Day Off Wear

Lee La La Giveaway
Monday’s hold a special place in my heart. They are my day off from the salon. And they are always very much needed after a weekend of work! 
Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. But a girl can use a day off every once in awhile, right?
My sister and I went to Target the other day. 15 minutes into our trip, and after walking through the clothes, jewelry, shoe and makeup aisles, all we had was a tube of mascara.


So we walked through the clothes again and both picked up the sweater I’m wearing and matching yoga pants. Sometimes we try to push the “twin” factor. 

Then we walked through grocery and found the new Birthday Cake Oreo’s. Have you tried them? I do NOT like them. But apparently they are wildly popular.

And finally, we grabbed some Haagen Daz Coffee ice cream.

Now that feels more like it. I don’t know what I would have done having only left Target with mascara. 

It would have been weird. . . and uncomfortable. . . 



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Mrs. Blanton says · 03.20.12

Love your white shirts. Where did you get those?

Kate says · 03.20.12

Old Navy!

Mrs. Blanton says · 03.20.12

Which ones are they? Those fit really nice and a great length ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenny says · 03.22.12

I agree, please tell us! Always looking for cute white tops for layering (are you wearing two, by the way?) Are they tanks or short-sleeved? Love all your outfits!

Katie says · 03.20.12

You are very beautiful ma’am! ๐Ÿ™‚ and I love that sweater.. hahaha ๐Ÿ˜€

Michea says · 03.20.12

I tried the Birthday cake Oreos recently too, and they are GROSS. Waaay too sweet!

Maribeth (Obsessive Cosmetic Hoarders Unite!) says · 03.20.12

I agree- those birthday Oreos are nasty! (and I will eat pretty much anything with sugar ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sickly sweet. Even my kids didn’t like them, so what does that say? I love the color of your sweater. I hate that ’empty’ feeling when you only have something like a mascara when you are in Target ๐Ÿ™‚ I totally relate!

Katie says · 03.20.12

oooh, what kind of mascara??

Rebecca says · 03.20.12

That sweater is cute!

I agree — it’s just not right to leave Target empty-handed.

Anonymous says · 03.20.12

What a fun post! I go to Target alot for therapy, I know how you feel if you only came home with mascara. Thxs for your blog I love reading it, love your story. Always wanted to be working with hair, and now i’m thinking one day I’ll go back to school when my kiddo’s go to school…

Anonymous says · 03.20.12

Totally concur regarding your opinion of those nasty birthday cake flavored oreos. They are completely overrated. I thought I was the only one. Now I feel better – lol
Very cute sweater !

Kristi says · 03.20.12

Hahahaha I always get depressed if I go to the mall and can’t find anything. I’ll make myself buy lipgloss just for the sake of buying something ๐Ÿ™‚

Anonymous says · 03.20.12

I have that same sweater from Target!! Very comfy ๐Ÿ™‚

Sandy says · 03.20.12

Cute cardi!! I agree about the birthday cake Oreo’s, yuck! I tried the mint ones too, they’re tasty and remind me of Girl Scout Thin Mints. Thanks for all the tutorials, Kate!

Anonymous says · 03.20.12

Thanks for inspiring my wardrobe today:)

Amanda C. says · 03.20.12

I love the cardigan and white tee! I bought my husband the birthday Oreo’s (since his birthday was in Feb. and they’re his favorite cookie) and he didn’t like them either. I think they missed the boat on that cookie! Thanks for all of the tutorials and tidbits of information! I enjoy reading your blog everyday at work ๐Ÿ™‚

renee says · 03.20.12

i have that sweater!!! and i wore it yesterday!!! geez, we have such great taste! ๐Ÿ™‚

thecrazytwo says · 03.20.12

Very cute! Haven’t tried the Oreos but from the ratings here I won’t be! Haha, thank sooo much for your blog!! I loooove waiting for the new hairstyles every week! Thanks Kate!

Cathy says · 03.20.12

I. LOVE. YOUR. BLOG. Ive been dropping by for a while and this is one of my favorite blog stops! Thanks for all the great ideas and advice.


Mary Beth says · 03.20.12

I agree, I was not a fan of the Oreos by themselves, I made them into Oreo bars and those were better but I’ll still take double stuffed any day of the week ๐Ÿ™‚

Joy says · 03.20.12

my sister an i frequent target, and hit up the same areas you mentioned, usually picking out the same exact thing, and usually deciding to each get a different color, and trade when we get tired of it. we aren’t twins, but we are fashion twins for sure! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dana says · 03.20.12

I love target and I am exactly the same way…..I can never leave with just one thing or rather…just what I NEEDED….I always end up with more than I needed.

Tried the Birthday Oreos….they were ok but the original is still the best!

You always look so cute!

LovePink says · 03.20.12

Target is definately my church with the weekly ad as my Bible. I can’t make it a week without one or two (ok, sometimes three) trips!

rellimarie says · 03.20.12

oh target, how i miss thee! after almost three years, i still haven’t been able to cope with moving to a town that DOESN’T have a target. so sad. your outfit is so pretty. love the colors!

Michele says · 03.20.12

Beautiful picture of you Kate!

I work from home so I get to rock the yoga pants everyday.. I definitely appreciate the time I don’t have to spend getting ready but I’m always looking forward to a day out so I can wear something nice.

Andrea says · 03.20.12

cute sweater! love the color! i love your day off wear!

diditeach says · 03.20.12

I just got back from a week’s holiday in Florida. Target was high on my list after reading your blog the past few months…..bought some really cute clothes, a skirt and top, new shoes…great prices. I live in Canada so love my Target fix in the US. I also was on the hunt for the Lip butter….LOVE IT !! I bought 4 different shades but love the Peach the best. Thanks for all the inspiration and great tips !!

Anonymously, Mine says · 03.20.12

I was not a fan of the Birthday cake oreos either. Peanut butter is where it’s at!

Cindy says · 03.20.12

I have that same sweater in pink and love it. Too bad it’s already in the 80’s here in Nashville and I probably won’t get to wear it again for several months. So much for spring.

Julie @ Sugarfoot Eats says · 03.20.12

Love the color of your sweater! I can’t pull off white tees….always spill something on them right away!

Laura says · 03.20.12

That color looks great on you!
I love Target – I go there for one thing and leave with a cart full — happens every. single. time. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you enjoyed your day off!

xo, Laura

Anonymous says · 03.20.12

Your hair looks amazing (as usual) in that picture!! For some reason, after a few hours, my hair all ends up forming one or two large curls instead of staying separate. Am I doing something wrong?


cleverandcatchy says · 03.20.12

i know what you mean! the same thing happened to be in target yesterday. i walked out with an clearance bathing suit cover up that severely underwhelmed me when i put it on that will for sure go back…but i LOVE the birthday cake oreos ๐Ÿ˜ก a little too much

Anna Catherine says · 03.20.12

Love that sweater. I got it in the navy stripe. Wish I had gotten that color, too!

Shelby Lynn says · 03.20.12

I just got that sweater the other day too! I wore it with black leggings and riding boots for St Patrick’s Day!

{just.lovely.things} says · 03.20.12

You look gorgeous and comfortable!!

Blue Dog Belle says · 03.20.12

That color sweater is BEAUTIFUL on you! I love you in color! (and grey too!)

Joanna @ Southern Daisy says · 03.20.12

Love your hair in that picture!! You’ve inspired me to cut my mid back length hair to look like that after I have my baby in May. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been wanting to for a while (especially looking at all the cute hair styles you do), but I feel like I’ll miss my long hair. But I’m just gonna bite the bullet and do it! I think the side swipey bangs will help too.

Liz Brown says · 03.20.12

I do NOT blame you for loving your days off … especially from a hair salon. Every time I go into one I wonder what the life expectancy for a stylist is ๐Ÿ˜› The fumes can be crazy!

Karisa Carlos says · 03.20.12

Hi Kate. Do you double your Old Navy tank or wear a cami under? I bought a yellow one, but I have to wear something under so my bra doesn’t show ๐Ÿ™‚ I love those old navy sweaters!

Kate says · 03.23.12

I double the tank. I don’t like to see the outline of my bra. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lydia says · 03.20.12

I can NEVER go to Target and only buy one thing ๐Ÿ™‚

Nikki says · 03.21.12

Love the sweater and you’re having an exceptional hair day! I’d almost be tempted to take a road trip if you could make my hair look like that. haha ๐Ÿ™‚

Jamie says · 03.21.12

Cute!! Is that the boyfriend cardigan? I have been eyeing those myself ๐Ÿ™‚

<3 Jamie

Heaven's Walk says · 03.21.12

Hi Kate ~ I love your white tank top, too. Where did you find it?

xoxo laurie

Kendra Lee says · 03.21.12

LOVE the sweater!! I MUST have it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

erin says · 03.21.12

this color looks great on you ๐Ÿ™‚

Kelli says · 03.21.12

cute! I don’t have a Target where I live, but I am the same way with WalMart.

Sarah says · 03.21.12

I think you single handedly cleaned Target out of that sweater with your post! They aren’t online and basically sold out of stores, haha.

Anonymous says · 03.21.12

speaking of mascara…have you tried loreal voluminous million lashes? i really like it!

Kate says · 03.23.12

Good to know!

Michelle says · 03.21.12

I LOVE Target! I even worked at one back in the 80’s — when they still had PAPER bags & we (the cashiers) entered all the numbers onto the keypad. I still remember each departments numbers, how sad is that! I just found your blog thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest — although I don’t know WHY I would follow you — you are young, gorgeous, have great hair & have a FUN job!! I am old, not gorgeous, have very baby fine hair, & have an ok job. I don’t like you at all ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 03.23.12

You are hilarious! Thanks for the follow. . .anyway. . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anonymous says · 03.22.12

Target or aka tar~jay is never a cheap trip ๐Ÿ˜‰ love that store.

Anonymous says · 03.22.12

I love the sweater! What kind is it?

Tara says · 03.22.12

I want to know what brand your yoga pants are. I need to jazz up my at home outfits.

Sharon B says · 03.22.12

What FUN!! We all need a target day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rebecca Abbey says · 03.23.12

Ok, I have a serious dilemma!! Forgive me for getting “off topic” here but actually the yoga pants made me think of it. Seriously! Then I thought…who better to ask an opinion of but my favorite blogger, Kate, and her awesome, knowledgeable, trustworthy fans!!!!??? So here it is…my “dilemma”! Victoria Secret has changed the way they manufacture their panties!!!!! I know!! What is a girl to do?? I have worn their cotton bikini style panties for 10 years or more, buying a nice stash of them at their annual sale from time to time. Some are wearing out (they’re allowed to, they’re 10 years old)so I recently purchased some new ones only to have my BFFs tell me how absolutely HORRID these panties are now!!! I decided to “google” it, and read lots of reviews!! Apparently I am not the only person in the world who is having this dilemma! Unfortunately, I wasn’t real satisfied with their solutions or alternatives so have been in a bind (ha, no pun intended)with what to replace the VS panties. Then I thought of you all and just know you will have some great suggestions! I do have to share one funny idea I saw online…what to do with the new “pocket” now on the inside of the VS panties (where the seam is not sewn)…an ipod holder!?!?!? LOL!

Kate says · 03.23.12

This is a funny comment! I wish I had some advice for you, but I don’t know how to help! Good luck on your search!

Rebecca Abbey says · 03.23.12

Thanks Kate! I’ve gotten so much fashion advice from this blog…thought it couldn’t hurt to ask. Ha ha. And I promise, I’m a totally normal, sane person. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My sisters, and most of my close friends wear VS and we’re all in the same boat. Where to turn?? LOVE the Target sweater. I’ve had one in my hand several times but always put it back…I’m tall and just wasn’t sure about the length of it on me. It looks good on you. And its color…yay for you!

Rebecca Abbey says · 03.23.12

Thanks Kate! I’ve gotten so much fashion advice from this blog…thought it couldn’t hurt to ask. Ha ha. And I promise, I’m a totally normal, sane person. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My sisters, and most of my close friends wear VS and we’re all in the same boat. Where to turn?? LOVE the Target sweater. I’ve had one in my hand several times but always put it back…I’m tall and just wasn’t sure about the length of it on me. It looks good on you. And its color…yay for you!

Rebeccarama says · 03.23.12

haha you are funny. that would be weird…

Jamie says · 03.23.12

you are not alone. The Birthday Oreos are awful.

Also, I love the Target Boyfriend Cardigan, I picked up one in almost every color a few weeks ago.

Love the blog!

Linda McD says · 03.23.12

And I thought I was the only one who felt deprived if I went to Target and didn’t buy something fun! No wonder that store is so big and successful! It’s like crack for all of us!

Jena says · 03.24.12

I looove that cardigan! I have 3 of them in that color, black and grey. ๐Ÿ™‚ I actually just wore that one last night!

Braden and Jodee says · 03.25.12

Hahaha, I can totally relate! All of what you bought is everything I would have gotten too. Coffee ice cream, yum!

Megan Barley says · 03.26.12

What brand is the cardigan? Mossimo? Merona? I can’t find it in Denver ๐Ÿ™ thought I would look online! You look great, Kate! I’m glad you have Monday’s off!

Taylor says · 03.26.12

I was also not a fan of the Birthday Cake Oreos. They were gross!

Anonymous says · 04.23.12

I love this color of blue on you, it looks great!! wondering where you bought it?

the katt says · 05.02.12

LOVE the sweater!! where did you get it? I agree the color does look great on you ๐Ÿ™‚

Anonymous says · 06.06.12

LOVE this cardigan. I have this color as well, and I wish I had gotten a few more before they stopped carrying them. Definitely hope I can either find them elsewhere or they bring them back next season.

Nena says · 08.30.13

What shoes do you wear? That is always my issue!
