Pregnancy Update

A Spring Pink Makeup Tutorial

top, jeans, lip gloss

Well now that I’m officially in my 3rd trimester, I figured it was time for another pregnancy update!

So far everything has been progressing normally and with ease. I’m very grateful for that. Uneventful doctor appointments are the best.

I’ve said this already but this pregnancy has been more physically taxing than either of the first two. I’m not in any pain, but I just feel like my belly is huge and I’m out of breath just walking up the stairs at a normal pace. My back gets sore after walking only a mile or so at the gym so I’ve been taking it easy.

I’m still sleeping great, and my appetite is normal except for a distaste for Pei Wei or PF Changs. I’m craving apples, specifically Granny Smith, which is exactly what I craved when I was pregnant with David. I’m taking more baths than usual, which is very new for me, but it’s mostly to relax my back at the end of the day.

I have zero feelings about whether this baby is a boy or a girl. I had a dream I was having triplets but that’s obviously not happening, so even my dreams aren’t giving me any clues! I wonder if it’s a boy because my pregnancy has been similar to my other boys, but I also know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

We have made little to no progress on names for this baby! And we only have 10 MORE WEEKS until he/she is here so we need to seriously get our act together. We do have a boy name that we like but girl names are proving to be a bit more difficult. I want to have 2 solid names before we go to the hospital because I’m not the type to wait until I see the baby first. There are a few front runner girl names, but so far we haven’t found one that we love!

On that note, because I get a lot of questions from readers asking if I’m “hoping” for one or the other, I must admit I truly am not. I thought upon getting pregnant that I might be leaning towards a girl but that just hasn’t happened! I was thrilled to find out Luke was a boy since he and David are so close in age, and with this third baby I think either one would be wonderful. A girl would be fun and new, but a boy would also be fun and familiar. So, believe me or not, I genuinely do not feel a draw towards either sex and would be equally happy if I have a daughter or another son.

At random times during the week David will stop what he’s doing and come over to talk to my belly. It will only be a brief moment or two of chatting, but I think it’s sweet that he’s noticing and wanting to talk to the baby! Luke has upgraded to his big boy room, and that transition has been incredibly smooth, so now he calls his old room “the baby’s room.” I think the boys realize more than I give them credit for sometimes, and I’m excited to see them meet their little brother or sister when the time comes.

Regarding the nursery, we are updating it a bit with fresh paint and some new decor, but keeping all the same furniture we’ve had since David was in the nursery! I’m going for a baby animal theme, and adding in other decoration with texture to warm up the space a bit. You know I love a neutral nursery, and I’m so glad I got so many grey and white crib sheets when I was expecting David because I can continue to use them for this baby!

I’ll wrap up with just a quick note of thanks. While I feel like I look more pregnant than I actually am sometimes, many of you have left incredibly sweet comments on instagram images that I’ll post of the bump and that really blesses me. Thanks for taking the time to join in the excitement of this pregnancy, it means a lot to me!

p.s. a similar top that is not maternity!





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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 03.02.18

You’re glowing! And hey, craving apples, so that’s a good thing, right? 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Sherry says · 03.02.18

Hi Kate

Glad to hear things are going smoothly and it’s really cute to hear how the boys are already getting used to the idea of a new baby. I am sure all of your followers are just as excited as I am to hear boy or girl when the time comes.
You look wonderful. Might as well put your hair up today with these crazy winds we are having. Happy Friday !

Julie says · 03.02.18

You look magnificent in that colour! Just had to tell you that!

Erin says · 03.02.18


Lindsay says · 03.02.18

Eli or Elizabeth to honor the sweet bond you have with your sister? Just popped into my head. It’s been so fun to see your updates. You were expecting Luke around the time I was expecting my little girl, so it’s been so exciting to watch your family grow right along with mine in a way.

Missy says · 03.02.18

You look lovely, and so happy which I think is most important : ) Congrats on a healthy pregnancy, wishing you a smooth happy delivery as well!

Mandy Chavez says · 03.02.18

I’m due April 22 and we are having a girl. I knew what name i wanted for a boy, but I’m completely lost on girl names! We’ve sort of decided on one, but it feels like settling! Argh! I’m open to suggestions! I want Rose as a middle name….
Btw: I’m also having chest pain and am out of breath. It wasn’t that way with my son.

Michelle says · 03.02.18

I think you’re having a girl 🙂 Congratulations!

Chris Munson says · 03.02.18

I think her name is Claire,,,,
I do so enjoy reading your blog posts, and trying out the items you have already researched for us!

Allie says · 03.02.18

Congratulations again! That’s so sweet that David talks to the baby. You have such a lovely family! xAllie

Lisa says · 03.02.18

So happy to hear that things are going well for you in this pregnancy. I have been with you since before David, while you were still behind the chair, and it’s exciting to see you look forward to #3. If I were having a baby I would want to be surprised too! I will be following along and looking forward to seeing who you deliver next.

Kelly says · 03.02.18

Kate: You are so transparent with your posts and you treat us like your close friends. You let us in and let us know what is going on with your family. From Justin’s new business, to the remodel of your home, to your vacations, to your sweet angel boys, and now with your pregnancy. Your new child is going to be so well adjusted and it will be like he/she was always meant to be there. I can’t wait to see sweet David and Luke with their new sibling. You look amazing (but then again you always do!!!). Have a great weekend!

Rachel says · 03.02.18

My husband and I are expecting our first in a few weeks!! We just found out that baby is breech so a c-section is scheduled. We do not know what we are having and the anticipation of finally knowing is killing me!! If it’s a boy we are naming him David 🙂 and if it’s a girl, her name will be Claire! Ps, love your blog!

Jessica says · 03.02.18

You look so adorable! I can so identify with the name predicament too! I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant with our 5th and we have a solid boy name but no girl name that we love. My husband and I both have names we like, but so far nothing that both of us can agree on!

Elle says · 03.02.18

Hannah for a girl! Asher for a boy. 🙂 Love this top on you, glad to hear all is well with the pregnancy. Can’t wait for baby to make his/her arrival!

Ali vizzo says · 03.02.18

Beautiful and gorgeous!

Ashley says · 03.02.18

Kate, I love that you’re not finding out what you’re having! We found out with our first, a boy. We named him Davis. With our second, we decided to be surprised, and it was the most exciting surprise of our lives! We had a girl named picked out right away, but we couldn’t agree on a boy name, so wouldn’t you know we had another boy! 🙂 He wasn’t named until the day after he was born, so I know how you feel about not being able to decide on a name! His name is Landis. Good luck with coming up with a name. You look amazing, by the way!

leah says · 03.02.18

I only have 2 children (boy age 4 years and girl age 4 months) but I had VERY similar pregnancies for both. While pregnant with my daughter I kept comparing back to my pregnancy with my son and would go back and forth about thinking it was different and then similar. Looking back, they were practically the same pregnancy. Very small differences. Although, I have a friend with 3 boys and each pregnancy was very different. Who knows! I’m secretly hoping you have a girl so you can post some hair styles on toddler girls! I used to be a hair stylist but I’m finding myself stumped for what to do on my daughter…once she has hair 🙂

Justine says · 03.02.18

There are so many lovely girl names out there right now. My current favorites are Faith, Hope and Charity. I wish I had triplets! I also really love Ruth, Tabitha, Eve and versions of the name Elizabeth like Betsey, Libby, etc.

Epsom salts with lavender in my bath were a lifesaver for me! Glad you are both happy and healthy!

Bailey says · 03.02.18

I’m due with our fourth right around your due date! Our first two (boys – 3&4) are really close in age like yours and that has been the best! For our third, I thought FOR SURE we were having another boy – a huge surprise when we found out she was a girl. It has been amazing to have the three of the together. This one is another boy – I CANNOT wait to see the three of the boys together and with their sister. Sibling dynamics are amazing! You look great by the way!

Susan Schnitzler says · 03.02.18

What an absolutely stunning picture, Kate! You are gorgeous.

Laura says · 03.02.18

So glad your pregnancy is going smoothly! We have two and I’m an continually on the fence about a third, so I’ll be interested to see your perspective on going from two to three once the paper is born.

As a side note – have you fallen out of love with hair tutorials? I scanned back through posts and I haven’t seen a full tutorial post all 2018. Plenty of hair tips, but no start to finish look.

Kim says · 03.02.18

This is so exciting for you! That’s great you aren’t having any negative experiences – I haven’t been pregnant but I’m sure being exhausted is a pain! But you look glowing

Kim — the photo spot in DUMBO!

Desiree says · 03.02.18

So excited for you!! You look beautiful!!

Dana says · 03.02.18

You look radiant. They color is beautiful on you. You look so happy & Excited

Katie says · 03.02.18

Girl, you look awesome! I love popping into your blog. Take care!

Evelyn Nunes says · 03.02.18

You are looking great!!
Let me suggest Evelyn, Aline, Nicole. But I know you like biblical and traditional names, maybe Anna, Eve, Hannah, Rachel .

Good luck!

Brittanie says · 03.02.18

Finding a chiropractor who specialized in adjusting pregnant women is what absolutely saved me during my pregnancy. Once a week through my 2nd and 3rd trimesters had me floating on clouds!

kara says · 03.02.18

I’m 30 weeks as well with baby #3. We don’t know what we’re having….and don’t have any names picked out. We’re moving 9 hours away at the end of March, so I’m hoping that once we get settled into our new house that we’ll find some time to think about baby names. If all else fails, my 3 year old has suggested Lamp as a name. I’m sure it would be my husband’s dream come true to say “I Love Lamp” seriously.

Beth says · 03.03.18

Favorite girl names:
Isla (eye-la)
These might be a little to untraditional for your taste though😁
Great color on you!!

Abigail E. says · 03.03.18

Kate, if it’s a girl, I have to say that I love “e” names like Evelyn, Emily, or Evangeline; I also love Lexi, Rylie, and Noel.
Just some ideas 😉.
I can’t wait to meet your little one! So excited for you!!

Jocelyn says · 03.03.18

I have two girls and a boy (my boy being my first) and I will say that my girls were both more taxing on me, pregnancy wise, but overall all three pregnancies were pretty similar… So you just never know! Regardless, blessings for a healthy baby!

Whitney M says · 03.04.18

I am 22 weeks pregnant and have really been wanting to take baths myself but have been nervous due to all the negative outlooks towards baths in pregnancy. Could you provide your suggestions for a safe bath in pregnancy? ❤️

Sarah says · 03.04.18

How about Matilda for a girl?!? That’s our daughters name and we get SO many compliments 😊 you look amazing mama!!

Allena says · 03.04.18

There is an app called Baby Name. You and Justin both download it and you swipe names Tinder style and it tells you when you both match on a name you like and keeps a list! So fun.

Blakley says · 03.05.18

Hi Kate,
You look beautiful! That color looks beautiful on you. I am also a pale girl and I was wondering if you had any tips on picking the “right coral” for us pale girls? There seems to be a lot of variation when it comes to coral, some more orange, some more red, some pink, etc.

Ramona says · 03.11.18

Great to hear that everything is going well!

I love your hair long and straight like that! I remember when you cut bangs, and that was cute too, but this new look is great! So polished.

Hannah says · 03.15.18

Since you’ve had your boys, I’ve been curious about what you might name a girl because your top boy name choices are the same as my parent’s choices. I have a bother David and a sister Laura, who would have been a Luke if she had been a boy. Whether or not you end up with a Hannah or a Laura, I look forward to ‘meeting’ your new little one.
Praying for health for you and your family, Kate.

Wendy Gallo says · 03.16.18

This is so exciting! I have read your blog since around 2011 and followed your journey when trying to conceive baby #1. It makes me happy to see that you are now on #3! Reading your posts and seeing your radiant smile always puts a smile on my face. Best of luck!

Lenna S. says · 03.30.18

You look so great! I am so excited for your May pregnancy because my birthday is also in May!!💕
