Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Hair Fix: the dreaded back part
1. fresh Sugar Advanced Therapy Lip Treatment, 2. Davines Ol/Oil Absolute Beautifying Potion, 3. Leather pouch, 4. gold cake server, 5. Caudalie Glowing Complexion Set, 6. Trellis Hoop Earrings, 7. Sonia Kashuk Limted Edition brushes, 8. Coach wristlet, 9. Voluspa candle
Mother’s Day is particularly meaningful this year because it’s my first one as a mom. I never realized all that being a mother entails until I became one. There’s a never ending list running in my head of all that I need to do while I stay home with David. I honestly feel busier now that I ever have been. Whenever Justin thanks me for things I do around the house, or things I do to take care of David during the day, it means a great deal to me!
Some people are naturally good gift givers. I am not. I struggle with defaulting to the practicality of a gift card to a store I know the recipient will like. But I always wish I would have given the gift a little bit more thought when I give a gift card.
When I buy gifts for people that are important to me, I ask myself this question: What is something I would love to receive but would hesitate to buy for myself?
That helps me think about what the recipient would really enjoy. For me, a new candle or skincare product is fun to receive. Something safe to give, as far as skincare goes, is a lip treatment. That way you don’t run the risk of insulting the recipient (“Oh I thought you would love this new wrinkle cream. . .er. . .”).
A nice set of makeup brushes for a beauty lover, or a cake server for a cook, are great directions to go for gift giving!
Oh and if the mom you are buying a gift for has a great sense of humor, consider giving her this card. I stared at it for a good 15 seconds trying to figure out what in the world was on the front of it until it finally hit me.
The Davines Oil is amazing! My stylist is a davines stylist. Her hair colors are to dye for!! ( see what I did there?) I’ve never had hair so shiny! I use the OI shampoo and conditioner which are the foundation of the product line the oil is in. GAME CHANGER.
Ooh, enjoy your first Mother’s Day! My first was last year and it was very very special.
Loving the new layout. Don’t understand anything about how this stuff works but it looks great!
God bless.
there’s a rings are so delicate and pretty I may have to pick up a pair for myself and that cardQ
.those earrings are so pretty and delicate… I may have to pick up a pair for myself! And that card!!!
Voluspa candles…THE. BEST.
that’s all. 🙂
LOL!!! Unfortunately, I knew right away what was on the front of that card!!! Thanks for a good laugh to start the day!
That card! Amazing! I heard that some celebrity I can’t remember calls her bra size a 36A LONG, because she nursed all her children.
Thought number 3 was a flask at first glance. That would also be an acceptable Mom gift! Haha
Hahaha, I did too! I was thinking that seemed pretty out of place until I read all the tags below!
Thanks for the suggestions! And I LOVE that Mother’s Day card you mention at the end of your post. I just ordered it for my mom, along with several other witty cards for future occasions. By the way, I also love the new look of your blog. It’s so pretty and feminine while managing to stay modern. Well done!
Lovely suggestions – but that card! Haha!! I literally did a “spit take” with my coffee when I saw it. Love me some good saggy humor.
Happy Mother’s Day to you dear Gal!
saggy humor! haha!
I don’t normally comment, but just wanted to say I love your redesigned site! I do wish that you allowed for the full feed when people subscribe. It only shows a snippet of your post in my reader and then I have to click over. Not a huge deal, but when I’m reading on my phone, it’s a lot easier to stay in my reader. Especially since your mobile view of your site is pretty small text… Maybe that’d be something you’d consider changing back to the full feed?
Happy Mother’s Day soon!
Thank you! I’m working through the details you mentioned 🙂 Thanks for letting me know!
Great job on the new website….Happy 1st Mothers Day. I love to read your blog everyday. Your a wonderful Mom….
Enjoyed reading your list 🙂 I asked for a freezer for the garage for Mother’s Day, and it’s already been delivered. Guess I’m too practical for my own good, haha.
Just wanted to mention, even with the darkened text, I’m still finding the site difficult to read on my computer, but much easier on mobile. Maybe I need to clear my cookies/browser???
Thanks for the great ideas, Kate!! I was struggling with what to get my mom this year and this post was super helpful. I love the new site by the way! It’s very pretty!
Thank you for the great ideas for Mom day, really needed some smart suggestion 😉
if you wanna have a look of fashion related articles:
LOVE the card! AND I LOVE that I can finally see your site! It looks so good!
Hello!! I love your blog…and several others, too. Which is why I read them through Bloglovin’. With your new site I’m not able to see any pictures or read the full post unless I click over. Usually, I quit reading blogs that do this, but I really like you and your blog! Are you considering showing the full post in readers? Also, I have to agree with other comments about the mobile version having small, light font. I really have to zoom in to read on my phone. Thanks for listening and thanks for sharing your life with us!!
Agreed! I usually quit blogs that don’t show the full post too. I don’t want to quit yours, but it’s hard to stay committed when it’s not all consolidated in one place. If this is a feature you can change, I’d be forever grateful! Love your blog!
I agree – work restrictions won’t let me click over to the site but I enjoy reading your posts in my email – please change back!
Love the new layout and Look forward to your blog daily…. 🙂
Enjoy your blog, and your Mother’s Day ideas are very good! Can read your blog OK on my iPad (and phone, if I enlarge it a good bit), but the white background with light font is somewhat glaring. Makes the pictures look almost faded, less sharp, especially your picture at the top of your blog. The pictures in the ads don’t look faded. But not complaining, just throwing in my two cents worth. Enjoy your first Mother’s Day!
Great suggestions!! and Happy First Mother’s Day!!
Happy First Mother’s Day, Kate!!! It’s such a special day…enjoy it!!!
I saw that card a few weeks ago, and died laughing. Oh somedays I feel like that is how mine look after nursing my two babes! The things mothers do! Thank the Lord for a good push up bra!
Oh my gosh — that card! Amazing 🙂
Ha, I can totally relate to the card!
Laughed at the card! It is a good sign that it took you 15 seconds to get the card – must mean little David hasn’t done too much damage 🙂 I got it immediately, but after nursing three boys, my little balloons have inflated and deflated a lot!
Kate this is totally unrelated but I”m wondering if you can recommend a cheap option for a sea-salt hair spray. I’m going cruising in a couple days and want something I can spray into my hair to give it that “beachy” look. Do you know of a drug store option? Thank you!
Hahaha! OMG. Love the card!
Some great ideas, here! Always tough to know what to get when you have one of those mom’s who says, “oh, I don’t need anything.” And that card! Man – too funny 🙂
Able to view the new site- and loving it. However, wasn’t sure if you were aware of the issue the past few weeks with blog updates not being delivered to yahoo users. Several blogs are having this issue- but I have not heard an update and still not receiving the email updates (not going to Spam either). Thankfully follow on instagram so remember to check the blog.
Kate I love your new blog design and I think you picked great products out for Mother’s Day. The only one I wouldn’t agree with is the sugar lip balm. I love the flavour and the balm itself but I got some from Sephora as a gift and both tubes broke almost immediately. Do you find this? It was the lip chap sticks I mean that broke. Also, love to see more hair. It is my favorite of your tutorials. Best of luck! You are one of my favorite blogs!
I instantly knew what the card pic was. Is that saying something, or what?
first mothers day gift ideas