Coffee Temperature Keeper
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See that silver coffee bean thinger in there? That is a Coffee Joulie. It was invented by 2 guys, both named Dave, that are design engineers. They got sick and tired of drinking coffee that was too hot or got cold too quickly.
Enter: Coffee Joulies.
Those little beans in there are metal temperature keepers. They cool your “too hot” coffee down to 140 degrees and keep it there for about 5 hours. (as soon as I read that line I was hooked)
You can also use it in tea, hot chocolate, and any other hot beverage!
So, naturally, my next thought was to get my hands on some of these magical beans but they aren’t being manufactured on a large scale yet. The Daves are still trying to raise funding to pay a manufacturer.
As soon as they are released to the public I will definitely buy some and let you all know how they work!
For any more information: click here!
Kate, looks like you can buy these now. They are on Facebook too!
My boyfriend purchased these for me a while back, they work well, but I’m not sure it’s worth the price.