use one for the first 4-6momths. I have a britax convertible seat that is now forward facing and love It, but it us a BEAST-they’re so wide! Ease of install and safety are big factors. I love my ergo/ I’ve used it through two kiddos. Definitely take it on Vacation for the airport alone-and carrying him on your back is great when they’re bigger.

Meagan says · 06.11.14

Thanks for this info…I’m registering for our first baby now and it’s so overwhelming. I’m considering the Cruz as well but wondered how it handles outside on pavement or at the park? Thanks again for the info!!

Kate says · 06.11.14

I take him for walks daily and it does great outdoors!

Heather says · 06.12.14

I’m also getting ready to start the registering process…would you be willing to share everything you registered for and what you have not used at all? The stores are COMPLETELY overwhelming…and the lists they give you have about 4 MILLION things on them! It’s daunting and would love insight from a newer momma!

Samantha Bayer says · 06.11.14

Hmmm so many decisions … do we get the Mamaroo or a regular swing? I can’t decide it’s a price and space issue! Also, what bathtub did you use? That is our major debate right now!

Jordan says · 06.11.14

We use the Fisher Price whale tub. It’s the third one we tried and it’s great!

BK says · 06.11.14

Honestly, the Mamaroo looks pretty darn cool and if I had a lot of money I would probably get one, BUT for the price of it you could buy an bouncy chair or compact swing for much cheaper and the baby will probably like it just as much. And like Kate said, the baby will outgrow it/get bored of it after a few months (mine lasted about 4-5 months in his chair and swing) so unless you can get a Mamaroo second hand/as a gift/or money is no object, then that’s a pretty big price tag for a few months of use. Just my two cents :). We used the Fisher Price My Snuggabunny bouncy chair (sooo soft and comfy for baby) and a borrowed Fisher Price swing and baby liked both.

ANNIE MALONE says · 06.11.14

Love the feedback on all of these items! We have the uppababy vista stroller and absolutely love it! The carseat wasn’t out yet when we bought ours, so its good to hear your feedback. The truth is that our carseat weighed a million pounds too (peg peraggo). Our mamaroo didn’t last past about 3 weeks old either, but our son loved the swing!!! It’s funny how every baby is different!

Dana says · 06.11.14

We had a chunker and I’m still glad we had the infant car seat, even if it was a pain in the booty. Now that he’s in the big convertible seat I can’t imagine starting my newborn in it!

Random website related comment… About commenting! It would be handy if there was a “comment” button at the top of each post that would scroll you down to the end of the post where the comments began AND/OR an “add a comment” button at the top of the comments section that automatically scrolled you down to the very bottom where the form to write a new comment was. Hope that makes sense! (If you need an example, the Pioneer Woman’s site is formatted this way! Just makes it faster to navigate!)

Kate says · 06.11.14

I agree on your comments comment but unfortunately it can’t be changed!

Jennifer Shelton says · 06.11.14

Good minds think a like! I actually registered for 8 out of 9 of the items on your list! I am still up in the air about bottles. I figured I would sample a few different brands and then figure out what works best for my baby when she arrives. Cheers! Jennifer

Kate says · 06.11.14

That’s a good plan

BK says · 06.11.14

Yes, speaking from experience, don’t go out and buy or register for a big pack of bottles of one brand. If you can (I live in Canada) register for all of the big companies sample packs (Nestle, Pampers, Shoppers, etc.) and usually you will get a different brand bottle in each one. That way you can see what your baby likes and then buy more of that brand, or if you don’t get samples just buy one or two bottles and then buy more as needed. My baby luckily did end up liking the Avent bottles that came with my pump so that worked out good as he liked the first brand we tried! Though I did try a couple of the samples of different brands I got and he hated two of them.

Luanne says · 06.11.14

My little guy (now 15 months) wasn’t so “little”, either! He’s now 26 pounds at at 9 months we moved him from the Britax B-Safe (which was heavy without him in it!) to a convertible seat (the Radian Diono – which I LOVE!) because he hit 30 inches. I am glad I had the infant seat though, because popping it on a stroller was a must those first 6 months. I’ve just learned that everything is so short lived for an infant/toddler! 🙂

Christen says · 06.11.14

Can I just say how refreshing it is to get a real take on these items? I have a 3 year-old and 1 year-old so I’ve been reading “mommy” blogs for a long time now. I get really tired of reading how everything is just great, rather than a real-life assessment of how products work and sometimes don’t measure up to expectations. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Jana says · 06.11.14

We LOVE our Ergo too! My kiddo was also not small (10 1/2 pounds at birth) and this was by far the most comfortable of the carriers I have.

Leigh says · 06.11.14

I am going to have baby boy #2 any day now. I have to weigh in on the infant seat. We used a Chicco Keyfit 30 for boy #1 and are going to use the same seat for boy #2. Our oldest was 29 1/2″ tall at 6 months old and had hit 30″ by 7 months old so we moved him to a Britax convertible seat. We love this seat (and so does he) but I could not imagine having an infant in it. Even with my boy in an infant seat such a short time, I don’t regret having the infant seat at all.

Bottles are super personal to the baby as are swings! We had 2 swings and my oldest liked neither of them. He also didn’t like to rock (much to the dismay of the grandparents). Thanks for the review of the piano play mat. That was one of the items we are planning on purchasing for this baby!

Christen says · 06.11.14

One other thing, if you’re looking for a great convertible car seat, I highly recommend the Britax Marathon. While a little pricier, you don’t have to uninstall the car seat to readjust the shoulder straps (a HUGE timesaver!). Also, I dare you to find a cuter print than the cow one:

Amy Lewis says · 06.11.14

Love love love the mamaroo!! My 12 week old sleeps in it at night. Made the mistake of not putting him in his crib from the very beginning, so it’s going to be hard to break him from in when he out grows it.
Also, we bought a Motorola monitor similar to the one you have from babies r us, and when we went to use it for the first time, we noticed the volume does not work. I’m a huge Motorola fan, so I’m sure we just happened to buy a “lemon”.
Thank Kate, for sharing your opinions on these products!

Kristen says · 06.11.14

My son LOVED the piano toy! It was so great that now, I buy it for all my friends who are expecting.

Rachael says · 06.11.14

The stroller looks amazing! Much better than the one I have. We preferred the avent bottles as well. Babies have a mind of their own, maybe your next one will like the swing 🙂

BK says · 06.11.14

I agree about the baby carriers being sooo heavy, especially with a chunky money in them. I have a Britax and it’s so hard for me to carry with my 8 month baby in it. However, I do love the fact that I can transport him in/out of places without taking him out of his seat. Especially when he’s asleep so I don’t have to wake him, I would definitely use a carrier type for my next baby as it’s much more convenient than taking a limp tiny newborn in and out all the time, and I feel that I can just drape a blanket over it to keep germy people away haha. I think there are lighter carriers out there, we must have just picked the heavy brands! We will probably move him to a convertible soon and got the Britax Boulevard, it looks pretty comfy and he seems to like sitting in it! Thanks for sharing your experiences, I definitely want to try out some of these products for my next baby.

Raegan says · 06.11.14

Hi Kate, I’m curious about what you thought about the Fisher Price Rock n Play, I remember you were using it in the beginning. Thanks!

Kate says · 06.11.14

It was good! I still liked it!

Chaile says · 06.11.14

Thank you so much for the information Kate! I’m pregnant and am so thankful to have such great info for my registry.

I have a question. A while back I saw on instagram that you also had an Origami Stroller from 4Moms. How did it compare to the Cruz? I know the Origami is substantially more expensive but I was wondering if you thought the Cruz was an overall better stroller?

Kate says · 06.11.14

Overall I like the Cruz better because it’s lighter and easier to tote around. The Origami is a smooth ride but it’s heavy and bulky :/

Bena Wilbern says · 06.11.14

Thanks Kate! 🙂 My hubby and I plan to start our little family within the next year, so I have pinned this for when I need it! 🙂

Maria says · 06.11.14

Thanks for sharing this! As a new mom myself I always find it interesting to see what other new moms find helpful in their adventure of having an infant.

I’m sorry about your car seat; there’s nothing like a hassle of added weight when you’re transporting an already growing baby! I hope you find one that suits you soon!

Thanks again for this list!

Megan says · 06.11.14

We bought the Mamaroo because everyone said it was magical, and my baby (same age as David) was connected to me 24/7, and I needed a break. Turns out, she hated the Mamaroo just as much as everything else 🙂 It is pretty cool though. We bought ours with a 20% coupon at BuyBuyBaby, and I was able to resell it for the same price that we bought it for. We use the Britax B-Safe infant car seat and the B-Agile stroller. The car seat is such a pain because it’s so heavy, but it does the job it’s supposed to do. The stroller bugs me though. One, it’s huge and takes up half my trunk, and two, I can never seem to figure out how to open it without dragging the seat along the ground. This has to be user error, but it’s still annoying. We also have the Ergo, which I love, but we don’t use it as much now that it’s so hot. I figure I’ll bust it out again in the fall. My baby was 5lbs 12oz when she was born, so we used the infant insert for a long time. She’s still a little small in it, but I just use the little pillow from the bottom of the insert and tuck it into the bottom of the carrier. Your suggestion about a roll of blankets would probably be enough for most babies.

Abby says · 06.11.14

My 10 month old son has the piano toy and loves it. Now that he’s crawling and into everything, we’ve tilted it up so he can pound on it from a sitting position. I love that he can still play with it using his hands.

ashley @ LeavingTheRut says · 06.11.14

The video baby monitors were super expensive when I was looking at them ($150-$300) My little guy is a year and a half and since my husband and I both have iPhones we bought a web D-Link web camera ($99) from Best Buy and downloaded their free app. The camera operates off our home wifi network and we don’t have to cary a separate monitor around with us. Even when my husband is at work (as long as he has data service) he can open up the app and see the nursery. We have the app on our computer, iPads and phones so we don’t have to worry about where the monitor is or if we sit out on the patio at night will the baby monitor signal still reach. It is just as secure as a baby monitor and WAY cheaper!

Alexia C says · 06.11.14

If you’re considering a convertible carseat, I know many people who love the Britax options. Personally, we went with a Recaro ProRIDE because it had awesome customer and safety reviews. Also, I knew we would need it when flying and this version is approved by the FAA for use on planes.

I agree that using the infant carrier, while heavy, is still the path I would go for when they’re small. Just think of the awesome arm workout you get when you carry it around… with or without David!

Laura says · 06.11.14

My little guy is 6 weeks old and loves his mamaroo! I want the breeze too but still deciding because of the pricetag.. Does it have an infant bed add on?

Kate says · 06.18.14


Katie says · 06.11.14

What about the striped diaper bag from Better Life Bags???

Kristen O. says · 06.11.14

Hi, Kate! I love your blog and the “real-ness” you bring to it! I am looking to start a blog of my own soon. Would you mind telling me which program/app you used here for your collage layout? Thank you!!

Stefanie S. says · 06.16.14

I second this request – would love to know the name of the program that helps you create collages like this!

Kate says · 06.18.14

I use photoshop elements

Jessica M. says · 06.12.14

First comment I think. Don’t underestimate the ergo: I didn’t really use the ergo as much until after 4-6 months. In fact, I front-carried my 25 lb 17 month old in it while shopping this week. I also love the back carry for older babies. It’s a little awkward to get situated the first few times, but I still wear my son on my back several times a week to clean and vacuum (he love the vacuum but only if I wear him). Good luck!

Heather says · 06.12.14

I have to tell you that the Ergo was a life saver when I was traveling internationally (14 countries in 5 months!) with my cousins, twin 2 year olds and 5 yr old niece. We could wear the twins while walking around and still got to do tons of stuff even with small ones! Also a phenomenal workout when hoofing it around London with 3 kids…we wore them on our backs and the kids could see everything, interact, talk, sing, and sleep all while in those things! I’m definitely registering for one this summer for our wee one! Hubs and I hope to use it a lot come next year to hike, and do fun stuff around town!

Bridget says · 06.13.14

um, you are supposed to disclose that this post has affiliate links so your readers know you are making money off them if they click those links and make a purchase

Kate says · 06.18.14

Bridget, my disclosure statement is in the right sidebar.

Brianne Heape says · 06.16.14

With baby #1 due early July, I’m so glad to read your reviews. We’ve got the same monitor, Mamaroo, & piano toy for our girl. All of which, you seemed to really like – at least in the early months. 🙂

Kate says · 06.18.14


Kay says · 06.17.14

I’m a full time nanny for twin boys plus I babysit for about ten other families. Everyone I know who has the piano toy is obsessed with it! Definitely my go-to baby shower gift!

Can’t say enough good things about this monitor too! I love that you can add other cameras as you have more kids (we have one on each of the boys) but you can also move it so much that if you only want 1 camera in a shared room, that works too!

Anyone looking into baby wearing, and Kate if you decide to look for more of a “big kid” carrier, see if your city has a carrier lending club. In Chicago, baby wearing international has a lending library so you can test before you buy!

Niki says · 06.17.14

These types of posts are so helpful since I’m in the process of registering! My parents just bought us the UPPABaby Vista with the Mesa car seat, and I have the Motorola monitor you mentioned on my registry! That’s too bad that the car seat is so heavy, although I feel like I’ll need a good workout once baby is born? 😉

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Jen says · 07.21.14

Thanks for posting. I am pregnant now and just registered for the UPPAbaby vista and the mesa car seat but have heard mixed reviews on it and it really is 1million pounds!! Do you have any recommendations for a convertible car seat?


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Jean says · 12.06.16

My big boy is 3.5 months and is only about 15 pounds. I already feel as though he’s outgrown his Mesa. He looks so scrunched in it despite having adjusted it. When did you make the switch to a convertible car seat and which one are you using?
