Caroline G. Giveaway//closed
Whew. Where do I begin?
First, if you have not heard: I went to Blissdom this weekend. A 2-day long blog convention in Nashville, TN. Read more about it here.
The first moment I knew that this could be a pretty great weekend was when we arrived at the Nashville airport. I got off the plane, and was walking toward baggage claim when I noticed my surroundings.
I had been here before.
I saw a Starbucks and then it came to me.
That Starbucks was the one I sat in when I created this blog.
I had a 3 hour layover upon returning from a trip to Denver over the summer. So I sat in Starbucks, logged into Blogspot, and started thinking of new domain names.
And The Small Things Blog began.
(while I’ve been blogging for over a year, I’ve only been here on blogger w/ this blog name since June 2011)
And here I was, attending a conference in the same city for this little blog that I created while killing time during a layover. Wow.
Blissdom was a great experience for me. I’ve been blogging for over a year but I still feel like I have so much to learn. Actually, it’s not a feeling–it’s a fact. The most common question I asked this whole weekend was “What is that?” or “Who is that?”. But now I have a starting point and can only gain knowledge and information from here.
The funniest thing about a blog conference is this: Bloggers have the ability to whip out their phones and check twitter or instagram in the middle of a session, or even a conversation, and not be offensive. We’re all in the same boat, and either connecting with our readers with an instagram photo, or tweeting at our friends to meet up after a session.
I used twitter so much that my roommates and I started using the word “hashtag” in actual conversation.
Another thing is that there seemed to be a general sense of kindness at this conference. Either that, or I just met and hung with some exceptionally great people. My group discussions were helpful and motivating. And it doesn’t matter how long you have been blogging, the mere fact that you blog connects you with so many other people.
Finally, the majority of the speakers, in various sessions, were fantastic. They really knew their topic and explained it well. I attended a photography session, a few business sessions, and a few writing sessions. And each was helpful in their own way. Even the least helpful session of the weekend turned into a great joke with my roommates. #awkward.
As for the entertainment, Joe Jonas, Rascal Flatts, and Chris Mann performed.
Here we are with Rascal Flatts:
I had the best time. I just can’t stop saying how much I miss you girls. So glad God put me in a room with you girls. Next year, I’m traveling with y’all. It’s decided. Flying in a plane/driving in a car with you girls seems too fun to pass up. Thank goodness you’re only a 3 hour drive away!!
Oh and hashtag AWKWARD is right! ๐
#awkward for real.
Can we speak in nerdy hashtags outside of conferences too or will we just scare people away? #probablyshouldntscarepeopleawayorouronlyfriendswillbefromblogging #word
What an amazing experience! Blissdom is def on my list for next year. I hear such amazing things about it. Thanks for sharing your trip.
That looks like such fun! I have been a follower since I found you via your beautiful hair on pinterest! Love your blog!
that looks like so much fun!
I am SO jealous of that picture with Rascal Flatts! Where did you stay in Nashville? I love the Downtown area. Nashville is one of my favorite places to go.
I have always wanted to go to one! How fun! Looks like you had an amazing time. And Rascal Flatts?? OMG!!! Wow!!!!!
OMG…to stand between 2 Rascal Flatts hunky guys….that is an entire blog post in itself:) You lucky girl….looks like a very informative and fun adventure. ๐ Erica
Kate-I absolutely love following your blog and think you do such a great job on it. I probably need to look around a little more and see if you’ve already made a post about this, but I was wondering if you have any tips for new bloggers. Looks like you had a great time last weekend.
Don’t have a post like that yet, but hopefully soon!
it looks like everyone that went had a blast!!
Thank your so much for sharing about Blissdom. I want to go to a conference or two next year. I was wondering if you have to be invited or if you can just sign up? I always feel like my blog is too small to go to a conference. Maybe I will see you there next year.
Don’t have to be invited! Just go if you want to! I’d highly recommend it!
Hi Kate!
I just ran across your blog yesterday and I love it! I’ve been watching your hairstyle tutorials all morning ๐ I’m a fellow North Carolinian and have friends in the Raleigh area. Such a small world!
Awesome blog!
Oh my word…..Brittany and I were the same way! We tweeted so much that everything was in hashtags! I’m pretty sure at some point we told Rascal Flatts, “Hashtag….we love you!!” #embarrassing
It was so great meeting you and chatting with you! Can’t wait for next year!
First of all jealous you met rascal flatts and second in the last picture where did they get their red cowboy boots? i’ve been wanting some since i went to see footloose!!
Those aren’t mine! And thats not me in the photo. It’s @carolinegbows . She can rock pink!
sounds like a great time!
Wow it looks like you had a great time and met some wonderful people and gained lots of insight. I would love to attend this sometime.
I am so, so, so jealous of your picture with Rascal Flatts. Looks like everyone had a great time!
Um, I love the picture of you on your suitcase. Cute! So fun! If you had to choose which was your favorite business card, which one would it be? I’m always intrigued by design and which would be people’s favorites. Maybe you could take pictures of each and do a poll on your blog? That could be fun! ๐
totally love that last picture because that’s what it looks like when I pack, down to the hot pink suitcase and the pink glitter toms!!!!! ๐ I totally want to go to one of these conventions sometime! looks like you had an awesome time!!!!
Looks like great fun! Ps do you mind sharing your instagram name? Love to follow ya!
It’s K8_Smallthings ๐
looks like you had fun! that’s awesome ๐
Hey Kate! I emailed a question through formspring but it’s not showing up. Just wondering if you could do a tutorial about how to back comb! I can’t figure it out hahaha
working on it! ๐
Thanks girl!!
It looks like you had a great time! I would love to experience something like that. Love your photos ๐
That looks great Kate! I am toying with going to Haven in June in Atlanta! Thanks for your thoughts on a blog conference, I have not been to one, and enjoyed your insights and pics.
I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to be around so many bloggers at once!! Looks like you had an amazing time. What did you film for??
Uhhhh lets talk about where you got those pink cowgirl boots from please?!?!
So funny. Those aren’t mine! And thats not me in the photo. It’s @carolinegbows . She can rock pink!
I got them at! not too expensive and super comfy!!!
Looks like so much fun!
I just want you to know how inspiring you are! I am always checking out your blog for recipes, make up tips, and hair tutorials! Because of you I acquired the courage to start my own blog!
thats such awesome feeling and accomplishment. all of the strong women bloggers (you included) inspired me to start. congrats!
I love your blog.i just discovered it about 2 wks ago
LOVE reading along with your blog. Today I picked up grey nail polish and it reminded me of something you would have! I even thought of you when I bought it. ๐ I’ve been able to pick up a lot of great new things from what you’re sharing! It’s been a blessing to have a coach on how to do hair, make up, clothes, organizing, etc. Thanks so much for investing into this blog! It has certainly put a dent in my life in a wonderful way.
Hello Kate! I’ve just find your blog (few weeks ago) but I really like it, and check back all day for new posts ๐ Thanks for the great hair and beauty tutorials. I have middle length hair too, and these DIY videos are really inspirating for me! Please do not stop blogging, I love to read the posts sooo much! :)) I think you are a very talented and cute person! Dóri from Hungary
Didnt even know there were conferenceslike that!!! What would be your advice to expanding my blog and getting more people to read and subscribe.
I had such a great time getting to know you at the last session! Hoping to get my Blissdom video up soon so I will make sure and let you know (since you will be in it).
Dang it!! I didn’t even know about the conference and I live in Nashville!!!! So sad I missed it. ๐
First, I would like to say I absolutely LOVE your blog. I have learned so much about styling my hair. Second, I would like to say If I had known you were in Nashville, I would have drove down for you to cut my hair. ( I live in the Bowling Green, KY area and I’m a wonderful tipper.) I’m in desperate need a hair cut, but I’m scared, no, terrified to let people cut my hair. I’ve tried asking around for recommendations, but that doesn’t ease my fears…I’m really not afraid of anything else…just trusting someone to cut my hair. Any suggestions on finding a good stylist? Please help! Maybe some tips on how I can voice my concerns and clearly communicate with the stylist.
It was nice to meet you. I agree that everyone was so nice and welcoming at Blissdom. It was my first conference as well, but surely not my last. Wish we had more time to chat.
Had no idea Blissdom was in my home town. How cool! Looks like you guys were at Opryland Hotel? I love Nashville! I see the guys from Rascal Flatts around town a lot. ๐ I glad to hear you enjoyed your time here!
So, I was wondering about your yellow, purple and maybe blue little pocket “item”- is it a wallet, or eyeglass case, etc? It is super cute and was just wondering what it was and where I can find one! Thanks! I love your blog!!