Fresh in Fifteen

Trendsend by Evereve, my first box


fifteenbig_the small things blog-1

Okay round 1 of my “look great in eight” was an epic, epic, epic disaster. I wildly underestimated how much time it would take for me to do even just the minimum! And not only was I flustered and panicked alone in my bathroom (there’s a sentence you don’t ever want to have to write), but I filmed every single moment of it.

If you missed it, I’m doing a little series of videos in which I try to look put together for the day in about 15 minutes. Initially I was shooting for 8 minutes, but you can watch that concept crash and burn in the video below.

So, for your viewing pleasure:

Anyway, we’re doing fresh in fifteen. Use the hashtag #freshinfifteen to show your before and afters, and share any pointers or tips you have for getting ready fast.

I’m doing this to practice shaving down time and learning to focus on the only a few things in order to feel put together. That goes a long way in making me feel ready to take on the day.

I hope you have better luck than I did the first time, and I’d love to see your before and afters on Instagram!

fifteenbig_the small things blog-2


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Donna says · 08.07.15

Hi Kate
Great fun to watch!
Love your blog and all things in it. Keep up the good work!
Donna ?

Sheri says · 08.07.15

Hey Kate!

I enjoyed this video. l thought it was fun! At our house we call this ¨whitewashed grave¨. It usually takes about 15 minutes including brushing teeth and dressing. But, hey, some days 15 minutes is all ya got, right?

Lisa says · 08.07.15

Do you have a list of the products you used? Thanks! You look great!

Dawn says · 08.07.15

Yes please! I’m mostly wondering about the powder foundation. I’d love to try it.

Robin says · 08.07.15

Yes! The powder foundation looks amazing! Love to know what it is

Caty says · 08.07.15 Reply
Amy says · 08.07.15

I absolutely LOVE this powder foundation. I, too, started using it because of Kate’s recommendation. It is awesome and gives a nice illuminating look to my skin. Try it!

Alli says · 08.07.15

Love this! One of the best things I’ve done to help me get ready faster with my little three running about (because I’m SO not getting up before them)- is to have a small makeup bag with only the essentials in my drawer (foundation, highlighter, my eye shadow creme, eye liner, mascara, blush, bronzer, 2 brushes, lipstick). I have large bag with everything else in the bottom drawer that I pull out when I have time- my goal is change out my creme color or lipstick every week or so, it works for me to feel good but not having to be ‘perfect shades’ for every day that I’m literally just home with my zoo πŸ™‚

Laura says · 08.07.15

Beautiful…I really need to try this:)


Shannon says · 08.07.15

So fun and real! Thanks, Kate! You are my makeup and hair inspiration, and have been for several years.

meechelle says · 08.07.15

Title suggestion: feel like a queen in fifteen.

Chelsey says · 08.07.15

You did a great job putting music over any noise because I never would have guessed!
Props for getting up before the kids because I tried and didn’t even last a week.

Mandy Kelley says · 08.07.15

Oh my goodness I loved this! So real….so FUNNY! I’ve been here before. ” Oh! Psshhht! I can do a 5 minute face!” Lol Eleven minutes later and I’m still applying foundation. ?

KC says · 08.07.15

I think you did great (AND LOOK GREAT) for talking and trying to find all your things. If you started with all your stuff lined up that you wanted, didn’t have to talk to a camera, etc. this is completely do-able in 15 or less.

Amanda Howell says · 08.07.15

Hello Kate,
I LOVE that you “keep it real” for all us moms it there! I’m a busy mom to 3 little girls, and I am apart of the beauty industry as well, so I know how it is to have to balance both, and I think you done a fantastic and realistic video of how it is trying to get ready in a pinch! Love your videos and blogs…I’ll be sure to keep watching!

Lorrayne says · 08.07.15

Advice on how to keep hair from getting greasy after a day?

Amy says · 08.08.15

I know you’re looking for Kate’s advice, but just thought I would share what I do. I use Batiste dry shampoo in dark/medium brown color. It is amazing and makes my hair look fresh and clean. I use the dry shampoo, style as wanted (usually flat ironed), then do a tease in the top part and use a bit of volumizing hairspray. Works wonders! I saw that Kate used dry shampoo in this video as well. It is a great hair product!

Jamie says · 08.07.15

You HAVE to try Rimmel’s ScandelEyes mascara!!! I’ve tried soooo many different mascaras, and I always go back to this one! It makes my lashes look amazingly long and full. I often get asked if my lashes are real! For everyday lashes, I do two quick coats and I’m done. On days I want to spend a little more time on my makeup, I do two coats with a coat of Divaderme’s fiber lash in between.

I’m hoping to cut down on the time it takes me to curl my hair- right now it takes me at least 20 mins, even for an undone look. I think the GHD iron might be the ticket. And I really need to get myself some of the Amika spray!

Thanks for another great video!!

kim says · 08.07.15

Wow ! I wanted to try this but its really not possible for me . I really need to wash my hair every day because they are always greasy . I need one hour each morning to be ready and I didnt apply makeup at all. lol

Keep your good work πŸ™‚

holly says · 08.07.15


I’ve loved your blog for the past few years & have found a lot of your product rec’s & hair/makeup tips very helpful! I have a tip for you that has helped me A LOT – I purchased a clear plastic countertop makeup organizer from Homegoods last year & it makes putting on daily makeup SO MUCH EASIER – this is a similar one to the one I have:

I used to search thru my makeup bag for eyeliner, but now they all stand up and I can easily choose which one I want that day.

Thanks again for all your great video tutorials!

Christina says · 08.07.15

Love this!! Going to definitely try 15 minutes!! I love your blog and you!! Thanks so much for sharing!

What about from bleak to releaved in fifteen??

Alicia Marie says · 08.07.15

I have a little box that I keep my “everyday” makeup in. It includes whatever foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, etc. I’ve been using the most and also all of my tools. I usually switch out products every few weeks, but I always make sure that whatever I keep in it works for me so there’s no fussing or special application issues. It makes it super easy to just open it up and have everything right there when I’m in a rush. It’s also helpful when I have to work early and my boyfriend is off so I can just grab it and head to the bathroom without making five trips.

Meagan Brown says · 08.07.15

Kate, this was probably by far my favorite video! I think you did a great job for having only the 15 minutes! You look better than most moms with that short amount of time! Give yourself kudos girl you have two small children ;).

Ashley Brooks says · 08.07.15

“When did I wash my hair?” This is the question I ask myself every single day. πŸ™‚

Michelle says · 08.07.15

I loved this video! When you were finished my 3 year old daughter said you looked like princess Belle ?

Sarah says · 08.07.15

I LOVED how real this was. As a girl who always shoots to be ready and out of the house wayy before I actually am. I appreciate how you wanted it to be 8 minutes but it turned out to be a much more realistic 15. Thanks!

Lindsay says · 08.07.15

Loved your video! My suggestion for a title is, “How to look Sheen in Fifteen!”

Jen says · 08.07.15

LOOK LIKE A QUEEN IN FIFTEEN! I loved watching this first thing in the morning! Witty and funny. Loved it and you look great πŸ˜‰ Seriously going to challenge myself with this… Although, I actually had a touch of anxiety at times during your video. HA! Thanks for these fun posts.

Hope says · 08.07.15

Did anyone catch what sized curling iron this was??

Heather says · 08.07.15

At the beginning she said she was going to use a 2″, but when she plugged it in she said it was 1.5″. Looking at it, I’d definitely say 1.5″.

Hope says · 08.07.15


Jen Staffeldt says · 08.08.15

What brand did she say that the curling iron was, GHD?

Nicole says · 08.07.15

I have been following you for a few years and I have to say – this was my favorite video so far. I was cracking up the whole way through – so real – and when you popped in to say how annoying the buzzing was, I laughed too because I would have done the same thing.
I have tried not washing my hair everyday, using dry shampoos etc, but it just doesn’t work for me. Especially since I run a lot. I am pregnant with my second and I have a 2 year old – I’m a working mom and I know with #2 coming, I will definitely need a faster routine. Maybe if I shower at night and dry my hair before I go to bed it will work.
Anyway – I absolutely loved this video. You are a rock star!

Katherine Kelly says · 08.07.15

Hi Kate!

Love the tutorial … so fun! I use Tarte’s Full Coverage Air Brush foundation as well and was curious if the brush they sell with it makes a difference for you. Would you recommend using it vs. other foundation brushes?


Lisa says · 08.09.15

I use the brush that is designed for the foundation… And hate it. I actually just bought a different one to try. The brush works great for buffing but it is so hard to get product out with it. The brush itself is larger than the mesh hole so you always have to angle the brush and push really hard at actually getting any product. I just bought a smaller brush that was still really dense to try.

Kimberly says · 08.07.15

I was watching this with my 5 year old. When you were talking about the buzzing with the baby monitor and you called yourself an idiot, my boy said, “No you’re not!” I agree. You’re not an idiot. Just a simple mistake ?

Kirsten says · 08.07.15

My 3-year-old daughter heard it too and said, “that’s a naughty word. We don’t say that word.” Lol. I agree with Kimberly: Definitely not an idiot. I would have done he exact same thing. πŸ™‚

Amanda Whitley says · 08.07.15

You are so funny! It takes me forever to get ready in the morning. Not because I do all that much, but because I get interrupted every 2 minutes by my boys. But, I refuse to get up before them. LOL. Something I do to make my routine a little faster is to lay everything I’m going to use on my face on the counter before I actually get started- that way I’m not digging and digging trying to find something. I also find that if I straighten my hair as opposed to curling it, I don’t have to re-fix it the next day. I just spray a little dry shampoo in it and tease it a bit and it looks (kinda) like I just washed and fixed it.

Great video! And Luke is such a cutie! πŸ™‚

Ashley Whisenant says · 08.07.15

I loved the video. I agree I would like a list of the products you used. I was trying to do a search for the curling iron and I am not sure if I am looking for the right one. I also could not hear any buzzing! I am a full time working mom so I definitely need to cut down on my morning routine! I am usually running at least 15 minutes late each day!

Dominique says · 08.07.15

Wow, you clean up great! Thanks for the post!

Erin says · 08.07.15

This was perfect!! I feel like fresh in 15 is more realistic for me. Do you wash your face in the morning before putting on make up? I wash my face before bed but I feel that I need to wash my face again in the morning before applying lotion and make up. Thoughts?

Heather says · 08.07.15

Following! I definitely have to wash my face night and morning and I was surprised when Kate didn’t. I’d love to know if it was done before, or if it just didn’t feel necessary.

Amy says · 08.08.15

Something I usually feel ok about doing involving washing my face is to wash it at night, apply eye cream and moisturizer, then in the morning I rinse it with water and use an illuminating bb moisturizer. It is by Tarte so it looks great with the powder foundation Kate used. Anyways, makes it feel fresh and clean in the morning without feeling dried out from washing again. Maybe she did something similar before turning on the camera.

Sabrina Garcia says · 08.07.15

LOVED this video! Thanks for being so real, it really helped a ton watching you do your curls/hair! thanks again, love your blog… keep posting!:)

Cori Schwabe says · 08.07.15

You’re so cute! I LOVE this idea. And I wish it took me 15 minutes to look that amazing. Kudos!!

Evelyn Nunes says · 08.07.15

This was funny! For us at least! Don’t get stressed, it’s ok if you don’t talk during it, put pop-ups with the names and talk before and after. I guess this could help.

Also, our rushed-put-together look should be using things we know that work right? So just have those handy.

And you could title it looking pretty in 15 because you look great as usual!

Victoria says · 08.07.15

This was adorable to watch. Kate, you looked cute without makeup, at 4 minutes you looked pretty, and stopping at 8 you looked great! ? Your 15 was a date night look for me! Thanks for all your tips and blog content, yours in one of my favorites!

Kari Elwart says · 08.07.15

I loved this “challenge”! And, I don’t think it crashed and burned!! Having standards isn’t failing! ?. As for me, it doesn’t take me as long, but, that’s because my hair is still too short to do anything with! I cannot wait until it is long and as beautiful as yours! And, I took some of your make up tips, expanded a little bit on my bare minimum, and I’m very pleased with the results!! Thanks a bunch!

Essie Jean says · 08.07.15

I have my makeup organized in three different sections, so to speak. On my counter in a pretty display, I have my “work” makeup – for me, “work” is actually my most minimal look, because I’m a nanny, so I’m just hanging out with kids, but we do go out in public, so I like to feel like I’ve done something at least. I literally have everything I need in that dish – brushes and everything for those exact products, and I only have one eyeliner and two lipsticks, so I don’t even have to worry about what I’m going to use. I switch out products in that dish every few weeks so I don’t get bored with it.
Then I have my second tier things in the drawer – more options for eyeshadow and an actual foundation (I just use BB cream for work).
My “date-night” look things are in the cabinet in their own container, so I don’t even have them to rifle through or make decisions about when I’m in a rush to get out of the house. It’s worked out really well for me so far!

Jamie says · 08.07.15

Hi Kate! Love your blog! Mom of 2 here as well (3 & 8 months.) I’m in the market for a new curling iron but I’m concerned the GHD won’t get hot enough for me. I usually use the hot tools gold on the highest heat setting (430). What do you think??

Love your video! 15 mins to get ready is legit! I shower at the gy
Otherwise I’d be a hot mess all day long!


Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says · 08.07.15

Gorgeous girl!

Her Heartland Soul

Tanu says · 08.07.15

How about….”Fabulous in 15 !”

Kristina says · 08.07.15

You are so so darling! What an incredibly helpful video to watch for any SAHM, and I gotta say I feel so much better knowing you wake up that early! In my tired and cranky moments, I have thought “How does she have time to look that good with two little boys around?!” It’s helpful to know you sacrifice a little sleep to feel better about yourself the whole day through!

The only question I’m curious about is, how important is the order in your makeup routine? I always do my eyes last, not sure why, but curious if it makes more sense to do them first like you did.

Kim says · 08.07.15

OMG, only you could make 2nd day hair look that good in that short amount of time! I’m impressed! I have a “5 min face” makeup bag with just the makeup and tools I know I need for a super fast face (I’ve never timed it, LOL). That way I know I can grab that and do my makeup at the dining room table if I have to or just so I don’t have to rummage.

Melissa says · 08.08.15

my hair is very similar to Kate’s (cut, color and maybe a little thicker) I only wash my hair every 5-7 days and it usually looks and curls best on days 3-5. The trick is to not use a lot of product the first few days. If you start with dry shampoo or texture spray on day 2-3, there will be too much gunk in your hair.

Jessica says · 08.07.15

I’m not a new mom but I love the honesty. We’ve all been there…love your most recent videos and blog! Keeping it real?

Brittney says · 08.07.15

I loved this video!!! You did great!

Could you give a rundown of all the makeup you used? I’d love to try the foundation and your blush combo… Also, what was the moisturizer you put on before the foundation? And, do you like the powder foundation over regular liquid foundation? I’ve always been a liquid foundation girl (currently using NARS)


Megan says · 08.07.15

Wow, I am so impressed by how put-together you look after only 15 minutes! You’ve inspired me to put a little more effort into “getting ready” . . . even if it’s just for another day at home with my kids.

Jenn says · 08.07.15

Okay, so I loved this! Now, what kind of hair cut do you have right now? Thanks in advance!

Laura says · 08.07.15

It is this kind of video that makes me love you even more! I love your honesty and real-world approach! Keep up the great work!

Leslie says · 08.07.15

So cute – love how approachable you seem. Keep up the great content – love all your tutorials!

Melanie says · 08.07.15

This is amazing. Challenge accepted.

Ashley says · 08.07.15

Oh my heavens Kate– that video made me giggle so much. Thank you thank thank you. Your candor is so refreshing and appreciated. Please keep it coming!

Sue says · 08.07.15

I’ve been a night shower person forever (long, thick hair takes too long to dry in the AM). So I’m usually up & out the door in 45 minutes at most. That being said….I look no where NEAR as put together as you do!

I ordered the amazonian foundation you used, so maybe that will help!

Chloe says · 08.07.15

I am giggling as I watch this, I know I would fail (might give fresh in 15 a try!) But, I have to tell you-as I was watching you without makeup all I could see was baby Luke! Holy Mama’s boy! He looks EXACTLY like you!

candace says · 08.07.15

Kate, this was hilarious and so real! You’ve inspired me to get a #freshinfifteen routine down for myself! Awesome and helpful content as usual! πŸ™‚

Jessica says · 08.07.15

I loved this! I’m just so glad to know I’m not the only one that cannot get ready in 8 or 12 minutes!!! The main thing driving me to get ready fast is my new job at a hospital. I have to be working by 5am and I refuse to get up before 4am. I realm had to prioritize my routine! I do makeup in about 10+, breakfast while I’m driving (in the form of shakes or bars), and not much hair because I don’t want my long locks getting dip-dyes in nasty things… So, high messy buns for the win! I also try to prep the night before as much as possible – set scrubs out, make a lunch, pack my bag, etc. Thanks for keeping it REAL!! πŸ™‚

Stefanie says · 08.07.15

I couldn’t look as great as you do if I had an hour and a half! Fifteen minutes is quite impressive! Seriously, your hands are magic and can do things with hair that are unbelievable. While I’m not a mom, I am a busy grad student with barely enough time for basic hygiene…I know, it’s bad. Sooooo, my “getting ready” consists of a shower and a decent ponytail that will stay put all day. Make up Is a luxury reserved for presentations and days I have to look professional at school, mainly because an extra 15 min outweighs lookin decent when your a sleep deprived grad student! Butttttt, this video shows that it can be done and gives me Some encouragement that if I try a bit harder, I can achieve great results in the same amount of time!

Angelina says · 08.07.15

You did great! Who really needs to be totally ready in 8 minutes anyway? Be seen in 15, baby. You got it!

Melanie says · 08.07.15

Love seeing the everyday make-up and hair videos…they help so much! Would love to see a list of the makeup that you used too. Thanks for sharing with all of us!

Amy says · 08.08.15

Kate! You’ve done some greatly entertaining posts lately! I think this has been one of, if not the most, my favorite videos so far! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and there is just no comparing to how real you are with great posts about things I love to read about! As someone who loves makeup and hair myself, I also feel like my “bare minimum” look is more than what most do. I don’t feel my best or like I look decent without doing certain things makeup and hair wise. I am fine with that and have discovered since having my second daughter that I can get ready pretty quickly. I don’t know about 15 mins though! I’m usually at 30 or so, so props to you! You are an inspiration in the beauty world and also in the sweet wife/loving mommy/God’s daughter world! No wonder you have so many fans!

MrsAmyLW says · 08.08.15

Fit to Be Seen in Fifteen

Dani says · 08.08.15

This video was awesome!! I need a Kate Makeover. Stat. This tired mom is feeling drab and in need of a fresh look. I’ll just hop a plane to you and have you help me! πŸ˜‰ #ifonly

What was the eye shadow palette you used and the urban decay for under eyes?

Thanks for the great video!!

Kristen says · 08.08.15

You are awesome. Thank you for being so relatable. Because it’s the weekend I will be taking full advantage of my husband being home and enjoying a (semi)leisurely pull-myself-together time. But, Monday…Monday I AM going to try this before my little munchkins get up. Any suggestions for gym hair? I do bar classes, usually at some point during the day. I hate doing my hair just to have to throw it up in a pony tail, and then not being able to take it back down because of the rubber band kink. Would love some ideas!

Kristin S says · 08.08.15

(typing while watching)

I kinda love that you were on day 2/3 hair. Years ago I remember you writing something about women competing for how many days they didn’t wash their hair and you just didn’t understand and you always washed yours every day. Well, I go days and days simply because I hate fixing mine. It just takes way too much time to either straighten or curl. Once I do, I’m good for days so that’s my reasoning. It’s not a competition, it’s laziness for me. πŸ™‚ So, you’ve come over the the “dark side”. No shame. Just life. I promise that’s not an “I told you so” as I’m sure you get lots of that. Oy.

Eyeliner. I’m so impressed you can do that without tugging out your eye. I’ve tried. Can’t do it.

Order. I feel like you’ve mentioned this before. I always do my eyes last. After makeup. After face. If I put on foundation after eyes, it makes foundation lines and gets all weird. So you do eyes both before and after sort of?

I really want you to do my makeup/hair someday. Girls’ night??

You really make me want to grow my hair back out….

Kirby says · 08.08.15

Cute video! I’m about to be a mom and thought this was inspirational… seriously! How about beauty routine in fifteen? Keep making videos!

Ali says · 08.08.15

One of my favorite videos you have done. Love the idea of 15 minutes to be presentable. And your fifteen minutes looks a lot better than my fifteen minutes πŸ™‚

Jennie says · 08.09.15

Love the blog! Do you shower, blow dry hair @ night, then put it back in ponytail when you sleep, and style in AM? What is your night routine for your hair after shower?

Sarah Bledsoe says · 08.09.15

Kate, what was the brown pencil that you used in the video? I have been looking for a good one for sooo long! Thanks πŸ™‚

Ellen says · 08.09.15

This was so much fun to watch! You’re so honest and open I loved watching this. Fifteen minutes is a triumph in my book! You look great!

Evelina says · 08.09.15

My favourite video of yours, ever! You had me cracking up and totally rooting for you to make it in under 8, then 12, then 15 haha!

Nicole says · 08.10.15

I have crazy mornings myself and work really hard to get ready as quickly as possible (so I can relax as much as possible beforehand!) Something that really, really, really shaved time off of my routine was to create “look trays”. While I’m making dinner or doing housework on Sundays I think about what I might want to wear or what I might be doing for the next couple of days. Then, right before bed, I take five minutes to grab the products for my look. For example, since I knew I was only running errands one day last week, I had Clinique CC Cream, a Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge, my Naked 2 Basics, a mascara, an eyeliner, a couple of brushes, and a lipgloss just sitting in the lid from one of my Birchboxes ready to go. I was able to stumble into the bathroom, throw it all on, and was good to go. Even with a quick curl of my hair I was done in under 10 minutes. Organization is key, but I promise it can be really brief!

Love your video!

Casey says · 08.10.15

Hey Kate! As a mom to an 18 month old, I was so excited for this post! I did the #freshinfifteen challenge and wrote about it on my blog!

I was surprised how much I was able to do in just 15 minutes!


Laura M says · 08.10.15

Very fun! Your fresh in 15 is my nice hair and make up. πŸ™‚ My everyday is way less with 3 kiddos running around. I use clinique CC cream or just skip that and do only eyes if I really need to hurry. Dry shampoo and a brush and bobby pinned bangs for my hair. 2nd day bangs drive me crazy!

Mindy says · 08.11.15

I love this! I’m a mom as well and I’m always trying to find ways to save time when getting ready for work. Your blog is a model for mine and I love all your content. Your boys are adorable!


Brandy says · 08.11.15

I’ve followed your blog for a couple years and I love all your hair tutorials and makeup tips. I used to wear the fiber lash mascara too but recently tried Tyra Banks new makeup line. The mascara was so good I switched and the 2 Min Tyover Countour and highlight sticks are amazing! I can now do my whole makeup in 6 Minutes!!!
It transformed my face so much that I am now a Beautytainer for Tyra Beauty.
Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks!!!

Stasja says · 08.12.15

Loved the video! I’m always struggling with finding time to make myself look more alive. πŸ™‚ I feel so naked without any eye make-up on.

Sara says · 08.12.15

Absolutely loved this, you did a great job! I’m a new mom-to-be so I’ve already been practicing a quick and simple everyday look. What a fun video, thanks for sharing!

P.S. I have a simple eyelash tip that I wanted to share! When it comes to curling, I pump the curler on my lashes several times. I then apply a small amount of baby powder to my lashes before I put on mascara. It makes my lashes a bit thicker which is nice!

Sara says · 08.12.15

You are so cute with your glasses!!

Nicole says · 08.13.15

LOVE this! I’m a busy mama of 4 kiddos aged 5 and under so I totally understand the need to squeeze in a little extra love for our selves in the morning before the crazy day begins! You inspired me to give this a try and it turn out it takes me about 10 minutes to get ready….BUT my hair was in a pony tail, so I feel like I cheated a bit, ha!
I shared my attempt on my blog though, if you’d like to take a look πŸ™‚

Paige M says · 08.13.15

You are amazing! I have two little kids (5 and 2), and I am inspired to try and look more put together in the morning. I feel like for me in 8 minutes I only get clothes on and brush my teeth, so I was amazed at how much you got done in 8 (and 15!) Now I’m thinking about catchy rhymes…….how about “Pristine in 15?” πŸ˜‰

Brittany says · 08.13.15

First, I LOVE your blog, Kate!!! I’ve been reading it for awhile, but this is my first comment. Just thought I’d tell you about the cosmetics organizer that I ordered from QVC. I know, QVC…but my Mom watches it, and told me about this organizer. (Go to, and search for “Luxury Deluxe Wood Cosmetic Box w/Mirror by Lori Greiner). It has all of these compartments to organize your make-up, and makes finding what I need easy. The best part is, it looks like a jewelry box, and sits beautifully on my vanity. I love that after I’m done putting on my make-up that you can close it, and it’s all nicely tucked away. I have a pretty painted wooden box that I sit on top when it’s closed, just for added decoration. Oh, I almost forgot…I changed out the hardware on the front with some super cute knobs I found at Hobby Lobby for a more personalized look. It was an easy fix. Now, the only downfall is it may not hold all of your make-up collection (ah-hem, not sayin’ it didn’t hold all of mine…lol), but it holds all of the stuff I use the most. So, just thought I’d throw that suggestion out there for ya! Keep up the awesome blog! πŸ™‚

Karoline says · 08.14.15

Loved this video! You seem so sweet:) I like that you are keeping it real for us moms. You should try a neutral/bronzed cream shadow, super fast to apply, always looks good:)

Stephanie @ ChalkSouthernToMe says · 08.19.15

You look fabulous in 15! I need to watch this video a few more times. πŸ™‚ Xo, Stephanie

Theresa Le says · 09.20.15

I love watching all your videos. This one was very fun. I’m anxious to time myself now and see how long it takes me. I would like to time myself both minimal and styling my hair from wet. I too would like to shave off some time. If Inremember I’ll post pics.

I do have a clear plastic makeup organizer I use. I put all my makeup brushes in a jar/vase for easy access. I do the same with my eyeliners

Taylor (sorry, not Swift) Vance says · 05.03.16

Your hair videos have been such a big help to me, I’d love to know how this tip works for you…
Eyelash curlers actually make my eyelashes shorter. Do they actually cut them? No idea. But it happens. So cut the curler from your routine (experiment? 2 weeks). Then, instead (and I learned this by watching a make up artist’s video) wiggle the mascara brush back and forth as you coat your lashes. (Instead of stroking from base to tip, just a gentle wiggle as you move com base to tip. You’ll soon get the hang of it.) They will get so much fuller and longer looking that way. No curler needed, they’ll turn up just fine. Just one coat of mascara most days…see, that’ll save you 3 steps. I use Maybelline’s mega plush volume express. Hope this works for you! Thank you for all your videos, they are wonderful!

Deb Magee says · 07.14.18

I just discovered your blog and YouTube videos and I am beyond thrilled!! Finally, someone who can really explain and show how you can look and feel better about yourself in a realistic, honest way!!! I am a woman who doesn’t have that “girl gene” when it comes to hair and makeup, so I have struggled with the other blog/YouTubers that act, show & sound like professional models instead of someone who is just trying to do a little more for herself!! Thank you for your fresh and clean look, and your honest way of showing what a little bit of time and effort can yield!!!

Martine Heon says · 08.21.18

Look like a Queen in fifteen
