Bump Styled: The Stripes Don’t Lie

Q&A Video

19 weeks! 
maternity jeans: Gap
wedges: Nine West

Stripes (check)
Grey (check)
White (check)
Jeans (check)
Nude wedges (check)

(check is not a store, don’t be confused)

If I had a “signature outfit”, it would be this one. And I love that I have a baby bump to dress. I find it quite fun.

By the end of the day my bump is quite round. It’s so strange that in the morning it’s easy to hide, and by nighttime I stare at myself when I’m brushing my teeth thinking “well dag ‘on” <—that’s my attempt to sound southern. I picked it up from my southern hubby. 

Speaking of accents, I really wonder what this baby will sound like. I feel as though pregnancy has brought out my northern roots. I hear myself sounding more northern than usual (which I secretly love. I love sounding northern in the south). And while my husband is a “southerner”, from Virginia, he doesn’t have a thick accent. At all. It’s kind of neutral.

However, he did come chock full of southern phrases and those have been a blast to try to figure out through the years.

Let’s go through some, shall we? I will need to teach my child what these mean. Or perhaps it will be innate since he/she does have southern blood too.

“I’ll get up with y’all later” 
northerner: you will wake up from a nap with your friends later
southerner: I will get together with you later. Perhaps I will call you. Or send you a text. I will make some sort of contact with you later.

“Well dag ‘on” 
northern: well dang. wow. well, geez.
southern: well, dang. wow. well, geez.

“I might could do that”
northern: ::confusion:: might and could kind of mean the same thing there. 
southern: I will not completely commit, but I will give you much hope that I may possibly/probably do that.

“Cut on the lights”
northern: take a pair of scissors and cut the lights until they come on.
southern: turn on the lights.

“She was so ill!”
northern: she was very sick. Perhaps on her death bed.
southern: she had a crappy attitude. she was rude.

“That’s the berries!”
northern: those are berries.
southern: that is awesome!

“He was being ugly”
northern: He could not help that he looked ugly.
southern: He was being mean/rude/disrespectful.

“I use-ta could”
northern: no idea.
southern: I used to be able to _______.

northern: the sound of a sheep.
southern: bye!
(I do this)

Well this took a different turn than I was expecting. I’ll claim “pregnancy brain”.

*I loved reading all your responded to the southern phrases I shared “definitions” to in yesterdays post! I realized after the fact that I totally made my husband sound like a southern woman. He doesn’t say half of these things. Once I got the ball rolling with the first phrase (which he does actually say), it became a generic “southern phrase” post.  AND I can’t believe I left out “fixin’ to”. That’s a huge one.


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Stephanie McDonnell says · 07.23.13

“We might could do that” That’s actually an expression here in NC? My boyfriend says that to me all the time. I always want to correct his grammar. Lmbo! Thanks for smile today. You’re looking stunning!


Deanna Arrington says · 07.23.13

As a life-long southerner, I have tried to avoid most of these, as they most definitely are not proper, and I minored in English. I must say, however, that I have NEVER heard of “that’s the berries”, unless someone was referring to where the berries were located.
As I get older, I have found that I am becoming quite lax in the use of proper English, and have resorted more and more to southern-isms. My personal favorite is one I thought I would NEVER say: “use-ta”. “Fixin-ta” runs a close second. Sigh……nevah say nevah. 🙂

Sara says · 07.23.13

You look super cute, congrats and good luck with the ultra sound.

Kate Harvey says · 07.23.13

You’re looking beautiful! And I love the “turn” your post took…. We are living in the deep South right now and I’m always so amused when children call me Mrs. Kate! (I’m a piano teacher.) It’s so adorable, and so foreign to me as a Northerner. 🙂

Lauren | My Polished Side Blog says · 07.23.13

Hahaha. So true! (and Ps. you look adorbs in your pregnancy clothes!)

My Polished Side Blog
Sweet Pea’s Party

R2P2 says · 07.23.13

ha! I have lived in the south for 17 years, so am not a deeply-rooted Southerner, but I feel more like one than anything else. The “might could” was always a head-scratcher, as well as calling shopping carts “buggies.” Admittedly, some of his expressions are still unknown to me, namely “that’s the berries.”

BakingBliss says · 07.23.13

you’re too cute!

Lindsey218 says · 07.23.13

Being a Georgia girl, I love this post, it made me laugh 🙂 You look super cute & have the glow!

Claire Nettles says · 07.23.13

You are such a cute little pregnant lady! I love these comparisons. They are hilarious! Though I have never heard “that’s the berries.” One of the phrases my parents (from MS) never understood when they were in D.C. was “Want to go with?” They always thought there should have been more at the end! Maybe that’s the “northern” I use-ta could. 🙂

walking dot photography says · 07.23.13

LOL Funny – I lived it the South for 10 years and never heard some of those phrases. What part of the south is he from?

eatgreatbegreat says · 07.23.13

Hahaha…this is too funny! Love your outfit!

Kacia Hosmer says · 07.23.13

I. Am. Crying! I Have definitely been a northerner confused by a few of these phrases!!

lori says · 07.23.13

You are looking adorable!! It’s so funny how different your belly will look in the morning vs nighttime!!

And love the southern vs northern commentary. I’m from Georgia and daily use ‘ill and ugly’

Cory says · 07.23.13

Love your “signature look”, Kate! A t-shirt and jeans is definitely my go-to look any day. And I bet that’s exciting to wonder what your child will sound like. I was southern born and raised and I tend to say quite a few phrases such as “fixin’ to”, “tumpted over” (knocked over) and “all y’all”.

Laura says · 07.23.13

Haha! Being a southerner, I guess I just assumed that everyone understood what I was saying. But I guess I can understand that saying someone was being “ugly” can be kind of confusing. But I’m sure you Yankee’s have some expressions that could plum confuse us too 😀

Ali says · 07.23.13

haha those southern phrases are so true & I think they’re hilarious. Cut the lights on is so funny!

J-Berg says · 07.23.13

This post cracks me up. It’s two of my favorite topics in one. Babies and being southern.

I lived in Virginia for 10 years before moving back to PA. It’s amazing how much of the southern “lingo” came back with me.

PS- Love your outfit, super cute 🙂

Katy Weiss says · 07.23.13

Does Check have an online store? I can’t find them anywhere? Is it only in North Carolina? (Kidding)
Your bump is adorable! I also have to join the long list of Southerners that have never heard of “that’s the berries.”

AA says · 07.23.13

LOL! I’m a northerner, but when I was 18 I dated a guy from NC, and it was always an adventure trying to translate what he was saying. Love this!

You look great, by the way! 🙂

Jen says · 07.23.13

I LIVED in those striped short sleeved rouched shirts from Motherhood with my second pregnancy (August baby, NC heat, ugh). Normally I steer clear of stripes, but I loved them with my bump.

Katy Weiss says · 07.23.13

Does Check have an online store? I can’t find them anywhere? Is it only in North Carolina? (Kidding)
Your bump is adorable! I also have to join the long list of Southerners that have never heard of “that’s the berries.”

Kate says · 07.23.13


Rebecca says · 07.23.13

This had me laughing out loud! I’m not from here originally, so it took me a while to figure out what people were saying sometimes! My first day of school (I moved here when I was a junior in high school), a made a really nice friend who showed me around. She told me she was going to “carry me” to my next class. And I was all o.O I had no idea what “carry” meant down here. It was pretty funny.

Inge Jane says · 07.23.13

Oh my gosh the “Baaahhh” one made me laugh out loud! Cute outfit, grey and stripes are a favorite of mine too!
This Ever Evolving Life

Wendy says · 07.23.13

What about Coke being any kind of soda? LOL of course my adopted northern mother calls it pop…

Mama Fuss says · 07.23.13

You are so funny! I took some college course in language theory and non-verbal communication (which somehow accent when speaking is part of) and the baby will likely talk the way those around him/her talk (sorry, can’t remember if you found out yet or not. I’m behind you in due dates, but I got the Panorama test and found out already). If your friends/family that are around a lot talk w/ a NC accent, the baby will likely have a little of that, a little of your Northern talk, a little of the Virginia accent – you speak what you hear.

Linda Jordan says · 07.23.13

SO TRUE! haha! My husband is from Oklahoma and I’m from Indiana, and He uses several of these sayings. It took me a while to figure out what he was saying! 🙂

Your outfit is super cute!


Lauren says · 07.23.13

Cute outfit! As a Southerner I can honestly say, some of these I have never heard of! I also feel the same way hearing some of the things Northerners say. Not all of us are redneck 🙂 I didn’t take any offense to this, but it’s funny to see what others portray of “northern” and “southern.” ha!

kb says · 07.23.13

You are so freakin ADORABLE! Keep smiling and enjoy this!

Kelly King says · 07.23.13

I am from Alabama and some of those I have to say, I have never heard of…the “berries” one had me for a loop; some of my favorites I throw on the Florida folk here in Tampa are, “y’all quit rurnin’ my life”…translation “you all quit ruining my life, i.e., messing up everything”; and another one they just couldn’t quite get at first was when I said “he is just laying out of work” and they thought I meant laying in the sun on the beach somewhere…in the South it means you are not really sick, you are just playing hooky from work.

Your baby bump AND you look great!! Take care of both of you!

Tori Shelton says · 07.23.13

Kate, I am cracking up! Although, born and raised in NC, I have never heard “that’s the berries”. Maybe your husband made that one up all by himself…? 😉 You look great. Keep feeling better and hopefully I’ll run into you again soon! – Tori

Reb Rambles On... says · 07.23.13

Bahaha this was hilarious!

Deborah Boutwell says · 07.23.13

You look beautiful…as always! I so wish 25 years ago we had cute maternity clothes. But seeing all the pictures yesterday of Princess Di reminded me of how ugly our clothes were! I always say I can speak two languages…English and Country, but I guess most would say that is Southern. Ya’ll have a nice day, now, ya hear!? Never knew if that was a question or a statement.

Heather says · 07.23.13

Being born and raised in Virginia (I live in SWVA now) all these phrases are spot on. Haha! Congrats and good luck on the ultrasound!

Ashley@MarriedLane says · 07.23.13

So cute! And I loved your little southern translator. As a northerner, I was right there with you for all of those! 🙂

Jenn @ WLB says · 07.23.13

That’s the berries made me laugh out loud! Too funny.

~*Melissa*~ says · 07.23.13

Hahaha! This post totally cracked me up! I’m born and raised just north of Charlotte, and I get comments all the time about “You never sound Southern”, and “Where’s your accent?”, but yet I knew ever single one of these phrases….except, “that’s the berries”! Never heard that one before in my life….but, I can say I may use it in the future! Love your bump, and you are glowing! Congratulations!

Jordan says · 07.23.13

You are absolutely GLOWING in your pictures! Your joy is literally radiating from you. It’s so great to see. My husband and I also tried for a year and found out on Mother’s Day that we were expecting our own bundle of joy! I’m totally jealous of your bump, though. Mine (if I can even say that because it’s barely there!) looks more like an I-shoulda-worked-out-more gut than a bump. Congrats!

Jordan @ Let Them Eat Paste

Amanda says · 07.23.13

I’m from Virginia and we used to always say growing up, “They’re showing their butt” when a person was acting out in public especially children. Ex: “Sallie Mae was just showing her butt at the movies tonight, so we left.”

When I said this in Pennsylvania, I NEVER heard the end of it. They thought it was the absolute craziest phrase ever!

ashnboys says · 07.23.13

DYING laughing! Well done…ya’ll!

Margot says · 07.23.13

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Margot says · 07.23.13

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Megan says · 07.23.13

Being from where you grew up Kate, the Chicago area, I loved your northerner translations, lol. Weird stuff!

Margot says · 07.23.13

Sorry about posting this multiple times! Let’s try again. I am sitting in the doctor’s office and laughed out loud while reading these! You look darling!

Jenn says · 07.23.13

As a Chicagoland native married to a South Carolina native, I have to say you missed a couple:

She blessed him out.
Northern: She acted like the Pope.
Southern: She lost her shit and yelled at him. A lot.

They used to keep us.
Northern: Someone kidnapped you.
Southern: They would babysit us.

HLane says · 07.23.13

I love your southern phrases! I am from MN originally and now living in Texas.
My children say they are “fixing to” do something and y’all all the time. It’s very interesting! love it. 🙂

Melissa says · 07.23.13

Cute outfit! I love those ruched maternity shirts. They were my favorite thing to wear. I loved showing off my bump during my pregnancies.

Nicole @ Haute Runner says · 07.23.13

Hilarious!! Thanks for de-coding for us! Love your cute bump!

Elizabeth says · 07.23.13

Haha, I’ve been saying “might could” forever, but only noticed it when some Californian friends pointed it out to me. I’m from Nashville, so my accent isn’t too strong, but they determined what made me sound most Southern was “y’all,” “might could,” and anytime I tried to use the long-I sound.

amypajewski.com says · 07.23.13

The “might could” thing cracked me up! I moved to the Texas Panhandle from Pennsylvania about a year ago, and the first time I heard that, I was so confused. It still makes me giggle.

Nancy says · 07.23.13

So funny. I’ve been in the deep south my whole life & never heard the berries before. One of my favorites is, “well, bless your heart.” That’s Southern for, “gosh you’re an idiot,” usually said while smiling sympathetically.

You look so adorable!

Nifer says · 07.23.13

I love your interpretations. I too am from the north (live in the south) and have found myself pausing to think/interpret what the person has just said.

Elizabeth P says · 07.23.13

Cute list! Fully approved by this Alabama native! Except for “That’s the Berries”. Never, ever heard that one. Ever. But I may so far south that we’ve lost touch…ha!

Abby Hillard says · 07.23.13

Love the outfit! I’m two weeks behind you in pregnancy, so far my favorite jeans are Long and Lean from Gap! I also have more white and gray striped shirts than need be… I forget what I buy sometimes and end up with too much of one thing (preg brain)!
I moved to NC from OH when I was younger and will never forget the first time someone told me to “mash” a button instead of “push!” My husband is from the south too and says “fixin to” it cracks me up.

corners of my life says · 07.23.13

Flattering strips on one of the cutest pregnant gals ever . . .

ATrailLife says · 07.23.13

So funny! We moved from Chicago to NC and love deciphering the different phrases. Our favorites are “a biggin” when indicating what size you would like at a restaurant – as in, “I’ll take a lemonade, make it a biggin.” And “If’n yaunt to” when trying to say “If you want to”.

You and your bump are looking great!!

Noelle says · 07.23.13

Do you find that more expensive shoes (like the Nine West pair you are wearing in the picture) are more comfortable than those sold at Target and other less expensive department stores?

Kate says · 07.23.13

pretty much the same to me!

Elizabeth Roling says · 07.23.13

Such a fun post! I love that you share your baby experience as you are going through it. 🙂

Ja'Quee Leonard says · 07.23.13

HaHaHaHa! That genuinely cracked me up!! Being a Hoosier (Indiana gal) raised by my southern mom, I completely get all of those phrases and reactions! So funny! Btw, super cute outfit!

Susan Jeffries says · 07.23.13

I love this Kate! I am an Ohio girl who relocated to South Carolina for a few years. I was attending grad school there and working as a labor and delivery nurse. There were two phrases that I could not figure out. 1. Mash the lights. It took me over a year to figure out that someone wanted me turn the lights off. 2. Send them to the house. As a nurse, I thought the doctors had some big house we all sent patients to. However, this phrase meant to discharge a patient. Silly Yankee girl;) No wonder they made fun of me. I miss my southern friends and their funny phrases every day! Susan

Quinn says · 07.23.13

Ha! Love the outfit! You having a boy or a girl?

still being [molly] says · 07.23.13

haha love it. you look adorable, kate!

Quinn says · 07.23.13

Ha! Cute. You having a boy or a girl?

Lora Dow says · 07.23.13

“Might could” fried my brain the first time I heard it. (I’m from Wisconsin) Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Chaney @ May Richer Fuller Be says · 07.23.13

Hilarious post! I’m from VA and have Alabama roots on my mom’s side – I totally use these phrases!

April Morgan says · 07.23.13

I am from NE Arkansas and my grandmother has a southern accent all her own. She always uses a contraction of “so” + “on”. So when she says “…and so on” it sounds like “and soan”. I bet she sure confuses the heck outta northerners when she talks!

Silver Lining Decor says · 07.23.13

I live in Virginia and this cracked me up! I say almost all of these things without thinking about it. Except for the “berries” one. Never heard that. You look adorable!

Brooke Riske says · 07.23.13

Born and raised Carolina girl and I’ve never heard of the “berries” expression. All the other ones made me smile, though. My husband is from Michigan, so when we visit up there I am always “proud” of my thick drawl – I know what ya mean 😉

WOM-MOMS says · 07.23.13

Kate, this was a very cute post! I’m very excited to see your bump popping out and can’t wait to see what the baby is (gender) next week! I’m from ND and MN, so pretty much none of these southern phrases I’d heard of.

Amber King says · 07.23.13

You are too cute! And your little bump too…

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hollyhowe82 says · 07.23.13

As usual your are too cute! Your little bump looks great! Keep up the good work!

AmberCHM says · 07.23.13

Ahh that last one just made me cackle…here in my living room…with only my 2 year old twins. They didn’t get it. Alabama girl here. My accent isn’t strong, but I’m guilty of many of those sayings!

Wendy says · 07.23.13

I love the direction the post took. I am from Texas and am guilty of some of the above phrases. You can add
1. fixin to. I’m fixin to make dinner which means I am about to make dinner.
2. Used to could. I used to could stay out all night. Something you could do in the past but not now. (I don’t say this but know people who do!)

thelastcorral says · 07.23.13

I live in VA (originally from OH/MI)and hear the phrase “cut on the lights” too! I don’t understand it! If you cut something, it’s off!

LuluG says · 07.23.13

Love the expressions, especially being British! You are glowing!

Sarah Jenkins says · 07.23.13

I’m from as south as you can get Georgia and have NEVER heard anyone say “That’s the berries!” I might have to get that one trending in my small town 🙂

Ashley says · 07.23.13

This was cute! I love how the stripes accentuate the “bump”! I’ll have to keep that in mind when I’m pregnant and want to show the bump right away!! And the sayings are so funny.. I’m in the “middle” of accent areas too – so some of those sayings I understand and say frequently – although some of those, I gotta admit – I had no idea what you meant. Lol!

DD says · 07.23.13

OMG. Hilarious. Let’s not forget, “Well bless her heart!” Looking great, Kate! Blessings to you and your precious bump!

AbbieC says · 07.23.13

I’m a girl from Iowa, engaged to a man from Alabama, and currently living in Birmingham, Alabama. The end of this post had me laughing out loud as I too had to figure out what every single one of those things meant when I moved here 🙂

Ashley says · 07.23.13

And, have you heard, “‘Dad ‘gum-itt”?? That’s one I still don’t understand, but I secretly want to start saying it, because it sounds cool. 🙂 Ha!

Thea says · 07.23.13

ahhhaha this cracked me up! I love your pregnancy brain & adorable outfits 🙂 I am only 8 wks so no bump but will be taking note of your style for future reference!

Thea @ http://www.bigcountrysky.blogspot.com

Ashley says · 07.23.13

You look so cute 🙂

Sincerely Miss Ash

Traci says · 07.23.13

I’m from South Louisiana & we’re “fixin” to do all sorts of stuff. “fixin to go to the store, fixin to eat, etc”. HAHA!

wearyourvitamins.com says · 07.23.13

You are a very cute pregnant person. I always envision what kind of pregnant person I want to be!

suzanne sanborn says · 07.23.13

I love this post (and your picture)!

I am from the south (TN,GA) my husband is from northern virginia by way of new jersey. We were at the grocery store the other day and I asked him to get me a buggy, he looked at me like I was crazy….I had to tell him I meant a shopping cart hahaha! Never realized it was a southern thing.

theobsoletehomemaker says · 07.23.13

Congratulations! Being a mommy is the most amazing life changing thing ever.

atincupchalice.com says · 07.23.13

Too cute! By the by, you forgot to add “fixin to” and you misspelled y’all (http://atincupchalice.com/2010/10/29/you-all/). LOL. I’m from Virginia but live in Northern Florida which is really Southern Georgia. I had heard y’all a bit in VA but the fixin to didn’t happen until I landed down here. My family is from Pennsylvania so I have a little bit of the Northern phrases in my vocabulary mixed in with the Southern from my time down here. I’m sure your baby will be a happy mixture of both.

....... says · 07.23.13

love the outfit you look beautiful! feel good! xx. gigi. http://www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com

Leigh Ann says · 07.23.13

I’m NC born and raised and my favorite, MOST Southern phrase is, “I hain’t done that yet.” Just in case anyone is confused “hain’t” is past tense of “ain’t” and can be substituted for “have not” in the same way “ain’t” is substituted for “is not.” Also, just because a lot of people don’t know this… I’ll share that “y’all” is actually a very useful contraction. So, in the same way we use “can’t,” in the South, we use “y’all” as a convenient contraction of “you all.” I also love to remind people that other regions of the nation have not come up with a better solution to the plural second person, for example “yous.” Anyway… that’s my “two cents” on Southern phrases (is “two cents” a phrase that’s used outside the South?)

Spoonful of Me says · 07.23.13

My husband is from Virginia Beach, VA and even though that is not the south or country his family is from North Carolina and he has a slight accent but he uses southern language like that. We live in Northwest Indiana so it’s funny that I am not the only one that had to learn to translate what he was trying to say. We still have issues with the soda/pop debate as our daughters call it pop and he says soda and at first they didn’t know what he was talking about.

Katie says · 07.23.13

You look adorable! And I loved the southern accents.


Kristen @ Radiating Splendor says · 07.23.13

You are precious!! I love the baby bump pictures! Keep them coming!

Radiating Splendor

HRobs says · 07.23.13

you look adorable. My favorite southern phrase: “I’m fixin”
Moved back to the south 2 years ago from California and I love it!

Jenna Pennell says · 07.23.13

Born and raised North Carolinian here. I had no idea that “She was so ill!” and “He was being ugly” were southern phrases. Good to know! Oh, and I’ve never heard “That’s the berries” but maybe I’ll start using it… lol.

I’m 10w4d preggers and I’m totally with you on the bump thing. In the morning it’s tiny and I get worried, but by dinner time, I worry no longer. I’m already having to use the old hair-tie-through-the-button-hole trick. Oh, and we haven’t told a single soul yet so trying to hide the baby bump is getting trickier and trickier!

Mirren Smith says · 07.23.13

Congrats! You look adorable! Love the outfit.

Tamara says · 07.23.13

I am still laughing. My kids may come to see if I’m alright in a minute! 🙂 As Arkansans born and raised (Arkies for short), my husband and I have heard many funny sayings. My favs are still “you’ens” (y’all or you young ones) and “them’ens” (those people over there). I still get confused on some of the phrases too. I hear new ones every so often from my father-in-law. “Happier than a pig in a poke” comes to mind the fastest. 🙂

I have to admit that when I read the ones about “He was being ugly” and “I might could do that”, I didn’t understand why they were confusing. It is just something I thought everyone said! Ha Ha!

Congratulations on your pregnancy and my prayers for a safe, easy delivery!

Michelle Hypki says · 07.23.13

Your list made me crack up – I’m from Wisconsin and now live in North Carolina. Nothing frustrates me more than “might could”.

Lauren Elizabeth says · 07.23.13


Carly says · 07.23.13

Yay for 19 weeks!! Isn’t 2nd trimester the BEST???


Lindsey says · 07.24.13

This made me chuckle! 🙂 Congrats on becoming a mom – you look adorable!

-Lindsey | Zip & Zeal

Laura O says · 07.24.13

Another would be “I wouldn’t care to” – northern: I don’t want to / southern: I wouldn’t mind one bit

love this post. and i would have to say the discussion between “pop,” “soda,” and “coke” is another. I always order a Coke at restaurants and they ask what kind but I mean a Coke’a’cola. Northeast Tennessee thing maybe?

Katie Derrenbacher says · 07.24.13

This comment has been removed by the author.

Katie Derrenbacher says · 07.24.13

Cute comfy/casual look – aren’t maternity jeans the best?

JenB says · 07.24.13

Ok, “That’s the berries” must be a Virginia thing, because I’ve lived in NC my whole life and I’ve never heard that. The rest, however…..YES.

Joy says · 07.24.13

Having been born & raised in Alaska, I can confirm that we don’t use ANY of those sayings!!!! 🙂

Kate, you look so stinkin’ cute with that little bump!! I love the stripes!!

jacjewelry says · 07.24.13

Love the bump and the stripes! Surprisingly, I found the most comfortable and high quality maternity t-shirts at H&M! Here in NYC, only a couple have a maternity section, so I called around to find out which ones do, so I don’t waste time going to those that don’t. The t-shirts were $.9.99, and I got them in white, black, and striped (white and navy). They have a little trim around the neckline, which makes them a bit dressier – I can even get away with wearing them to the office with a jacket over them. I totally know what you mean about the morning vs. evening bump! During those weeks, I’d wake up and say, “Where’s the baby?!”. Soon enough, its presence will be undeniable 24/7. 🙂

Bevin Valentine says · 07.24.13

I have confused many of my northern friends with the word “ill”….and a friend from NY in college became obsessed with the phrase “might could” after she hear me say it because she thought it sounded like it was “from Jane Austen.” (I don’t know.)


Katie P says · 07.24.13

Yup, someone else mentioned two I thought of: “showing your butt” and “blessed him out” LOL, we use those a lot. I had not heard the “showing your butt” one until I moved to SC though, I will admit.

On our honeymoon, we met a couple from Boston. Thick, “Bwohston” accents. Without even thinking, I said, “How long have y’all been here?” They looked at each other in awe, grinned and the wife said, “Oh my gawsh, they said ‘y’all’! that’s so cute!” Oy. LOL

runtspickins says · 07.24.13

Hahahaha oh my gosh those phrases had me cracking up!! “I used ta could…” LOL!!


Kayla Gilbert says · 07.24.13

You look adorable!
Your northerner vs southerner totally made me laugh! haha!


Abigail C. Reimel says · 07.24.13

One Southern phrase that always kills me is “We need to love on her….” or any variation of saying that a person loved “ON” someone. I kept thinking that you don’t love ON something, you just love it! 🙂 “Ain’t” and “y’all” are definitely big ones, too!

God bless!

leighms says · 07.24.13

Are Ya’ll fixin’ ta come down yonder?

Northern: With an open mouth… are we getting ready to leave
Southern: We are getting ready to come over.

susie says · 07.24.13

Your children will come home from school speaking southern! I had the hardest time deciphering “whale” from “well” when my daughter was in preschool!

Lindsey McKay says · 07.24.13

Oh my goodness- I can HEAR my husband saying some of these!!! I am a ‘yankee’ in his eyes, as he’s from Louisiana. We have a two-year-old son and a little lady on the way at the end of September. I have OFTEN wondered how messed up their speech will be after being around both of us. HA My son already draws out the “i” in “hi”! : )

I have actually adopted “ya’ll” and “fixin’ to” as part of my vocabulary. When referring to an unkind word spoken by someone, he says it’s “an ugly thing to say”. He refers to our tame chickens as “petty”. He ALWAYS tells my son, “Come love on your Daddy”, or “give me some sugar”, which both basically mean he wants some hugs and kisses.
“Over yonder” is also a common phrase; Grandpa and Grandma where I come from are “pa-paw” and “ma-maw” to him. That has taken me a LONG while to adapt to!
Oh the adventures of being married to a charming southern man; I heard the Pistol Annies sing “Boys from the South” the other day, and it fits my husband to a tee. So much so that it’s now his ringtone on my phone. ; )

Chelsea Peavy says · 07.24.13

Hahahah! Loved this post! I am guilty of using all of these phrases! #georgiagirl

Natalie {Where North Met South} says · 07.24.13

You look adorable!

I was raised in CT and I’m still surprised by some of my VA born hubby’s sayings but these are a few of my favorite:

Southern: he’s kin to us
Northern: we’re related

Southern: do-wha?
Northern: what?

We have a 10 month old so I can’t wait to hear who she will sound like!

In This Wonderful Life says · 07.25.13

you look so cute!

Amber Finley says · 07.25.13

You look adorable! We have to be within days of each other’s due dates. I am 19 weeks on Friday, and I have about the same size bump. It’s becoming rather fun to dress it! 🙂 I’m due December 13, and we just found out that it’s a girl!! Do you know what you’re having yet?

makena says · 07.25.13

Well….Indiana is northern but from south to north, the phrases change. You would think the southern gal (me) moving north would say it all weird, but my hubby throws out “It don’t make me no difference”….really?1?!…lol Or, who calls a grilled cheese a toasty. 21 years with this man and I still scratch my head at that one. 🙂 BTW: You look great and I am excited for more baby news soon…:)

Amanda says · 07.25.13

The first time my husband said his mom was “cluckin'” I thought he literally meant she was clucking like a hen. But apparently in the south that just means she was gabbing with her friends.

Amy says · 07.25.13

You are too cute!

sweetmaddy says · 07.25.13

I’m from CA so this was extremely foreign to me. Hilarious!

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Savannah Watson says · 07.25.13

I’m an arkansan and I despise the “ugly” phrase!!! I always want to get on to parents for saying “don’t you be ugly!!!!!!”
Don’t teach your kid that one, they should always be pretty to you 😉

Brittany says · 09.12.13

My “mommy job” is to “Help my daughters grow up safe and beautiful.” We talk a LOT about how a pretty girl can act ugly and she is just plain ugly. 😉 My babies are always pretty, even when they’re being ugly!

Miss.Tammy says · 07.26.13

You look so amazing! Love the bye at the end – usually it ends like this, when I’m talking to my aunt.

WorldmedTourism says · 07.26.13

I really like this blog post and thank for information about

Katy Skye says · 07.26.13

I grew up spending half the year in Connecticut and half the year in Colorado. I was constantly using the wrong phrases in each place. These are all so true.
I also love the stripes!

Jennifer H. says · 07.29.13

I’m a Raleigh native with roots in Eastern NC. Your definitions cracked me up…it’s so easy to forget what our southern phrases sound like to other people 🙂

Berry Girl says · 07.29.13

we’re Canadian, and we visited Mississippi a couple years ago. At a restaurant we were asked if we wanted a “big assed tea”, much to the horror of my 7yr old. It took us three tries before we realised she was asking us if we wanted a big *iced* tea. My son will never forget that…LOL!

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Krista says · 07.31.13

Ha! Love this! I’m a northerner that lived in the south for a few years. Totally heard the “might could” and “being ugly” on a daily basis 🙂 Sadly I had to ask people to spell their names when taking phone messages, me and accents don’t communicate well 😉 Silly northerner.

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