High Five for Friday!

So what is the deal with bobby pins anyway?
It’s time for High Five for Friday! It’s my top (high on the list) five things that happened/I enjoy this week. Get it? High five? And high five that it’s friday? Like you high five your friend? Have I over-explained? Over-complicated?  

My sister hosts a rockin’ link party over at From My Grey Desk, so you can all share your high five for friday list too! 

Anyway, lets just get into it:

1. FIRST OF ALL-Thank you for your tender comments about my red lipstick. ๐Ÿ™‚ My sister and I use the word tender instead of sweet. Partially as a reference to a few Thanksgiving’s ago, when she said “her tender timer was going to go off” when I said something nice (like usual) about her. I died laughing, and it became a thing. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s the little auto-timer gauge in the turkey that lets you know when it’s. . .well. . .tender! We often reference our own personal tender timers, and when they go off. AND partially because it contributes to our weird serster lernguerge.

2. I went to dinner with my friend Allyson at Mez in Durham. I always like when she chooses because she’s a foodie and makes wise choices. Dinner was delish, and her company made it perfection.

3. Yours truly was featured on Latest-Hairstyles.com this week. Go check it out!

4. My husband FINALLY told me what he wanted for Christmas. It’s probably the most boring gift you could ever imagine but it’s perfect for him. NOT because he’s boring, because he will really enjoy it. The gift is boring, not him. ::trying to recover::

5. I got to hold my friend Jessica’s newborn this week. This is her first son, and he is adorable. I mean he is really adorable. You just kind of stare at him and smile because he’s so cute.
 And it gave me the bug somethin’ fierce (yep, southern talk has rubbed off). I even considered getting another kitten to hold me over until my husband and I start our family. But I decided to hold off. 2 cats is enough for now. ๐Ÿ™‚  

Link up your High Five for Friday over at From My Grey Desk!


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Heather K says · 12.16.11

These “knotty”-do’s are adorable! Love!

The Miller Five says · 12.16.11

I love the hairstyle!

Megan @ Tales of an HBS Wife says · 12.16.11

Love the updo – perfect for holiday parties!

Crystal says · 12.16.11

Love the up-do, stunning!

DaisyGirl says · 12.16.11

Thank you for such a down-to-earth blog!! I really enjoy how you mix fashion and all things pretty in with everyday life!!!!! Hope you and your husband have a very Merry Christmas!

Amy@Jack Sprat's Wife says · 12.16.11

I love that you and your sister have weird sister language too. My sister and I like to talk with lisps to each other. Like she is my “sisthtuh”, and when we are on the same side about something we looks at each other and say “Sissstuuhs”. Our husbands think we are so strange.

Tiffany says · 12.16.11

I just recently started following your blog, and I love it! This morning was one of those mornings where nothing was going right, but your blog today reminded me to relax, take a deep breath, and just enjoy the little things in life! Thank you very much!

P.S. Do you have a hair tutorial for the half up knot and the knotty updo? ๐Ÿ™‚

Shana says · 12.16.11

I just came across your blog and I am lovin’ it! I am from Illinois too and we had a similar trade school like you went through. I also just flipped my bobby pin around because of your blog post! Who knew! Anyway, enjoy your Friday!

{ lauren } says · 12.16.11

lurve! my tender timer went off ๐Ÿ˜‰

Allyson says · 12.16.11

Mez was delicious… ๐Ÿ™‚

pamelafaith says · 12.16.11

kate…i love your blog! especially thanks for all the great hairstyle tutorials. i just love them and so easy to follow. i have long hair and tend to always wear in a ponytail (boring). i am so excited to try some new easy styles! keep up the great work! p.s. none of my girlfriends knew about the bobby pin thing either…thnx again

Rhonda @ Abide at Home says · 12.16.11

This is so pretty! Now to see if I can actually DO it! haha! I took a picture of your haircut to my hairdresser…..I felt really strange about saying, “I want this girl’s haircut….” but hey, I DO! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for posting such basic tutorials for the simple and hair-challenged among us!

Liz Brown says · 12.16.11

Hahaha about the ‘tender’ thing. I know just what you mean about sister language ๐Ÿ˜›

etta says · 12.16.11

I love your earrings in your half-up do! Want!

Burprags and Bustiers says · 12.16.11

HA! Great post!!wathc it, that baby bug has a sneaky way of getting under your skin!

Trina says · 12.17.11

Great Hairstyles. I like your hair pulled back from your face. It is probably one of my favorites of your styles.

Azia Leigh says · 12.18.11

I recently discovered your blog after spotting it on Pinterest (your hairstyles are ALL over that website, great job!). I’m sure I’m behind the curve & you’ve been asked this before, but, where do you purchase the majority of your tops?! I’m revamping my closet and love your chic yet effortless looking style, laid back yet always put together perfectly! Any store tips would be great! Thanks for your blog, it makes me want to be more creative!

Liz Schmidt says · 12.22.11

The Knotty Updo is fabulous!! Easy for a busy gal on the go who likes to keep it classy. I found your site when I was digging around Pinterest as well — so excited to read more!!

Cathy says · 09.13.13

Hi Kate

Thank you for your tutorials You’re so beautiful ,chic, love your style. I love your hair. I ‘d like to try your hairstyles which are so great. Your make-up is beautiful too.
Cathy (France)
