Naked 2 Palette: Warm and Shimmery Eye

Plans, plans, plans

It’s finally time to share another one of my favorite looks using Urban Decay’s Naked 2 Palette. I shared my first simple look here, and today’s look is a little bit warmer and a little bit edgier. I use the term edgy loosely because it’s really just a more shimmery version of a typical warm, brown eye.

That’s living on the edge for me. Call me Betty Draper.
lipstick: Mac’s LoveLorn
Snakebite, the color used in the outer corners looks much more gold in the palette than it actually does on my skin. It may be the combination of it with YDK, but either way I like it. Adding Bootycall to the inner corners also brightens up the whole look.

I’ve avoided using Chopper and Blackout just because those are two colors I almost never gravitate towards, but perhaps I’ll see if I can work them into my eye makeup somehow.

As I’ve mentioned time and time again, the Naked 2 palette is a favorite beauty product of mine. I find myself using it more often than not. If you are on the fence about it, allow me to push you over onto the side of “buy it”. I really don’t think you’ll regret it!


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Hailey Stoner says · 08.30.13

I love YDK! I have a hard time with coppers too. Never seem to reach for them! The Naked series is really such a great value, there are great colors on all 3! I got my Naked ll last year and did a review as one of my first posts ever.

Hailey | Love, Laughter and Lipstick

Melissa Carollo says · 08.30.13

I have the original Naked palette. What colors from that palette do you think would achieve the same look?

Kate says · 08.30.13

Unfortunately I don’t have the Naked Palette, so I’m not sure!

Brittany says · 08.30.13

Try sidecar on lid, darkhorse in crease and sin in inner corners ๐Ÿ™‚

eatgreatbegreat says · 08.30.13

I love this look! I tend to wear neutral tones on my eyes, so this would be a perfect choice for me!

Krit's Korner says · 08.30.13

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Devin says · 08.30.13

What brush are using? I use the brush that came with the Naked palette and I find it to be really stiff.

Kate says · 08.30.13

I use a bareMinerals double ended brush. I haven’t used the one that comes in the palette yet.

Lauren | My Polished Side Blog says · 08.30.13

Great look! And I LOVE my Naked 2 Palette. Best. Purchase. Ever. (Although, I went a little over board and bought the Naked Palette, too…Whoops.)

Nana T says · 08.30.13

Couldn’t you get a liner brush wet and use the blackout color as a liner?
Just a thought, I do that at times when I don’t want to carry a lot of make up traveling.

Another beautiful look my dear! Take care.

Life with Kaishon says · 08.30.13

That is so gorgeous!

College Conservative says · 08.30.13

Chopper is really pretty, but the glitter fall out it brutal. I’m not big on black eyeshadow either. If I do a smokey eye, I tend to stick with brown or purple (if I’m feeling especially daring). I haven’t tried this color combination yet! Thanks for the look, Kate.

Meredith says · 08.30.13

I use Naked 2 Every. Single. Day. Love it! I actually use chopper a lot, for a summery kind of easy look.

Kathleen Simpson says · 08.30.13

I have auburn hair and the “redhead” complexion to match with blue eyes. Do you think the original palette would be better or would you still recommend this one? Thanks!!

Amy Touchette says · 08.30.13

I use Chopper and Blackout as my liner. Almost everyday, since I find my Naked 2 my go-to palette now ๐Ÿ™‚

Carly says · 08.30.13

Love this combo, I use it all the time!


Abby says · 08.30.13

I own Naked 2 and use it all the time because it’s a palette of endless possibilities. I think I’ll try this specific combo today because I don’t think I’ve worn these three together.

xo, Abby @ Always, Abby

Mod Commonplace says · 08.30.13

I am on the fence. I have tried it, but didn’t feel like the size was worth the money. I like quantity :). Does it have a matte light nude color for under the eye? I really love that to keep eye-liner from smudging. Also, you could use the dark color to fake eyeliner. I mention that technique here:


Nikki says · 08.30.13

That copper color would really make your eyes POP! My eyes are almost the same color as yours and sometimes I wear a shimmery copper eye shadow and MAN does it make my eyes look super blue!

Rebecca A. says · 08.30.13

I had this IN MY HAND yesterday at Sephora!!! Have seen your posts about it and was intrigued…but stayed on the fence yesterday. *sigh*
Thanks for the ‘push’ (read: shove…landing on my back with all fours flailing in the air!). Must plan a return trip to the store now. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kate says · 08.30.13

Hahaha, I appreciate the visual!

Rebecca A. says · 04.03.14

Just stumbled across this. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wanted you to know I DID purchase the Naked 2 and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks again for the push!!!

Katie says · 08.30.13

This looks great. I have the Naked palette and have been debating for a while whether I need both.

Brainless says · 08.30.13

Looks great. Funny I LOVE Chopper and its my evreyday shadow. I find it to be very neutral where as some of the other make it look like I have a black eye!

Kylie says · 08.30.13

I just love your tutorials! Thanks so much for your hard work. I love this neutral eye! I have one suggestion…could you add a “pin it” button to your site? Then, it would be so easy to “pin” your awesome ideas to pinterest! Thanks!

Ponies and Pearls says · 08.30.13

LOVE the Naked2 palette! It’s the best…so versatile and fun. Thanks for another wonderful tutorial

Justine J says · 08.30.13

I have the Naked (not Naked 2) palette and I love using it for everyday make up. But my sister has the Naked 2 palette and even though before I thought that only one of these is enough, now I think both are neccessary! They are so similar but so different! xx


Megan Lynn says · 08.30.13

Kate you are gorgeous! Thank you for this tutorial. I love the look! ๐Ÿ™‚

Amanda says · 08.30.13

Beautiful! I just bought this palette yesterday, so I was glad to see your post today.

Miss.Tammy says · 08.30.13

You’re so gorgeous! Love this look.

mommyofboyzz says · 08.30.13

Is this only available at Sephora or can cosmetologists buy it somewhere else? Thanx for the “suggestion” – I am definitely intrigued!!!

Carol Bridgewater says · 08.30.13

It’s also at Ulta.

JillianD says · 08.30.13

I am a HUGE fan of the NAKED pallets but haven’t gotten one yet! I love that you show how they look on your skin tone. It will definitely help when choosing!

Ashley says · 08.30.13

Chopper is the reason I bought the Naked 2 Palette. ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite eye shadow ever was from Clinique called Lucky Penny. They apparently don’t make it anymore, or at least I can’t find it, so I was in Sephora looking for one like it. Chopper is almost exact. I had been wanting to buy the palette anyhow so because of Chopper, I did. It’s my everyday color with a little Bootycall along the brow bone and in the corners.

Kristy says · 08.31.13

Do you get a lot of glitter fall out from Chopper? I love the color, but have problems controlling the glitter!

Katherine - Real Food Runner says · 08.30.13 Reply
Brianne Bracco says · 08.30.13

Love the colors! I need this palette in my life!

Olivia Rickert says · 08.30.13

Love this look!! Wow kate, you are a expert. I love your blog so much!(: an do love the naked 2 pallet. So many great looks!(:

Katie says · 08.30.13

I use “Blackout” along my upper lash line when I want something softer looking than a pencil eye liner. I use the smaller end of the brush that came with the palette to dot it right next to my lash line. It’s the same effect as a smudged liner, but no harsh line. LOVE this palette. It’s my go-to shadow palette now.

Lavender Paper Hearts says · 08.30.13

YES!! I’ve been reading about this Palette all over the internet… from you, from other blogs, etc. So I finally took the plunge and bought it only to feel guilty about spending $50. This blog post, and your arm twisting at the end there have made me feel better about this purchase. I WILL use it and fall in love.

The Grass Skirt Blog says · 08.31.13

I love this look! I’ll have to try it out in the morning. ๐Ÿ™‚
The Grass Skirt

c1f27efe-11e6-11e3-93aa-000bcdca4d7a says · 08.31.13

This doesn’t really relate to this post but have you heard of ” erase paste” by benefit? I don’t wear make up often but when I do I always try to cover up my dark under eye circles and was wondering if you’ve heard anything about it! Love your blog too!

College Conservative says · 08.31.13

I bought the ‘Confessions of a Concealaholic’ kit by Benefit (which contains erase paste) and Oh. My. Goodness. That whole kit is AMAZING. If you have problems with dark circles or any discoloration around your eyes, I highly recommend it.

Cashmere Lace says · 08.31.13

I totally love this. Urban Decay has really created the ultimate product for eyeshadow lovers like us…I always get sooo excited when I create a new look. I should write down what I do so I remember. This one I’m gonna bookmark!

Thank you <3


Reply says · 09.01.13

I love ALL these colors and have been waiting to find a full set where I can actually use every single one ๐Ÿ™‚ You convinced well….on my list ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie Appleyard says · 09.01.13

So so pretty. I just love the lip. very versatile xx

Sweet Apple Lifestyle

Reply says · 09.02.13

I love this look … so pretty!

Olivia Rickert says · 09.02.13

Hi kate! I just read your post on babble and was wondering how can I purchase this polish?! Thank u so much!(:

Olivia Rickert says · 09.02.13

Love this look! You have sold me on order a big barrel! You have a great blog! I look forward to reading it everyday!

Beth says · 09.05.13

Do you think that this palette will work for all skin types and eye color? I have fair skin and brown eyes, and I always thought that using brown and neutral eyeshadows didn’t look as good with my skin type and eye color. I may be wrong…still trying to nail down my makeup routine and products! Thanks.

Meaghan says · 09.05.13

Love your Naked 2 Palette eye combinations! When I first got my palette I searched for tutorials online to see how others had used their Naked 2 Palettes. I tried this combo today and although I usually shy away from YDK, I’m currently loving the look! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Sisterino says · 09.10.13

I want a Naked palette so bad!!! Sadly, it’s not in my budget at this time. I’m thinking it’ll make a good Christmas present for me from my hubby. ๐Ÿ˜‰ That being said, I would love a tutorial on brighter eye colors for day. I like to wear a bit of color, like purple or teal to enhance my blue eyes. Any advice?

Jan says · 01.17.15

Blackout would be perfect for a smoky eye!!! I used a color like that in the bare minerals and I LOVED it!!!!! I used a black liner and crystal shimmer for the highlighter and then use a rosey type cheek and a bronzer. Not too much for your skin tone. Then find a red that you feel comfortable wearing for your skin tone. I can hear you say that you are too pale for that look. But believe me, I am really pale, and I played with that look and with bronzers and highlighters you can balance out the look. ๐Ÿ™‚
