October Beauty Favorites
Feeling Splurgy
I think this is the first time I’ve ever posted my monthly favorites video on the 1st of the following month!
I’ve got a couple new favorites this month, and some old classics.
I also tell you a story about Target and something about a couple hundred dollar bills in the parking lot.
Love this post and video!!! Do you recomend Aussies hair products?
Yes Please do an all time favorites video!! =D
Vinylux is available at Beauty Brands!!!!
I liked your story about Target taking all your money. I’m happy that my husband doesn’t hunt around what all I buy, because it is embarassing. My sister drives to the atm, then spends untraceable cash on embarassing things (like secret dunkin’ donut trips).
Okay I completely get the mascara ordeal…i go through a lot and always come back to the same one, BUT I just tried L’Oreal Double Extend (waterproof) and L O V E it! So if you’re feeling like trying another one and haven’t already tried this I totally recommend it!! AND your “clavicut” completely inspired me to cut 9+ inches off — shortest my hair has ever been– and I’m loving it. Your blog is awesome and so are you ๐
But now with the Cartwheel ap, you save on like almost everything you buy at Target! Plus, with the red card extra 5% off. #winwin
“Not in rage” HAHAHAHA SO funny! Loved your video! you’re gorgeous!
Love it! I always enjoy your videos and I think you’re stinkin’ hilarious! I would love to see your All Time Fave Products video!
Oh.. and btw after following you and your sister on your blogs/instagram for some time now, I secretly have been wanting a cat. My husband and I are both very allergic but I just can’t resist all the pics and videos of your cute cats! Ha.
I layer mascara too, I start with the plain ‘ol Sephora mascara and finish with L’Oreal Voluminous mascara – the bomb!
My husband has asked me to cool on Amazon Prime. So I totally feel your pain! I just find such wonderful deals on things I’ve held off buying! And lol @ cash in the parking lot! ๐
I kinda squealed with excitement when I woke up this morning and saw you had a new favorites video up!! Love them so much and look forward to them! Totally gonna get the butterfly mascara, I need a new one anyways! I would LOVE to see a all time favorites video!!! ๐
All time favorites video? Yes please ๐
What do you do with products you dislike and can’t return? I hate just throwing them out but it’s such a waste of space to keep them.
Donate them to your local women’s shelter!
I use the Pureology shampoo and love it, I think I am going to have to try the dry shampoo!!! Great video ๐
Happy Friday!
Sincerely Miss Ash
Best Target story ever ๐ And definitely yes to an “all time favorites” video!
I just purchased the Bobbi Brown correcter and the MAC pro longwear concealer. Holy moly…life changing!
right? the corrector is amazing
I never thought anything would cover these dark circles! And they have been worse now that I am expecting #2…holy grail product. I am interested to see how the combo photographs. I hate looking back at pictures and your undereyes look like they are glowing
I stalked my local stores to find that butterfly mascara when it first came out, lol. I love it! For me it works better than anything I’ve bought at Sephora, and I’ve tried quite a few. I like to put a layer of the L’Oreal Carbon Black Telescopic over the top for extra dark color.
I’d love to see an all time favorites video ๐
Ahhhh, I love these videos! So helpful & funny at the same time:)
Have a great weekend!
Such a great video and very helpful! Thank you!!
I would love to see an “all time favorites” video!! Maybe you could do a series for hair products, hair tools, beauty products, and beauty tools?!
I would love an all time favorites video! I agree with the series idea for different hair products, tools, beauty products, etc….
I would love an “All Time Favorites” video! Morgan
I #CTG’d to find out how to remove Vinylux and it says you just hold the cotton ball on the nail for 5 seconds and rub it off. Is it REALY that easy? I hate soaking off gel nails – it takes forever.
so easy. WAY easier than gel nails!
Do you use a remover with acetone? I had my hair girl buy me some at her super secret beauty supply place. But haven’t used it for fear of not knowing how to remove it.
You can get the CND Vinylux on Amazon!!!
You are so funny!! Love your vidoes! I’ve tried a lot of your recommendations and love them all!!
Thanks for including drug store stuff, even if it’s a “not favorite.” I find it very helpful. Love your videos. I think an all time favorites would be awesome!
I totally understand Target. We have a Target credit card which we pay off monthly. Every month when I get the bill I am shocked at how much I have spent there in only a few weeks. Now that I have kids I am sucked into the kids clothes and I’m always buying my daughter the cutest clothes, which I justify by thinking it’s only $5!!!
You should do a Favorites of the Year video.
And…have you ever only spent $30 at Sephora?? ๐
I love your target story! I can totally relate to spending over a hundred dollars and then not knowing what in the world I bought ๐ Thanks for the video. I thought it was funny that you said you only spend $30 at sephora though. Really?!!!
You were extra funny today! The word Stinkin’ and the phrase Where It’s At were definitely “where it’s at” in this video! I especially liked the part where you questioningly say “cause butterflies have eyelashes??” lol!! Fun video and yes, an all time favorites video would be awesome!
Okay…I freaking love your videos! You remind me of me! ๐ And tell your husband other people throw money at Target too…lots of people. I would LOVE to see an all time favorites video!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! And I’m loving that you are trying to find us drug store products too because that’s typically where I shop for my products.
Another great video, Kate! Would definitely love for you to do an All-Time favorites video. ps. MAC’s lipglass is great, isn’t it? That’s my “splurge” make-up item. I’ve worn their Lychee Luxe color for years and it lasts forever!
you’re so cute, I love the all time favorites idea. Have you ever thought of making a pinterest board with your monthly favorites on it? It would be great when we’re out & about & we could just whip out our smart phones and browse your suggestions!
why are you so smart? Doing that now.
So happy someone mentioned this! I’m constantly going to your blog and hunting down favorites posts when I’m at Sephora and Ulta!
You are fast! Thanks for making the board ๐ I am always on the search for the perfect pink polish. I’m excited to try the Romantique! Have you ever used any polishes from Julep? They have a program like Birchbox, I’m curious to see your take on their products. They have a quick dry polymer topcoat that cures in natural light in 5 minutes. And their polishes are “4 free!”
Agreed! Love this.. I’ve already seen your board and used it this weekend!!
All time favourites video? Yes, please!!!
Ohh, LOVING Carrie’s idea of creating a Pinterest board of your favorites!! Because I’m always in the makeup isle thumbing through your blog looking for a lipstick or eye shadow you recommended but it would be so simple to find it on Pinterest!! Props to Carrie for a genius idea! (excuse all the !!!! i got a little too excited…my apologies)
I love Romantique from CND. I use the top coat on top of regular nail polish and that alone makes a big difference too (not as good as CND polish and top coat, but better). And I’m always in the market for a new and better mascara…definitely giving that one a try!
I would LOVE an all time favorites video.
Kate-Have been following your blog for almost 2 years now and love it! QVC is to me what Target is to you and I thought of you and your eye lashes the other day when I saw this awesome product. I know you love your drug store mascara, but I thought it was so cool that this kit has 8 designer travel size mascaras for only $32! Would love it if you tried it and reviewed each one. http://www.qvc.com/Lashtastic-8-piece-Mascara-Discovery-Collection.product.A240801.html?sc=A240801-Zone&cm_scid=zone&cm_sp=MERCHZONE-_-Featured:+Recently+Aired+Items-_-3
Your story was hysterical! Also, I would love to see an all time favorites video.
Kate…my husband gave me the same side-eye over my Target spending.
We now joke about how, basically, Target has a $100 cover charge every time I go in. ๐
I feel ya.
Yes to all time favorites video! Hope you start blogging about kid stuff when you come across faves there. I have three boys 3 and under. Be prepared… Boys are all about their momma’s. It is the best.
I went to target today and thought on the way home, How did I spend that much??? But anyways yes to an all time favorite video!!!
Hahahahaha… I get that “wistful” look every time I pass Target, too. Especially since the closest one is 40 minutes from me (a travesty, I assure you) and with the munchkin, my expendable funds are at an absolute minimum. Oh, how I love and miss Target…. Also, I love your videos lately. Bless your heart, I can hear you being out of breath. It’s amazing how being pregnant can make you get winded just by sitting and talking. Much less doing anything else, like say…trying to get your underwear on. lol
Kate – Get the MAC Boybait lipgloss. Do it. Now.
Kate, do you have a suggestion for reducing puffiness under the eyes? I got the Bobbi Brown corrector (super huge thanks to you for introducing me to it!) but my eyes are always puffy due to lack of sleep (mommy of two little boys here) and I can’t find anything to help.
Also…All Time Favorites…YES PLEASE!
Thanks so much! ๐
I know exactly what you mean about Target! I can never remember what I got there, and I’m in that store constantly. Sometimes if I’ve had a stressful day, I’ll just go walk the aisles. Weird? Maybe. Calming? Definitely ๐
I just ordered the Make Up Forever Aqua Eyes Liner you recommended in a previous make up post. I can’t wait for it to come in! A pinterest board would be perfect! I too am often thumbing through your blog at Target ๐ I’ve even saved the photo of favorites to my pictures so I could find it easily.
I haven’t watched a favorites video in awhile and I really enjoyed this one! ๐ You are so right about Target…ugh. I’ve had to make a conscious effort to not go there as often because I was the same way. I used to go with a friend (who no longer lives near me) and we’d just roam the aisles. Maybe I go there because I miss her…yeah, that’ll be my story, haha! Either way — your husband’s comment is pretty funny ๐
LOL, love this video your so real in it. Laughing at how many times you said “crap” or something similar. Love it, we totally would get along.
I ABSOLUTELY adore the Bobbi Brown color corrector. it has changed. my. life. i look/ feel like a new lady! love that you mentioned it in your post today!
I would also love for you to do an all time favs video, maybe at the end of the year? Love the blog and videos, keep up the good work! And I am going to buy the Bobbi Brown corrector. Today. : )
Thank you for doing a “not favorites”! That is going to save me from being sucked in by pretty packaging as well. Ooohhhh….shiny!
p.s. I am LOVING the Bain de Terre macadamia shampoo & conditioner in the October birchox.
I just love you! I would seriously love an all-time favorites video ๐
Kate! You are so stinkin’ cute! http://www.discountbeautycenter.com sells vinylux nail polish, aquage uplifting foam and Diane bobby pins at a great price! P.s. I grew up in the town next to where you grew up! Holla from the Midwest!
Love MAC eyeshadow! My favorite ๐
Would love an all time favorites video!!
An all time favorites video would be great! Also is live to hear about changes you’ve made to your beauty regiment due to pregnancy issues, i.e. Dryer skin, etc.
I’d love that is!
I love LashBlast thats where its at! ๐ totally good product!~ I love babylips small chapstick/lipsticks and love NYX lipsticks too! easy and light but pigmented colors.
Oh I’ll help you out on shampoo and conditioner ideas-BIOLAGE is amazing!!!! ๐
I’d really enjoy watching a video about your all time favorites! I’ve bought several things you’ve talked about, things I’d never have bought otherwise. ๐
You are absolutely adorable, Kate! I have enjoyed watching how you have changed with this pregnancy… So cute- you seem so nonchalant and laid back! CUTE CUTE!
You are going to be a great mom! Thanks for the tips.
I have a question: I have a little longer than shoulder length hair that has natural waves. I usually curl it but lately,I notice that my curls don’t last long…they tend to get bigger, when I want them to stay smaller. So, I usually end of looking like Farrah Fawcett. It’s almost like certain sections of my hair just aren’t taking the curling iron. I recently bought a Bablyiss 1 1/4 ” tourmaline ceramic. I use pureology shampoo, conditioner, deep condition it once a week, color my roots every 4 weeks because of gray. I use a mousse when it’s wet. I’m afraid to put hairspray on while curling it because I think it will dry it out and damage it so I usually just spray it after I’m done. Any suggestions? From anyone?…. thanks!
I changed my picture.. my hair is longer.
Kate, YOU are where it’s at! Wonderful video, yes – please do an all favorites. After the next post I have a trigger-happy finger on making a date at Dry Bar (I’m currently trying to justify it – date night doesn’t seem Important enough).
And a suggestion – have you tried the new Benefit “Gimmie Brow” stuff? I had a lovely brow wax at their store Brow Bar (such a great experience, highly recommend, even though it’s 3x more expensive than the standard $7 places), thankfully did NOT get talked into doing a brow coloring (although this also sounds interesting), and afterward they put this new stuff on me and WOW. I have pale skin and blonde hair like you, so my brows are fairly light and this really amp’d them up. I may need to go back and acquire a bootle now.
After years of searching, I finally landed on orange tube LashBlast too! I fall off the wagon occasionally and get the pricey stuff and always go back to the orange tube!
This month I had a $2 of two tubes of Cover Girl mascara so I branched out to the “length” version. I like it. I use it first on my upper lashes and then go to town with the orange tube. I’m with you. Original, please. The water proof is good too. Not hard and sticky like some.
And Target. I went three times this weekend. Living across the street from it is B-A-D. I already have my returns by the door. Dang impulse buys!
I switched to CoverGirl LashBlast a few months ago after you mentioned that it was your favorite. After years of using expensive mascaras like Lancome and Clinique, I’ve finally found the holy grail. THANK YOU for the recommendation – I finally have the lashes I want at half the price I was spending before!
First of all, I would LOVE an all-time favorites video…especially for hair stuff!
Secondly, yes you are definitely not alone on the Target-money-sucking-wagon! My friends and I joke we cannot leave there without spending at least $75.
Question….are you able to return mascaras after trying them? Does Target return them? I have never tried that I usually end up just throwing them out. I didn’t think other people would want them after the wand was by my eye!
I think an all time favorites video would be great!
After my fiance realized how much money I was spending at target, well we had an interesting conversation to say the least! Anyways, I explained to him that shopping at target is part of the American culture and that if we want to be patriotic, I need to shop at target. If I tell him I am going to target he now now makes a response that sounds something like “thank God, I was getting worried for a minute that you didn’t like America”.
Thanks for the recommendation to the Butterfly Lashes – I love it!
Tresemme is a great drugstore brand of shampoo and conditioner. My favorite is the “Smooth and Silky Touchable Softness” http://www.target.com/p/tresemme-conditioner-smooth-silky-touchable-softness-with-pump-39oz/-/A-13399513#prodSlot=medium_1_28&term=tresemme
It really softens my hair and keeps it smooth. Since I started using it in January, my normally frizzy hair no longer needs to be straightened after blowdrying! Its so great!
Cover Girl is owned by Proctor & Gamble, and they (big time) test on animals. MAC is owned by Estee Lauder and they’ve started back up testing so they can sell in China…heck, pretty much all of the products mentioned were from companies that either directly test or are owned by a company that tests ingredients/finished product on animals. (Don’t tell Grits and Gravy)
Please do an all time fav video!!! I saw an ad for the butterfly mascara and new I MUST try…you beat me to it ๐
Good to know it’s a winner!
Please do an all time favourites.
I don’t know about where you live but my Target and Ulta are almost side-by-side in a plaza…talk about throwing money out in the parking lot!