It’s Cool

Top Beauty Discoveries of 2013
Just popping in to say I’ll be back to regular blog posting next week! Thanks for your patience during this time! 

Today is the first day of my “new job”. Justin went back to work this morning, so I’m officially in charge of David from 9-5p. 

It’s a good thing he’s so cool, right?

 Marc (my brother) and his cool nephew


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Melissa says · 01.02.14

I think you’ve done great at posting since David was born! Every time I see a blog post, I get excited.. I guess I expected you to take a solid couple weeks off. Great job, mommy! You’re doing wonderful. Blessings on you and your family of 3!

Ashley says · 01.02.14

Oh my gosh this is so cute!!!

Happy New Year and all the best!
Sincerely Miss Ash

Abby says · 01.02.14

He is so adorable!! Happy New Year! Enjoy being mommy full-time… what a blessing! 🙂

xo Always, Abby

jessica rose says · 01.02.14

Ahh bless….Happy New Year and may you and your family be blessed with good health and happiness in 2014!

kristinwithani says · 01.02.14

Oh, Kate, you can do it! What a gift to stay home – not easy, not perfect, not June Cleaver but a gift. And trips to Target to just “get out” don’t hurt either.

Pamela says · 01.02.14

Oh my goodness! How cute!!

J. Rae says · 01.02.14

The first day alone with a newborn is such a weird feeling! My doctor said that if all you do in the first 6 weeks is keep you and baby fed and bathed, you’ve succeeded! So, I think we can give you major leeway here in the blogging world 🙂

Kate Rowan says · 01.02.14

I only got one day with my husband after my son was born, and it was tough, but it has made me a tough mama. I love it. You’ll get the hang of it!

Mia- MakeMeUpMia says · 01.02.14

He is so adorable, I have loved all your IG photos of him 🙂

Marta says · 01.02.14

What a cute pic! Congratulations from a reader from Barcelona,

Tarah M says · 01.02.14

haha – that is adorable. Take your time adjusting & just enjoying it! 🙂

Sabrina says · 01.02.14

You will be a rock star at this job too! Enjoy the moments.

Carla from the The River says · 01.02.14

Happy New Year! Sweet photo..and yes, enjoy! You are blessed with the greatest job ever!

Beth Eppert says · 01.02.14

The day my husband went back to work were the hardest for me. Even harder than when I took the kids to daycare when my 8 weeks at home were over…not sure why but the loss of the new family time always hit me hard. Hope you are doing well with your little one! He is really adorable. Boys are the best, I have 2 and my youngest just took his first steps.

JessiferSeabs says · 01.02.14

Enjoy and good luck, mom! I cried so hard when DH went back to work, not because I was nervous, but because it was SO MUCH FUN having him home with us!

I have a brother named Marc with a “c” too!

Spicy Veggies says · 01.02.14

Wow! I remember when my husband went back to work after being home with us. You can do it!

Brianna says · 01.03.14

David is totally the coolest baby I’ve ever seen! I’m sure you’ll have a great time at your new job. 😉

hollie marie says · 01.03.14

Please take your time getting back to blogging. Nothing (I repeat, nothing) is worth compromising time with your son. You’ll never get these days back, so cherish them!! 🙂

sandie says · 01.03.14

omg…baby is SO cute!!! (and so is brother! rawr!)

Lake Life and Love says · 01.03.14

I am a mom of four and it is the BEST job I have ever had! I am so excited for you and your sweet family.

Reply says · 01.03.14

It’s super scary at first, but you’ll enjoy the time and it will make your bond stronger. I know everyone says it, but babies are only little for a short amount of time, so enjoy each and every coo and gurgle. He’ll be a big boy before you know it!

Knox's Mama says · 01.03.14

I am sure you are extrememly busy but I was wondering if you could give a review on some of the best nursing tanks and bras that you have come across. He is so adorable!

Sabrina C. says · 01.03.14

ahah they are so funny! :))

Katie Derrenbacher says · 01.03.14

I can’t believe you even found time to blog at all – good job girl keep it up!

xoan hoa says · 01.04.14

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xoan hoa says · 01.04.14

A picture is quite beautiful and the baby seems to be taken care of very carefully.

Narine Okjian says · 01.04.14

You’re doing a great job at posting! I don’t even have a baby and I couldn’t post much due to the Christmas and New Year celebrations and shopping and the whole spirit of being on holidays :D.
Gorgeous baby with glasses just perfect! lol

Narine – Mad About Beauty

Sophie says · 01.05.14

Thank you so much for sharing your precious joy with us! 🙂

Jacqueline Sodré says · 01.05.14

Hi Kate, I live in Brazil and I am a faithful reader of your blog and follow your Instagran and Youtube.
Love your tutorials beauty. Love your tips.
I wish you a great 2014 with many blessings for you and your family.
David is very cute. Congratulations!

Love, Jacqueline.

Bernadette Datka says · 01.06.14

Yay! I’m glad you and your bundle of joy are doing so well.
