2 AMAZINGLY HELPFUL kitchen tools for herbs

A day in the life

GUYS, why have I lived so long without both of these things.

I love fresh herbs. I’m growing a wide variety out on my deck and want to use them in as many dishes as humanly possible.

My favorite herb lately is thyme. Thyme makes even the most boring chicken delightful.

But listen, plucking fresh thyme leaves off the stem is the most annoying thing in the world. I hate herb stems in my dishes so I’m really meticulous about only plucking leaves. And now that I’ve plucked fresh leaves from thyme a handful of thymes, I’ve realized there is better plucking way.

So many pun opportunities just utilized.

Also, chopping up herbs. I struggle. You may have seen my instagram story in which I was hacking at a cucumber like a maniac because that’s how I approach things like that. When a recipe calls for something to be chopped, I read it as saying “massacred”.

So, with sore fingers and a determined heart I turned to the only place I turn to when I need help (or anything): Amazon. And ordered 2 tools that you should order too as soon as you are done reading this blog post.

  1. 5 blade herb scissors
  2. herb stripper

Both of these tools are pretty self explanatory, but in case they are brand new to you I’ll show you how I use them.

The herb stripper has a variety of holes that allow you to strip tiny herbs like thyme or rosemary to larger greens like kale. You simply slide the herb into one side, and slowly pull it through as the leaves become separated from the stem.

I’ve had a larger pair of scissors like these with only two blades for chopping up chicken, but I was so happy to use these 5 blade ones on parsley and cilantro.


And it even comes with a little tool to clean out the blades!

These little time savers make cooking a little bit more fun and a little bit easier. I gave David a bit of rosemary and the herb stripper and had him practice pulling it through the hole while I prepped some chicken the other evening. It was a fun activity for him, and once he’s a little older I’m sure he can actually manage to get some herbs into the bowl! 🙂

I’m wearing this top, this color on my nails, and the red lipstick from this post. 

More about my herbs and my recent favorite recipe!


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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 06.08.17

Super handy for the herb lover! I wonder if the 5 Blade Herb Scissors can cut other stuff too, like paper?

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Janell says · 06.08.17

I need these! Just started growing some herbs this year.
What are all the herbs that you grow Kate? And how do you take care of them? My basil dies every year, and I’m not sure why. But cilantro, thyme,and rosemary are doing great.

Susie says · 06.08.17

Yes!!! I have both & love both~~~~the struggle is over😁

Claire says · 06.08.17

These are really practical! I need to get my hands on these asap!


Karly says · 06.08.17

I’ve been putting off getting these but I need them!!!

Paige says · 06.08.17

I’m totally going to have to try these out!


Grace Strube says · 06.08.17

I need both of these!! One of my faves lately, especially for chopping/salsa, this manual food processor from pampered chef. Easy to clean and no plugs. (I’m not a consultant, but I sound like one…)


Melissa says · 06.08.17

Sweetheart, you need one of these for your cucumbers too! And bell peppers and anything else that needs “massacred” for that matter. (Disclaimer: I don’t sell this stuff. It’s not my page.) I’ve used a generic version of this and it honestly isn’t as good as the brand name. Good look chopping!

KC says · 06.08.17

After you posted a photo of the herb stripper on instagram I immediate went on the lookout for it at my grocery store. I’ve never been so pleased with a little piece of plastic before.

Blush & Pearls says · 06.08.17

Why can’t I come up with such inventions? Very handy!

Blush & Pearls by Angela

Karen says · 06.08.17

You really don’t need a tool to accomplish stripping herbs. All you have to do is hold the stem in one hand and with your free hand use your fingers to pull from the base of herb up the stem ,hence the stripping term. Easy .

Kate says · 06.08.17

I would always break the stem doing this. . .

Emily says · 06.08.17

I just bought the herb stripper a few weeks ago and it’s amazing! I found a bright pink one at Target on clearance, (score!) for 3 bucks! Sadly the Oklahoma heat killed all of the herbs on my deck so I have to buy fresh from the grocery store, but the tool makes using them so much quicker!

Melanie says · 06.08.17

Great finds! Thank you for sharing. I will be checking out both of the products.

Eve says · 06.08.17

OMG Done! Added to cart on amazon and paid for within 30 seconds of reading this post! Haha! Thanks! 🙂

Beth says · 06.08.17

I already have those scissors in my craft room for some purpose or another. I think I might have to move them to the kitchen.

Shannon says · 06.08.17

Those are genius tools! I will have to add them to my kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

tmarie says · 06.08.17

Easier yet, simply pinch your your thumb and forefinger down the length of the Thyme stem….super simple!

Sarah B says · 06.08.17

Love!! We have a ton of cilantro in our garden and I’m also anti-stem! That herb stripper looks like a worthy addition to my kitchen.

Mina says · 06.09.17

I never knew these existed! Def buying both, thanks for the tip

Monique says · 06.09.17

Strip herb leaves off the stem by pulling the sprig between your thumb and index finger. Works the same way, but without fussing with a gadget AND! you smell great afterward, too.
