The Soft Swoop
The Bland Bathroom Makeover + A Giveaway!
Bangs are a great way to add a little “something” to a haircut under 2 circumstances: 1. They will work with your lifestyle and 2. You are willing to style them.
Bangs usually require a little bit of effort, some product, and a strategic method for styling. For the longest time, I had a shorter, side-swept bang that I show you how to style here.
But I’ve let my bangs grow. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t make it this far, but somehow I managed. So now they are long, about to my nose, and I’m enjoying the change. I’ve been styling them to blend into my hair more, so here is a tutorial for those of you with a long bang section.
Necklace: Target
I’ve been letting my bangs grow for 6 or so months. This will be so helpful!
I love this tutorial! Bangs “swooping” really does make a style look and feel more done up and beautiful 🙂
Love your new profile photo 😉
You ain’t kidding– bangs are high maintenance! But worth it for my mile-high forehead.
Beautiful new profile photo!
What size curling iron is this?
1 1/4 inch!
Is this what size you used for your entire hair?
So great! My bangs are exactly this length :). Also, what lipstick color are you wearing in your photos? Its so pretty!
I was wondering the same thing! 🙂
Here is the link:
The color I’m wearing is Amused
Do you still sell those earrings? I LOVE them 🙂
Thank you so much for this! I have been struggling with how to style my grown out bangs and this is very helpful, thank you!
Wow thank you!! I recently moved cities and have yet to find a hair dresser so I decided to try growing my bangs out! Definitely going to be doing this ! xo 🙂
This will be great to get you through the process!
I feel pretty .. oh so pretty !
Big close up shot – wowza
Yes, experimenting with a new lens.
Thanks, so much, I’m struggling with how to style my bangs as I grow them out!
i prefer shorter bangs (think zooey deschanel) on me, but the swoop style looks perrrrfect on you.
Thank you Kate, this is so helpful! I have had a side bang most of my life and after my wedding decided to grow them out for something different. Countless times I have picked up my shears about to cut away and bring my old bangs back. My grown out bangs are your length now so this tutorial came at a great time, thanks again for sharing your hair-wisdom with us!
Lindsay @
Love this post, I definitely was needing this exact tutorial! I’m growing out a bob so it is now to my shoulders. I’ve been using a 3/4″ hot tools curling iron on a lower setting to get more of a wave than ringlet curls. At what length of hair do you think is appropriate to switch to a bigger curling iron? I had very long hair previously, so I also have a 1.5″…wondering if I need an in between size? I have fine, thin hair. Thanks!
Love all of your hair tutorials! Thank you so much also for recommending Redken’s Real Control Slim Supreme! It truly works miracles! I was wondering if you had any recommendations for shampoo or conditioner for frizzy/poofy hair?
Try Redken’s Smooth Down SH&CO
Thanks! I will!
Thanks!! My bangs are long and don’t feel like cutting them of. Now I know that I can style them in a great way
I really like the earrings you’re wearing in the video. They are a very pretty color and a good size; not too big but enough so they make a bit of a statement.
THANK YOU!!!! I have been so frustrated with my “almost-grown-out” bangs lately and this is a huge help!
Great tutorial Kate, thanks! 🙂 What earrings are you wearing in the video? Love them!
Hi, Kate!! I’ve been following (and loving!) your blog for a while. I just wanted to let you know that I have been struggling with my grown-out bangs for a very, very long time. But I tried your method this morning and it totally worked! Thank you so very much! =)
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try this when I get ready today! I have been struggling with my bangs that are growing out for a few weeks now but I’m excited to give this a go!
Kate I have a major bangs dilemma!! I’ve totally fried my bangs due to coloring/heat styling/etc. and I have horrible split ends. I can’t just cut them because they would be too short to look normal! I’ve tried Aussie 3 minutes miracle deep conditioner, leave in conditioner, H2Ion, and macadamia oil. Do you have any other suggestions?!? I’m freaking out over here!!
Is there an alternative you might suggest to a flat iron? I have board straight hair and have never found a flat iron necessary. (In fact, when I just let my hair dry straight out of the shower, people have often asked if or assumed I flat ironed it.) I do have side swoopy bangs, but I’d rather not invest in a flat iron if a 1-2 inch chunk of my hair is all I’d ever use it for. However, if you tell me a flat iron is worth it just for my bangs I may reconsider. 🙂
This couldn’t have come at a better time for me! I got full bangs the end of last summer and loved them but they are so much work! I couldn’t keep up with them. They are now at my nose and bugging me so much! They feel so blah and not blended with my hair! I am definitely trying your technique!
I seriously feel like I should be paying you. I have been trying to do this swoopiness on my own for months and it never looks right. I can’t wait to use this and master it! Thanks!
I was just today talking about how I want to let my bangs grow out a little, and this is almost exactly what I was looking for – thanks!
Hi Kate! Quick question… I am thinking about getting some longer bangs like yours. Could you post a picture with your hair straight with your bangs just how they normally are. Like just straight beside your face? Just so I could show my hair dresser. Thanks! ~Annie
If you don’t have time I totally understand!
Hi Kate! I just found your blog and just love it! If you have a moment, I would so appreciate an opinion of a professional – I’ve been growing out my bangs but I sooo can’t decide if I look better with or without them. Weigh in if you have a moment. Thanks!
Hi Kate! I am a huge fan of your blog and especially look forward to your Monday Hair Tutorials. Although I did like your post today about how to style your bangs…I was just wondering if you thought you would be doing any more challenging or something not as simple as bangs?
I just found your blog and love it! My question is in regards to products…..What products, if any, do you put in prior to curling/flat ironing? After I use the iron I don’t feel like the curl holds. I could go on with questions but this will help me start!
Kate, What size curling iron did you use for your entire hair?
Thanks for the great tutorial. I am looking to invest in a new, bigger sized curling iron. Is there a brand that you recommend?
Hi Kate! Love your blog! I was also wondering if you could post a picture of your current hairstyle styled straight?
I love your blog! Now I want to get bangs! I was wondering if you could do a cascading waterfall braid sometime? I can never get it!
Kate, I just discovered your blog today and I love it! First of all, you are gorgeous and I love all the cute styles you can do with your length of hair. My hair is pretty long right now and is about the thickness of yours, maybe a little thicker. I have a hair appointment coming up soon, and I am considering getting it cut similar to yours, but I am extremely nervous! Do you ever consider growing your hair out or do you feel that your length is best for all the different styles you like to do? I love big hair with lots of volume and my hair is just too long and heavy for it!
Thank you so much!
Great Blog and you explain things in a way that is very easy to understand:) Thank you for all the great tips!
what kind of curling iron do you use?
I absolutely love your blog!!! I’m not one that is good at hair, however you make it look so easy and simple to follow! I actually did one of the hair styles you showed yesterday! I loved it!!
Thanks for all the great posts!
I have bangs im trying to grow out. They about to my eye level and im trying to make them into side bangs. Would you recommend doing the same with a straightener. Also do you have any good tips on getting your hair to grow and be health again? Thank you!!!
Thank you for this tutorial! I recently cut several inches off my hair with the intention of having a swoop for bangs/layers, however the stylist I went to (not my usual one) never showed me how to achieve the look. I have been trying to figure out to get the swoop now for a couple of weeks, resorting to wearing my new hair in a ponytail everyday so it’s not bland. Thanks to you, the styling mystery is solved and I can finally get my hair to look like it did in the salon! Thanks!
So, I’ve had bangs since… 5th grade! My giant forehead requires something. But I’m spending the summer in miserably hot and humid Florida so my stylist said, “Time to grow out those bangs.” It’s been painless so far but I have three giant cowlicks on my forehead so I’ve forced my bangs down with a blow dryer for years. It works. But I have no idea how to style them now that they are long! I knew the first place to go. Whew, thankful for your tutorials at all crazy different lengths of my hair.
And wow, you look just like your mom in that frozen video shot above. Hope maternity leave is going so well.