Flat out Blissdom.

February Birchbox
Today I’m heading off to my first blog conference

What is a blogging conference you ask? 

I’ll get to that.

First, these shoes need to be introduced.

I picked these up at Old Navy recently. Very recently in fact. I needed some cute and non-round toe-d flats. 

I tried some on at Gap

But the toe part was just sooooo looooong. I mean look at it?! Elf shoes. 

Anyway, the Old Navy pair was half the price of the Gap shoes and much more what I was looking for.

Thats all about shoes for now.

This blog conference is in Nashville, Tennessee and called Blissdom. This will be my first visit to Nashville! I’m looking really forward to networking, meeting other bloggers I’m familiar with AND new-to-me bloggers, and learning. There will be different sessions on various subjects all having to do with blogging. Some on the sessions are on photography, writing, business and life development.

Since I’m only a year into this blogging gig, I thought now was as good as a time as ever to try out a blog conference and see what I learn. 

Wish me luck! 


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The Frisk Five says · 02.23.12

How awesome. One of my other blogging friends is going also. I hope you guys enjoy the time.

Onna says · 02.23.12

You’ll love Nashville. It is such a great city. Love those shoes. I’m totally scoping them out this weekend. You’re blog is so great, by the way ๐Ÿ™‚

jeny::jenypenny.com says · 02.23.12

Very awesome! Are you going by yourself? I have always wanted to go to a blog conference, but I have been hesitant to go alone. I can’t wait to hear what you think and if it was super easy to meet people. I am sure you will have a great time!!

The Funky Junkie says · 02.23.12

Awesome! I would love to check out a blog conference soon. Hope you have fun!

Sarah L says · 02.23.12

Good luck and have fun Kate. Nashville is amazing, we went there last year and had a blast! I am a blogging teacher who’s also into hair and style ๐Ÿ˜‰ I recently went to a technology conference for teachers and learned so much. Take some risks and have fun!

Jacky {The Sweetest Petunia} says · 02.23.12

Have fun at Blissdom!! Those shoes are great. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anonymous says · 02.23.12

Nashville = Great Food!! Have a good time!

Carrie says · 02.23.12

If you get any “me time” check out Pancake Pantry and walk around the beautiful Vanderbilt campus – it’s gorgeous!

Jboo says · 02.23.12

Have fun! Love your blog and your hair! ๐Ÿ™‚


Tia says · 02.23.12

Nashville is an amazing city. (I live near there) There’s so much to do and see if you have the time!

Wendy says · 02.23.12

Take pics of the other bloggers! I love those flats.

Katie Lee says · 02.23.12

I can’t wait to hear how you like the conference. I’m considering going to a conference next year and I’m not sure which one to pick. Oh, and love the shoes!

Lucy says · 02.23.12

I’ve heard a few bloggers state they were heading to Blissdom but had no idea what that was. Have fun out in Nashville! Can’t wait to hear about your experience.

Courtney says · 02.23.12

Cute shoes! Have fun in Nashvegas!

Jen Reynolds says · 02.23.12

Have so much fun here in Nashville! Its such a great town for young people ๐Ÿ™‚ Fun places to go are Broadway street to do a little honkey tonking, and also there are some great restaurants in “The Gulch” right above broadway on 12th South. My personal favorite is Virago, but Whiskey Kitchen is fun too. I hope you like our little town…its a great place to live, and visit.

Andrea B @ Vegvacious says · 02.23.12

Nashville is a GREAT city! It’s one of my favourite places to go – I hope you have fun!

eliz says · 02.23.12

i’m from Nashville, you’ll love it! i hope you get a chance to explore while you’re there!

Cindy says · 02.23.12

Welcome to Nashville!

I’ve been looking for some neutral shoes like that — will have to check out Old Navy soon.

Chelsea Walls says · 02.23.12

Have fun at the conference… I can’t wait to hear about what you learned!!! Oh and my sister use to live not far from Nashville and it’s basically a great town! I always loved visiting her!!

fishergirl says · 02.23.12

Welcome to Nashville! I’ve been reading your blog for several months now and trying out new hairstyles. It’s kind of exciting to know that one of my favorite bloggers is coming to town. I didn’t even know we were having a blog convention.

Amanda Gail says · 02.23.12

good luck! I can’t wait to hear all about it!!


Ash says · 02.23.12

Awesome! Nashville is great-I’ve lived here almost my whole life. The others have made some great dining suggestions, and I would like to add the Loveless Cafe. I prefer it for breakfast, but that might be hard for you to swing.

Jaime. says · 02.23.12

Those shoes are adorable. I will have to check my Old Navy for them. Good luck and have fun at Blissdom. ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs. Baker says · 02.23.12

love the shoes! hope you have a good time at the conference!


Heather says · 02.23.12

I’ve lived in Nashville 7 years and it’s great! I hope you have a great time! Want to do my hair while you are here?? ๐Ÿ˜‰ j/k But I would totally have you as my stylist if I lived in NC! I love your hair!

Anita Finn says · 02.23.12

First let me say that I am so excited for you and second I’m also jealous ๐Ÿ™‚ I lived in Nashville and LOVED IT!! The only reason I left was because I married the love of my life and moved to South GA (drastic change from the busy life of Nashville). If you venture out to downtown you should try to go to the West End & Hillsboro Village. They have the cutest little shops that I bet you would love! Also there is a cute coffee shop I think it was named “Fido’s” it was such a cute hangout and I spent many hours there studying while in college. Also in that area is the Pancake Pantry…if you’ve never been before it’s delicious! And cheap too!
I could go on and on but I hope you have a great time!! Take lots of pictures and say hello to the city I love for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Helen says · 02.23.12

Good Luck!!! Nashville is one of my favorite cities. It is really beautiful and fun ๐Ÿ™‚

L says · 02.23.12

Oooh exciting!! We were in TN this past weekend, not in nashville though. Hope you have an awesome time =)
Please share some stuff you learn =)
Much Love,


Jessica says · 02.23.12

I live in Nashville! Enjoy your visit to our wonderful city!

Saltbox House 5 says · 02.23.12

OMGosh I looove Nashville. To this CA girl, its heaven with all the trees. Now I want to go to Blissdom next year! ๐Ÿ™‚

Christina Opp says · 02.23.12

Good luck and most of all – have a blast!

Kathleen says · 02.24.12

Have fun! I have to say, although I don’t shop often at Old Navy (never seem to have much luck there) those shoes look really cute. You are totally right about the other ones being too long in the toes! LOL.

Magic Brush says · 02.24.12

I am going to my first blog conference in June. it’s “Haven” in Atlanta….CANT WAIT!!!!

Harpers-shadow says · 02.24.12

Aw I’m SO excited for you! I hope one day my blog is a good as yours! Your blog is wonderful!

Jen V. says · 02.24.12

Hi Kate!
I have followed your blog for awhile and have never commented but I have to share this story with you!

I live in MN and was watching my local news (Kare 11 in Mpls/St. Paul)this morning. They did a little story on Pinterest and the anchors each chose a tip, recipe or hairstyle to try on the air. One of them chose a popular hairstyle on Pinterest and guess whose hairstyle it was? That’s right – yours! They showed the pin on Pinterest on the screen and then the anchor practiced on a mannequin. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, just wanted to let you know that you (well, the back of your head) were on tv in MN this morning!

Have a great weekend!!

rarejule says · 02.24.12

Love the shoes! Have a great time at the blog conference.

PS: Your Knotty Up-Do was featured on a local news segment this morning about Pinterest!

ToDoListMom aka Ashley says · 02.24.12

Lucky girl! I’m new to blogging as well and look fwd to sometime in the next year attending a bloggin conf. Have a great time, would love to hear all about it!

ฮปฮฟฯ…ฯƒฮนฮผฮฟ says · 02.24.12

Love these shoes! lucky you!! enjoy at the conference!!

Allyson says · 02.24.12

I love those shoes! I hope you have a great time at Blissdom!


kristinwithani says · 02.25.12

You realize how crazy it is that you are a year in to blogging and have a bazillion followers, right?

I hope Blissdom is a blast!

Glennese says · 02.25.12

I absolutely love your blog. I live in Nashville, and it is SUCH a fun city! Enjoy your conference!

Leslie Marcum says · 02.26.12

I have those shoes, too! I love them, but be careful; they get water stained very easily. So cute though! Have fun at Blissdom!

THE ABBEYS says · 02.26.12

I live in Greeneville, TN…about 3 1/2 hours east of Nashville…love this part of the country. Hope your conference was fun and educational…not that you need educated on blogging…yours is still my fave! I recently picked up some awesome coral flats at Old Navy…thought of since you were the one who “introduced” me to coral. I live not far from the outlets in Pigeon Forge and was there this weekend. I got a coral and white top from Banana Republic too…oh, and another coral top, and I’m going back for a coral and gold necklace I wanted but passed up. :]

THE ABBEYS says · 02.26.12

I live in Greeneville, TN…about 3 1/2 hours east of Nashville…love this part of the country. Hope your conference was fun and educational…not that you need educated on blogging…yours is still my fave! I recently picked up some awesome coral flats at Old Navy…thought of since you were the one who “introduced” me to coral. I live not far from the outlets in Pigeon Forge and was there this weekend. I got a coral and white top from Banana Republic too…oh, and another coral top, and I’m going back for a coral and gold necklace I wanted but passed up. :]

THE ABBEYS says · 02.26.12

I live in Greeneville, TN…about 3 1/2 hours east of Nashville…love this part of the country. Hope your conference was fun and educational…not that you need educated on blogging…yours is still my fave! I recently picked up some awesome coral flats at Old Navy…thought of since you were the one who “introduced” me to coral. I live not far from the outlets in Pigeon Forge and was there this weekend. I got a coral and white top from Banana Republic too…oh, and another coral top, and I’m going back for a coral and gold necklace I wanted but passed up. :]

THE ABBEYS says · 02.26.12

I live in Greeneville, TN…about 3 1/2 hours east of Nashville…love this part of the country. Hope your conference was fun and educational…not that you need educated on blogging…yours is still my fave! I recently picked up some awesome coral flats at Old Navy…thought of since you were the one who “introduced” me to coral. I live not far from the outlets in Pigeon Forge and was there this weekend. I got a coral and white top from Banana Republic too…oh, and another coral top, and I’m going back for a coral and gold necklace I wanted but passed up. :]

Anonymous says · 02.26.12

Mistake perhaps?? To post twice ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anonymous says · 02.26.12

Cool shoes!!! I tend to like square toes but these are different… Cute!!

Anonymous says · 02.26.12

Ahhh, I love the shoes! I’ve been looking for some like those. Do you know if they have them in different colors? I searched for them on oldnavy.com and didn’t find them, so I hope they have some in my store in Houston, Texas. Thanks for the lead!

betcatalog says · 10.22.12

Very nice post

prosfores says · 11.30.12

I love those shoes!

marisaporter.com says · 01.30.14

I should try one of those!
