All Smiles in the Morning
February Favorites Video

*this is the crib I slept in as a child. My mom set it up at her house (mostly for decor) in what will now be “the grandchild room”, or for now “David’s room”. He doesn’t sleep in it as she has yet to get a converter kit for the drop down sides.
My husband is naturally a morning person.
I, naturally, am not.
He wakes up and is his normal self, where it takes me at least 20 minutes and a cup of coffee to really come alive.
In fact, early on in our marriage, my quietness and lack of joy came off as rage so my husband thought I was always mad in the morning. So, I worked on it and tried to channel more happiness when I wake up. It’s better for both of us.
David is the happiest baby you’ve ever met in the morning. I am so thankful to have a happy baby in the morning. I really believe that is a gift from God. Usually my husband is getting ready for work about the time he wakes up, so I go to the nursery and get him.
We swaddle him at night, so the first thing I do is unzip his swaddle. He stretches his arms up, making little fists, and lets out a sigh of relief.
“I’m free. Free at last”, he thinks.
And then the smiles start.
I lean over the crib, putting my face as close to his and say, “good morning David”! He looks up at me and smiles so big his eyes turn to tiny slits on his face.
He’ll tuck his chin in a bit, lift his shoulders, and gurgle. I think it’s the precursor to laughing. He’ll make a little noise as he smiles and I make one back at him.
After diaper change I sit down on the glider to feed him. If Justin comes in after I’ve already started the bottle, David will see him, stop eating, and just stare. It’s a highlight of my day. He stares at Justin for such a long time, and then starts to smile at him. I can’t even get him to eat while Justin’s in the room!
After he eats, we’ll make our way downstairs and continue on with our day. I have just recently started to feel like I’ve got the hang of how our day to day will go. It took longer than I anticipated to feel settled in this new role.
And while somedays the challenges can weigh me down, those morning smiles are what I look forward to each day.
David is so Precious and I’m glad he’s a morning baby! I just started a blog this week actually y’all all should check it out!
What a sweet post. I love that you are taking time to cherish the little things – smiles so big his eyes turns to slits, gurgles, and stretches. I don’t have children to cherish these things with yet, but I think the message of finding joy in the little things is so important no matter what stage of life (or time of day!) xo
We loved the woombie as well! I can’t get enough of the just woke up moments too.
Babies are a true lifestyle switch. I am not a morning person either (still not), but every morning I take a deep breath before opening the nursery door and plaster my face with a grin and a cheery greeting. Call it personal growth ๐ Smiling babies are what make sleepless nights, frustrating days, and fussy episodes all more than worth it. They’re so smart…
Just so you know, I look forward to Wednesdays to read about David! Can’t believe my little one is going to be one this weekend!
Oh the gurgle! I love the gurgles! He’s so beautiful and I’m thankful you’re falling into a routine. Bless you today!
Oh gosh, love those smiles. When my little guy started smiling, he would give me HUGE grins for those middle-of-the-night feedings and suddenly 2am was a little easier to take. I too felt that the transition took longer than I expected, and it’s a struggle some days. Thanks for sharing that with us & know you’re not alone!
He has the cutest smile!! Adorable
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My goodness, what a smile, he looks like such a happy little guy! Seems like just yesterday my boys were that little and all smiles, time sure flies they are now 19 and 15 and still all smiles…enjoy your little blessing…Shelley =)
I am so grateful that my son is a morning person as well. In England you are encouraged to keep your baby in your room till 6months and thank goodenss I am awoken with gurgles and smiles rather than screams! So pleased David has a happy hat on in the morning for you!
It’s amazing how one little smile can absolutely make you forget the weights of the world, isn’t it?!? It’s one of the moments I cherish about my days as well. As they get older, they are one of the best memories you will have of him being a baby. Enjoy them!
So sweet! I love hearing about how he stares at his daddy!!! What a special moment. Thanks for sharing. =)
Love this post! David is adorable. Would you be willing to post about your sleep schedule with him? I have a baby boy almost exactly a month younger, and I love hearing how real moms establish a sleep schedule. We are still operating on a three hour feeding sleep schedule. My poor babe is not smiling until after I have fed him in the morning!
This made my uterus ache.
You and your hubby are just like me and mine! He usually waits to talk to me about anything besides a “good morning babe” for about 15 minutes. I WISH I were a morning person! Besides that, my goodness your baby boy is adorable!
Wednesdays are officially my favorite day on your blog! I look forward to your David posts!
Such a sweet post! Love hearing about David and your new role as a mom!
Love those gummy bear smiles!! ๐
Kate, just wait until you hit the 4 month period. A lot of that fussiness tends to die down. The smiles and interactions kick up a notch, and a nap schedule really starts to take shape (the four naps a day prior to that almost killed me since he fought them like it was his job!). You’re doing a great job and it really does keep getting better ๐ My little one turns 5 months on Friday.
This is so sweet! My daughter is a morning person, too, like her father, and I think it is a blessing. There is nothing quite like the face of a happy baby to start your day off! We also always think that she is saying “Free at last” as soon as that swaddle comes off!
Great post Kate! You are right motherhood has its challenges, however the smiles in the morning make up for those rough nights and days.
Such sweetness!! He is absolutely darling. I remember with my first that it took at least 2-3 months before feeling like we had a normal routine going…which is hard when you’re a routine kinda person. I’m so glad he’s a happy little guy, makes things so much more fun! He’s just so darn cute!
I also look forward to the baby posts and wish there were more of them! I LOVE your beauty posts too, but would be totally okay with more baby/family posts on the regular!:) xoxo
I also look forward to the baby posts and wish there were more of them! I LOVE your beauty posts too, but would be totally okay with more baby/family posts on the regular!:) xoxo
That is sooooo cute! ๐ Glad to see your lovin motherhood. How old is David now? ๐
What a beautiful smile! Thanks for sharing.
Morning smiles are the best. My little one is 3 and when I wake him up in the mornings, he grins at me and says “morning, mommy.”
great post ๐ such a joy to read!
I love your David posts!
I’m so glad to hear that you dislike mornings, me too! My son clearly misunderstands what an alarm clock is… when he hears it in the morning he stands up and dances ๐
This makes me smile! Such a cute picture.
Also, I’m not a morning person either, and my husband is…we’ve learned to deal with it.
I adore hearing about David! Mornings are pure bliss in our house too. The warm snuggles, the grins, the…gas! ๐
He is so cute! Those sweet morning times are the best. Are you still breastfeeding?
Today’s blog really made me smile. His smile is beyond heart warming!
What a sweet, sweet baby!
What a cute little man you have in your life! I’m so happy to read that you are finally settling into your mommy role – I can imagine it takes every new mom a while before they get completely adjusted. Best wishes to you and your family!
I’m not a morning person either- and my husband and I had to get that figured out too bc I was so grumpy when he’s perky.
We have a drop side crib (bought right before they “outlawed” them). Oh the “horror” that we still use it ๐
What a great picture! I am not a morning person either but with a 3.5 year old and baby #2 on the way, you learn to enjoy them more and more. And I’m sure everyone tells you this, but it really is SO true – enjoy this time. It goes by SO fast it’s crazy. I can’t believe my daughter is going on 4. How sad. At least I have my little guy on the way to enjoy all these moments again!
I agree with bonnieshe…
4 months is when the little creatures truly blossom.
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So very sweet! A smile to melt the heart!
Master David, is soooooooo darn cute!!!! So happy for y’all.
Oh. My. Goodness. Could he be any cuter?!?!?!
That child could not be any cuter! You seem to be settling into your Mommy role wonderfully! Warms my heart, as this has been my wish also for 12 years. One day…
He is just precious! I have a 9 month old daughter and we loved our Woombie swaddle, it seemed like the only one she couldn’t get out of ๐ It also took me a lot longer to get the hang of being a mom, I thought I would have it down in a week, ha! It took me about 4 months to really feel comfortable and not overwhelmed, glad you are already starting to feel more comfortable.
Such a sweet post! Don’t feel badly about not being a morning person. I don’t think I really feel awake until four hours after having woken up! (No, really)
Motherhood really is the hardest, yet most rewarding thing you can ever do. Love your posts!
david is so precious. I have been following your post a while when I came across your hair post. I have throughly enjoyed the hair post- But as a mommy myself(to 2 little girls) I was so excited to see you become a mommy! Im so glad you share him with us. I wish I could get up before the girls do- You are doing great if you can do that. I tell myself every night I need to get up before they do….but it just hardly happens.
I’ve visited this post so many times just to see the smiling pic of the baby ๐ It gives me a smile too :):):):)