The Bump Nest

Q&A Video

Today we are going to have a little discussion about pillows. 

Body pillows at that.

Let’s start at the beginning.

When my husband and I were dating and engaged, I learned that he slept with a body pillow. He would bring it home when we would visit his parents, or if we were traveling with my family.

But it never bothered me because we weren’t sleeping in the same bed yet. I thought, “that body pillow has GOT-TO-GO. . .but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there”.

Well we got there, back on May 15, 2009. And he brought his body pillow to bed just like any other night (after we were home from the honeymoon). 

I thought to myself, “Shouldn’t I be your body pillow? I’m your new wife! I’m soft! I’m cuddly! Snuggle around me!”

It took about 1 night of sharing a bed to learn that my body temperature rises a good 40 degrees as I sleep, and poor Justin gets torched every time I touch him. What’s funny is that I’m cold, so I pile on the blankets. It must be because all my heat is going out.

So his body pillow was an element of protection from the furnace that lay beside him. It was his shield. #truelove

Fast forward about 4 years.

Justin and I moved into a new home about a month ago. We bought a new bed (a king!). It’s much more comfortable for him, and I’m comfortable in it too.

He decides to try to train himself to sleep without the body pillow. 

Right about the time he begins to sleep pretty well without “sarah”, The Bump Nest shows up on our doorstep.

The Bump Nest is a pregnancy pillow that is like sleeping on clouds in heaven. As a non-body pillow kind of gal, it didn’t take long before I developed a deep relationship with this body pillow. But it didn’t start off smoothly.

So, I give it a try. And the first night wasn’t very comfortable. Since I wasn’t shifting around all night, I found my shoulder to be sore in the morning.

So the next night my husband asked if I was going to sleep with it again.

“No, I think I’ll wait until I’m really pregnant and use it then to prop up the belly.”

“Okay. Can I try it?”


So he spent the night in the Nest and woke up with a smile across his face. He loved it.

I thought,” OH GREAT! As soon as he phases out “sarah”, I introduce him to a larger, candy cane shaped Nest that he will sleep with now!”

He slept with it a few nights and then I demanded for it to be returned to the rightful, pregnant owner. And when I say demanded I mean asked and he gave it up without a fight. He might have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night. #pregnantwifealwayswins

I was determined to love the Nest as much as he did. It was sort of a competition for me.

Well all it took was one more night and I was in love. I situated my arm just right, and tucked the end between my knees and it was glorious.

I informed him of my Nest love the next morning and he knew, deep in his soul, his last days had already been spent with the Nest.

I truly considered buying him one as a gift, but between 2 adults, 2 cats, and TWO Bump Nest’s in 1 king bed it was going to get a little crowded.

So, as Justin sleeps alone. . . far on his side of the king bed. . . I’m wrapped up in the Nest like a kitten in a pile of other kittens. It’s. the. best.

So, what happens after I’m not pregnant and have no real “need” for the Bump Nest? I don’t know. But I fear that day. I may use this thing forever. 

So, pregnant or not, if you are a body pillow user or want to become a body pillow user, I can’t say enough great things about the Bump Nest. I’ve been sleeping with it for awhile and look forward to it’s warm embrace every night. 

The Bump Nest is offering a 10% off coupon and free shipping if you use the code “SMALLTEN”

You may be thinking this post was sponsored, but it wasn’t. The Bump Nest sent me this as a gift, but I wasn’t compensated in any way. And if you happen to know where I live, and you stopped over unannounced, you’d see this pillow has a spot in our bedroom, right next to my side of the bed, for me to grab it every night.


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Lady and the Trash says · 09.17.13

Awesome! I have a serious relationship with my pillow, but over the years, it has become destroyed. Maybe I can try this one out πŸ™‚

Patty Fugar says · 09.17.13

Kate, I can imagine you giggling while writing this post. You have a way with words and although I can’t relate with your husband’s infatuation with “sarah”, I too found peace in a body/pregnancy pillow for my first pregnancy. Now that I’m pregnant w/ #2, I’m open to a new body pillow as the first one didn’t serve my needs to the fullest extent. I will surely give yours a try! Thanks for the morning giggle.

Alyssa Hollis says · 09.17.13

I never had one but wish I did. I have that same comforter set from Target. πŸ™‚

Kayla Carroll says · 09.17.13

I am sooo with you. I just had our second baby 7 months ago n I still sleep with a boby pillow.

Megan says · 09.17.13

This made me laugh so much. My daughter is 2 now; when I was about 5 months pregnant with her I got a boppy pregnancy pillow(not the full body one though, those look amazing!) I got so used to sleeping with it, I STILL use it. My husband jokes that if we ever decided to try for #2 he’ll buy me a new one and take the old for himself! πŸ™‚

alli says · 09.17.13

It looks really comfy!!
Question: do you use a regular head pillow along with the Nest or just the Nest?

Kate says · 09.17.13

I just use the nest!

Wishfullthinking says · 09.17.13

This post made me giggle and question myself at the same time, lol. I have had a body pillow of over a year for no specific reason beside it being comfortable. i went as far as getting one for my boyfriends bed so I had it there, too. BUT now he uses it, so when we do move in…..we will probably have to get a California King to make sure both of our pillows fit. I have no one to blame but myself. Lol

Catherine says · 09.17.13

When I was pregnant, these really large pregnancy pillows were just coming on the market and were spendy. Instead, I slept with a regular body pillow which was between my knees and under my belly, two regular pillows behind my back and two pillows under my head. The nurse at my doctor’s office teased me at the end that I was still allowing my husband in bed, because there really wasn’t much room.

Catherine says · 09.17.13

I had one when I was pregnant and couldn’t live without it. I am a tummy sleeper so I transitioned to a side sleeper when I was too pregnant to sleep on my stomach anymore. That body pillow (mine was a different brand but was shaped like yours) saved my spine! Propping my belly and having something between my knees was heaven. Towards the very end of my pregnancy I couldn’t sleep in any position for very long but I think that was normal. Once my son was born I sort of transitioned out of usuing it. I can honestly say I would have been sleep deprived before my son got here if it hadn’t been for that pillow. I wrote a thank you note to the company haha.

Meekie T says · 09.17.13

“like a kitten in a pile of other kittens” oh my goodness I’m dying. You are so funny Kate!

Ashley says · 09.17.13

“A kitten in a pile of other kittens” sounds pretty darn comfortable to me. πŸ™‚

Laurenzo says · 09.17.13

sounds like heaven on earth, actually.

Kiri says · 09.17.13

Loved the post made me giggle!! I am 31 weeks pregnant and my hubby says there is no room in the bed for him anymore thanks to the amount of pillows!

Kaitlin Oakland says · 09.17.13

While, I like them, I’ve never been much of a body pillow user, because I flip from side to side at least 20 times every night…but in my pregnant state, I went ahead and bought a body pillow. My question: do you place it under the covers, position yourself comfortably, and just stay there all night? Lol my hubby whines because he wants to cuddle and it always ends up on the floor!

Mandy Vanden Bosch says · 09.17.13

When I was pregnant, my husband bought me a body pillow similar to yours for Christmas. So I threw the 6 giant pillows that I was using at the time to the ground and just used the body pillow and I loved it. I finally slept good again once I got that pillow! Now, my baby is 7 months old and I still use it. πŸ™‚

Holly says · 09.17.13

I have slept with a body pillow since I was pregnant with my first daughter. My youngest is 5 now and I can’t get a good night’s rest without the thing. It drives my husband crazy because it takes up so much room, but I just can’t get rid of it. When my old one was looking dingy, I just bought a new one from Target πŸ™‚

kristinwithani says · 09.17.13

I have a feeling that Nest will become Justin’s in a few months. πŸ™‚

The older I get, the more pillows I require. I’m up to three. Head. Knees. Back. Maybe I should get a Nest….

Great post, Kate. I can hear your voice as I read it!

Ashley says · 09.17.13

This sounds so comfortable, I have heard a lot of great things about body pillows!!

Sincerely Miss Ash

Stephanie Clark says · 09.17.13

I slept with so many pillows when I was pregnant including this little lady’s competition the “Snoogle”. It was truly my saving grace! I took it with me to the hospital when I gave birth and it was a HUGE help in the hospital bed after the baby came. I used it kind of like a boppy but I needed support around my back when breastfeeding.

everlastinghome says · 09.17.13

I also had a pillow like that when I was pregnant with my first daughter. Recently, after many joyful times together, I finally tossed it. My first daughter will be 6 next month. πŸ™‚

JKje says · 09.17.13

Haven’t been pregnant in a year and a half and I still use my body pillow. My knees feel so much better!

Shannon says · 09.17.13

I’m 23 weeks pregnant and have this pillow… I LOVE IT! I purchased it pretty early (about week 8) because my hips get so sore at night, and haven’t looked back since.

Misty Archibeque says · 09.17.13

I’ve been shopping around for body pillows as I’m currently pregnant with quads. Ultimately, I ended up using the code you provided to buy this one. I really liked the fact that it’s washable. At least there’s a 30 day guarantee that if I don’t love it, I can get my money back! Can’t wait to try it.

Laurenzo says · 09.17.13

I had a similar contraption for my pregnant belly 4.5 years ago… I was not a body pillow person but needed some more support. My husband HATED, like literally loathed, my “life raft”. It wasn’t even like we snuggled or anything, I was all “big whoop! you can’t see me, who cares, I am cozy and PREGNANT” Once our baby was born the life raft went to the attic πŸ™ Enjoy your life raft! Hopefully your husband won’t steal it once the baby is born!

Sisterino says · 09.17.13

This makes me laugh so much.I can relate! I slept with one of those round neck pillows when I first got married. I HAD to have my pillows arranged “just so,” or I could not sleep at all! I slooooooooooooooooooooowly gave up the heap of perfectly arranged pillow bliss for a better one; my hubby’s arm. We didn’t use to be super cuddlers, but now I cannot go to sleep unless we’re interlaced somehow. I love it. (But I still secretly miss my mountain of pillows)

Evelyn Morales says · 09.17.13

haha, you make me laugh, great little story about you and your husband. I have never tried a bumper pillow although I should have as I have been pregnant twice. I only put a cushion under my bump and that was it.Those bumper pillows sure look inviting and I am sure you will love it in your pregnancy.

I am running a giveaway on my blog be sure to check it out.

Liz says · 09.17.13

LOL Throw the cats out of the bed and buy your poor husband a new pillow. I pity that man πŸ˜€

krishna says · 09.17.13

Wow ! I loved the post.For pregnant women body pillow makes free from pain.Its really sounds like HEAVEN.

Bupp family says · 09.17.13

I developed a deep relationship with my magical candycane shaped pillow when I was pregnant. A kitten sleeping in another pile of kittens is pretty accurate and you’re speaking my language. Pretty sure there’s magic fairy dust or something in those pillows. I want to hug the person who invented it and make them chocolate chip cookies.

Katie says · 09.17.13

I have slept with a body pillow ever since my husbands deployment a few years ago and I am seriously tempted to get this even though I’m not pregnant!

Jill says · 09.17.13

I am not pregnant, nor have I ever been… but ever since my friends have started to have babies (going on 4 yrs now) I have been so jealous of this pillow! I want one so bad. I toss and turn a lot in my sleep and I think wrapping up in this fluffer may just be the key to my slumber-happiness.I just can’t bring myself to buying one because I feel like doing so is like a right of passage for pregnant ladies everywhere. I’m not trying to take that away. πŸ˜‰

LRW says · 09.17.13

oh my gosh,your poor husband! he should have his pillow back if you get one :)I would never take my hubby’s pillow away,but then, my cat is banned from the bedroom,only because she snores πŸ˜‰

Ashton Barker says · 09.17.13

My son turned 4 in July, and I can’t get rid of my body pillow. It’s addicting!!

Michelle Ash Latham says · 09.17.13

Hahaha I love that his pillow had a name πŸ™‚

caitlinmfrost says · 09.17.13

ah! if i buy one myself, even if i’m not pregnant, will i be judged? #pregnancyenvy

Lindsay Himmer says · 09.17.13

i shouldnt have gone to that website. Now I want the bump nest relief system! I wish I could drop $200 on a pillow!

Diane Hardy says · 09.17.13

I’ve been sleeping like a baby since I’ve had mine! Mine is a Snoogle, but shaped the same; got it from Buy Buy Baby! It’s so much more comfortable than just a regular body pillow. Highly recommended!

Lynde says · 09.17.13

I started using my pregnancy pillow early on and it was so comfy and helpful. Three years later, I’m still using it ! My husband and I talk all the time about kicking it out of bed, but it hasn’t happened yet. And now, we are hopefully expecting soon and I need a new one. So, the way I figure, I will probably be sleeping with a pregnancy pillow until my oldest is 6!

Deanna Lesher says · 09.17.13

This cracked me up!

Christina Brunk says · 09.17.13

So I started sleeping with a body pillow while pregnant with my son. I still sleep with the body pillow and my son is 4!

Rachel says · 09.17.13

your story about how you are so hot when you sleep reminds me of my husband and I. My husband builds a “border” of pillows between us every night because he thinks I create too much heat to sleep next to!

Marine says · 09.17.13

You certainly have a way with words! This reminds me of my boyfriend and I’s sleeping situation… I also heat up like a furnace at night, so despite wanting to cuddle with me, he ends up sleeping all the way on the edge of the bed curled up around a king sized pillow. Hm. Perhaps I should get him a nest pillow for Christmas!

Jill Sullivan says · 09.17.13

I’m pregnant with baby #2 (25 wks – really close to you!) and have tried three different kinds of pregnancy pillows and none have been able to give me any relief! I haven’t had a full night sleep since the first trimester and have been searching for the magical pillow that will make everything better again. Thank you for this post, I had never heard of this pillow until now and I’m going to buy one today πŸ™‚

Ashley Hlavaty says · 09.17.13

I had a similar pregnancy pillow and had to slowly wean myself off of it after our son was born. And by slowly, I mean it took the better part of six months before I could sleep without it. It was heaven!

Ragan Burkley says · 09.17.13

I’ll tell you what happens when you’re not pregnant and don’t need your nest anymore – you’ll be glad to finally sleep flat on your belly!!

suzanne sanborn says · 09.17.13

Take it from someone who was 8.5 months pregnant a year ago…..that pillow is the best thing a 6-9 month pregnant woman could ever encounter, but by the last month of pregnancy you will be dreaming of the day you can sleep on your side without a pillow between your knees and when it won’t kill you to turn over in bed. You will gladly get rid of that pillow after baby comes. πŸ™‚

Anita Finn says · 09.17.13

I used to work for a chiropractor and they always encouraged patients to sleep with a body pillow or other pillow between their knees in order to keep the hips in proper alignment while sleeping…I have to admit as I thought about it the “Should-have” advice seemed logical I just wasn’t one to do it…until I was pregnant with my first daughter. I would wake up with pains in my hips and my pelvis kept shifting so I tried the body pillow! Luckily for me it was love the first night and after two pregnancies I still sleep with my body pillow. My husband thought I would give it up after daughter #1 was born but I didn’t…then the day came when he was off work when I wasn’t and decided to take a nap…he tried the body pillow and we had to go that night and buy him one.
Now we are not small people…we are a little thicker but imagine, two adults, two body pillows, 1-40 lbs corgi mix, an 8-lb terrier mix, 15 lb. cat (yeah he’s a little overweight) and our 4 year old from time to time all crammed into a queen size bed!!

We make it work but there isn’t a lot of room for much else πŸ™‚ Once our youngest is sleeping in a big girl bed I’m not sure what we’ll do…I guess daddy may see more nights on the couch πŸ˜‰

Enjoy that nest!! I will have to check that one out πŸ™‚

April says · 09.17.13

I didn’t realize that other people named their body pillows! My husband named mine ‘Guido’! LOL

Katie Evans says · 09.17.13

This Was Hilarious. Great Read. I Totally Get It. And Now I’m Gonna Get One Of Their Body Pillows πŸ™‚

Katie Evans says · 09.17.13

This Was Hilarious. Great Read. I Totally Get It. And Now I’m Gonna Get One Of Their Body Pillows πŸ™‚

Mama Fuss says · 09.17.13

I’m pregnant with my 3rd. I have had an assortment of body pillows with each pregnancy and about the 1st week of baby’s life breathing air, my husband happily stores my beloved pillow away in the closet for another time. He hates it, especially by the end when my already much larger than usual body PLUS my body pillow typically causes him to be sleeping on a small piece of our queen-sized bed. (and he knows not to complain about whatever it takes me to sleep comfortably when I am pregnant.) Plus the whole nursing in the bed at night thing – there really isn’t room for my husband+me+baby+Joe, my faithful pillow.

Andrea Schreiber says · 09.17.13

While I will likely never be pregnant, I do have a chronic illness that has me in severe pain 24 hours a day…and this thing looks like heaven. I am considering sharing this post with my other fibromyalgia buddies and seeing if it can provide us some relief!

Ashleigh says · 09.17.13

This post is too cute & good luck mamma!

Reply says · 09.17.13

I love this post. You are awesome and hilarious. πŸ™‚

Jess Wolff says · 09.18.13

I just love your blog so much! You’re such an entertaining writer πŸ™‚

Ling says · 09.18.13

Hi Kate, long time reader but first time commenter! πŸ™‚ Congratulations on being pregnant – I am also 27-28 weeks pregnant with due date 15th December so I have been enjoying following your journey πŸ™‚ Anyway, your pillow story brought back memories of my Husband’s love for his pillow which is fondly named…er….Penis!!! I actually blogged about it last year – – and thought you might like a giggle! Xxx

Anonymous says · 09.18.13

This must be a women thing, because I was unaware that my body temperature went up 40 degrees as well when I am sleeping! It is just too funny and heart warming to know that other married couples go through the exact same thing. My husband had TWO body pillows, until I stole one. Congratulations on the new baby. Have been reading your blog for a while and have to say I always thoroughly enjoy it! Oh and our Wedding Anniversaries are just a day and a couple years off! πŸ™‚ May 14, 2011

-Nicole Quirion

Rebecca D says · 09.18.13

omg – I am never going to tell my husband about this pillow – he already sleeps with about six – I would never find him in bed for being buried in pillows if he knew about this. By the way – free $90 pillow?? Score!!!

supermum_9 says · 09.18.13

My youngest is 4 now and I still sleep with “Patrick” every night. I’m glad I’m not the only one to name my pillows!

still being [molly] says · 09.18.13

love it!! i fell in love with sleeping with a body pillow while i was pregnant, too!!

S. says · 09.19.13

OMG i just ordered my bump nest a few days ago in this exact pattern and i’m so excited to sleep with it. I’m not as far along as you, but it’s already (due to sickness etc) more comfortable to sleep on my side. Sad i missed the discount, but pumped it’s currently shipping to me!!

Susan says · 09.20.13

FYI…9 years and 3 babies later, I still sleep w/ my Pregnancy Pillow!!! LOVE IT!!!

dressesforjulie says · 09.20.13

this made me giggle a lot. My hubby and I have a similar temperature problem…I’m FREEZING cold but apparently I send out heat waves that could rival the sun, which keeps him far, far away. I do have a stuffed snowman I brought into our marriage and he’s ok with it. Happy nesting!

cgirlinthecity says · 09.22.13

Thanks for sharing the promo code! I’m 30 weeks pregnant and have been trying to avoid buying a pregnancy pillow but using a regular pillow between my legs the past week hasn’t been cutting it. I just ordered mine and can’t wait for it to get here! Congrats on the pregnancy.

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Melissa {Persnickety Plates} says · 09.26.13

I just ordered one – thanks for the coupon code! =)

Yasir Yaqoob says · 11.12.13

I am so in love with these! They are super chic and something I really need to make. Thanks for linking up to Upcycled Awesome this week:}
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Gianna says · 06.03.14

This is the “must have”for pregnant ladies. All they need in the second trimester is a sleep and without the proper support it is not possible

bodypillow says · 12.09.14

Soft and pleasing pillows are very necessary for women during pregnancy. With these pillows woman can easily sleep. I also bought pillows for my wife. Really, these now she is sleeping very comfortable. Now I am really happy…

Petar Marinov says · 12.30.14

Great article about a really good pregnancy pillow. It definitely worths the money and you won’t regret your choice. I have searched a lot of websites and compared various pregnancy pillows, suitable for my wife and I can safely say that this is one of the best. The other site that helped my with my choice was

Karen says · 03.22.15

The way you write it
It seems the pillow I will like
Do you think it is worth for $100?

Brittany Barber says · 10.06.15

When I was pregnant, these truly extensive pregnancy pads were simply going ahead the business sector and were spendy. Rather, I laid down with a standard body cushion which was between my knees and under my paunch, two normal pads in the face of my good faith and two pads under my head. The medical caretaker at my specialist’s office teased me toward the end that I was all the while permitting my spouse in bed, on the grounds that there truly wasn’t much room

Elizabeth Smith says · 12.06.15

Did you use this pillow for nursing once the baby arrived? or just for sleeping during pregnancy? many thanks !!

Elizabeth Smith says · 12.06.15

This post remembered me of this movie: The Back-up Plan. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it. πŸ˜€

Hellnal says · 02.02.16

Maternity pillow is an incredibly beneficial item that may be given being a present to an expectant mom. As the pregnancy time period progresses, it turns into more and more difficult for that mom-to-be to acquire a great night’s sleep.

jenni perlstein says · 02.05.16 Reply
Grace says · 07.08.16

Thanks for great article! It very helpful!

joseph says · 06.29.17

It was really helpfull for me and it is a one of the best article about pregnancy pillow.Surely i will buy one for my wife

Paul M. Lloyd says · 05.23.20

Thank you for such great information regarding pillows.
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