“I love you”
May Julep Box + extra favorites
We communicated the other week.
David was laying on the floor and I was tossing the blanket on top of him and then snatching it off (which always gets a wonderful laugh out of him) and I saw him mouth “I love you” to me. My blood instantly ran cold and my heart started beating fast and despite the fact that I know there is no way he could have possibly done that intentionally, it made my day.
I texted Justin as soon as it happened and he asked if I had “gotten into the cough syrup again.”
The whole ordeal made me excited for when he can actually talk to me.
I’m so curious about his personality. I’m anxious for him to grow up and see him develop into a little boy, but I know I’ll long for these baby days again one day.
I wonder if he’ll be a little shy and nervous, like I was as a kid. I remember being painfully shy for years and I always wished I could break out of that. My move to North Carolina in ’06 was the greatest contributor to breaking the shyness trait, but it still surfaces in certain situations.
David is a little leery of strangers, loud noises and unfamiliar territory. I’m sure a great deal of this is simply due to being a 5 month old baby. Everything is new, and a lot of newness can seem overwhelming.
He’s very curious about the large black camera that I stick in his face from time to time. I take, on average, nearly 200 pictures, and only about 10-12 are actually clear. He’s an active little guy.
Over the weekend he learned to grab onto his toes. It’s his new favorite thing. Almost any time I lay him on his back, his feet go right up and his little arms reach out to find a good grip on his toes. Before too long I’m sure he’ll be sticking a foot in his mouth and using it as a teether.
Having just returned from a weekend away on Monday, it’s been really nice to get back into the swing of things around here. It’s my personal mission to get him to mouth “I love you” again, so that’s what fills our days.
And while I enjoyed the weekend off from having an arm covered in drool, I couldn’t help but let out a deep breath yesterday and settle back into my role as “mom”.
I might be overly hormonal and crazy emotional today, but those pics of David!! gah!
Happy Birthday HARLS!
David is so cute and he looks just like you! My guy is 6.5 months and I’m convinced he says “mom” on a daily basis.
I remember with my first daughter I could not wait for her to say my name, Mommy.
Glad to hear you enjoyed a little break. Loved the pictures. He is growing so fast.
He is such a cute little boy!
Don’t be anxious about him being too shy, I’m sure he will find his place in his world and it will be just perfect. Plus he has awesome parents who will teach and show him that he has every reason to be self-confident!
this world*
I love the pictures that you’ve taken of him. What a handsome little boy.
he is the cutest little baby boy I have seen in a long time! So lovely to read about him! 🙂
He is changing every week we get to see him! Lots of fun stuff to come in the upcoming months. They start doing a lot!
He is just the cutest thing I have seen in a long time!
What a sweet little face.
You are very lucky.
Adorable!! I joke that as long as my guy has his feet, he has all the toys he needs (and I guess if he didn’t have them, we’d have bigger problems).
Oh he is such a cutie pie!! I remember the first time my little one started making sounds, any noise she made I strained so hard to figure out what it meant! Now she has taken to saying ‘nooo’ quite a lot….ha!
That first picture…OMG. I’d buy a used car from that face.
That first picture…OMG. I’d buy a used car from that face.
David is so adorable! Justin’s line about the cough syrup had me laughing out loud!!
I was reading this post with my 4 month old, Eloise, on my lap. She absolutely loved the pictures of David – she started squealing and giggling in delight! Keep those pics coming. I can’t get enough David cuteness and how happy Eloise gets. I joke that she has found her first crush!
Such a precious face! He looks like you, Kate!
This is totally unrelated to your post, but I was wondering if you did any posts about pregnancy-safe beauty care products. I’m mainly looking for facial products: face wash, lotion, scrubs, makeup, and anti-aging products. Did you do a post about this when you were pregnant? Can you steer me in the right direction? 🙂 Thanks!
Didn’t you say he was teething, Kate? How did that go? My 6.5 month old is going through it (I think..)
he looks just like you! my sisters baby is exactly a week older than him and this age is so fun! it’s all a blur from when my little guy was that age….keep snapping those pictures! 🙂
I’m certain he said, “I love you!” I totally believe it! That baby looks brilliant! 🙂 Ha Ha I enjoyed your post. David is adorable. Those eyes! ~ Jennifer (mom to girl (8) and boy (5) ~ both brilliant as well!)
This was just the sweetest post!
I always said with my boys that feet are the best toys ever! They go with you wherever you are and are always available for a play!
So sweet! Beautiful baby!
Just one thing — “David was lying on the floor,” not laying.
To lie is to recline, to lay is to place.
This is precious.
Adorable! It must be so exciting to watch him grow. I can imagine how much you’re looking forward to see him develop from baby to toddler to little man to adult. I wish all the best for your family 🙂
Love that adorable smile! I too always knew my baby communicated with me longggg before he spoke words. And, there was no cough syrup involved! I am sure you are enjoying the time after being away.
Will you be doing a post on your NY visit? I am curious about where you stayed. We are three hours away and would love to go more but struggle with where to stay.
We went as cheap as possible and stayed at the Hampton Inn. It was fine, totally clean and nice hotel, not in the best area though.
Hi Kate, love the pictures! what type of camera do you have?
He has your mouth! Perfect little lips 🙂
I love how much he looks like you!
Those eyes…he is so gorgeous, Kate! 🙂 He will be so used to you taking pics that it will be the norm. 🙂 I have boy/girl twins who are six now and they will ask us to take pictures or video and/or pose when they see us with the camera in hand. Heck, our pup comes running, too, when we call for pictures to be taken. I definitely love every stage of being a mother, and cherish the things they say, but do miss those baby days so much! 🙂
He is adorable and looks just like you! God bless you guys.
Where does David get his red hair? He is so cute!
Your little boy is adorable! It is SO much fun seeing their personality develop. I have 2 girls, ages 11 and 14. When my 14 year old was in 5th grade, she actually had anxiety issues. Nothing too serious to require medical attention (although we spoke with her doctor), but she was very high strung, easily upset and worried constantly. Now, at 14, she’s the most laid back child ever. She’s very confident and self assured and just takes things in stride. Even as they get older their personality can sometimes change and it is a joy to see what they will become.
How exciting! David is just precious! I have a 6 month old and I just love this stage! It’s so much fun seeing his little personality starting to shine through! While I’m enjoying the moments we have now, I can’t wait to hear “I love you”, see him reach for me and get a slobbery kiss on my cheek!
When my sweet baby was that age, she said it, too! 🙂
Teach him to sign I love you. He will be able to do that before he can say it.
Yes! Signing is an effective way to communicate with babies and toddlers before they can talk. It’s so fun when they sign!
My little guy did the same thing at about the same age. The only difference is I had witnesses. Ha ha! I also think I got it on video. If I find it I’ll post it. Enjoy these baby days. There is something new and amazing to discover everyday. Our little man will be 2 next month and I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.
It looks as though David can have his pick from several of the baby girls who’s Mom’s posted about them on here. It’s been a long, long, long time…OK well maybe not that long ago that my baby girl was a baby. I waited patiently for her to say Momma…she was such an outgoing girl when she was younger her first word was, “Hi!” Yes, my bubble was burst.
What a sweet moment between you and your little boy. I have a 5 month old too (daughter) and, like David, she just recently found her toes! Has David been rolling back to front and front to back yet? I tell ya: that’s one of those OMG my baby is really growing moments!
Thanks for sharing!
Ok, first of all, David is such a cutie! Secondly, I got my latest edition of BH&G and I saw you won reader’s choice award for best beauty blogger!!!! I loved seeing yuppie name and face in that category. Congratulations!
My first born was so taken with his toes that this phrase became part of our family’s language: “Toes are better than toys”.
He was quite successful in getting them into his mouth 🙂
From a photographer… the best way to get clear shots… activate & use “back-button-focus” on your camera 🙂 It’s a game changer…. I’m not sure how people get anything moving in focus without it!
Wow! I cannot get over how much he looks like you in that first pic! He’s precious.
Toes in the mouth are my favorite thing! Ella started that recently.
I take 300-1000 pictures a day and mention how many are blurry. People tell me to get a good camera. I do but still don’t always use it. Glad I’m not the only one taking a lot of pictures and ending up with a lot of blurry ones.
BTW awhile ago Ella loved watching a video of David on instagram. Then I posted a pic to my blog of her watching the video but didn’t provide details and I got a comment asking if it was your son. That was crazy. OK It was 2 months ago that it happened but posted way late. http://scrapandrun.blogspot.com/2014/05/44.html is the link if you are curious.