Happy Easter
High Five for Friday!
I’m so thankful to know and have a relationship with such an amazing God. Today, we celebrate the fact that He is risen. . . He defeated death. . .and we are, should we choose to follow him, free from the weight of sin.
Christ paid the price we deserved.
Because He loves us.
Here is the link, if you have any trouble watching the video here!
I wish you a Happy Easter!
Great video! Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter. ๐
Happy Easter to you. Not that this is the key point of Easter but thanks to you I have some pretty good Easter hair! ๐
Thank you for your post! It was a good way to wake up this morning.
Easter blessings to you and your family !
Happy Resurrection Day!
Happy Easter and a sweet Passover!
He is risen indeed!!
Hi Kate, Just stopped by your blog to wish you and your family a most blessed and joyous Easter!
Happy Easter! I love that passage. It’s so beautiful.
Happy Easter!! He is risen indeed!
I’ve got the joy, I’ve got the joy, I’ve got the Jooo-oy! -(Laura Hackett, Joyful Joyful) Thanks for sharing your life and love of beauty with us-it reflects the beauty of Jesus, for sure.
You summed it up very well, Kate! I, too, am thankful to serve a risen Savior.
Happy Easter and many blessings to you and your family, and also to everyone who follows this awesome blog!!
Happy Resurrection Day! In case we never meet here on earth, I look forward to meeting you in glory!
Kate, I have been a follower of yours for several months now. Thank you for the way you constantly inspire me to look for beauty in the small and simple things, and being SO CREATIVE! You have inspired this 51 year old woman, (married 28 years to the love of my life) to always put your best foot forward, take a few more minutes to take “ok” to FABULOUS with the tips you bring us each day.
Today was one of my favorite posts! Thank you! In a world full of PC, I applaud you for speaking to us from you heart.
I wish you all the best, and from now on I feel like I have another “sister” that comes to my in-box each day with inspiration.
Dee Anne, Nashville, TN
Thank you so much for sharing the Reason for Easter! Love your blog!
Jesus, the sweetest name I know ๐ Happy Easter!
I just found your blog via Pinterest on Saturday and started following you and added you to my sidebar. This is the first post of yours that I have ever received in my Blogger dashboard and I must say that I am so appreciative of the fact that you are willing to share with your 12,000+ readers the gospel message. As a previous commenter mentioned, the truth about Jesus is not easily swallowed in today’s world, and you could have easily skipped over this truth for the sake of not losing any followers or not offending them. But the truth is Christians are to do all things for the glory of God, and it’s obvious that God has blessed your work on your blog for helping hair-troubled people like me:) and He will bless you even more abundantly for sharing the gospel with thousands of your readers. What an amazing privilege you have! I am encouraged by your boldness and sincerity. Happy Easter! Praise God for sending Jesus as our Redeemer!
Sin has lost its power. Death has lost its sting.
Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. I am eternally grateful! Thank you for sharing!
Amen! Happy resurrection day, Kate!
~ Michelle
Happy Easter! <3
love that song! happy easter to you!
Thanks for the video, Kate! My girls and I just had a little worship service singing at the top of our lungs!! ๐
Thank you so much for sharing the real meaning of Easter! Much love from a fellow woman in Christ!
I am so inspired by your courage and boldness! Kate, I have followed you for a couple months now and am so touched to see that you are a Christ-follower as well. Love and Hugs in Him!!!!!
I believe too!! thank you for this.
Hi Kate,
God bless you! This is my absolute favorite current Easter song. We sang it Easter morning and I found myself lifting my hands up high, although I usually don’t do that. Thank you for posting. Love your blog,
Kirsten @ BarkingDogShoes.com
Hey Kate,
You are such an inspiration.:) Seeing you on fire for God like you are has certainly rekindled the fire for God in me!! I look forward to seeing more things you post and seeing you grow in Christ.:)
Love your blog,
Love this song! My church sing it this past Sunday! I love all your post but this is my favorite bc its shows how much you love the Lord and that you’re not ashamed or afraid to speak of Him! Which makes me love your blog even more! And all the posts before me made me tear up bc you truly touched lives with this! May God bless you and your family!
Found your blog this weekend. Where I have I been?! I have gone through your archives and am completely inspired! You are so beautiful and stylish. What a blessing to see you’re a believer. I love that you’re fashionable and conservative…if that makes sense. May God continue to richly bless your blog and salon business. Following you on facebook now, so I don’t miss anything! ๐
It’s funny because I just started “following” your blog after finding a few of your hair tutorials on Pinterest that I really loved but I knew you were a believer. Maybe it’s your soft sweet voice, your cheerfulness, your clean humor or maybe just the connectedness of two sisters in Christ but I just knew ;). Happy to learn I was right! Thanks for your dedication to your blog, I love it so far. And though you are obviously beautiful on the outside it is also clear you are on the inside too! Leah Hillcar
What a wonderful post on Easter. I love the melody and meaning of the song, very touching. Here’s expressing my warmest happy Easter wishes to you and to everyone. Have a blessed Easter!
Hugs xxx Michelle
Love this video. Thanks for sharing.