Embraceable Lace Giveaway//closed
Revlon Lip Butter
Today’s giveaway is from Elisa at Embraceable Lace!
Embraceable Lace is my in between job, job. I am a business suit during the day, and a bar tender at night. I am a dog-mamma to Bazuka Jo, and Goose, a big sister and a baby sister, a double auntie and a volunteer for an Ethiopia based group called Artists for Charity. Im a shabby chic queen, veggie gardening, DIYer. I have a busy, full life that is jam packed with inspiration and positive energy, and I take that and twirl it into little rosettes for Embraceable Lace!I created Embraceable Lace about a year after becoming an Aunt for the first time. I would create things for my niece and people I worked with started asking me to design little things for their daughters, and then a baby shower, and finally I was asked to do a collection for a wedding. Working 2 jobs gets crazy, so making these items became my sort of “safe haven” from being stressed out and over worked. Embraceable Lace has grown so much over the past year and a half and it has truly been a blast. Its always there at the end of the day for me to sit down and craft my little heart out, so when I see the items sell and see others loving them as much as I love making them it puts a smile on my face. I’ve worked hard to make my product a little different, and to hone in on making it to last. Everything is one of a kind, and all of the backs are finished by hand, which I’m really proud of (Have you ever flipped a cheap headband over and seen that the backs are secured by a dot of hot glue? They fall apart super fast!) . I buy from Etsy all the time, and started to notice that my purchases would sometimes fall apart quickly, which introduced me to the idea of making sure that mine wouldn’t do that. My now 3 year old niece and her 8 month old sister get a care package every few months full of new headbands and clips, so they can test them out for me and make sure my designs can last!
Elisa is giving away a $20.00 gift certificate to her shop on Etsy!
Here is how to enter:
1. “like” Embraceable Lace’s Facebook fan page and leave a comment here telling me you did ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS!
The winner will be chosen on Friday February 17th at 7:00a EST randomly and notified via e-mail.
** use the coupon code “smallthings15” to receive 15% off your purchase starting today! **
Good Luck!
The winner is. . .
Liked her page….Love her stuff!
Congrats Crystal!
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace’s fb page! buddic@hotmail.com
Went and liked Embraceable Lace! Beautiful goodies! melissaanne545@hotmail.com
I “liked” her page… Actually I love her page! The rose head pieces are so fun and vintage-perfect for jumping ahead into spring mode! Pick me!!! colleen.dalsanto@yahoo.com
I “liked” it. Thanks for pairing the two of us together! My e-mail address is chelsie.wolfe@kctcs.edu. ๐
I ‘liked’ Embraceable Lace on FB… so cute! Would be perfect for my newborn daughter.
nellie1176 at gmail dot com
I “liked” Embracebale Lace! Thanks for introducing me to them. We have family pictures in April and they will look super cute on my daughter!
I liked their page!! Oh my I love headbands!! My e-mail is daniellestutzman@rocketmail.com!
I liked her page! Very cute!! Kellyj.hawkins@gmail.com
Everything is adorable! I have “liked” them on FB!
I “liked” her page! She has beautiful head pieces! My e-mail is Sarah122708@gmail.com.
I liked the embraceable lace FB page! Harnacke43@hotmail.com
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace’s fb page! melissa.schooley05@gmail.com
I liked the page:) I’m a photographer on the side and I’m always looking for props! my email is kamij_2000@yahoo.com.
BTW, I LOVE your blog, I stubbled across it a few weeks ago and the hair and make tutorials are great. I like doing hair and I’m always looking for new cute ideas.
Super cute!! I liked them on Facebook!!
Adorable headbands! I liked her page!
I “liked” Embraceable Lace. Very adorable things on there! Email – dolly39986@yahoo.com. Thanks!
I liked ur page…cute stuff. gngr2525@gmail.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace facebook page. LOVE your blog! ๐
Shelly ~ shellyuncc79@yahoo.com
I just liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! YAY! — knowlton.stefani@gmail.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace Facebook page. I also LOVE your blog. It’s nearly taking over my Pinterest.
Megan – megcano@gmail.com
I liked her page on Facebook. Her headbands are adorable! eternal8mail(at)cs(dot)com
I “liked” ur page. kstevens2012@hotmail.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace page. Love the headbands!!!! Kellicox@charter.net
I like this on Facebook. Cute cute stuff!!
i liked the embraceable lace facebook fan page! ๐ my email is dancingrl003@yahoo.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace Facebook Page! amy0725@gmail.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace page, I’ll probably need a gift certificate by the time I stop looking through her things! slehman@franklincollege.edu
I liked Embraceable Lace’s Facebook page ๐ My email is eeva-maija.aaltonen@nic.fi
I liked them on Facebook!
Very cute! I definitely “liked” it. ๐ Thanks!
Liked!! eam1309@gmail.com
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace’s fb page! manda_oostdyk49@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook! Very cute stuff!
I liked it janice@carolcotten.com
omg love this!!! i just liked it on facebook (Lynn Lovejoy)… I can be reached at lynnlovejoy@orderinthekitchen.com
PS…last saturday we had a #ncmeetup for bloggers in North Carolina…nothing official, we just organized it ourselves. If you ever want to join us (it was mostly food bloggers this time but we’d love to have you!) just follow me on twitter @orderinthekitch or let me know if you’re interested and I’ll let u know when the next one is! love your blog kate ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
Liked on fb!
congrats on the win!
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on facebook!! Cute cute stuff!
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on Facebook.
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on Facebook. Thanks!
I liked Embraceable Lace’s Facebook page! Thanks!
i liked embraceable lace on facebook. I love adorable headbands i wear one almost every day!
I liked Embraceable Lace’s Facebook page!
Just liked the Facebook page! jinaestridge@uky.edu
I liked Elisa’s Facebook page! My email is kelsey.kocher@gmail.com
Just liked her page. So cute! laurenraeatkins@hotmail.com
I liked her facebook page. katiemayeaux@gmail.com
i like her fb page ๐ my email is darbiejohnson@ymail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace’s facebook page ๐
I liked her page!! I have a friend adopting a baby from Ethiopia so I was excited she did charity work for a group there! So awesome.
I like embracable lace fb page. tabitha.knecht@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook. Love these headbands. I think I will have to order a few for my daughters. smitka17@gmail.com
I liked embraceable laces fb page…cuz I do!!
I liked her page! What cute stuff ๐
Liked her page….Love her stuff! cmdegeldere@gmail.com
Liked her page!! Love her stuff!
Thanks! Kimberly
Just “liked” the page. Soo many cute things! auslka13@yahoo.com.
I just liked the page. But really LOVE. Emily, eac0124@aol.com
I liked her facebook page! Such adorable things! kcapps06@yahoo.com
Liked her page! I have 2 of her other headbands in my shopping cart on Etsy from last week that I have been dying to order! Her stuff is absolutely GORGEOUS whether you are a child or an adult!!
I “liked” her page! Such cute things! shirley.jennifer@gmail.com
Liked her page! Cute stuff!! Cwiddowson1@roadrunner.com
I liked embraceable laces fb page. Her headbands are too cute. Thanks for a great giveaway. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Ashley3collins@yahoo.com
I liked their page! ivy.deitch@mgail.com
ah – ivy.deitch@gmail.com, sorry ๐
I LIKED embraceable lace on facebook! adorbs! nes33d@gmail.com
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! fourkidsmom2010@hotmail.com
I liked her fb page! I would love to win one of these cute headbands.
– Heather
( hcrawford27@yahoo.com )
Hi Kate! I liked the Embraceable Lace FB page ๐ eventsbylauren@aol.com
I “liked” Embraceable Lace! They have ADORABLE things!
I liked EL Facebook page! My email is almaleeshumate@gmail.com
Thank you!!!
Liked the page, LOVE the headbands.
<3 I liked her page!!!
Hi Kate!! I “liked” the Embraceable Lace Facebook page! How talented is she!!? ๐ ralmarie5@gmail.com thanks have a God filled day.
Cute! Katieoverton4910@hotmail.com
I liked the Embraceable Lace Facebook page. samwilliams929@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! Very cute stuff! Fingers crossed that i win!! daniprecht@hotmail.com
I ‘liked’ The Embraceable Lace FB page. Thanks!
I liked it. She does beautiful work! aliciamary315@hotmail.com
I liked her page! Adorable. Nicole.benjamin33@gmail.com
i liked her page! haileyLBaker@gmail.com
I liked her!! ๐
I liked the Embraceable facebook page! Happy Valentine’s Day –
I “liked” her on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway! dgadach@gmail.com
I liked the page!
Email: Ingram.Jacquelyn@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace.
mommy.2kidsnc (at) yahoo (dot) com
I liked your page!! Jessicateson@hotmail.com
Very cute headbands!!
I liked Rmbraceable Lace on Facebook ๐
This comment has been removed by the author.
I just liked the page. Thanks for opening our eyes to new companies/things. Happy Valentine’s Day! serena_repsold@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace. My email address is sarkarns@ksu.edu
I liked Ebraceable Lace’s page! I wish I could have LOVED it! What a fantastic idea! ๐
Liked on facebook!
I liked the Embraceable Lace page. Thanks for the info. smiths5@comcast.net
I like her page. She has some fabulous and cute items.
I LIKED! Her stuff is beautiful! caseylynn85@gmail.com
I “liked” her page…more like “LOVE” it! She’s got some incredibly cute stuff!
I “liked” her on facebook. Super cute!
Yay I liked the Facebook page, I love the headbands!!!!! koozig5@yahoo.com
Hi Kate, I’m a huge fan of your blog! I “liked” Elisa’s facebook page.
Super cute store! I liked her on facebook!
I “liked” her page and spent like 20 minutes looking at all the wonderfulness!!
My email is L_tampir@yahoo.com
I “liked” her page on facebook! My e-mail address is Whimsicalwife88@gmail.com
Thanks! ~Danielle
Huge fan and am glad to become a Facebook fan of Embraceable Lace! Thanks so much! cori.hoover@gmail.com
I liked her page on fb! So cute.
amyleigh.pannell [at] gmail [dot] com
Liked the facebook fan page!! chessie.ferrell@gmail.com
“Like” Embraceable Lace’s Facebook…check! Email jennifer.christine@hotmail.com…check! Love the headband…check! Happy Valentine’s Day!! <3
I am now a friend on Facebook. I also did a little shopping. Super cute stuff!
Courtney gahmgirl24@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace!:) So beautiful! I can’t wait to make an order for my 2 year old little girl!!
I “liked” embraceable lace!! My email address is annamarie.haskell@gmail.com
Love her stuff! I liked them on facebook!
email: veids385@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace! Way cute!
Thanks and I look forward to the announcement that I’ve won! :o)
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! I’m always looking for ways to spruce up my otherwise boring hair!
I liked Embraceable Lace. lauraboan@gmail.com. Would love to win this as I’m growing out my hair and love headbands and clips!
I “liked” it! ๐ katperrin7@yahoo.com
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace facebook page!
Shannon – sejefferson@hotmail.com
Done! Her stuff is adorable!!
I liked her page! Sarah.allyson.hoyt@gmail.com
I liked it! allie.umsted@gmail.com
done! megan(at)kremer(dot)us
I “liked”! ercundiff1@yahoo.com
Liked on FB! EKParisi@yahoo.com
I liked the page on Facebook! tiffanynichols@gmail.com
Liked has been completed on Facebook! I came across your blog on Pinterest a couple weeks ago and have been obsessed with it since. Being a mom of a 2 year old has given me the “Mom hair” status to my friends, so your tutorials are saving my hair!
And I cannot follow instructions—Email: AnnaLeigh85@live.com
I liked it! jamiesummers312@gmail.com
I liked the page!! mbe0002@auburn.edu
I “Liked” you on Facebook! Your stuff is adorable. Hope I win :)christinaopp@yahoo.com
I liked the page, and I really love your Blog! afaithfulbutterfly(at)yahoo(dot)com
i liked them on facebook! ๐
SUCH cute stuff
I “liked” Embraceable Lace’s Fb page and the stuff is adorable! ngeller23@gmail.com
Liked it ๐ Marissa_mn@yahoo.com
I liked on Facebook : ) haas.cami@gmail.com
I liked her Facebook page and my email is hannahjoshua2415@aol.com!
I liked her page!!
ps. congrats on your nailpolish win!! That is so exciting!!
pps. I love all your giveaways!!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! Too cute! ebeth25@gmail.com
I just ‘liked’ them on Facebook! leahfry15@gmail.com
This comment has been removed by the author.
liked embraceable lace on FB!
I just liked them! becomingberrys@gmail.com ๐
I liked!
I liked on Facebook! michellebernasconi14(at)yahoo(dot)com
Went and liked Embraceable Lace!
I like her on FB!!
I Love these ๐
♥ Jen
The Teachers’ Cauldron
I liked her page and I love her stuff.
Such cute stuff! I liked her fan page on FB!
I liked her page : )
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace- her stuff is all so cute!
I liked it : ) hlk0312@alumni.ecu.edu
I liked her page!
I liked her page! Her stuff is beautiful!!
Hi Kate! I Liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. Gorgeous stuff! My email is sdickson_bcec@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on fb! Mommytiff3@gmail.com
So cute!! i liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. My email is kate.phelan999@gmail.com!
Hi! Wish there was a LOVE button on FB for Embraceable Lace! Thanks for continuing to share all the great tips, techniques, and products with us. . . . .Happy Valentine’s Day! Paige arpiegirl@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook. My e-mail is lightningstrikes@netllc.net
Grace G.
How precious! I love items like these!
I liked Embraceable Lace. My e-mail is bobandtracipky6@yahoo.com
I liked the page. smidgett88@gmail.com
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace’s fb page! cort_lynn_lee@yahoo.com
Liked them on facebook! Jessica.Horn@wolves.northern.edu
I liked Embraceable Lace’s FB page ๐ kyndipoo@gmail.com
So wish there was a love button! I like her on fb! nickel072003@yahoo.com
Did it! pvbenton@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace’s page ๐ brandiraybrooke@hotmail.com
I “liked” your facebook page!
I “liked” Embraceable Lace’s FB page…cute headbands for my girls!
I liked Embraceable Lace’s on Facebook ๐ hollimae01@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
I liked Ebraceable Lace on facebook katieo9956@hotmail.com
I liked the Facebook page! Happy Valentine’s Day! My email is meliss.buck@gmail.com
I liked her facebook page! tashaphipps09@gmail.com
Just “liked” Embraceable Lace!! meghandrey@hotmail.com
-Meghan ๐
I liked the facebook page ๐ tarbear.leavitt@gmail.com
Liked her FB page! Beautiful things!! Happy Valentine’s Day!! traciefaler@yahoo.com
liked her page!
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. Beautiful things!!
Totally forgot the email ๐
liked it also!
I “Like” Embraceable Lace on Facebook
I liked her facebook page!
I liked it!! Also, CONGRATS on the nail polish! ๐ I just saw it on their facebook page! I WILL be buying it!
Email: erica_slavin@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. I LOVE all of the flower headbands, especially the ones with just a touch of lace.
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Super cute stuff! Happy Valentine’s Day ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. Thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day! vegee4ever@comcast.net
I liked on Fb! So cute! My fingers are crossed!
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! jnpasour@gmail.com
Great giveaway. Awesome creativity. Liked on Facebook
I liked embraceable lace on facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FBI..AND If I win..thanks to you Kate..I’d even be able to wear this quite cutely, lol!! kmay16@yahoo.com Katie
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! sshawnfran@aol.com
I made sure to LIKE Embraceable Lace on Facebook ๐ ๐
My email is…. cberger924@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! sarah.scripture(at)gmail(dot)com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Thanks a lot! kelaut05@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook! whitney.terry@hotmail.com
Liked the facebooke page!!!i need some of theses headbands I so badly want to win!! Jordan521.black@gmail.com
Liked! linzfed@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Her stuff is so adorable!
Email: fitzsimonse@yahoo.com
I liked them on FB ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! Her stuff is so cute!
I like Embraceable Lace – love it!!
I liked Embrace Lace on facebook. ๐ Super cute designs!
I like ’em on FB!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Love her stuff.
I liked Embraceable Lace FB page! Mistyprewitt@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! gigglytiff@yahoo.com
I like Embraceable Lace on Facebook! (: khjoyce21@gmail.com
I liked her page!! Funkybrunette_14@yahoo.com
I like her Facebook page (:
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook.
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on facebook! Ashley at ashleyhogrefe@hotmail.com
I liked embraceable lace on FB, I love her things. Hope I win and get to sport one of her pretties.
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on Facebook. I love her headbands!
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! {marybeth.alderman@gmail.edu}
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook! bethany.custer@gmail.com
I liked Embraced Lace on FB! It is a super cute shop! megzie_13@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook. She has great things and a great cause. winslow_windy@hotmail.com Thank you for this chance
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB ๐
schaie28@gmail.com – pick me!!!
I LIKED Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Love the head bands!! Perfect to get in the Springy mood ๐ Magen914@gmail.com
I like her page! mylittlejaneybug(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like it a lot. rgiometta@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! Sorchathorn(at)msn(dot)com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! ๐
I liked embraceable lace on facebook!
i liked Embraceable Lace on facebook! Love all the headbands!!
I liked it on fb!
I like Embraceable lace, and I’m glad to see her product so thanks for the post too!
I liked the facebook page! such beautiful headbands!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB! sjhagemann@gmail.com
I like Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook. Love her items! CRM1284@gmail.com
Amazing quality and so beautiful! I liked on my FB. crydoll01@aol.com
I liked her FB page and I LOVE the headbands!
I ‘liked’ via my Page’s Favorites (Chocolate Broccoli) Yaay!
I liked Embraceable Lace on facebook!
I liked this amazing shop! Jessybbarra@gmail.com
Super cute items on Etsy and loved the makeup crafty storage idea on Embraceable Lace’s FB fan page! Liked!
BTW: I’m a huge fan, Kate! You have great ideas and adorable hair! Thanks for sharing!
I “liked” her. madi_girl712@hotmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Love her stuff!
I liked her page. Looks like a lot of cute stuff!
I liked Embraceable Lace on her fb page! They are cute! SassyStamperSC1@sc.rr.com
Liked on facebook, and they are so cute!
I liked Embrace Lace on FB! jillcrosley@yahoo.com
I like embraceable lace on fb. Her stuff is so cute!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB. hvanbrackel(at)gmail(dot)com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
I liked the Embraceable Lace page. Beautiful stuff!
I like EL’s fanpage on FB! kendraalexa(at)gmail(dot)com
I liked embraceable lace on facebook ๐ my email is meg.ussery@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!! kelbabycakes@hotmail.com
Liked of FB, adorable head wear for the kiddo.
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB…but would have ‘LOVED’ it if that was an option!!! So adorable!!! ๐ ahuisman@live.com
Great giveaway… I ‘liked’ Embraceable Lace on FB! ๐
i LIKED Embraceable Lace on Facebook! Email is chelseaweimar@yahoo.com
I liked the page, very unique headbands. Love, Love,Love,Love,Love!!!!! reginamize@hotmail.com
I liked the page and i love, love, love all the unique headbands. reginamize@hotmail.com
“liked” Embraceable Lace on FB!!!
I liked the FB page!
I liked Embraceable Lace on fb!
I liked them!
I liked her page. I will probably end up buying stuff either way because it is super cute!
I liked Embraceable Lace! The stuff is SO cute!
I liked embrace lace on Facebook!!!!! Abby.bolam@gmail.com
I “liked” Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB. Jelycal@yahoo.com
I “liked” her page and thank you for sharing…she is so creative ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB:)
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!:) Thanks Kate! This is adorable!!! lwinchester78@yahoo.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on FB!! Adorable!!! braytonsmomma@hotmail.com
I liked the EMbraceable Lace! Love your blog as well! ๐
Elisa’s got a beautiful product! And I adore your blog!! “Liked” her FB page ๐ My email address is Crystal.Potter@me.com Best!
I liked Embraceable Lace of facebook ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! ๐
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook! somman01@students.ipfw.edu
I “liked” the Embraceable Lace’s facebook page! parishilton612@yahoo.com
Just ‘Liked’ Embraceable Lace on FB
Just ‘Liked’ Embraceable Lace on FB
I liked Embraceable Lace on fb! clairevictory@gmail.com
I liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!
Hey My name is Kayla and I am so in love with this blog!!!! I totally liked Embraceable Lace on Facebook!!!!! ldsgal2012@gmail.com
i liked Embraceable Lace on facebook!
Thank you so much Kate!!! I’m thrilled and can’t wait to wear whatever she sends ๐