French Fishtail to a Messy Bun Hair Tutorial

High Five for Friday

Fishtails are not easier than “regular” braids.

Let me just get that out there to begin with.

In this tutorial, I’m showing how to do a french fishtail and blend it into a messy bun. I’ve been wearing messy buns more than ever–I think it has to do with my long, heavy hair these days.

I am most likely to wear this style down, but I like the messy bun as well. If you are looking for a new way to pin your bangs back, consider doing a french fishtail and pinning them to the side!

The two tutorials I mention in the video are linked below: 

How to do a Fishtail

The Messiest of Buns 

top: Hot Mama (similar)


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Sinem says · 04.08.13


itscathylynn says · 04.08.13

Thank you for sharing your styles! They are stunning!

Applebypie says · 04.08.13

Very pretty.

Diana Horton says · 04.08.13

I love wearing a fishtail but haven’t been able to master the french fishtail. Thanks for the helpful tutorial!

JANNA says · 04.08.13

This is absolutely wonderful!! Definitely one of my favorites of your hairstyles!! This may be a dumb question but I have really dark brown almost black hair which is my natural color…no highlights or anything. I feel like when I do braids that they really can’t be seen too well. Anything I can do to keep the braid from blending in SO much?!

Virginia Schultz says · 04.08.13

Me too!!!

Ms. Higgins says · 04.09.13

Me too!

Reply says · 04.08.13

I can’t wait to try this! Thanks to you, my hair isn’t always just in a pony tail!


Reply says · 04.08.13

Love it… I just need to master braiding my own hair, I am terrible! Practice makes perfect though, right?!?
~ Kimberley

Nikki says · 04.08.13

I might get brave one of these days and try the fishtail…haha. But I am in LOVE with the messy bun tutorial! I’ve been wearing it regularly since you posted it. (:

Kayla Gilbert says · 04.08.13

This is adorable! I’m just not sure I can do it myself.. eek! You just have to have confidence, right?! : )


McKenna Ryan says · 04.08.13

I love your hair! So lovely! I might even be able to try this out with my short-er hair. xx. McKenna Lou

kristinwithani says · 04.08.13

Oh, this is so pretty!

Kristina says · 04.08.13

I love this idea for pinning back bangs, super cute! P.S. Mentioned you on my blog today ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kristina does the Internets

Tara says · 04.08.13

Lip color? So pretty!

Jennifer says · 04.08.13

i didn’t know there was a “french” fishtail braid… so at first i was totally confused, but i love it! hopefully i will be able to pull it off too! i also love your coral/orange polish, mind sharing what is it?

LoveCaroline says · 04.08.13

Too cute! Loving this look! Can’t wait to try it out!


Valeska M says · 04.08.13

Love it! I’m always trying to recreate your hair. Thank you for all the tutorials!

Making It Sparkle

Oh! Baby Designs says · 04.08.13

I just gotta say… I love your bangs pulled back. It suits you so well!


ajl2870 says · 04.08.13

Oh. My. Gosh. I absolutely love this! You are so good at taking expert styles, but explaining them so novices can do them too!
P.S. I hate to be THAT person, but what type of lipstick are you wearing? It is a fantastic color on you!

Kate says · 04.08.13

I wish I remembered! Sorry!!

Danielle Hogg says · 04.08.13

So cute!!!

JellyBones says · 04.08.13

oooooh totally going to give this a whirl tomorrow!

spanishkitchenette says · 04.08.13

This fishtail really suits you!

Milynn {Love + Whimsy} says · 04.08.13

Love this! I recently cut my hair and need a new way to wear a bun ๐Ÿ™‚ very cute!

Megan says · 04.08.13

Love this! Must learn how to do braids of any kind in my hair. So cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dorothy Wu says · 04.09.13

For anybody who wants to master the regular fishtail plait (i.e., not yet ready for the French version), here are some helpful tips: 1) It’s much much easier to start with a ponytail, 2) It’s also much easier to start with wet hair, and 3) Think of if as “weaving,” more than anything. Bring one section “over” the side, and “under” the other side.

Annika says · 04.09.13

I REALLY really like to colour of your hair. I assume it is too difficult to explain how it´s died to be like this?

Shannon McKinstrie says · 04.09.13

So pretty! I wish I could hire you to do my hair every day ๐Ÿ™‚

Maren says · 04.09.13

Lovely! Can’t wait to do this.
Thanks for the tutorial.


brittanydelannoy says · 04.10.13

Really fun! I’ve been following your blog for about 6 months now. I played around with this style, and I’m wearing my first messy bun today!

Ashley Rane Sparks says · 04.10.13

I did this hair! Thanks so much for the continued inspiration. It’s fun to challenge myself to do your hairdos because my hair is quite a bit shorter than yours (I am growing it out, perpetually, of course!) I have to use lots more bobby pins…
Thanks for being so great!
Ashley Rane Sparks

momwithadancer&aballplayer says · 04.19.13

Hi,Kate. Just wondering if you have ever tried Kenra 26? I’ve been using Kenra 25 and love it. I didn’t know if the other would be any better. Love your blog by the way!

chelsea jones says · 04.20.13

I’m great at braiding my hair but the part that messes me up is that in the end..i have this awful “part” in my hairline where you can see my scalp. I can never seem to braid some of my hair and pull it into a pony/bun/whatever without having that part beside of it separating it from the rest of my hair…help?

Megan says · 04.24.13

I did this last week and got al many compliments from the elderly I work with. I work at a retirement community and none know what a fishtail braid is. It was my first one ever. Thanks for the great look!!

Pendulum Pregnancy says · 05.19.13

These tutorials are wonderful!!! As a very busy mama of a 2 1/2 year old… I am INSPIRED! I’m going to do my hair! Thank you!

Pendulum Pregnancy says · 05.19.13

Trying fishtail…. super CUTE!!! Thank you!

Cutis Medical says · 06.13.13

I would appreciate you that you pick up an important topic to write a thoroughly informative post on. I hope that you never stop and keep posting such valuable content on this site.
Hair Removal

supertinyrobotfairydust says · 10.18.13

LOVE this so much– it’s become my go-to hairstyle. THANK YOU!!!!

Allie says · 01.22.14

You are so pretty! I love all of your hairstyles and pictures!

CJ says · 06.08.14

love this style, but I consistently get a bump or loop in my fishtail when I pin it back. What am I doing wrong?

Jessie Johnson says · 07.31.14

Loving this tutorial! I’ve never tried to do such a small fishtail on the side with an up-do. Such a cute look! I made a similar tutorial, ( ) but it is pretty basic. Thanks for the tips!

Hannah says · 08.21.14

Thanks so much for your tutorials! I plan on styling my hair like this for my upcoming bridal shower!
