Etsy Moment: Letterpress

Vase de Fleurs Tutorial

I’m one of those people that could spend hours, HOURS, looking at office supplies, paper goods, and most importantly: pens.
The same holds true for looking at greeting cards. Especially if they are letterpress. I don’t know why, I just love them. I spent days last summer looking for a letterpress machine for sale. They cost a few thousand so I decided that I didn’t really need it. 🙂
Meanwhile, I’ve settled into the fact that I can just drool at the talent displayed on Etsy when it comes to letterpress.

Click on the photos to be taken to the Etsy shops where these cards are for sale!


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Katie says · 06.22.12

I found a system that I can letterpress cards for a low cost and are very gorgeous! Check out this website! (You can even design your own printing plate)

Also, this blog has a great tutorial.

(“My” Hobby Lobby sells some of the letter pressing equipment)

Katie says · 06.22.12

I found a system that I can letterpress cards for a low cost and are very gorgeous! Check out this website! (You can even design your own printing plate)

Also, this blog has a great tutorial.

(“My” Hobby Lobby sells some of the letter pressing equipment)
