Days with David
Pesto Chicken Sandwich
Usually when I return home from a quick trip to the grocery store I’m struck with the realization that I “stay home” every day. There’s something about opening my garage and entering my house while seeing all the empty driveways around me that makes me feel like I’m the only one home.
When I was still working behind the chair, I wondered how I would feel about being a stay at home mom. I’m a go-go-go kind of person, and I was a little worried that the slower pace of life would be challenging.
I’m really grateful to have the blog and extra projects to work on when David naps. For my personality, it’s the perfect balance of using my creative side as well as being with David as much as I can!
David and I have gotten into a great little routine on weekdays when it’s just the two of us. I try to get out of the house everyday for some sort of errand or activity.
Some of his favorite things to do and see these days are:
1. Ride in the stroller to the grocery store. The basket of the stroller I have is absolutely massive and I can fit a ton of groceries in it so I don’t have to bother with a cart. We go to the grocery store quite frequently, even if it’s just to get a few apples or more cat food, so David has become a little celebrity around Harris Teeter.
2. His face lights up when we walk down the cereal aisle. It must be all the bright colors and patterns that are fun to look at. His eyes try to track with every single box so he can take it all it. I try to do a couple laps up and down that aisle if we have time because it’s really cute to see him try to take it all in.
3. He loves trees. When we take our evening walk, there’s a section that’s a complete canopy of trees and his mouth hangs open in fascination as we stroll beneath it.
4. He loves to be tickled. My mom has been visiting for a bit and she will walk her fingers along his body until she gets to his side and tickle him as he erupts with a high pitched scream.
5. He likes to swing. Justin and I always joke about how “advanced” and “smart for his age” David is. It’s just something parents say about every single child they have. I mean, we said it about our cats.
“Grits knows how to open the laundry door. He’s really advanced.”
“I know, he’s a really smart cat!”
So naturally we think David has a super high IQ and is going to win a Nobel Prize at age 15.
I was meeting my friend Joanna at the park a few weeks ago, but I was running late so I called her to let her know. She said,”Oh that’s fine! We’ll (she and her son, who is 1 day older than David, named Ryland) just go to the swings. It’s his favorite thing these days!”
I hung up the phone and was all “WHAT. Ryland swings and loves it and I haven’t even put David in a swing yet?!”
My previous life goals all dissipated and the sole focus was getting David in a swing to see if he’s as advanced as Ryland.
It took nearly a week to LOCATE a swing close to my house because apparently not every park has a swing, and once we found it, we put David in and swung him a little bit.
He . . . liked it. As much as you would like something you are pretty unsure about. But the more we’ve done it, the more he has smiled, so I would consider swinging one of the things he likes. Is it his favorite? Probably not. But I’m sure one day he’ll be swinging high enough to give me a panic attack.
We’ll just have to let Ryland be the more advanced baby in that arena. But do you know what David is beating Ryland at? Having slow growing hair. So he should be proud of himself.
I’m documenting just about every “big” moment around here like, you know, every smile, every tooth, every laugh, every thing, so I made a riveting video of David in the swing.
We are enjoying the beautiful weather, and looking forward to a few trips we have planned this summer.
And continuing to explore his “advanced” skills for being 5.5 months old.
Can you do a blog post about his schedule and how you were able to put him on one? Naps, bed time, etc. thanks!!
My little girl is four months old and I am also a stay at home mom. Love running errands some days to get out of the house! lol. I also have to stop myself from panicking if she isn’t doing something that other children her age are, yet. But it’s so much fun! 🙂
You must take David to Pullen Park! Its such a beautiful place. I bet he would love the carousel. As he gets older, he will discover something new. And they have swings 🙂
I love Pullen Park–it’s amazing!
It is my 4 year olds FAVORITE place. Has been since it reopened. Can’t wait to bring my new baby there!
Pullen Park is my favorite!
Mommy meet up at pullen park! 😉
We were just there last week! My boys love the train there!
I love reading all about life with David. I have five children and none of them did anything at the same time as each other. David will do what he is supposed to do when he is supposed to do them. You aren’t doing anything wrong by not having tried the swings at the park. I know you know that, but wanted to remind you are doing a great job. Enjoy that little cutie!
Oh I definitely know that! I hope I conveyed that I was joking a bit through my writing!
He is such a cute little baby! I love his just warms my heart!
I’m confused, you said you were meeting a friend at the park and she was heading to the swings. So why did it take you a week to locate a park with swings? 🙂
It was about 25 minutes away–so I wanted to find one closer to my house!
Ohhhh… ok. I thought I was having a blonde moment! 🙂
Kate, my boys are now 21, 18 and 15 with lives that are so hectic and over programmed that I find myself dreaming of the days when they were little and we could spend hours looking at the shapes the clouds made. Enjoy this time with David – take time to slow down and see things from his perspective — it’s a gift. I know our inclination is to “do it all” these days, but really the most important thing (and I say this after having a big career and a big family) is raising a good person. Plus having kids gives you permission to do all the things you loved as a child with your child — just wait til David is old enough to play Candyland!!
You are a wonderful mom!
I love how he puts his little feet together every time he swung (swang? Oh my goodness, they both look odd to me) forward. Such a cutie-patootie!
i really look forward to your weekly wednesday posts about david. they make my work week hump much better. thank you so much for sharing his growth with random people you don’t know!
He is such a beautiful baby! I love the “competitive mommy” bit in you! I think that just tells how proud a mum you are!
Le Blanc De Chanel | Review
I love the Wednesday posts! My boy, Russell, is just over 5 months and I like to use the blog to see what things he *should* be up to. Never thought about playground swings!!
He is so cute!! How is the teething going?!
Haha – I had my son in a swing for the first time the other day and his expression was much the same as David’s! Confused, but not upset!
“I mean, we said it about our cats.” Ha!!
Kinda jealous that you have a close mom friend with a baby also so close in age to David! I have been really fighting to find some other moms with little ones near me. I have only just recently become successful in making some new acquaintances who can hopefully become good friends. David looks like he’s supporting himself really well in that swing! Did you put anything in there to support him? My guy keeps slouching down. He loves it but I have to stop periodically to readjust him. lol
So you know that baby looks just like his momma right?? Cutie!
That sounds so lovely!!! He is such a cutie and it’s awesome that you get to spend time with him!
I was able to stay at home with my son for the first 15 months of his life. Then, I had to return to work:( Being a stay at home mom for those 15 months was the best job I have ever had. He will turn 6 next week and we have another baby who is almost 2. I long for the days when I can be at home with my loves. I am praying God will open a door for me, that will allow me to be with my children and also provide for my family. You are blessed Kate. 🙂
Great post! I’ve always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I think because I never found a career I loved. Luckily, I am able to stay at home as I know most moms cannot. However, I find myself missing adult conversations…I just moved to the Raleigh area 2.5 months ago and have tried out different moms groups, etc. Still searching for some moms/women to connect with so I don’t go all crazy here! I have the opposite reaction about my son – I know he’s not advanced AT ALL. I blame the fact that he was born 7 weeks premature. Some friends of mine also had their first children around the same time I had mine and it kills me to see every milestone their child hits when mine is busy sticking his finger up his nose (only, of course, when I ask him where his ear is located). David is adorable!!!! Enjoy your time with him!
It’s so cute that you have a little bib/receiving blanket over the front of the swing. That is totally a first-time-mom thing to do 🙂 By your second or third you’ll be letting your kids swing while you text/email and they’ll be chewing on the front of it! He’s so cute!
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My six year old son was swinging the other day. I told him it was time to go. He said, just a minute. Then proceeded to pump his legs as hard as he could…going higher and higher. Just as he was to the highest point he could reach he thrusts his little body off the swing, legs and arms flailing in the air, landing perfectly on the ground. Then he walks to me like it was no big deal saying ready to go. After I recovered from almost fainting we left. I miss the days when I could strap him in the swing and he needed my help to get in and out of it.
The cereal aisle thing a real “thing” 🙂
I love that you take several trips down that one because he loves it so much!
My two girls (now 3 &5) were both born in the winter months too. I remember feeling so secluded and somewhat isolated from the harsh winter weather (that’s Canada for ya). But as the snow melted and we were able to get out in the stroller more, it made a world of difference to how I felt. Summer’s are the best with babies. Enjoy! Cute picture!
I know exactly how you feel – I’m a new SAHM too, with a 15 month old little girl. It’s only been 3 mos of staying home, (we get a year off for maternity leave in England) – and I wasn’t sure how I would take to it. I’m used to a very fast-paced working environment with a lot of stress and ‘fire drills.’ But I love it!! I may go back when the kiddo(s?) is school-aged, but for now, I’m just soaking up every minute of growth I get to witness. I do take her to swim class and a baby/parent group once a week just to get out of the house regularly. The rest is whatever errands we can come up with too – tomorrow we are hitting the store for some new socks, wahoo! 🙂
A YEAR OFF? That’s awesome!
It IS awesome! It’s lucky I was over here, if I was back in NY I would have had 12 weeks at best.
Love your sense of humor. You cracked me up.
He’s a beautiful kid, Kate! I love the blog refresh, too! Clean and simple!
He is so adorable, and I think he is a mini me for you lol! Oh David you are giving me babyfever…the cuteness is ridiculous
I love the way you put that! We thought our son was advanced and the pediatrician was always shocked by him which did not help! Now our daughter has done many things even sooner as is typical with second children.
David is so adorable!
This made my day! Your description of the video had me dying! But I just have to say, are you trying to tell me that my baby is not in fact super duper smart like my husband and I think?! 😉
Baaaahahahahaha. This cracked me up-like I laughed long & hard at #5. I don’t have kids and followed the blog pre-David, but am enjoying following your life transition. You’re just keeping it real. I like it :). Carry on.
You’re going to have to bring the little guy to the shop one day… you know, when you need an outing + some fun things for David to look at! 🙂
What I wouldn’t give to stay home with my babies. You are blessed. 🙂 David is a cutie.
#1. Us. Exactly. Haha! Love it. Our favorite employ at Harris Teeter just retired and it was sad. She watched C grow up! Also, did you know that Harris Teeter gives you a free little cake on your child’s first birthday? It’s fun because if you have a party and it’s not on his actual birthday then you can use the free cake for a little family celebration at home on his actual birthday and you don’t have to stress yourself out with feeling like you have to prepare something. Plus it’s kind of special that it’s from you’re friendly neighborhood market where you partly raised your kid (you know, where you taught him many important food related things about life).
I laughed at your cats comment, we have a dog and a puppy, same breed. I’ve always had this bed and generally the are intelligent,. The current dog is anything but advanced.poor guy is the butt or more jokes on our home… Then along came his baby sister. Now she is advanced, we are officially “those” pet parents now. But she has taught herself words, and tricks and more words and sentences, and oh more words. So we now have the genius and the canine equivalent of not being able to tie his shoes. We are pretty sure she’s planning world peace or something.
Kate, I also look forward to the Wednesday posts (especially as someone new to Raleigh and expecting a baby boy on, oh, Monday or so) but I wonder — I know you’ve posted about the PPB bags you used for the hospital and your diaper bag, but now that David’s a few months old, what have you learned is a must-pack and what’s more on the “calm down, first-time mom” side? I’d love if you could do a packing post for your daily errand bag 🙂
I especially loved this post and your mission to get David on a swing.
And of course the cats are “smart” and “advanced” – you adopted from Alley Cats and Angels! 🙂
I love the update on David and the video. I hope your parents and your husbands parents get to visit with him as often as they can. My only grandchild at the moment (my daughter is expecting our second grandchild) lives in VA and I only get to see him once a month (if I’m lucky) or by Skype.
David is growing up so fast and I’m so happy you can spend those day’s with him. We were able to let me stay at home for 7 years until the girls started school. Its hard to only live on the one income but if you can, it’s worth it. We were just lucky.
I went back to work part-time 10 weeks after my now 6.5 month old was born. I still have the urge to stay home with him every day, dropping him off at daycare 3 days a week hasn’t got any easier. But I’m like you ~ so used to go, go, going that I’m not sure I’ll like it or, let’s be honest, the absence of a paycheck. It’s something I’m continually praying about! I think my little Robert may give David a run fo rhis money in the slow-growing hair department. He’s pretty bald too 🙂
Man, I’m behind in my blog reading!! This post had me DYING laughing. Now that Ryland’s eating solids Matt’s constantly all “eat more so you can be big like David!!” I love it :).