
New Jewelry Storage

All this striped dress needed was a few staples to finish the look. The grey vest is from Target last winter. If I owned a brightly colored belt I would have worn that. . .but we all know how I feel about grey.

dress: Loft Outlet, similar
vest: Target, winter 2011
belt: J. Crew
Espadilles: Old Navy, summer 2012


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Alissa says · 09.06.12

So cute! I love taking Target items and accessorizing them!

Rebecca says · 09.06.12

This is so cute! I have a vest sweater thing that I’ve been having trouble styling. I might try it with a sleeveless dress!

Anonymous says · 09.06.12

you’re so cute kate!

Katie Green says · 09.06.12

cute! love the messy bun, too.

Anonymous says · 09.06.12

very cute…and I, too, love the messy bun! ♥

Brianne Heape says · 09.06.12

Ah, love this look. So simple, yet professional.

bethvdg says · 09.06.12

this is one of my favorite outfits that you have ever posted! and i love the messy bun too!

Kate says · 09.06.12

aw thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sherry says · 09.06.12

adore the messy bun…off to look for your tutorial for it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Courtney says · 09.06.12

Adore this outfit!! Your messy bun looks so awesome, it looks like you put a little bun wig on it looks that perfect!

Jamie says · 09.06.12

Your hair!!!! Is that your messy bun tutorial?!?

Kate says · 09.06.12


brynn girdler says · 09.06.12

I LOVE this outfit!! Cute!

Basically B says · 09.06.12

I kind of adore your hair here.

Reply says · 09.06.12

Kate, you do such a wonderful job on your blog. I’m in my 40s and have always had short hair. Your blog has inspired me to grow it out and HAVE FUN with it. Keep up the great work. You’re adorable.

Haunani says · 09.06.12

Super cute! Love the outfit! Love the hair! I could NEVER wear horizontal stripes with a belt!! You’re awesome!

Kristen says · 09.06.12

I love this outfit! You look so cute!!

Hannah says · 09.06.12

Great look!!

Doris says · 09.06.12

Hi Kate! I have just discovered your blog and love your hair! ๐Ÿ™‚
You are evidently a natural blonde, but I would like to know how you lighten your shade–highglights? Please let me know, as I want to ask my stylist for your hair color. Thank you!!

Kate says · 09.06.12

please check my faq page

Anonymous says · 09.07.12

I like how you are so big and famous now that you can’t even say “here’s a link to all that information” or something like that.

Sorry. Too busy. Kate’s a celebrity now, guys.

Anonymous says · 09.07.12

Hey Anonymous…there’s no need to be mean.

Kate says · 09.07.12

I apologize if it seemed short–oftentimes I’m responding to comments at the salon so I may only have a minute to write something quickly!

Doris says · 09.07.12

No worries, Kate! I live in another country, otherwise I would go to your salon to get my color done.

Beth says · 09.06.12

I love this outfit! Now that you mention a colorful belt, I think you need a red one to match your earrings. ๐Ÿ™‚ You look adorable!

Now if I could just wake up in the morning early enough to try any of your cute hairstyles….

By the way, I found out about Birchbox from your blog and just signed up — I’m so excited!

Kristina says · 09.06.12

I love your hair in this, is that going to be a tutorial (hint hint)?


Kristina does the Internets

Kate says · 09.06.12

I’ve already done one! check my hair page!

Ryan says · 09.06.12

LOVE your hair! I’m with Kristina… would love a tutorial ๐Ÿ™‚

Ryan says · 09.06.12

oops. That will teach me not to read before I post.
Messy Bun, here I come!

....... says · 09.06.12

absolutely love this outfit! really like how the hair and makeup are clean and beautiful they really compliment the look. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

Alisia says · 09.06.12

Love the outfit and the hair! Is the hair from a tutorial you have already done? If not I would love to see how you did it!

Kate says · 09.06.12

check my hair page!

Anonymous says · 09.06.12

Hair tutorial!!

Jacqueline says · 09.06.12

Love everything about this outfit! I love the earrings too!!

Kasey says · 09.06.12

This outfit is so cute. I mean you always looks great, but this is so figure flattering! I would have never thought to belt that vest. Such style ๐Ÿ™‚

Tori says · 09.06.12

You’re so beautiful!


Chelsea says · 09.07.12

You’re so AWESOME at putting together outfits! And you hair…I may need to travel to NC just for an appointment with the best! ๐Ÿ™‚

zach chuang says · 09.07.12

hi,i am a rich and single mature woman ,but i am so lonely right now, i just need a man who can real love me ! Are you ? and i also uploaded my nice hot photos on and my name is FunIrishCougar on the site.It’s the largest and best dating club for seeking true loves for who are single,just check it out please,best wishes!

Sara Bell says · 09.07.12

I love this outfit. I’m a huge fan of stripes and polka dots. It also doesn’t hurt that gray is my favorite color. =]

still being [molly] says · 09.07.12

LOVE this outfit, kate. you look gorgeous!

Tiffany says · 09.07.12

I am loving stripes lately! I think my last few shirts that I bought were some kind of striped-ity cutesy-ness!

Happiness at Mid Life says · 09.07.12

I love how you styled this dress. I have the same dress and I am thinking I need to go and find me a cute vest ๐Ÿ™‚


Lotte says · 09.07.12

Hi Kate
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your style…. and this outfit is just so lovely. You have such good taste both in clothes and jewelry. Makes me wish I lived in the US so I could buy some of all the lovely things you’re showing. Your hair is always so gorgeous and I use your tutorials SO much. So THANK YOU for an awesome site and keep up the good work :o)

Lots of love from Lotte in Denmark

Elizabeth @ Southern Color says · 09.07.12

I love this look! Its a great way to transition a more summery dress into a fall look. Thanks for the inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

Anonymous says · 09.07.12

I love how this outfit looks! You hair is adorable too!
How did you do your hair like that?!

Anonymous says · 09.07.12

I have this dress and get several compliments every time I wear it. Never thought I could “do” horizontal stripes. I usually wear a navy cardigan and red shoes but the vest looks great! Will have to try it.

Jenny in Wellington, NZ says · 09.08.12

LOVE LOVE LOVE that length of skirt on you, Kate ๐Ÿ™‚ just perfect. Very flattering. Like your up-do and the whole ensemble is very chic!

Marie-Eve says · 09.08.12

Love the vest ! Great oufit !

My Blog – A Pretty Nest

Carolyn says · 09.09.12

1) Have you lost weight? This outfit makes you look SO thin =)
2) I totally love this. I am often not bold enough to belt my cardigans, but I obviously have to try it more often now.

Tabitha Nicole says · 09.19.12

Adorable outfit & love the hair!

Liza Krystal says · 02.03.14

Really awesome and so romantic body, Looking delicious and attractive. You may go here at Online Fashion for getting more adorable ideas.

Jackson Centri says · 03.29.14

Your striped dress is too stunning and it is showing the brand awareness you have and all the things that you collect with a hard shopping makes you perfect in your style and if you also get your colored contacts canada it will improve your personality that will help you to look great.

Replacement Level says · 11.16.21

Thanks for sharing. I will notify.
